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Everything posted by RGPHNX

  1. Admin,Have posted a PM 4X today for "Opaque" - each time Cpanel has refused to log my message in the "Sent" folder. Tried replying to the the previous message from Opaque & tried composing a new message to him- >> same result - NO MESSAGE SENT!! after clicking the send button.Please advise as this message string is concerning getting my website functional after ftp upload. -IS URGENT !!ThanksRGPHNX
  2. Final)arkJon,Ok, here goes- It looks like you'r dealing with a new variant of the "weatherbug.A" virus. Relax- the good news (according to Symantec) is that it's only an adware bug & usually doesn't cause you puter to die (unless it's been modified). First if you are using Win XP or ME turn OFF the Restore function.Next, you'll probably have to edit the registry keys to disable it before you can delete it (ie. thru Windows or DOS). GoTo https://www.symantec.com/ & type in "Weatherbug" into their search engine to find the page for manual registry editing. MAKE SURE you backup the registry first!!! Then, you should be able to delete it using Windows explorer. If you can't delete it using Windows OR if it deletes & then comes back after you re-boot -THEN it's a "memory resident" type bug (ie. a nasty one). If it's still there after you re-boot, then you'll have to do the registry edit AGAIN & re-delete the bug again. If you can't delete it at all using Windows- then edit the registry first & then GoTo DOS (without re-booting) & get into the directory it's in & then delete the file & path to the bug.If THat fails- then boot into DOS using safe mode & delete the bug first, then delete the path, & then the DIRectory (ONLY if it's completely empty & doesn't contain any of "your stuff" eg. programs etc.).If all else fails- get back to me- there are some Linux tools that will wipe out anything!!Hope this helpsRGPHNXPS-IF YOU BACKED UP THE REGISTRY & then YOU SUCCESSFULLY DELETED THE BUG-THEN BE SURE TO DESTROY THE BACKUP as this still contains the key for the bug and is an invalid registry
  3. Thanks Google_byte,OK, have any suggestions for a free & user friendly site download App?Have been to the PayPal "help" page documentation is very limited as to how to integrate their pages into hosting server. Maybe I'm making it more complex than necessary due to some missing "everybody knows" type of info. As I'm a newbie to site hosting etc.Anybody else have info re: PayPal shopping cart integration etc. ??????????????Anybody?RGPHNX
  4. Hey Guys,Just got hosting account. Have already searched the members area for this info but no luck.Have two Questions:1) How To - set up a shopping cart (ie. integrate it into my new website) on my new website/ pages. Am using PayPal & have already generated the cart pages using their software program. Where do I put the pages on my website & other info I need to know to make it all work nice with the Xisto server ?2) Is it possible to download the "Cpanel" help pages (ie. How To admin & setup my hosting options etc.) so I can read them off line. The admin help pages are are at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. -Maybe this is a question for Opaque or other Admin.Any info greatly appreciated!!ThanksRGPHNX
  5. Bjrn,The Java Script "encryption" program I'm using allows for full customization of which page elements are affected. As I'm not worried about the css, I'll only be encoding the original artwork (ie. PICs), the links, the e-mail addresses. If I leave the page headers & the page metatags & the pages' body text in regular HTML, then the search engines should still be able to "read"/spider my pages correctly- Right??. Any further Comments appreciated.RGPHNX
  6. bjrn,Not really certain. What I'm concerned about is using a program that encrypts certain elements of my webpage HTML using the Java language (Javascript??). The post I read in this forum section (re: how to optimize SEO etc.) said that using Java language in my source code would adversely affect my website rankings. Apparently this (if its true) is because the search engine spiders can't read some type of Java language correctly or at all.Can you clarify this issue ??ThanksRGPHNX
  7. Xedos,tried restarting the computer yesterday (ie. when I was having the problem) & it had no effect on the problem. Also cleaned the browser cache & cookie & temp internet files etc. - still no effect.It's fixed today. Have no idea why? Am interested in investigating this for future reference re: fixing computers. Anyone else have any input/ info ??RGPHNX
  8. Thanks Cragllo,My Assistant is working fine today. Havn't changed anything on my end.Anyone else ever had this same or similar problem??RGPHNX
  9. Serindb,You didn't state in your post that the "spyware" keeps coming back after removal- but if it is you need to do the following: If using XP & ME- turn off the "system restore" BEFORE doing any removal. Use "safe mode" when possible to run the anti-bug software. Also sounds like you might have some type of hidden trojan hijacking your computer & causing you bandwidth to be eaten up & getting bills from your ISP. In my experience, AdAware & spybot have limited ability to get rid of some trojans & hijackers. You might try "AVAST" and or "A2" to find hidden hijackers that AVG & the others miss entirely.Hope this Helps,RGPHNX
