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Everything posted by RGPHNX

  1. Cragllo,Stop worrying about the people who sent it to you, The worm spoofs the IP address, & other header info in the e-mail automatically so you will never be able to trace it back to the source.Just to be safe, (because I don't know what AV scanner you use) got to the URL in my previous post [ie TrendMicro.com] and use their auto scanner/remover. You might be infected with a new variant thats not detected by your current AV.Safer is always better!!RGPHNX
  2. Cragllo,You can find your Mobo info using the "PCWizard" program, then going to the Mobo manfacturer's info site to get the jumper settings (& maybe a PIC or two?) for for the Front Side Bus (FSB). Your processor requires that the FSB be set at 400MHz or higher. Any FSB setting below 400MHz will cause EXACTLY the CPU 1/2 speed problem you are experiencing. You can set the FSB speed thru the Bios settings AND/OR the jumper on the Mobo. Sometimes both are needed. If the Bios doesn't allow you to set the FSB speed, maybe you also need the updated "Processor Driver" from AMD. Just went there & they have several for you to choose from. Hope this HelpsRGPHNXPS- the "multiplyer" on your CPU chip is not directly user configurable, as far as I know. It adjusts its speed automatically from the FSB speed info obtained thru the processor driver program, which obtains its info from the BIOS & Mobo hardware jumper settings.
  3. Cragllo,Ok, everything stock. Temp seems OK.Any other weird symptoms?? Give me something else to go on.RGPHNXPS- Posted an answer to the e-mail problem your experiencing on other post, but don't think its related to the CPU issue here. It shouldn't slow the CPU speed to the 1.1 GHz you reported
  4. Cragllo,If the worm is already on your system, then its possible that is the source of the e-mail YOU RECIEVED. As I understand it, it sends out e-mails to ALL addresses in your address book including your own e-mail account. This worm depends on Microsofts outdated JAVA programs to do its dirty work. Check your system for infection, remove any bugs found & then delete Microsoft JAVA & replace it with Sun's Java which is more secure. This should solve the problem. For info on how to squash this worm goTo:www. TRENDMICRO.COM/VINFO/VIRUSENCYCLO/DEFAULTS.ASP?VNAME=WORM_MYDOOM.M&VSECT=SNHope this helpsRGPHNX
  5. Cragllo,From the info you posted it looks like you overclocked the CPU ?? Is that the case ?????? If so re-set to the default settings & do a hardware system diagnostic for true actual CPU speed to check out if the CPU is screwed. Also, the "Motheboard monitor" program is helpful to check temps etc. to see if heat buildup (from overclocking & other sources) has potentially toasted the front or rear BUS on the systemboard. You won't get an actual transfer rate readout on the BUS 's (from "Motherboard Monitor" program ) but if the temp is very high then its bad news :-( . You can go from there with a hardware "burn in" tester program to get a more accurate actual performance benchmark for other hardware problems associated with the slow CPU symptom.It's been my experience that tha manufacturers advertised CPU speed ratings are just estimates. Actual CPU speed performance for a particular CPU can vary as much as 5-10% on a "good" chip depending on the programs loaded & the system configuration. But you seem to be way outside that range. so there's defintely something else going on. Get back to me with more preformance symptoms AND/ OR configuration details and we can go from there.Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  6. Ok,So it worked OK previously before. Did you overclock the CPU?Add any other new hardware recently?Any other symptoms besides CPU slowndown on startup?Might be a RAM card/ chip failure - ("DoCMemory" RAM tester is good).You could try re-setting your CMOS settings if you installed any new hardware that was incompatible with the systemboard. Otherwise unless a virus trashed your BIOS program it's a dead end. You won't know that unless you a complete system scan for bugs first & ID the specific critter that did it.Need more details-Get back to meRGPHNX
  7. Thanks Again Cragllo,Looks like I have all the pieces of scripting to make it all work.Will merge it all together and get back to youall if there are any moreproblems. Thanks again RGPHNXps-SORRY I MUST HAVE SPACED OUT ON THE ZIP ADVICE YOU GAVE PREVIOUSLY - must have been the "forest for the trees syndrome"
  8. Cragllo,Just some suggestions re:A 2.2 GHz running at 1.1 Ghz ?If this is something new (ie. it ran at 2.2 GHz previously), then the first thing you want to check is system resources (ie. too many programs loaded & running in background), Second, do a complete virus, worm checkup on the PC. Third, get a diagnostic program like "Motherboard Monitor" to check the onboard motherboard component s & benchmark them. Fourth, if you are using memory intensive APPs (ie. games-Doom, Quake 3 etc. ) and this is when the CPU slows down, then you may need a new game controller card with a faster onboard processor & bigger memory. Lastly, as there are many other hardware related problems that could cause this, drop me a line with more details & I'll see what I can do. I've repaired lots of PC's.Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  9. Hi Guys,Posted this inquiry over a week ago & got no replys so I'm re-posting via new thread.How do I setup a automatic download to a webpage visitor to my website? If I "host" (ie. store the file[ a "zip" etc. file]) on my website how do I make it so that the visitor can click on a button & get the file to automatically download to their computer.??? This may seem obvious to youall but I'm very new and have no idea.All Info appreciated!!!Any Links to "How To"s ??Tutorials ??Thanks in advanceRGPHNX
