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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. I just closed a whole lot of spam and © Copyright infringement. I started out by adding a post with this content! :P


    --- CLOSED --- spam and copyrighted material

    Do not spam the forums, if you have to use material created by others, put where you got the script. Give credit to the author.


    Add a reason for your post "enjoy" is not good enough. We can all google and find similar scripts. If you wrote the script yourself then it's OK to post, if you made changes, show us the changes.




    But that could be considered spam :) on my part so I edited the post instad and added the quoted text before I closed the topic.


    Here is a : Shortcut to guidelines


    And this is Extremely Important to read befor posting (by OpaQue)


    Lets keep this forum a fun place where we can exchane ideas and help each other out. Not have a succession of posts clogging up the board.


    I was going to close this topic but I'm leaving it open. Please comment (bad or good comments) on my action of closing the topics. Agree Disagree neutral any opinion is good.



  2. I think we had 2 issues here, one was the bandwidth issue, that should clear itself up.


    The other one I have to say I'm sorry it happened to him, he's been a good contributor to this site and not posted just to get the post count up so he could be hosted.


    This is hear-say: He was testing out all the different options on the cpanel and for some reason (unknow to me) he overloaded the server / cpu and may have caused the system to be restarted (crash).


    Morale of the story, even if we are excited about the new hosting account. We need to be careful of what we install and use (test). Don't start to many operations until you know what reactions you actions have.


    I did close to same thing first day with the new account, I installed phpNuke and the uninstall failed so when I tried the wikiTiki? <sp> the setup failed because I had no more disk space left. I used my ftp connection to clean up all the folders and remove the 2 installs.


    pbolduc, is a good guy and I consider him a friend (I don't have any friends according to another tread on this forum) and as far as I know, I don't think he would do anything to hurt this community on purpose and I hope he stays on contributing. He have a lot to share with the rest of us and I hope he'll get hosted somewhere.




    Huh, you beat me to it OpaQue - I agre with you and Added this edit.

  3. :) , i'm so confused. what are you trying to do? Are you trying to take something out of google...?


    You are confused? How do you think I felt while answering.... I put a bag over my head and typed... :P


    It would be nice if the questions could be stated clearly, not as a footnote before the code!


    I think he's trying to take the search bar out and present it as a link (box) on his page. But then again I may be chasing ghosts...



  4. Enter,

    not sure if I understand your question. It looks like you are trying to load part of Google UK's search engine into your site!

    If that is a correct assumtion, are you looking to create a search engine on your web site using google?

    Google have the non comercial way of creating your own applications API's here:

    Google api's

    Not sure if I totally missed the mark on this one. :) if I did state your needs a little clearer and you'll get some more educated answers.


  5. Bah MY plans have been foiled once again... Agh how did you find my lair...


    Ok my posting with points behind them will start...later


    Sorry if I foiled your plans... :) Your lair had a waypost with an arrow ----> wreslur -----> this way


    I have all my points behind me, it's the ones ahead I'm worrying about, if you get my drift :)


    Nice to meet you have fun here, watch out for the MOD's ... I ment to say iPods, I really did. :P



  6. I have to admit I'm totally 100% ignorant when it come to MAC's and ipods etc. I think I turned on a MAC one time but that's all the exposure I've had. :) :)I don't say I wouldn't like it but since I don't have to work on or with it I have not taken any time to learn. If we were a different kind of business maybe I'd been exposed to it and my opinion would be different (Now I'm just indifferent).I see all the excited replies to MAC's both for and against. To me it's a moot point, just like AMD and intel. If it's thright tool for the job, use it. If not stay away. :PNils

  7. Where did you get that background image?


    MajesticTreeFrog, you sound excited, you like angels playing guitars also :)


    Just Kidding, I looked at that background and if I put one like that up on my computer I'll get a lawsuit happening there are a few here in the workplace that would love nothing more than to slap a discrimination suit on us...


    My DT is very boring.. lot of work stuff :P



  8. its the fact that it holds 3,000 songs nice backlight screen small sleek and sexy... What More do you want?


    What more do I want? I can't say that on a public forum... I'll get in trouble :)


    wreslur, to get your posts counted you need to contribute a lot more than a one liner. One liners are considered spam.


    Put some reasoning behind your posts, then the post count will go up because you need around 3 to 4 lines (300 + characters) to make a post count.


