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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. Nothing wrong with changing the registered owner name on XP. I do it every day. I have an image of one computer setup with all the programs and settings I need. Then I create an image (2 to 3 cd's). When I setup a new batch of computers they all have the same name and the same XP key as the original. Then I change the owner name and the Key to the next in the series. It's perfectly legal. I could create install disks instead but it's so much more time consuming than a image. and the only time you have to change the image is when the spec of the computers change.



    I added this link for easy boot logo changes http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

  2. I think that this would be a good idea, still leaving the open OS forum for the usual Windows Vs Linux threads (come on they do seem to spark debate even after the 15th one!). it would certainly allow more concentrated disscussion.


    How do you suggest it to be split up?


    There should be a sub forum for argueing / discussing / compareing Operating systems.

    Leave the Operating system forum for Questions and answers.


    Some popele have a real question about a specific OS, they post here, then before you know it, there poost has gone out of view, with several.. is "X better than Y" theads.


    Discussing and compareing is bood, but people looking for answers should come first.


    Questions Like "How do i protect myself againsed SMURF attacks on solaris 10"  should be in the Operating systems section...


    Threads Like "What do your prefere, MacOSX or FreeBSD or Linux, or windows" should go into a sub forum, just so they dont clutter up the forum for poor mr SMURFED-to-death


    OK so keep the Original forum for generic questions and the smurf part would go in the main forum.


    Subforum for each OS or group of OS's (or a single subforum) explain what you thoughts are? It was not clear to me what you ment.


    Subforum for "What do you..." open for all issues, discussions, anecdotes and misc.


    Is this correct?



  3. I can't help you writing any program :)

    Did you look at spamassasin http://spamassassin.apache.org/

    I use this in my email server with settings to mark spam as spam if the scoring is >=10 or send a SMTP reject if the score is >=25.
    I Apply Bayesian knowledge to the heuristic message scoring. Wit RBL's (Real-Time Block Lists) and SPF (Sender Policy Framework) it takes care of 85% off all spam.

    The honeypot project is a future way of reducing spam by tracking the spam harvesters. This project is a "new" approach to prevent spam. As soon as the database grows the project will be more utiliced by the community of spam fighters. Good article on spam prevention
    Click on my Honeypot button to read more about the project.


  4. Can you widen the subject or specify a little more what you are looking for? Are you looking for old instruments or how they wrote it down passed it ahead by learning from others?History on development from string to electric guitars etc?I'm not a musician or have any idea how to play an instrument or even read notes. But it would be helpful to know what you are looking for?History of Mozart and other composers or is it... (fill in the blanks) :)Nils

  5. In order to gain more hosting credits since I will be away for a few days to study for my tests, I have decided to come up with this topic.



    Tests, the wonderful years of school. :)

    Good luck on the test.

    My daughter was reading for one of her tests yesterday on the way to school...


    I have to test the M$ Anti spyware beta now. I downloaded it and have to give it a try before they mess it up.



  6. In what forum and for what posts does the count go up?


    I have had that question asked many times.


    Right now with the "new" settings on the board posts are counted in all the topics with a "= 1" after them. I created a list so you can see what forums posts are counted in. This may change at any given time if it's abused. Some topics and forums that were not counted before are now counted. The topics in red are not counted. Blue are the forum titles.




    Announcements = 1


    Computers & Tech


    How-To's and Tutorials = 1

    What is...? = 1

    cPanel and FTP = 1

    Databases = 1

    Operating Systems = 1

    Hardware Workshop = 1

    Networking = 1

    Designing = 1 (all subforums = 1)

    Programming = 1 (all subforums = 1)

    Searcg Engines = 1 (all subforums = 1)


    General Discussion


    Science & Technology = 1

    Music = 0 (all subforums = 0) Changed 2/4/2005

    Life Talk = 0 (all subforums = 0) Changed 2/4/2005




    Gaming = 1 (all subforums = 1)

    Website Review = 0

    The lobby = 1(subforum - 0)

    Religion & Philosophy = 1


    Advanced Free Professional Web Hosting


    Hosting Support & Help = 1 (subforum = 1)

    Request Free Hosting = 0 (subforum = 0)


    Keep up the professional friendly attitudes here. :)



  7. OpaQue is offline now. I think its around 4 or 5 AM his time. mastercomputer should sign on in a little while. He's another admin that should be able to answer your question.

    Continue your quality posts in a forum that add to the post count and you should be ok by tomorrow. :)

    I'm sorry I can't help you with this.

    It may be an error in the mod that was applied, if that is the case it will be fixed in the morning (OpaQue time)


    look at this link
    I added this to my post.

  8. The biggest issue in my humble opinion is that one of the popular browsers, and I name IE are not conforming to the W3C standards and you have to create hacks to display correctly in IE. If you develop for IE and then look at the site in Mozilla or Firefox you will see some issues.


    In my opinion if you create webiste for cross browser support and develop for the future you should develop toward the W3C standard and use the known tweaks / hacks to get a compareable look in IE. That way your website will conform to new browsers developed and released.


    IE was doing OK when it came to catch up to the standard, until they caught up with Netscape. After that it was downhill for IE.


