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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. I changed the ' in the define statement to ". I think I was defining an array instead of a constant.

    Now the error moved down to the echo 'Subtotal: $' line and I tried 2 different ways of formatting the $totalamount and I still get the same error different line:


    define("TIREPRICE", 100);	define("OILPRICE", 10);	define("SPARKPRICE", 4);		$totalamount = $tireqty * TIREPRICE     + $oilqty * OILPRICE      + $sparkqty * SPARKPRICE;     	echo 'Subtotal: $' .number_format($totalamount, 2, '.', ',').'<br />;		$taxrate = 0.10;	// local tax is 10%	$totalamount = $totalamount * (1 + $taxrate);		echo 'Total including tax: $' .number_format($totalamount, 2).'<br />;

    What am I overlooking here. I know I can pop the disk in that came with the book to get the code ready made but that will not teach me how to find errors in the code. I think I learn more by hacking it until I figure it out or....


    Thanks for any pointers


  2. I get this error message when I try to view a small webpage.

    Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/nilsc/public_html/bobs/processorder.php on line 27

    Line 27 is in this php part:

    <?php	echo '<p>Order processed.</p>';	echo $tireqty. ' tires<br />';	echo $oilqty. ' bottles of oil<br />';	echo $sparkqty. ' spark plugs<br />';		$totalqty = 0;	$totalqty = $tireqty + $oilqty + $spakqty;	echo 'Items ordered: ' .$totalqty.'<br />;		$totalamount = 0.00;		define('TIREPRICE', 100);	define('OILPRICE', 10);	define('SPARKPRICE', 4);		$totalamount = $tireqty * TIREPRICE     + $oilqty * OILPRICE     + $sparkqty * SPARKPRICE;     	echo 'Subtotal: $'.number_format($totalamount,2).'<br />;		$taxrate = 0.10;	// local tax is 10%	$totalamount = $totalamount * (1 + $taxrate);		echo 'Total including tax: $'.number_format(stotalamount,2).'<br />	?>
    Line 27 is define['TIREPRICE', 100); The book seems to be using PHP5 and mySQL5 is the "define" something that is new to PHP5?




  3. Another joe job, excuse the wrong terminology. I know a joe job is a spammer impersonating an innocent party. I have not seen anything original in your posts... Maybe one or two things but I'm closing this post also. It's not a good way to start your relation ship with this community. Nobody here needs your spam, contribute and you are welcome.Nils

  4. Posts like this are a waste of your time and mine. this community will help anyone who asks for it but nbody looks with kind eyes on this kind of behavior. I'm putting all the comment in the post I'm closing not only for your benefit. It's also for other new people who are looking for a hosting account. This kind of behavior will make it a lot more difficult for you to get a hosting account. I can get you banned.Nils

  5. I don't mean to sound arrogant or anything, but what point are you trying to make with this post? Are you looking for peoples opinions on this drive?




    sama is a hit and run spammer... Maybe not, I think he / she are looking for hosting and cutting and pasting website material in spanish translated to english by a web tool.


    Sama i warned and just ignore the rest of the posts... have fun with your new posting account.




  6. I can normally keep my browser open and on Xisto.com while working. After the update on the top section of the web page I have to close down the browser while working. If one of the links time out I get the popup message and whatever I'm working in looses focus. I know I can turn it off but that's not the issue.It looks like a javascript that are running constantly and it makes all menus jumping all over. the ad from b.azjimp.com is the one timing out and the alert pops up.Nils :)

  7. Look at PHP and mySQL as learning a new language. In the beginning it's hard after awhile it becomes second nature.My native language is Norwegian and I use English as my everyday language (Spoken and written). Was it easy, not always. Is it rewarding, at times. Is it necesarry, yes it is.So to learn the new language there are several approaches, such as going to school. Pick up a manual or tutorial. Read a couple of good instructional books and last but not least you have to practice until it becomes "second nature" :)I picked up "PHP and MySQL Web Development" third edition and I'm reading and experimenting with the different solutions and test the code examples.I'm not installing the disk (with all the program code) until I have finished the book. That way I stay the course and by typing the code insted of copying it I hope the retention will be better.Nils

