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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. :P

    Great post (not the one I quoted but the prior informative one in this tread) :) , clear and informative. I gave you a +1 reputation for this. You seem to know you stuff. Welcome to Xisto and You'll see me asking all the beginner questions since I just started playing with web site creations :)


    Reputation is a way to show others who helps out and it's just a way of recognizing a post / poster.



  2. I don't see why people don't like SP2 I don't see what is so bad about it, it just fixes security holes and adds features.  It includes an enhanced firewall which i run, in addition to the networks hardware firewall just for added security.  I would really like to know what it is that makes people not like it.


    I have sp2 download blocked in the registry. For the average home computer and home network sp2 is not a big issue. In a corporate environment where you have to test out every patch and make sure they don't interfere with other programs it's a nightmare.


    One of the issues is the way XP handles files, folders, virtual paths and releasing memory when it's no longer used (it does not play nice with other OS's that are not M$). When you use xp sp2 with novell client login, all other computers release the resources used on the Netware server (when you close the file or program), xp sp2, holds on to it until the computer (xp sp2) is restarted. If you go in and out of the same program module 4-5 times a day the server resources are gone and all kinds of strange error messages show up. Restart the xp sp2 computer, all resources released. roll back the sp2 and problem gone.


    Is that good enough reason not to like sp2?

  3. If you run out of bandwidth or disk space the the install will fail and if you go to remove it the failed install is not removed. I learned that the hard way :)Look in cpanel to see how much space you have left. If phpBB is the first and only thing you installed I don't know why it failed. If you experimented with other scripts make sure they are all removed. I had to use my ftp client to remove a lot of junk. Did you backup all your files and folders before you started installing, if you did then you can go by that list to see what can be removed. If unsure about a file, back it up before you delete.Nils

  4. This is extracted from sans.org newsletter. IRS security tracking flawed... Who's doing their taxes online???



    SANS NewsBites Jan. 26, 2005 Vol. 7, Num. 4




    Treasury IG Says IRS Security Tracking is Flawed

    DOJ Nets First two P2P Copyright Theft Convictions

    University of California at San Diego Computers Compromised Again





    Woman Charged with Illegally Accessing Ex's Game Account

    Spanish Police Arrest Alleged Webcam Malware Author



    Liscouski's Departure from DHS Could Allow Elevated Role for NCSD




    Financial Services Hardest Hit by Phishers

    Korea to Come Down Hard on Mobile Spammers



    Two US Citizens on Trial for Piracy in China



    Microsoft Office Encryption Flaw

    Gavno Trojan Horse Programs a Threat to Symbian-based Phones

    "Evil Twin" Wireless Access Points

    Oracle Releases First Quarterly Security Update

    Microsoft Will Address DRM Issues in Windows Media Player



    US Considers Reviewing IBM/Levono Deal for National Security Risks

    Korean Celebrities Take Legal Action Against Advertising Company,

    Reporters Over Leaked Document

    eBay Sellers Offering eMail Addresses, Spam Tools

    Looser Domain Transfer Rules Helped Panix.com Hijackers



  5. OK, now I have listened to this Minie Mae and I'm wonderin?? :P :)does it come with a NIC card or is it only for dial up?? I was looking on brians forum, where he posted the "specs" for his brothers new "mini" and I saw 56k modem but no place did it say tcp/ip nic card 10/100 or anything like that!Soooo what is the deal does it come with it?BTW, (don't take it pesonally) I think is looks like a "snuff" tin, or one of those chewing tobacco tins... :P :P :D :PGee I gotta be old.Nils :)

  6. No need to be sorry, no hard feeling I hope :)You will learn a lot here, I did in the short time I have been here. If you keep your posts ovet 300 characters + whatever the quote is you will never get in trouble. :PAnother reason I posted this to you and others are I feel it's a shame that you post 20 - 25 times and then realize that only 4 or 5 posts counted.Even your reply to me would count if you expand on the subject. Nils

  7. WOW! thanks alot!


    WOW! Thanks alot!


