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Posts posted by NilsC

  1. This may be out in the left field but here we go:Did you try the speakers on another computer and did you try another set of speakers on this computer? if the magnet crapped out on one speaker the balance will be difficult to obtain?I'm not a music person so I wouldn't hear the difference. I'm suggesting this as a way of eliminating one or the other. (It's my way of eliminating a lot of simple issues)Nils

  2. They are pop accessible, you just have to setup your MX record and make sure that it doesnât have a cname. This code is to setup outlook express to send and receive pop3 email.
    If you use this it will make changes to your registry, do not make changes unless you backed up the registry. Any changes to the registry may render your computer "useless" blah, blah, blah... all warnings said. (no instructions on how to run this, if you don't know how. I ain't gonna tell) use with caution and edit to fit.

    REGEDIT4   [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager\Accounts\your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com]   "DCEmail"=dword:00000002   "POP3 Server"="mail.yourdomain.astahost.com"   "POP3 Port"=dword:0000006e   "SMTP Server"="mail.yourdomain.astahost.com"   "SMTP Port"=dword:00000019   "Connection Type"=dword:00000001   "POP3 User Name"="your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com"   "SMTP Display Name"="your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com"   "SMTP Email Address"="your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com"   "SMTP Reply To Email Address"="your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com"   "SMTP Organization Name"=""   "Account Name"="your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com"   "POP3 Timeout"=dword:0000003c   "SMTP Timeout"=dword:0000003c   "POP3 Secure Connection"=dword:00000000   "Leave Mail On Server"=dword:00000000   "POP3 Skip Account"=dword:00000000   "POP3 Prompt for Password"=dword:00000000   "SMTP User Name"="your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com"   "SMTP Use Sicily"=dword:00000003   "SMTP Secure Connection"=dword:00000000   "SMTP Split Messages"=dword:00000000   "SMTP Prompt for Password"=dword:00000000   [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\OMI Account Manager\Accounts\your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com]   "DCEmail"=dword:00000002   "POP3 Server"="mail.yourdomain.astahost.com"   "POP3 Port"=dword:0000006e   "SMTP Server"="mail.yourdomain.astahost.com"   "SMTP Port"=dword:00000019   "Connection Type"=dword:00000001   "POP3 User Name"="your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com"   "SMTP Display Name"="your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com"   "SMTP Email Address"="your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com"   "SMTP Reply To Email Address"="your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com"   "SMTP Organization Name"=""   "Account Name"="your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com"   "POP3 Timeout"=dword:0000003c   "SMTP Timeout"=dword:0000003c   "POP3 Secure Connection"=dword:00000000   "Leave Mail On Server"=dword:00000000   "POP3 Skip Account"=dword:00000000   "POP3 Prompt for Password"=dword:00000000   "SMTP User Name"="your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com"   "SMTP Use Sicily"=dword:00000003   "SMTP Secure Connection"=dword:00000000   "SMTP Split Messages"=dword:00000000   "SMTP Prompt for Password"=dword:00000000

    Exchange your-email@yourdomain.astahost.com for the correct email address and the same for the MX record mail.yourdomain.astahost.com.

    If you have your MX record setup correctly you can access pop3 to receive and use the smtp to send email. You can set the same thing up manually on any email program.

    Hope this helps.


  3. give me a filename one one of the files you uploaded. I have a lot of test files in my directory because I'm experimenting. The most important is to name your home file something that is standard. Index.htm or index.html I think the other one is home.htm or home.html (Unless newfile.htm was a name of one of the files you uploaded you will get the error) ;)Nils

  4. Chris you are in the right place. You have to setup your MX record for the mail to work (at least if you like to receive mail) ;)

    Ignore the options... all 100. Upload your first page / homepage and if you call it index.html the it will show up when you type your url. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    If you need help with the MX record, just use mail.yours.astahost.com to setup the mx record. "yours" is your webspace name (I don't remember what it was, I suffer from CRS)

    upload your files into the public_html and try it out. ;)


  5. Hi, no such thing as a stupid question... ;)

    Did you upload an index.html? if you did then you should see it by typing http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ no need to type www.

    Your files should be uploaded to the public_html directory. They will show up in the www directory automaticly.

    if you type http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (newfile.html) is the name of one of your files does it show up?

    Goos luck. let me know if it worked?


  6. I don't think anything on this site would affect your downloads... Did you check for virus? or spyware? there are a lot of things that can affect your computer but I don't think this site is one of them ;)Run spybot S&D and adaware to see you are clean. then make sure you don't have any coolwwwsearch hijacks and tun cw shredder... this is just to start.What OS are you using, ram cpu etc.Nils

  7. Hi,


    I would like to hear if any knows about an good CSS editor, like Topstyle.  I would love to find an HTML editor with inbuilded first class CSS editor, but if I just can find an really first class CSS editor has my day been maded.





    I downloaded Morphoon CSS editor over the weekend but I have not installed it yet. It's a free xml and css editor no support if you download and use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    I'm testing mine today... (I hope)



  8. cache-control:

    HTTP 1.1. Allowed values = PUBLIC | PRIVATE | NO-CACHE | NO-STORE.Public - may be cached in public shared caches
    Private - may only be cached in private cache
    no-Cache - may not be cached
    no-Store - may be cached but not archived

    The directive CACHE-CONTROL:NO-CACHE indicates cached information should not be used and instead requests should be forwarded to the origin server. This directive has the same semantics as the PRAGMA:NO-CACHE.
    Clients SHOULD include both PRAGMA:NO-CACHE and CACHE-CONTROL:NO-CACHE when a no-cache request is sent to a server not known to be HTTP/1.1 compliant.
    Also see EXPIRES.
    Note: It may be better to specify cache commands in HTTP than in META statements, where they can influence more than the browser, but proxies and other intermediaries that may cache information.

    Copy paste from here

  9. It's working. Anytime you make a change or upgrade. Give the system some time to fisnish the upgrade before you post a question. Upgrading your account mean a restart to the services so it's not instant it may be a lag. (just like when you update your site and your features) ;)*** POST CLOSED ***

  10. I'm closing this post. Reason: Things like cPanel or mySQL happen, when they are resolved we normally close the post at that time to avoid what happened here. 3 days after an issue was solved someone sees the post and add to it that I had a slow connection. Without date and time this may have been an issue at the same time, today, 3 months ago. We don't know when this issue was. If we close the old issues we have a record when one or more users have a "new" problem with cPanel, mySQL or other issues.Thank You.Nils*** SUBJECT CLOSED ***

  11. If you have the same outgoing smtp server for all the email addresses then you can use mozilla email with password for each user cumbersome and old email are visible to other users.

    I think you should be able to use profiles? then each profile can have multiple email boxes in them.

    Try the new :

    Thunderbird 1.0Thunderbird

    Thunderbird 1.0 is Mozillaâs next generation e-mail client. Thunderbird makes emailing safer, faster, and easier than ever before with the industryâs best implementations of features such as intelligent spam filters, saved search folders, builtin RSS support, privacy protection

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