  8. Google is great... -good- at what they do now. The search engine(s) are what they should stick to. Maybe update the algorythms that is used to categorize web pages and it would be nice to be able to submit dead links. they could setup a spider to check if the link is dead and update the db when it's true. And if link is alive just leave it alone for the next time the googlebot shows up.IMHO they should stay away from browsers and IM's :)Nils

  9. Make sure you are using your cpanel username "kevlar55" and the password you were given.If that password don't work have cpanel reset your password, and the new password will be emailed to you.When you go to cpanel, you may have to click out of the popup login screen. I have to because of settings I use in the browser. Then login on the webpage with the new password.When you change the password in cpanel, wait for the screen to refresh. Close the browser, restart the browser and goto cpanel and log back in with the new password.This may not be the only way you can do this but it works for me.Nils

  10. This has been around since 1996, there is a book written about it (the first 2 chapters are online)
    Secret Power
    Chapter 1: 1984
    Chapter 2: Hooked up to the spy network: The UKUSA system

    Carnivore is used to track you emails and online actions Carnivore (FBI) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    And here is tutorial on how HowStuffWorks - Carnivore :):)

    And there are tools like this used in the private sector to track network traffic on priveate inter / intra nets.


  11. XP don't have any easter eggs.... lol all M$ products is an easter egg in itself. :):) XP in the games, Solitare;Press Alt+Shift+2 and you see the winning screen in solitare.My Computer\C:\WINDOWS\" In this folder, you find a text file "0". If you open it, nothing will be in there. (not an easter egg, but why leave it?) Maybe it contains an ADS, I have not checked that yet.Another thing would be a file called "Clock". It's an AVI file. It can open in Windows Media Player. It's a very simple and plain animation. (I don't think it's an easter egg)On XP Pro where one logs in initially, there is a tiny little Easter Egg. (Bottom left corner button "Turn of computer") Don't log in wait until the screensaver comes on. Then move the mouse.Look in the bottom left corner. The litte button marked "Turn of computer" now reads "Turn off *****"! the ***** should be the name of your computerNils

  12. Anyone have any opinions/thoughts on watermarking images? I mean, just to protect yourself so they're not stolen or anything? Or... making the image less-than-desirable quality? Sucks because that's destroying your own image, but sometimes you want control over what you're displaying all over the web... Or am I just being paranoid? :)


    How about fingerprinting your images with Steganography, that way you can see if any of your pictures are used on othe peoples webpages and I think (since I don't know) Steganography are using whitespace in your datastream to hide the fingerprint and don't degrade the quality to much.


    Is there a way of interleaving picture data or when you load the picture one color is set to transparent. While looking on the website picture looks OK, when picture is downloaded onto users computer the color set to transparent will show and make the picture grainy (not sure if this is a correct assumption).


    Reverse watermarking that are supressed while you view it online but when picture is downloaded it shows up because they don't have your algorythm....


    Lot of assumtion on my part here but it may be possible if wee look around to find something like this.



  13. After you write it then preview your website in Firefox, Mozilla or another compliant browser then use Internet Exploder hacks to show the same view in Explorer.

    I try to make my pages look good in Mozilla and Firefox that way you can use the workarounds and make the page look similar in the non compliant browsers.

    This code is from a css stylesheet to fix the menu for OE.