  10. Hey Guys,Just read the SEO tutorial in this section. Have a question. Does using Javascript REALLY hurt your website rankings by SEO spider engines??? Have read multiple SEO tuts & this is the first time I've come across this comment/oppinion. Anyone have the straight info ??? Anyone have direct personal experience with this issue??Any posted opinions or URLs on this issue??Any comments/help appreciated.ThanksRGPHNX
  11. Hey Guys,Theres an excellent SEO on line tutorial by AAron Wall at http://www.search-marketing.com/(notice the hyphen in URL). Have found his advice to be excellent ! Also check out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for a free keyword search tool for keyword optimization. You can download "webposition gold" program for a free 30 day trial use at http://www.webposition.com/. Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  12. TEOB,One major consideration in choosing a website navigation style is if you are concerned with website "rankings" by the search engines (ie Google, Yahoo etc.). Some search engines rank by the first few words encountered on the page. The vertical style navigation puts all the html code at the very top of the source code page & your metatags later in the page. This results in a poorer ranking in some search engines. The horizontal navigation system (as I understand it) puts the html for the navigation bars later in the source code page- after the meta tags. So the horizontal navigation system yields more accurate (ie. better) search engine rankings. If you want to investigate this issue further, just do a search for "SEO" on the web.Hope this HelpsRGPHNX
  13. I agree with finaldesign- GIMP is excellent free opensource photo editor that has all the features you'd ever want & stacks up well against Photoshop. Hav used both & GIMP is just excellent - 5 of 5 stars !! No reason to use a illegal app. Also use Dreamweaver ULTRA Dev. when doing page markup changes & inserts. For original page design, I just go the fast route & use a small proggie called Site Gen Wiz- not a flashy app. but gets the jub done fast.Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  14. So whats the definitive last word? Does IE handle XHTML -NO? If not, is there a script format/language converter program to solve this problem. That was the original question, I believe. Anybody know ? the second question was, For multi webbrowser compatibility is there a server side app. that solves this problem?Anybody know??RGPHNX
  15. Hey Guys,True; no OS is perfect. Its 6 of one vs. half dozen of the other. Tradeoffs sure. True, linux has a steep "learning curve" & is less "user friendly" (less GUI etc.) but Linux unstable ?? Any examples ?? So why do all the major webservers use it if its so "unstable"?? Would rather have any of Linux's instabilitys than all of Windows OS security holes which constantly suck up my time to "update" & patch. Just my oppinion. RGPHNX
  16. Hey Guys,Has "My Assistant" changed?? It used to open as a popup in the CPanel. Now it seems it opens fullpage. When I click on my "Last 10 posts" or do a search OR anything else - the program just sits there & does nothing (ie. it doesn't refresh to the new page). To refresh the screen & see the info I requested I have to click th "X" to close the "My Assistant" window - then the info I requested appears. Is this a scripting error on the server??? A program functionality change ??(I havn't changed anything on my puter re: browser, OS, config. etc.)Any answers??RGPHNX
  17. Hey Guys,Nice to see so much optimism but do you really think MS will change it's marketing strategy!-NOT!! You can bet that the "new" OS will be bloated & Huge & slow on anything but the newest (read- biggest RAM, fastest CPU, newest Video Cards etc.)computer systems. All the hype about totally doing away with the dependency on DOS & totally re-writing the kernal & source code is just that- HYPE! If they did that, then it wouldn't be backwards compatible with previous OS versions. Don't think they're going to cut their own throats financially re: "migration" to the new OS by doing that. Sure, it will have some "new" features, but since when has MS done anything but increase the bloated "footprint"(ie. disk space) & add "patches" to their previous security faulty source code AND charge megabucks for it ??? When ???. You can't build a good house on a lousy foundation. Sooner or later it all comes tumbling down. Hope I'm wrong because I'd really like to see more "inter-operability"/compatibility, efficiency & usability at a reasonable pprice for the comsumer. BUT ??? Just my 2 centsRGPHNX
  18. Novaforme,Just a few words on layout etc.Is easy on the eyes. Good color, nice 3 column layout. Navigation/menue/seperator bars have visable "dents" in them which are A LITTLE distracting. Page transfer time was a little slow with navigation( ie. 10+ seconds to refresh pages or transfer to next page-using a 56K modem)-is it the page content or the server SPEED???Keep up the good work.RGPHNX