  10. Thanks to all, Followup Question:Once I create the popup window & link it via url to the content webpage,How do I make the webpage send the info to my e-mail account?This may seem obvious to youall but I'm totally new to this sort of thing.I guess what I'm asking is-Where & How do I put the link to my e-mail account url in the webpage?Thanks again,RGPHNX
  11. Thanks Cragllo,Thanks for the fast code & the link to other Php info. Checked out the links and found some good Php tutorials at www. Php.net . Also check out the links section at www. Php.net/links.php for everything Php. Found some e-mail forwarding code downloads and a good customization tutorial at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ .No info on how to make the e-mail form a "popup" though.Any ideas ????Also,Am still looking for a fast "how to" implement part 2) [ie. automatic downloader for "zip" etc. files hosted on my website] of my previous question.Any suggestions??Anybody?Thanks in advance.RGPHNX
  12. Brenda,The easiest way to do a shopping cart is to register for a Pay Pal account. They will download a program to your computer that will create the webpage you can use for displaying all your "stuff". Once the page is made you store it in a file on your computer (along with any other webpages you create with "Dreamweaver" or any other website creator program). When you finally get all your webpages working the way you want them to (on your computer), THEN you just upload the whole cool bunch of webpages to the server computer (ie. website hosting site [Xisto.com etc,]) of your choice. Your Done.Hope this helps!RGPHNXPS- creating a online store page from scratch is difficult. PPS-Pay Pal has nice FAQ pages for your other questions.
  13. Hi guys,Am new to designing. How do I :1) include a popup form on my webpage for the visitor to input info & have the info forwarded to my personal e-mail account (not Xisto).2) make links to download files (ie. zip etc.) hosted on my website for ftp direct download to the visitors computer. (You know, click a link & the file automatically downloads)Any info appreciated !!!Tutorials ?????????????????Step by step info ????????????Thanks in advanceRGPHNX
  14. Too Hot.Great page layout & functionality. The graphics are good. The background colors are a little Too dark in some places to read the page easily. Black & dark green don't cotrast very well but hey that's the "mood" you probably want to create for the game and it does it well. Didn't try the forums yet, so no comment yet.Question: What tools/programs used to create site. Dreamweaver Ultra? Others?Hope this is usefulRGPHNX
  15. Milk,Tell your friend who has problems with Norton & Google that the problem probably is how Norton anti-vir program is configured. Nortons anti-vir has a lot of flexibility re: security levels (ie. filters) and allowed programs/websites etc.Check to see that Google is on the list of "approved" programs/websites OR at least not on the "blocked" list. Also if they have installed any of Googles toolbars on their webbrowser, then Norton anti-vir may be objecting to those program plugins when they try to get through the firewall. Try disabling/deleting the toolbar programs & then going to Google again. If it works then, well the toolbar plugin is/was the problem.Hope this helps!RGPHNXPS-Please post back to the forums & help others with what you learned with the problem. It's the only way we will improve the quality of the forumns.
  16. Thanks Spirit Valley,Will check out the link you gave. I realize nothing is forever, it's always going to be the good guys against the bad guys (Spy vs. Spy etc.). Just requesting opinions of forum members who have any current Personal experience with any html(website) encryption programs- to get me up to speed on this issue.Anybody??Have found a review site for several programs at:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Anybody on the forumns have personal experience with the programs listed there?Anybody??Thanks RGPHNX
  17. Hey Guys,Have used all the AV programs listed to clean infected computers. Norton & McAfee both are system resources "hogs" (very big programs/Memory intensive etc.). AVG has a much smaller "footprint" on the HD than the others & seems to work just as well as the two above. Have seen ALL of them miss a virus that one or the other picked up easily. Have seen All of them unable to clean/disinfect/remove certain viruses. The one upside to Norton(Symantec) is that they do offer manual virus cleaning advice on their website & tools to do it with. You don't have to subscribe/buy their software to use/get most of the tools (ie.free).Best advice: Get more Than one; make "rescue"/recovery anti-vir disks with each program; update program regularly (at least 1X-week). Final advice: If you'r not using a firewall(s)- DON'T EVEN BOTHER with the above- just leave your computer off/ in the boxHope this helpsCheers!RGPHNXPS-HAVE OTHER POSTS RE: THIS SUBJECT -just use "Search" on the forumns.