    One of the issues is that most people does not run computers with multiple OS's and the different browsers that can be used. One way of testing your website is to sign up for an account (free) here: Your website through the eyes of Aplle's safari browser


    and to display the function of multiple browsers (paid service - free trial) Browsercam


    And if you have the time and place to look at the different browser that was listed in another post here :)


    Another solution is (I have been told) is to use VMWare or knoppix and "konqueror as surrogate safari" etc etc (I'm no expert on this but It's solutions that can be looked into)


    If you are a windows user you can run run multiple versions of IE (standalone) by downloading them from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and click on the download link. Read the instructions there and use the standalone copies to thest only... they are unstable and may crash your M$ OS. :P



  9. This is so new that I'm not sure how it works. This was the link posted by OpaQue http://forums.xisto.com/topic/81564-topic/?findpost=1064286089

    It used to be a minimum of 10 good quality posts, the problem may be with the quality of your posts... :)


    They Your posts are so good you get more that 1 point per post. I think the minimum of 10 posts still go for the ability to create the initial account.


    The next step is when you have 50 posts at that time with your posting credits in good standing you can ask for the upgrade.


    This is my understanding of the hosting issue you have


    Posting credis go toward the days you can take off from posting at the board, if you have 16 hosting credits you can stay away for 16 days (vacation etc).


    You get 80% of one hosting credit for one liners.. :) and if you have quality posts like you do :P you will receive one or more points per post.


    At 10 good posts with your posting credits in good standing you can create the account.


    At 50 posts with your posting credits in good standing you can apply for the regular hosting.


    I hope this answered your questions and I'f I'm wrong I'll let you know.


    If I were you I'd post some more and get the post count up to 10 and try again.



  10. banjosforpeace,


    I'm not sure what happened there. I know OpaQue will be back online later 8-10 hours from now. He'll take a look at it then.


    The hosting setup and the way uou get the account is changed from when I got my account so I can't help you there.


    Anyone who just got hosting can you let us know how it was and if you have any tips or tricks to hand out.


    Did you try again or are you stuck on the same page? Did you fill out all the required fields (Yes, I know... it's a stupid question - I have had a few of them-), was there any kind of error or timeout message?



  11. I can't answer your question. I moved the topic to the what if section. It's not a tutorial so for lack of a better forum it's here.Can't you ask on invision boards forum to find out what the problem is? Most of the sites that have programs that you use are more than willing to help you out when it comes to questions.That is as good as I can do.Nils

  12. I moved this out of the request hosting forum :)If and when you host you should be able to host your movies (as long as the content is not illegal by Xisto standards), no porn, no illegal copies of movies. Then you just have to watch so you don't go over your disk space and bandwidth.If I'm wrong on this one of the Admins will correct me, but as far as I understand it's OK.Nils

  13. I have 1 Verizon dsl account with dyn IP address. It's OK service is stable.I have 2 bellsouth accounts at 2 different locations in FL, one static and on dynamic. The dynamic one have some issues with speed.I have 3 COX cable modem accounts with dyn IP address. Never any problem, except for speed on the weekend but nobody works on the weekend.1 COX cable modem fixed IP address partial t1 access. min 512 up/down but on a quiet day the speed is close to a full t1.

  14. I'm going to play the devils advocate here because I'm on of the AOL bashers.The one good thing AOL have are the ability for new and causual users to get online and use the (aol version of) internet. This have exposed more people to email and internet. AOL then graduated a few every year, those are the people that take more interrest in the internet and the content / abilities that the internet offers past the flashy AOL portal page.AOL is the kindergarden of internet access, then you go on to internet access with no portal and a M$ computer (high school of internet access). After awhile a few actually graduate and get their bachelors degree of internet surfing with a t1 and Linux computers tweaked so hard your buddy can't even find the on / off button.I don't like AOL but there are a need for AOL to introduce the masses to the joy if internet.Nils

  15. one question.. ahhm what are yu doing with your LCDs that they get so dirty? on mine are some sparkles but nothing such bad i have to use alcohol! i just use toilet paper with a little bit of water! really just a little bit! and then i just wipe gently!


    thats all :)


    Ouch, toilet paper That is about the worst you can use on any kind of monitor screen. If you ever look at toilet paper under a microscope (yes I did) you'll see it have the same surface as emery paper or fine polishing sandpaper! You should use a cleaning agent that don't remove the coating on your lcd screen and use monitor wipes or at a minimum a soft cloth of the kind you use to clean glasses.


    The fibers in toilet paper are made from groundwood, groundwood is the same material that newspaper stock is made from. Old newspapers are recycled in the paper mills along with old office paper to create most of the tissues and toilet paper sold (at least in the US)


    If you scratch the coating on the lcd you can see small discolored specs of light where the scratch is.



  16. nctdesign,post closed. It looks like a scam or you receiving some kind of signup credits or money. the signup just loops back to the signup page.If this is a legit post PM me and explain and I'll open up the post again.*** TOPIC CLOSED ***

  17. What's funnY about this? Isn't this the way everyone is? :)


    Here is a real life joke: I was reading your post and go to reply and I get a 404 message. I look in the "living room" to see what's up and my son had shut the catalyst off. He assumed I was in bed because it was so quiet... did I blow up... :P I didn't but I told him that if I didn't shut the thing off to leave it because I maybe running something...


    Duh, it's past midnight and I'm back at this by 6am what was that about 8 hours of sleep. sleep is a waste of good time...



    I think the post was verry funny, problem is it hit to close to home

  18. Web page analysis.

    Found web page with frames.

    A web page with frames is difficult to index by a search engine spider.

    The size of the web page.

    The size of the web page is 1897 bytes.

    The web page load time.

    The web page load time is less than 1 second.


    Put yout website here and add the spiders / bots you would like to test against. Lot of good info here Meta Tag Analyzer Tool.



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