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Everything posted by RGPHNX



    Hi Xacrosancxion,Welcome to the forums. Lots of great.. friendly..helpful "nerds" here.Just post or shout your questions re: development.. somebody here has sure to have done it already & can help you out.You an aussie??Enjoy your stay.RGPHNX


    Hi Axis & all ,Welcome to the forums. great ..nice..people here.Don't be shy..If you have questions just post or shout.. someone is sure to help you.Enjoy your stayRGPHNX
  4. Hi yvonnefoong,Welcome to the forum. Lots of great people here.. very helpful & knowledgable.If you have questions.. just post in the forums or the shoutbox.Enjoy your stay.RGPHNX
  5. Hi warriors, It's got to be the drivers OR the OS OR BOTH.That's about the only options.RGPHNX
  6. Hi Vagodeoz, here's the link to DOS command line commands.. see the "rename" command. dos commands. BEFORE you go renamning files with DOS.. make sure you have tried recovering the files with LInux boot/recovery disk. That's the easiest & safest way. DO THAT FIRST!!!!!!!!!! Re-naming files with dos should be reserved as a very last resort. Hope this helps RGPHNX
  7. Hi all,not much I can add except that you should definitely hold onto the SCSI HDs because they're probably very fast drives. Also.. SCSI drives are much easier to use for RAID configurations & data duplication/ backup etc.Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  8. Hi nakulgupta,you can marginally improve performance on the 3.4 GZ machine by decreasing the screen resolution..but.. you probably won't be happy with it. Best advice is to go ahead & get a PCX OR AGP graphics adapter card(with lots of onboard RAM) & install it in your current 1.9GHZ computer... PLUS increase your current motherboard RAM from 256mb to max it out (ie. 512MB to 1GB). The performance you'll get by only changing the motherboard & upgrading the processor and still using onboard ram (1GB) will be only a marginal improvement over what you already have.Hope this is clearPS- you can check out the RAM recommendations at my website.. it may also help
  9. Hi midnightvamp/amanda,Welcome to Xisto. Lots of friendly, genuinely helpful people hers. The webhosting ids THE best.. no kidding.. just truth.Hope you enjoy your stay.Just shout or post if you have questions or need help.. someone will be sure to answer quickly. RGPHNX
  10. Hi googlue & Anndi,Nice comments..points well taken.. good advice.. to membersMore insightful comments anybody ??? RGPHNX
  11. Hey snlildude87, Frankly, I'm just a little bit confused as to the point of your post. Just HOW much clearer do you have to make it ???? The POLL TITLE is the #1 post thread says.. My subsequent post thread reads.. So maybe you can help me understand.. how your suggestion is relevant? Just what, specifically was the point ?? All understanding & knowledge is contextural. If you take my comments (or anyone elses) out of context you can make them say just about anything you want them to say...SO.. your entitled to your opinion.. BUT.. Please.. before you overly criticize my or any one elses post(s) or "split" linguistic semantic "hairs".. Please...try to look at things in their totality. Most of the previous posters "got it" ie. the intent & purpose of the poll. Most of the previous posters gave thoughtful posts with relevant content. This post was started to provide real insightful informative feedback to the members in this forum. I hope it will continue to benefit the members as additional people continue to post their personal experiences. Hope this is clearer, RGPHNX
  12. Hi While it's entirely possible you could have a virus or worm that causes a shutdown .. It's unlikely that it could be affecting BOTH computers .. UNLESS you previously had them on the same network with "file sharing" enabled OR transfered files via the internet between the two computers. If you did'nt.. then.. practically the only cause left is the CPU/RAM which you transfered between the two puters..most likely the CPU. Get a linux boot up & troubleshooting CD to test the CPU.. if it has any functioning circuits left on it at all. If it doesn't.. then you'll get the same shutdown result when you try to boot up with the CD.Hope this helps RGPHNX
  13. Hi all, Nice thoughtful post awards go to moldboy, ill, and ashiezai . Funniest post so far to Damann with his . That's the whole idea of this poll.. to stimulate ppl to thimk .. er.. THINK. Any more thoughts anybody ???????????? RGPHNX
  14. Hi dayzed, your source code on your page reads as follows: <body><a class="menu" href="/"><FONT COLOR="#008000">Home</font></a><br /><a class="menu" href="index.php"><FONT COLOR="#008000">Boards</font></a><br /><a class="menu" href="help.php"><FONT COLOR="#008000">Help</font></a><br /><a class="menu" href="game/index.php"><FONT COLOR="#008000">Giga Legends</font></a><br /><a class="menu" href="search.php"><FONT COLOR="#008000">Search</font></a><br /><a class="menu" href="mod_app_intro.php"><FONT COLOR="#008000">Mod Applications</font</a><br /> If you remove ALL the <br/> code stops EXCEPT the last one (ie. ...Applications</font</a><br />).. then your links "should all be on a single line. Don't know how to use php to do the other stuff though.. You can change the "default color" .. just by changing the "<FONT COLOR="#008000"> number to some other color number. Hope this helps RGPHNX PS- If this helps you in any way.. feel free to... + my rep Notice from Johnny: Added code tags.
  15. Hi all,just a post to get this poll started again..Anybody else have an oppinion??ThanksRGPHNX
  16. Hi all..just a post to get this started poll again.Anybody else have Windows crash ??RGPHNX
  17. Hi Saint_Michael ,Nice graphic.Agree that the homepage is too dark.. & text needs some contrast..I couldn't even find the "intro".. maybe your changing it when I was looking.Anyway.. if your going to keep the darker kind of background.. then definitely the other elements on the page need contrast .. so they "pop" out at you & finding them is easier.. You know how impatient people are.. if they can't see it immediately (approx 8 sec. or less) then they just go elsewhere. At least thats what all the "experts" say about graphics & layout.just some thoughts.RGPHNX
  18. HI AGAIN ALL,nO. nO. nO. ...SOME OF YOU'ALL AREN'T READING THE QUESTION correctly.. so let me clarify...QUESTION:AFTER you have downloaded AND installed a new Windows "update" ..HOW MANY TIME HAS IT (IE. THE WINDOWS UPDATE) CRASHED YOUR COMPUTER ???My personal experience through helping hundreds of other people is that.. It's a fairly common event/occurance.No, I'm not looking for personal advice here.. I know what to do if this happens AND I personally run a multi/dual boot system (ie. Linux & Windows).. so it really doesn't cause major problems for me when MS$ messes up.RGPHNXPS- At this time...over seventy people have read this post so far.. BUT less than 10 have posted in the poll....Come ON people.. support the community.. thru sharing KNOWLEDGE !!!THANKS AGAIN
  19. hi XELCHEMY,The hosting is THE best. AND THE PPEOPLE HERE ARE GENUINELY FRIENDLY & MOSTLY VERY HELPFUL, jUST POST WITH ANY QUESTIONS ..you have OR shout for urgent problems. someone's sure to respond.Enjoy your stay.RGPHNXps-HELP SUPPORT Xisto.. SEE THE LINKS BELOW MY SIGNATURE
  20. Hi all,Iv'e found NilsC's advice to be accurate. You get about 1 credit for each post you have thats above 300 characters (sometimes a little less). 300 characters is only about 3-5 good content sentences per post... so I think that's reasonable & fair. This post is about 304 characters long.RGPHNX
  21. RGPHNX