    /* Fix IE. Hide from IE Mac \*/* html #menu ul li{float:left;height:1%;}* html #menu ul li a{height:1%;}/* End */

    Compliant browsers skip the comment and OE executes the lines and look pretty :)

  14. I know XPH don't have any business in a network enviroment but here is real life for you. :)I'm using "Novell Client 4.90 SP2" on a computer with XPH and when I log in I have one login, the novell login. I setup a second user I still have one login but new user get a windows login with my username already there. If he restarts the computer my name show up and he have to change it again. If I log back into this computer I get 2 logins the first time but only one on successive logins.I looked at my list of registry hacks and can't see where I have to change (or add) a key to remove the username from the windows login. I tried to change the DefaultUserLogin key but that didn't do it.Anyone her know where or what key controls the (default) username that show up in the windows login screen (not the pretty gui screen) or have the registry hack to turn windows logon off and use a "default" user for windows.BTW, the windows logins have my username in the windows login even after I deleted that account to see if that fixed it :)ThanksNils

  15. RGE,

    nice tutorial. This is a subject that can be expanded a lot. Make it into a series, if you are good at batch files go the next step and show how to work with variables in a batch file.

    I feel like a kid again :), first summerjob I had was loading punch cards from a box onto a sorter so we could run the invoicing (summer of 1970)

    5 years later I was playing on a Tandy with 2: 5 1/2" drives and was trying to figure out how to setup batch files. I was never any good at it but I used it all the way through dos and windows... :)

    Thanks. A +1 bonus point to you for stirring up some memories and for an interesting topic.


  16. Couple of things!Does your modem work? Do you hear dial-tones?If modem works and you are connecting to the isp but nothing show up in the browser (is the browser IE or different), check to see if there is a proxy setting. Some browser hijacks use a proxy setting to redirect you. Click start, control panel, Internet Options. Select the Connections tab and click "LAN Settings..." (XP Pro) and see if the "Use Proxy Server is checked. (It's not supposed to affect dialup or vpn in XP Pro).If you have another OS I don't remember if dialup is affected.Give up some specific info to receive some specific answers.Nils

  17. Moved this topic to "What If -" forum. This is not a tutorial and I don't think it belongs in "How-To's and Tutorials".

    A tutorial should be helpful to the reader, take you through a step by step solution and provide some insight in subject at hand.

    Don't start a tutorial with "We shall discuss...", because then you are initiating a discussion not acting as a tutor.

    Tutor Merriam Webster


  18. Try the link I gave you in the other post for Xisto.com.One liners are concidered spam and I will close this topic. As I said in the other post, do some research, search the forums. Read previous posts and post meaningful guestions. Give some examples of what type of problem you have. If you need to know everything right now do a quick google seard.Nils

  19. Yeah, she informed me it wasn't a p**n site.    lol   

    She is quite a woman... be lost without her.


    I realized about the pop-up... am too cheap to send in the money for that download.  There are some good image fades though.

    Thanks again to all for your perspectives.


    pete :)


    It's not A p**n site, :)


    I can understand the cheap part. I have to learn that way, but when I find something useful that cost $ I can order it. That is the nice thing if you are figuring out stuff on company time :)


    As for perspectives, I don't know... hehe. I started looking at websites and editing after the company spent a lot of money to get a 3'rd class website that are a nightmare to update. It's not like here with 'cpanel' and all the goodies. I have to ftp the site to my computer. Hunt down where I need to change and then upload and pray it still looks good....... :)


    I'm learning a lot from all the members here, including you. It's a pleasant challenge and I enjoy the learning aspect.




    PS I edited the p**n so it will not be indexed.

  20. Here is what I found.... This is the code on Xisto and it's working :)

    <td class="formbuttonrow" nowrap="nowrap">                        <!-- PM / EMAIL / WWW / MSGR -->                        <div style="float: left;">                                <a href="javascript:scroll(0,0);"><img src='style_images/1/p_up.gif' border='0'  alt='Go to the top of the page' /></a>                        </div>                        <!-- REPORT / UP -->

    Here is the same code from Xisto:

    <td class="formbuttonrow" nowrap="nowrap">                        <!-- PM / EMAIL / WWW / MSGR -->                        <div style="float: left;">                                <a href="javascript:scroll(0,0);"><{P_UP}></a>                        </div>                        <!-- REPORT / UP -->

    And since I don't know what I'm talking about maybe you can make sense of it :) :)Nils

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