    Hmmm, if you ask me this is not a good post. Hf199, you need to expand your posts if you expect to be hosted. It's OK to quote a subject but you should put some reasoning and effort behind your answer or comment.

    Thank you!

    Great, thanks

    Good post

    I agree

    I disagre

    They may say it all, but if you expand a little on your post the community will benefit and you will benefit when (or if) you have a question or subject matter that you would like to share. If you give one liners, expect them in return. :)


    Welcome to the forum, have fun. Create good posts and you will be hosted in no time. :P


    Continue with one liners and you may be warned or banned.



  8. I didn't know that it was only mods/admins that could see the warning. I just assumed that no-one else had warnings. Now that I think about it that was a pretty dumb assumption :P .


    PS: where can I get a copy of Nils v 1.0.0? It looks good but I've never heard of it before.


    1. assume nothing (what is assume but making an "*bottom* u me" :D You are the only one with warnings :) ( just kidding)


    Nils v 1.0.0 tok 50 years to make, so if you have time I'll start one for you know. :):P


    I hope you understand it's a spoof on © copyrighted material. Since I have no creations of my own, I give them away freely.


    My other sig file (other forum) states: I started with nothing and I still have most of it left"



  9. I know this is a little HiJack of this post but here we go. :)


    We had a nice discussion on the reputation part here: New Reputation thing. and it is a way for users to recognize someone who helped or steered you right or wrong. I use it to give (for the most part) a recognition of a post / user that helped me or educated me. Sometimes a person goes out of his or her way to fin an answer for you. This you can reward by adding a + reputation point. This will then aid new users in finding out who on the board have a good reputation and are known for their dedication and willingness to help others.


    On the other hand, you think a user is abusing the system. Posting (spam) in a topic. Is off topic or that you consider it off topic or (it’s like this… A HiJack of someone else’s post)  Then again a user that has not been back created this post. It may be informative to them also.


    I will PM a user before I give a negative reputation point, maybe I misunderstood the post. If I don’t get a reply to the PM or the user continue to post in the same way I’ll give a negative reputation point.


    On the other hand, if the user spam the forum I can and will give a warning. This doesn’t help users because they can only see their own warning. So it’s a way of moderating that can be used by all users, be generous with + reputation and careful when dealing out a – reputation. Reputation is not meant to attack a person with a different view / opinion than you. But is a way of guiding a poster and the quality of the posts created. If you feel someone is spaming and you ask the to stop and they continue, then that is a reason to deduct a point.


    If you see posts that are not appropriate you can click on the report link and an Admin or Mod will look into the issue.


    Another longwinded speech :)


    The reputation issues and questions should continue in the link I posted :P



  10. While some people recommend using GMail / Yahoo, I'd recommend using Bluebottle . It gives you 250 MB mailbox space, POP3 / IMAP4 / SMTP + No adverts but most importantly, it has a very nice and functional challenge/response system.


    This relies principally on the fact that most spam is sent out automatically via scripts or some program; the return address too are 99.99% fake. When Bluebottle gets new mail and the sender isn't in the ALLOWED list, a mail is sent back with instructions to reply back with your name in the subject line and/or addition of a 4 digit number of your choice. This ensures that only valid email sent by a human gets through. No Spam-bots allowed !


    As a bonus, it can even retrieve email from external POP3 servers and Hotmail !


    Cool Service !


    The challenge system is worse than the original spam, not only will it get most of the challenge email servers on a RBL (real-time block List) but 80 to 90% of the reply addresses belongs to an innocent third party who will have his / her bandwidth eaten up by the challenge and will have to sort through not only spam but spam replies (challenges). I report challenge messages as spam, if the original message did not originate from me. If it originated from me and I get the challenge that email address go on my _do not mail_ list So any reply to me is "spam" if the message did not originate with me.


