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Everything posted by RGPHNX

  1. Hi all,Don't want to get into the "which is best" controversy etc. Everybody has their own oppinion(s).. all probably valid for some reason of personal experience. The issue to remember is that the "spyware/virus etc. wars" is an everchanging, dynamic due to the very nature of the "bugs" out there. All the detection & removal proggies out there will probably have everchanging "rankings" in the battle for who can fix it first. True, even some of the bigger co's have made some major blunders in the past re: messing up peoples computers with their "updates'upgrades" but hey, that's just the "nature" of the territory. My advice is to always keep a "clean" backup copy of your system & only do manual (not automatic) upgrades & then test the "update/upgrade" yourself.Personally, I prefer specific tools rather than "suites" because I think it gives me more control & often some insight into what's going on inside the computer.I you'd like to see a big selection of proggies...check out the "Links" section of MyWebsite.Just some thoughtsRGPHNX
  2. Hi all, QUESTION: When I use the "metatag analyzer" at http://www.seocentro.com/ ... I get a report that says my webpage was "Last Modified on 2/28/05". In addition, some of the metatag & other info in the report still points to (ie. is read as) the old date 2/28/05. Iv'e checked all my "public_html" & "www" subfolders (ie the "_sgg" & "_sgt" -subfolders) and they all show the last file update date as 4/25/05.... which is when I last updated my webpage via ftp. All the webpages display OK via http: Is this an index file problem??? A spiderbot problem?? A server "refresh"/update issue?? Other?? Any info appreciated. Thanks RGPHNX I'm posting this here because it relates (or may indirectly relate) to SEO & Google not finding my site & the metatag analyzer link (above) is already in this thread.
  3. Hi madcrow,DOS.. you mean aka..."Dinosaur OPerating System"..er.. just kidding. :PYup.. have coding puters that run DOS exclusively for Batch & ASM programmingRGPHNX
  4. Hi mahesh2k,Im assuming you don't want to rely on Window's "System Restore" feature.Me neither :lol:If you want easy to use windows platform imaging software get.."TrueImage" by Acronis.If you want a configuration challenge get .."Ghost" by Norton. (a warning .. DONT even think about trying to get a illegal copy of this program off the net as most of them have major virus's attached which will wipe your HD).You can check out other data recovery software on my website "links" page.Hope this helpsRGPHNX PS- If you have a particular hard to solve problem.. just PM me..glad to help.
  5. Hi again sleepy,sounds like you've got a real mess..First, do your AV < get a new one as Norton is bad Next, run Adaware& Spybot Search & destroyIf this doesn't clean it you can get more specialized tools to help.There are links to all kinds of free tools at my website "links" page.Hope this helps,RGPHNX
  6. Hi sleepy,lots of good ppl here.. a good knowledge source..and friendly too.Enjoy your stay RGPHNX
  7. hI FuChelle,Yes.. lots of friendly ppl here.Enjoy your stayRGPHNX
  8. Hi extreme,Yup, most of the folks here are very.. nice..helpful etc.Welcome & enjoy your stay. RGPHNX
  9. Hi fun4themoney, regarding your question... Your "hosting credits" are based on a formula (ie. algorythm) which counts the number of words in each post. Only the admins know exactly how many "hosting credits" you get for each post you make. Experience has shown me that it's something like 300 characters ~ 1/2 hosting credit... but it varies some.. so don't quote me on that. If you want to know exactly what each post gets you in hosting credits... Do this.. 1) Click on "Free Web Hosting" on any forum page & look at your hosting credits. Your hosting credits = "number of days" (write it down). 2) Go make a post... then Click on "Check Post Length" .. which is to the left of your post window... to check the # of characters in your post. (write it down). 3) Click "Add reply" to submit your post to the forum. 4) Click on "Free Web Hosting" again on any forum page & look at your hosting credits.. they should have increased by a certain amount. 5) Do some basic math .. to find out how many words get you 1 full "hosting credit" Hope this Helps, RGPHNX ps- THIS POST IS 1600 CHARACTERS so far.. ppS- YOU DON'T GET CREDIT FOR QUOTES you insert in your post.