    Hello ^^

    Welcome to Xisto. People here ARE generally very friendly & genuinely helpful. If you need help with anything.. just post your question to the forum .. or just shout.Please remember to support Xisto by ... (check out the info below).We ALL need to participate to keep improving Xisto.Enjoy you stay.RGPHNXps-The hosting is THE best.
  22. Hi all,judging from the many posts to the forums re: hardware & software problems... I posted this question:HOW MANY TIMES HAS A "UPDATE" downloaded directly from MSs website..CRASHED YOUR COMPUTER ???For our purposes here a "crash" is a major malfunction of any part of the Windows operation system.. such as Internet Explorer kept "freezing up".. after an update.A crash is anything you couldn't live with.. and you had to "Restore" OR even completely "re-install" the whole Windows OS to fix it.Another example would be all the problems that SP1 (service pack 1) created before MS released SP2 to correct the problems.ALL Comments, details & Poll entrys are appreciated.ThanksRGPHNX
  23. Welcome back!!JUst a question ?? have you been hosted elsewhere?? If so.. what brought you back??others can earn from your experiences.RGPHNX
  24. Hi Ashely,Welcome to Xisto. People here ARE very friendly & genuinely helpful. The hosting is THE best. If you need help with anything.. just post your question to the forum .. or just shout.Please remember to support Xisto by ... (check out the info below).We ALL need to participate to keep improving Xisto.Enjoy you stay.RGPHNX
  25. Hi SystemWisdom,Welcome to the forums. People here ARE very friendly & genuinely helpful. The hosting is THE best. Glad to see your a coder. A special double welcome More content will be appreciated by all.Please remember to support Xisto by ... (check out the info below).We ALL need to participate to keep improving Xisto.Enjoy you stay.RGPHNX
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