    Bounce messages are easy to deal with when it comes to set up rules, challenge system is a little worse so why should I bother. Look up Google: Email Challenge net-abuse to see the issues discussed.


    It's not OK to spam others to avoid spam sent to you.



  11. Hi qwijibow,


    Does "post 0" means a dead id if the id have open a thread ? How does this happen?

    And I found that what I have posted do not match the number displayed together with my id.


    I know little about these for this forum.Would you like to recommend some Documentation of FAQ for this? 


    Thanks you to let me be aware of this. :)




    this is the main reason posts are not counted:

    Welcome to Xisto!  A Place where Talent Fuels Hosting! We request members help us to build one of the finest quality forums. All posts are strictly reviewed for Web Hosting Applications. Posts below 300 Characters will not increase your post count. Any member accused of spamming may be banned with an immediate suspension or termination of web hosting account (if hosted). All Hosted members must be active at the forums. ( 2-3 posts a week ) Also Check out, Hottest Paid Web Hosting Offer at    Xisto - Web Hosting ( partner site ) [ 50mb space @ $10 / YEAR!  ]

    PS: Paid Accounts are hosted on separate dedicated servers for unmatched performance and uptime!

    And in this forums most of the subjects are touched on:




  12. Written by Madonna, Pat Leonard, and Bruce Gaitsch(spoken:)Como puede ser verdadHow could it be true?Last night I dreamt of san pedroJust like I’d never gone, I knew the songA young girl with eyes like the desertIt all seems like yesterday, not far awayChorus:Tropical the island breezeAll of nature wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYour spanish lullabyThe beautiful islandI fell in love with san pedroWarm wind carried on the sea, he called to meTe dijo te amoI prayed that the days would lastThey went so fastHe told you, I love you(chorus)I want to be where the sun warms the skyWhen it’s time for siesta you can watch them go byBeautiful faces, no cares in this worldWhere a girl loves a boy, and a boy loves a girlLast night I dreamt of san pedroIt all seems like yesterday, not far away(chorus twice)La la la la la la laTe dijo te amoLa la la la la la laEl dijo que te amaHe told you, I love youHe said he loves youAll lyrics are the property and copyright of their owners.

  13. I have to use M$ because of work, does not mean I like or dislike it. I like the fact it gives job security, XP is like a Ford (fix or repair daily) so I'll never be jobless. Or to turn the expression around from a Ford supporters point of view (first on race day) :)As for the opinion parts like I said, sometimes it's better to stay out of a subject than to present your opinion (if it's just to create controversy). There are posts in this forum that I "strongly" disagree with, but you will never see me put another persons view or belief down. I will go as far as using the expression "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say it here" that is unless you are looking for adversity.There is nothing wrong with the disussion of differences, keep it level attack the subject not the poster. :Pmy $0.02, now I have to work.Nils

  14. I think it's funny that we get riled up about an opinion. Opinions are like (cencored) and we all have one.I use XP everyday, I use w98 everyday, I use SCO *nix everyday, etc etc. I'm not taking sides, I don't think it's flame baiting. There is no adverse reactions when similar (not same) posts are put on on Linux or MAC. I think we have a good post here that could be informative if we "all of us" took a step back, looked at it objectively and then shake hands and continue to have a informative forum.If this escalates into something personal then I think we have to close the post, for now I feel it should stay open and we need to put things in perspective. :) Long live the community. :):P Nils

  15. If you have the problem while using the popup login. Try to cancel and log in from the webpage. If it works from the webpage you have to allow (popup) or something like that in your browser. I have the same problem from home. I have to cancel out and login from the webpage. :P Same browser at work, I have no problem with. This one at home I have a setting wrong so I have to cancel. :) Nils

  16. To catch the spambots you need to use the php version and add it to your website. This is due to the way the "email address is handed out" It's unique to each trap and each boot/spider and the address is changed after every hit. When (if) the address is ever used the data from the collection time is stored in a database and can be matched to the spam received / how the boot/spider identified itself, IP, date and time.