  19. Hey Guys,Trystim is correct. Here's a few tips when using any anti-vir program. First, if you using XP & ME, turn OFF "System Restore" before doing anything. Second, check microsoft. com to see if the file you are going to deletE is a required system file (ie. "dll" or "exe" file). If so, download & register (OR RESTORE FROM THE WINDOWS INSTALL/RESTORE CD & then register it) a new copy of it to your computer. Third, use the anti-vir prog. to wipe out the old file from the "vault".Failure to do these steps will sometimes result in the anti-vir program "messing up"/crashing the OS or other application which needs the file you removed.Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  20. Hey Guys,There's one sure fire way to do it. Crack open the case... remove the CMOS battery...wait 5-10min...then re-install the battery. This totally clears ALL password settings stored in CMOS (including Admin). Better have a backup of the BIOS on a floppy boot disk so you can "re-flash" the BIOS program for insurance. Also be prepared with all the info you need to do the re-flash BEFORE you attempt this. If something goes wrong, then you have a $1000+ paperweight (ie. totally dead computer) on your desk if you don't have the BIOS program on a boot disk. After the computer re-boots, then just do the boot to the BIOS startup screen & restore the any settings to the pre-flash status if needed. Then, just set up the new (& old) "Admin" accounts you want. Of course, trying this on someones computer where you don't have legitimate access is a crime- so don't do it there!Hope this HelpsRGPHNX
  21. Pick one !! You decide !-"too stupid" to look first?-"too lazy" to turn on the light?-"too self-centered" & just *BLEEP*y?-"too this" ...?-"Too that"...?-"The best offense is a good defense"?-"needs attitude adjustment"?- "Any issue which serves" any hidden other purpose?-"Distraction is better than confronting the real issue(s)"?-"anything at all..."?-"An eternal cosmic mystery"among all cosmic mysterys?RGPHNX
  22. Longhorn? Guess who's going to "get the horn"? Based on their past performance you can expect the following from Microbloat:-there will be no new/ redesigned kernal (would require a complete redesign of ALL their products to port them to the new system)-there will be little to no true new functionality in the program-the program footprint size will be absolutely HUGE-the memory requirements will be over a Gig-the performance speed will continue to be a real dog when compared to Linux etc. (even with dual 64bit processors & multithreading) - there will be a HUGE increase in price & you won't be able to own it only rent it for the rest of your life.-there will be a massive Ad campaign to cover up all of the preceeding.Granted this is all speculative but does a leopard really ever change its spots?Who gets the horn with "Longhorn"RGPHNX
  23. Hey Guys,MSN "more efficient"/"better" ??? C'mon get real. Support the independents so Microbloat doesn't take over everything!!! Do you really want the company that brought you IE & Outlook security holes and got caught putting a NSA backdoor into their OS, "managing" YOUR online search info ?? Do you value your privacy & security at all ?? Support Google it rocks! Independents are good!!RGPHNX
  24. Hey Guys,Rumor or no rumor isn't the question. Microbloat will strike again. Gates et all have publically stated their goal is to "migrate"(ie force) everyone who "owns" their current software to rent their new stuff via annual subscriptions. This is NOT a secret. This is GREED- pure & simple. The only way you can fight back is to vote with your dollars. Don't upgrade to their "new" products unless you absolutely have to. Wall street will slap them on the hands (ie. refuse to increase their stock prices) each time they don't sign up enough people to their "new" products thru increased sales. There hasn't really been any new functionality in their products since Win98/2000 anyway, just added "bells & whistles". Second, get rid of as much of their "bug" ridden stuff (eg. Outlook, IE etc.) that you don't really need. These programs have more security holes than swiss cheese!! They're left in on purpose to keep you continually addicted to their "new & improved" "updates" & "Dis-Service" packs. Third, support freeware/shareware & open source programers thru your donations & time contributions. ALSO, support sites like Xisto by clicking on their SPONSORED ADS EVERY TIME YOU USE THE SERVICE. FIGHT BACK RGPHNX
  25. Cragllo,That's great that re-setting the CMOS/BIOS settings to "default" corrected the problem. You got the easy fix ! Now, a couple of suggestions: 1) BACKUP your current BIOS/CMOS settings AND the complete BIOS program to a floppy disk for safekeeping. You'll need these if it ever really gets trashed for good. There are several utilitys available for doing this. 2) Find out what trashed the BIOS/Settings in the first place. If its a "bug"(virus etc.) program, then you need to find the critter & nuke it out of your system.Hope this helpsRGPHNX
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