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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. Chris1234,I moved your post here. Since it's not a tutorial it shouldn't be in the tutorial forum ;)Do a search on the different free HTML and webdesign programs listed here in this forum and you'll find a lot of tips and tricks. ;)I'm using 1'st page 2000 and EditPadLite for a lot of my work. (I'm new at webdesigning also), There is a lot of tutorials out there to help you when you get stuck. Google is very good when it comes to find solutions and tutorials.Nils

  2. It looks like another great tutorial.I have to disagree with you spacewaste. The format, setup and language is comparable to the first great tutorial he presented.I did a few searches before I posted my positive comment the last time. I think this is genuine and he deserves the credit for taking the time to write it. It shows great knowledge and dedication to this community sharing his hard work.Nils

  3. You have close to the same control as if you had your own server. That is why you don't have only a www folder that you have to put your whole wesite inside.


    You can addon scrips, setup forums, add a store. You have close to unlimited options. Setup your main website in the root folder to have as short a path as possible, then create a subfolder for development and put your pictures and buttons in a separate folder, that way everything will be organized and easy to change around. Put the include files in a include folder etc. etc.


    No advertizing is put on your site because you contribute posts here and that is how you pay for your space ;)


    As for free domain names, I have no idea. how to get one. I have paid for all mine so I own them and have full control. I don't think I would use a free service unless I had full control over the domain name. ;)


    Look in your cPanel to see how to setup your MX record and email server. It's a lot of nice features.


    Keep an eye on bandwidth when you start out so you don't lock yourself out by using up all your resources. :P



  4. Rudy, don't forget your password. If you do your'e ***** (I *** out that word use your imagination"

    Cpanel Username

    Username for your hosting account. ( must be filled after member is given a hosting account ). Warning : If you set this field incorrectly after getting your hosting account, Your account will be automatically Terminated. [ 8 CHARS MAXIMUM - NO NUMBE

    You may loose your hosting so I would put it back in if I where you ;).


    Talk to OpaQue on hiding it from other users bur I think that is whats you hosting ID and it can be different from your user ID here.



  5. You should back up all your folders using ftp before you start changing or deleting any of them. ;)When you upload your files to public_html the file is migrated to the www folder. So look in the public_html folder and you will see the same files there. If you put index.html in the public_html folder, look in the www folder and you will see it migrated there. ;)Nils

  6. Your count is reset to 5 days of credit when you receive the hosting. Every post you make in a forum that count's the posts will increase your credits. A good post will increase the credit a lot more than a one liner. When you ask for the upgrade and your status is met, you can upgrade the account and your hosting points will be reset to 5 at that time. then you build up the credits again so you have at least 7-14 days just in case. Or if you know you are going on vacation up the good post and take the time off.Downpart are when your post are considered spam or copy/paste with no effort on your part... then you may lose some or all of your hosting credits and will have to build them back up again.If you run out of hosting credits your account may be blocked and your website redirected until your posts and postquality is back up (I don't remember the the exact number of posts / credits)So every 24 hours your post credit is reduced by one day ;)Hope this explains it.Nils

  7. for example the following topis..


    Windows vs Linux

    Mac vs Windows

    Mac vs Linux

    Which is the best Operating system

    MacOS or Linux for College class'

    LINUX !!!


    Digital Camera Advice

    Browser Test

    AGV: computer killer ?

    Virtual Machines

    iPod linux



    What I tried to get at, are the preceding (Quote) are "topics" that should be placed in appropriate "forums". I'm looking for suggestions in breaking down "What new forums are needed" then we'll put our topics in them. The OS Wars... was a suggestion for a subforum in OS that all the:

    Mac vs Windows

    Mac vs Linux

    Which is the best Operating system

    and others could go into.


    Clear as mud ayyyy ?


    Surely you can see the difference betweem the real questions in OS forum, and the Linux vs Everything else arguments that have no answer.. just opinion.


    just my opinion... you mods and admins can do whatever you like..

    i just thought Microscopic^Earthling had a good idea.