  18. Hey guys,In general I agree. Popups/popunders r useless, annoying and just downright irritating in general. As you all should know they can be a major source of "Adware/Spyware/Virus's/trojans" etc. if you click on them. However, they do have their legitimate uses. For example, when the user requests information that you don't want to dedicate a whole webpage on your site to OR when the user requests a registration form OR e-mail message forwarding etc.If you would like a good pop killer program you can go to //AnalogX.com. It's FREE, is a small program & works very well on any OS. Also check out the other tools the website has to offer. Some SEO tools (also free) and API monitoring tools too.Hope this helps!Cheers!!RGPHNX
  19. Hey Guys,Yes, "no9t9" has it right. I was referring to the boards "user control panel". Specifically, I guess I have a question on how to find &/OR sort all my posts to the forums. Is there an easy way to do this without using the "My Assistant" which only gives a list of my last 10 posts to the forums? I'm probably missing something as it just makes sense that this can be done. If it can't be done, then it would be a benefit for the users of the forums (& conserving/reducing duplicate postings) if they could just point other forum users who have "new" questions that have already been answered to the appropriate thread/topic already posted in the past. Hope this makes more sense.Anybody??Thanks!
  20. Hey Guys,Just a few suggestions on/for Cpanel. How about a.. Improved search function- eg. search for my posts by, date(s), topic, forum etc. from inside Cpanel.I've tried searching on my username but it only returns the posts where I started the thread/topic -NOT any posts where I added replys to other topics/posts. Hope this is clear. Getting my last 10 posts thru "mY Assistant" is good but I can see the need for improved searching as the posts pile up. Good so as not to have to remember so much where you've been etc.This would be good for the site also, as members are reading posts and if they have previously posted a solution to the current posters question-then.. be able to quickly point the questioner to a link already in the forums. Might save duplication of info in the forums( eg. cut storage space/bandwidth use) & increase functionality. If all of this is already possible, then somebody just point me in the right direction, pleze.Cheers!
  21. Hey Guys,Searched for posts re: webpage security (keeping slimeB*lls from "borrowing" your content) on the forums & came up blank. So thought I'd start a string here. OK,so does anyone have any info to contribute? Has anyone used html encryption programs? Does this create problems with browsers "reading" the page content or other functionality problems? What about webpage/html modifications/"updates" after the page has been encrypted? How good is the encryption OR how easy is it to hack/crack etc. ???Anybody?Cheers!PS-Any strings/links in the forums I've missed??
  22. Thanks Spirit Valley,Any experience with wepage encryption programs? Do they work well? Which programs?? How easy are they to hack/ get around?? Seems that if the html is encrypted then it would be very difficult to just "copy" the website and re-use it without permission. Any info? Cheers
  23. Thanks Djleli,THanks for the code. Wish there were more posts like this one on this site. More useful tools & less "fluff" just opinions etc. We need more contributers like Dj sharing useful ideas & building a kick A** community here. Don't want to start a thread/debate about intellectual property rights but here's just my 2 cents worth. I know we're on a "free" site but is anything ever really TOTALLY free? Comeon, really free? I'll bet the posters to this forum who complain about webpage security issues (NO right click etc.) are the same ones who never support Xisto by <- snipped -> My oppinion is: if a webauthor wants to protect the site content it took him/her many hours (sometimes hundreds) to create then MORE POWER TO THEM! HOW ABOUT SOMEONE POSTING SOME CODE FOR:Disable clipboard.Disable Cntrl CDisable PrintScreenKill screenetc.How about it? Anyone???Cheers }}}}}}
  24. Thanks Guys,Thanks for the clarification. Was just trying to follow the instructions in the "notices" sections. Have been just clicking on the in column. ads now and they are workink just the same(OK). Maybe you could ad your clarification post(s) to the "notices" section of the forums and/or edit the "Please help Xisto" post to avois further confusion with other newbies to the forumns. Thanks again!
  25. Hey guys,Everything Kvarnerexpress says is true. Have worked with every version of Windoze since Win95. Problems with ME come from Microbloats greed to rush a "new & improved" product to market with nothing more than a few "improved" bells & whistles as window dressing and charging the consumer big bucks for it. A scenario they repeated again with XP. (2 "Service Paks"[read-bug fixes] within 3 mos. of release-what BS!!! ) And the market/ consumer is falling for it AGAIN!!! If you want a Miscosoft product that has good stability then go for Win2000 Pro. It was developed for the business market & they demanded functionality over window dressing(Better user acounts; PW & security protection; admin accounts etc.) Of Course, if you want the ultimate in stability, anti-hackability etc. then go for Linux but be prepared to climb the steep learning curve for installing & configuration etc. It can be done but be prepared to do your homework & learn loads of new stuff. Which is "BEST", you decide.Hope this helps!Cheers PS- can't wait to see the marketing strategy they use for the long overdue "Longhorn" OS release the follows XP. Can you guess who's going to get the horn?? Again! Bet they put such a high purchase price on it that most consumers will be "forced" to rent it. That's their already stated marketing plan for the new Milenium.
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