    For your own spamtrap just get a sneakemail account, create a new address once a week, put it in your sigfile with a warning that its a spamtrap.


    Create an account with https://www.spamcop.net/ now you can report all spam that you receive, including the spam from the trap.


    To make sure you don't report yourself, your isp, and sneakemail you need to setup the mailhosts that you use. (A lot of mailhosts are already setup so you would only add the ones unique to you)


    You help keeping the RBL's (Real Time Blocklists) upto date and working when you submit the spam. If you have your own email server you can subscribe to the RBL's and block repeat offenders.


    Here is a honeypot email address kra84us02@sneakemail.com created for this post.


    I report any email to this address :)



  17. I see this at the bottom of your page:

    In OE the "Search Gimp" is centered

    In Mozilla and Firefox it's aligned left.

    Original code:

    <p align="center"> 
    <form method="get" target="_blank" action="http://http://www.gimpsy.com/dir/?natural=1&rand=3725&PHPSESSID=dfad7e2aad003935def687cc075aa967; name="gimpsy_search"><font name="verdana">
     <font face="Verdana" size="1">I want to</font><font size="1">..</font>. <input type="text" name="phrase" size="15"> <input type="submit" name="submit" size="15" value="Find at Gimpsy"></form>

    If you add <div align="center"> before and </center> after the table should be aligned in OE and mozilla.

    New Code:

    <div align="center">
    <p align="center"> 
    <form method="get" target="_blank" action="http://http://www.gimpsy.com/dir/?natural=1&rand=3725&PHPSESSID=dfad7e2aad003935def687cc075aa967; name="gimpsy_search"><font name="verdana">
     <font face="Verdana" size="1">I want to</font><font size="1">..</font>. <input type="text" name="phrase" size="15"> <input type="submit" name="submit" size="15" value="Find at Gimpsy"></form>



  18. I'm resurecting this topic instead of creating another. :PSome good posts in here to reduce spam. I use disposable email addresses from sneakemail.com (free account). It's a great tool to use for signing up for "stuff" on the internet. When the need is done, deactivate the email and "poof" no more spam.It's a great tool to see who sells your email address. Every address you create will have the ID you put in there. One year down the road you start getting a bunch of different offers from one of the places you signed up for a newsletter or some other stuff. You also opted out of receiving any emails from partners etc. Here is the proof if you are receiving partner email.As you can see from my sig file, I hate spam. I'd like to invoke death penalty for spamming... :)I'm for spamtraps and I report all spam... I use scripts to give out random and unique "real" email addresses to spam harvesters. email addresses are created using donated mx addresses and there are email servers that collect all the spam received. This is a new way of limiting spam and it will help law enforcement to catch the harvesters.I'm using a script in my email server to create a "RBL" Real Time Blocklist" of the IP addresses of boots that hit the trap. The RBL uses the /24 CIDR for that IP address because it looks like the initial "bounce" test comes from the same IP / IP range. The bounce test must to be a way they verify the email address before they incorporate it and sell the mailing list.Seeding email addresses that "may" become a real address is not a good way to prevent spam. Some time in the future sombody may get that domain name and end up with spam from day one.If you are using php on your website you can put a spamharvest page on your website. It's not visible to humans, good spiders and boots follow the rules and don't harvest. "BAD" spiders and boots follow the link and receive a timestamped email address and the IP address is logged. Follow the link on my page to see how you can help catch spam harvesters.Nils

  19. oh btw my ip is



    hack me now please


    I have port 4662 opened too , if that might help .


    :P, very funny. BTW, your outside IP is, you internal network looks like it's using the ip range and your adsl router answers to (configuration page) but you set the password. :)


    This was found using only admin net tools I use here, and "dig". Look in your firewall log and you'll see 207.*.*.238.



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