    OK, I should have left out the joke "clear as mud". I'm looking for forum names not "topics" to put inside the forums. This are great topics, but I asked for forum names ;) (Am I clear as mud now ;) )

    So, I'm looking for the outline (broad strokes) that can be used to setup the new forums, then we can refine and narrow it down. To many subforums is just as bad as not enough.


    Thank you

  8. This is just to add my thoughts to OpaQues post

    This may seem repetitive, but it's just to add emphasis to the subject at hand ;)


    Since we have so many "Good" and "Excellent" tutorials it would be an incentive to the creators if we categorize them by creating subcategories for the different topics.


    We started with a new sub-forum “OS” and in there we have the first subcategory “windows”.


    The task at hand is to plan this with the help of you, the users whom are viewing and posting here. What are the main and subcategories. This need to be structured so finding a tutorial will be an easy task. New subcategories can and will be added as need arises. Forums and topics will be user driven and open to suggestions (including a dedicated forum to ask for a specific tutorial)


    This will allow credit to the tutorial creators and a way to say thank you for the effort extended. Anyone who takes the time to create something original will be recognized and due credit for that post can be applied.


    So put on your thinking caps and give us some creative solutions.



  9. Play music, I have never played music (liar) on my computer. ;)I have a couple of sites I listen to and I still have no problem. I don't play cd's and I have 3 remote desktops open to the servers so all in all I'm using a lot of resources. My problem is with M$ itself, all the unexplained errors and Explorer closing for this or Expoder closing for that... I restart the system every morning and at lunch... M$ is so stable I could die... ;) The restarts are due to issues with M$ hogging resourses on the NetWare servers... It don't like giving back resources...(I'm off topic here... )Nils

  10. I can't say if it's just you. I don't see any slowdown while on this site and using the computer. I'm editing and have around 15 other programs open at any given time and there is no noticeable slowdown. (I'm blocking sp2 update on this computer)


    I'm on a hp/compaq:

    OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional

    Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1 Build 2600

    OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation

    System Name NILS-*

    System Manufacturer Hewlett-Packard

    System Model HP d530 CMT(DC577AV)

    System Type X86-based PC

    Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~2992 Mhz

    Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~2992 Mhz

    BIOS Version/Date Hewlett-Packard 786B2 v1.11, 7/10/2003

    SMBIOS Version 2.3

    Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS

    System Directory C:\WINDOWS\System32

    Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1

    Locale United States

    Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.1106 (xpsp1.020828-1920)"

    User Name NILS-*\*******

    Time Zone Eastern Standard Time

    Total Physical Memory 512.50 MB

    Available Physical Memory 116.66 MB

    Total Virtual Memory 1.72 GB

    Available Virtual Memory 1,008.30 MB

    Page File Space 1.22 GB

    Page File C:\pagefile.sys



  11. am i explaining any better ???


    Yup, it's clear as mud. ;)


    So keep the main forum the way it is!

    M$ Os's

    Mac Flavors

    *nix Os's

    OS Wars....

    Then the Camera should be a separate subforum somewhere (logic say it's not an OS - as far as I know)

    AVG computer killer is OK in the original forum.

    Browser tests/browser discussions should be It's own forum "browsers"

    ipod linux - in Linux (*nix forum or the original forum)

    Virtual machines in the original forum


    If it's split up to much then it will be quiet in some of the forums.


    Broad outline first then it can be tuned as the need arise.



  12. You never finished the hosting request. You should go back and re fill out the form. Wait for the confirmation. I takes a long time for it to finish. If you close your browser the setup is terminated and you have to start all over.Nils*** Edit ***Problem solved, l337 Nurse Pedestrian is the proud owner of a hosting account. Enjoy*** TOPIC CLOSED *** ;)Nils*** /Edit ***

  13. You can buy the keys in bulk, 5 10 25 100 or up at a time. How do you think dell and hp/compaq setup new computers? one at a time. No way they create install images and load the whole image onto the computer.To create a distribution disc and setup an install folder on the network is about 200 pages in the XPP Resource kit documentation from M$. If it's illegal I don't think M$ would promote it or show you how to do it.;)Nils

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