    BTW, this is not just for you but for everyone posting here. Keep up the good work and you'll be hosted in no time :P



  9. I'm not sure if this is relevant to the subject at hand... :) [Disclaimer] :PI have never downloaded a song from the internet, I use VPN point to point (Cisco PIX) and some users access with Cisco software vpn clients.If you need high speed access to the inter/intra net there is nothing that beats a t1 or cable / dsl modem.I hate resource intensive sites that that take forever to load (even with t1), a lot of the "music industry" sites that you see are so ad-laden and full off pop-ups and tracking cookies that they are a hazard to users. :).I know when a user on this network visited a music site, the firewall log is clogged up with keep alive and port scans for 8 - 24 hours after user disconnected.High speed internet connections are here to stay, I don't think I could handle a dial up anymore... :P[/Disclaimer]Nils

  10. This forum is for you to post any tutorial that is yours and you would like to share this tutorial with other members.If you are using part of your tutorial from work created by others, quote the work. Add a link to the site where you borrowed data.Do not post a link to another site where there are tutorials. Unless you wrote the tutorial and it's in your webspace.Posting a link to others work are considered spam.Nils-=Topic Closed=-

  11. I can't change your post count. I don't think anyone else is changing your post count.

    I don't think posts in following forums are counted.

    the lobby

    request hosting

    hosting support and help

    So unless post were deleted that I don't know about I see 17 posts total and 13 in countable forums and with more than 300 letters.


    I know I removed content from posts that was not appropriate (another user name) that post count didn't change.


    I think your posts are good and informative.



  12. I'm no expert on this but I'll try to explain it the way I understand it :)


    When you supply a URL with an explicit filename, the page shows up with minmal extra work for the server.


    The URL with trailing slash makes the server work a little extra. It recognizes the last part of the URL as a directory because it has a slash after it. However, there is no filename stated. So the server looks for the default filenames:







    You can change this default setting on the server to another filename (don't ask me how) :)


    When a server first sees a URL without an explicit filename or trailing slash, it first checks to see if it is a filename. So, in this case, the server checks the root directory on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to see if there is a filename called forum. If it finds that file, then it will be displayed. However, if it does not find a file by that name, it will assume it is a subdirectory. It will try to find the forum subdirectory and then the default filename within the directory.


    I had this saved on my computer, I can't find the URL from where I got this info. I think it was a universty in Australia or a Library service in US.... If anyone know the site let me know so I can give proper credit.



  13. I think you have the syntax wrong. Are you creating a query in mySQL? or calling from a php script?

    SELECT expressions_and_columns FROM table_name[/br][WHERE some_condition_is_true][br][ORDER BY some_column [ASC | DESC]][/br][LIMIT offset, rows]

    So yours should be:
    SELECT * FROM foo WHERE b = 'abc' ORDER BY number ASC;

    theoretical questions can have only theoretical answers. You would get better help if you use the table names that you have problem with!

    Here is a nice link to a tutorial in your problem:
    The select statement.


  14. I found my error so anyone else who encounters the same problem... cross your t's and dot your i's :)


    I had forgotten a ' after the <br />

    echo 'Items ordered: $'.$totalqty.'<br />';		$totalamount = 0.00;		define('TIREPRICE', 100);	define('OILPRICE', 10);	define('SPARKPRICE', 4);		$totalamount = $tireqty * TIREPRICE     + $oilqty * OILPRICE      + $sparkqty * SPARKPRICE;     	echo 'Subtotal: $'.$totalamount.'<br />';		$taxrate = 0.10;	// local tax is 10%	$totalamount = $totalamount * (1 + $taxrate);		echo 'Total including tax: $'.number_format($totalamount,2).'<br />';
    Here is the updated code that worked.



  15. I used both IE and mozilla to view the page. OK in IE, some graphics a little off in mozilla.

    I got this error when clicking on "links" You should remove the are from the custom error.

    (This was with IE6:

    ---[ Error 404 ]---


    Wrong page


    Whoops! It's seems like you entered a wrong url or followed an old link. Please notify administrator from where you get this wrong or old link so we can correct an error. Thanks!


    You are came from this URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Your IP adress is: ***.***.***.***


    Your Browser is: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

    This was Mozilla:

    ---[ Error 404 ]---


    Wrong page


    Whoops! It's seems like you entered a wrong url or followed an old link. Please notify administrator from where you get this wrong or old link so we can correct an error. Thanks!

    You are came from this URL: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Your IP adress is: ***.***.***.***


    Your Browser is: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040910


    I'm using 1280x1024 on a 21" monitor and the text on the screen are a little small and hard to read (that may be because I'm an old man :rolleyes: ) I like your color scheme and graphics. I think the font-colors should be contrasting a little more. but that is my personal opinion. Sometimes monocromatic color schemes (at least it looks like you used a monochromatic scheme to me) can be a little hard to read.



  16. If you didn't reply to your own posts I may not have seen that you are playing with a marked deck.Remember you are not supposed to try to get around the rules by breaking them again and again. I'm not happy and I don't think anyone else here is to happy with your actions. This may get you banned but that is up to an Admin and not me. If it was up to me I would ban you.Nils

  17. This is an english speaking board, at least translate the posts and put both languages down.I know english may not be your language but we should all adhere to the rules here. English is my second language but I'm not posting in norwegian wich is my native language.Thank youNils

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