  10. Hi again outlawspirit,Just make enough posts to get ~ 30+ hosting credits... Then request an account upgrade from Xisto's admins. You should get the bigger site (bandwidth, storage etc.) rather quicklyRGPHNX
  11. Hi roboT39,You can change the "name" of your website by making a request to Xisto's admins. It will still say "yourwebsitename.trap17.com" unless you go get a domain name at a domain name registrar like "goDaddy.com" etc. The you can have a website named like "yourwebsitename.com" etc. that is hosted on Xisto's server computer.The other changes you asked about should be described in the Invision Powerboard's documents on their website. Each change should be described in the "modules" section.Hope this helps,RGPHNX
  12. Hi losksofmemories,Welcome : )Talk is about just about anything... just pick a forum & surf it.Enjoy your stayRGPHNX
  13. Hi all,The "big" boys (eg. Yahoo, AOL etc.) give them away for free because they cana) create more "brand name" recognition... which indirectly leads to more sales etc. create just one more gateway portal that ( as servph said above) that eventually they can link some paying service to.c) "ego" wars. :lol:Just some thots..RGPHNX
  14. Hi all, never had a problem. You might want to do two things to protect yourself though...1) Never leave any excess funds in your paypal account... this protects you from their funds "freeze" policy... which is automatic if any bozo makes a complaint... even if it's not justified.2) Don't ever give them your credit card to "secure" your account... That giant sucking sound you hear will be them charging $$ to your credit card to "settle" disputes (even non-legitimate ones).3) Make sure you always get a mailing reciept... to insure that you have a record that the products were sent.Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  15. Hi kavernexpress, Just a suggestion... er question. What is the necessity for the "NOT" in the If... then...else statement? re: Is this correct syntax? Seems odd.Maybe you could try this logic sequence... If... 'the file exists then...'default to exit/ or ignore else...' create the file RGPHNX
  16. Hi soulsanctuary, IE "shouldn't" interfere with firefox plugins as long as you have set firefox as your default webbrowser in system configuration. BUT- you can't rule out that MS might be up to some of their old tricks again re: the browserwars & bundling issues they got slapped for in the past. . My advice is to check out/search for "browser conflicts" etc. issues in google or other engine to see if there are any known issues lately. Also, as snildude & bomzone said and .Also, removing IE completely will probably remove some of Windows .dll files which are necessary for Win OS to run properly or at all. MS blows with all their interconnected, sneaky marketing KR*p!. Hope this helps RGPHNX
  17. Hi boomerang,Gimp will run just fine in Win 98 environment as long as you hav at least 128MB of RAM.Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  18. Hey all,Just another great program brought to you by M$ aka. Microbloat.Win Word is a huge resource hog & will often crash your puter... even with lots of RAM etc. Try open source programs that will convert your documents to MS Word format for saving. Then.. once you have your content safely saved to disk.. you can open up MS Word to do the final page layout etc.Look at sourceforge.net for MS Word replacement programs. "Open Office" has a good word processor that saves in MS Word format.Hope this helps,RGPHNXPS- my signature says it all re: MS
  19. RGPHNX

    Hi All

    Hi outlawspirit,nice handle :blink:Welcome & enjoy your stay here. Forums are very friendly (mostly).Just post or shout if you need anything.RGPHNX
  20. Hi NilsC,the syntax/case for the link is correct.image protection is disabled in my cpanel.Do I still need to Set permission for links ?? If so How??RGPHNX
  21. Sheesh,typos are a bummer.(the previous post wasn't supposed to be a link.OK , the syntax I'm using to link to the image in my signature is:mywebsiteNAME.com/public_html/userfiles/WindowsFoundErrorItsWindows.gifit's preceeded by the usual Http:// andthe www. entrys of course.Any suggestions anybody???RGPHNX
  22. Ooops, THE SIGNATURE LINK IS https://www.1and1.com/website-builder any suggestions anybody?? RGPHNX
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