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Everything posted by RGPHNX

  1. Hi andrescasta,A computer virus can cause this type of problem... If your absolutely sure the computer is clean of virus's .. then.. It's probably Windows XP SP2 that's causing it. Did you have the "automatic download" for windows updates turned on?. Maybe you need to check for new Windows Xp "updates" & download & install them. If that doesn't correct the problem.. then.. I'd re-check the computer again with a different anti-virus program.If that still doesn't solve the problem.. then..You definitely have a hardware AND/or hardware driver problem.Goto my website & do a complete hardware troubleshooting checkup. The flowcharts there show you how to do it. Take notes as you work thru the charts, just in case you encounter problems & need more help.Hope this helps RGPHNXps- post back with the results, so we know that your problem is solved.
  2. Hi jose_a1,Basically you B cd drive is "confused" because your probably not telling Nero how to read the CD properly.check out the "help" file in your nero program. It should explain the different file format settings. There's probably not anything wrong with you CD drive(s) .. but if there is you can use the "CD/DVD" troubleshooting charts at my website to check them out.Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  3. Hi Darren.I agree with madcow.. probably your SCSI card is going bad.. If you don't already have a IDE connector on the mobo...go for a PCI slot IDE type hard drive controller.. lots cheaper than replacing the mobo. Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  4. Hi all, there's a big thread here at theforum about windows longhorn. you can find the thread here Xisto thread Be sure to read the link to the article about security threats by experts in the programming industry. RGPHNX
  5. Hi kvarnerexpress, sorry to hear about ur problem..unfortunately.. u didn't give enough info re: your system partitioning & program install locations to be more specific..but..some of the possibilities are..> CD bios boot config. problem ( like Klass said)> Linux / windoze incompatability/ conflict problem re: bad dual boot setup config. > boot sector virus ( remote posibility)> hardware problempost back with more info.. & maybe we can help to sort it out.Hope This Helps RGPHNX
  6. Hi varunone,Yup the closest thing is the "system restore" function in windows. All IBM has done is write a really big DOS batch file program that calls the system restore function thru the windows system API interface and linked the program to a "special" keyboard key. The key activates the program & voilla .. system is restored like "magic". Pretty basic programming..really.Somebody else will come out with something similar soon..I'll betRGPHNX
  7. Hi ARNEL,make sure your using a .JPG file format for your picture AND it doesn't exceed the maximum Kb size allowed. Then.. ftp the picture up to your account on the server. then...goto your "My Controls" in the forums and edit your avatar or signature settings (ie. put the complete url/address of where your picture is on the server). then..save your settings. then..YOUR DONE Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  8. hI m3ch4,Just a word of caution...MAKE SURE you connect the power supply connectors to the motherboard correctly.On older boards (ie. the ones with 2 connectors) if you reverse them ... you will fry your motherboard. ALWAYS CHECK YOUR MOTHERBOARD WIRING DIAGRAM & SPECS FIRST !!!Hope this helps,RGPHNX
  9. Hi andrescasta, Xbox is correct. You need to un-install any devices you have added in the recent past & update/re-install a newer driver that you get directly from the manufacturer's website. If that fails to correct the problem.. then do as he suggested Then..If that fails to correct the problem.. You definitely have a different hardware based problem that is not software related. If you still need more help.. you can checkout my website for step by step troubleshooting tips. Hope this helps RGPHNX
  10. Hi all,Have my Cpanel "Log File Manager" settings set to "backup" the logfile daily(ie. I've checked the first checkbox).QUESTION:This should give me a "cumulative" backup listing of all the traffic to my webpages in a sequential date (ie. day by day) format..Right??If this is correct.. then there is a problem..PROBLEM:I'm only getting partial (many days of traffic are missing) from the raw log files.The monthly file only contains a couple of days of logs.Can anyone clarify (or help)??RGPHNX
  11. Hi again JohnNitro, re: You need to do ALL of those steps AGAIN in the EXACT ORDER I listed for you.Even if you can't re-install Win ME.. do ALL of the other steps BEFORE you go mucking around looking for hardware problems. You can find links to most of the programs I listed for you.. on the "links" page at my website. Just go step by step. RGPHNX
  12. Hi JohnNitro,Here's a primer,Do the following:-run your Antivirus-run Adaware program-run Spybot program-run "Disk Cleanup" in Windows-run "MSCONFIG" in Windows to disable programs that startup unnecessarily.-run Scandisk in windows- run Defragment in WindowsIf everything runs OK.. your done.. If not.. Make copies of ALL your programs & data files..then ..RE-install Windows ME If everything runs OK.. your done.. If not..There's a very good chance you have a hardware problem causing the freezups. Check out my website for solutions. Hope this helpsRGPHNXPS- If you need free programs.. checkout the "Links" page at my website also.
  13. Hi cryptique91, There are some potential problems when transfering data between FAT32 & NTFS drives. A NTFS drive will be able to "read" data from a FAT32 drive ... but a FAT32 drive may not be able to "read" all the data from a NTFS drive. I know what MS says..but I've encountered this problem before with certain file formats. Therefore.. if you are going to let Windows(or a windows based program) do a standard backup to your 300GB NTFS drive..you might have problems when you "restore" or copy the backup back to the 40GB FAT32 drives. The data might be all "garbled" and un-recoverable/unreadable. You can get around this limitation two ways: - by using a program like Norton Ghost or Acronis True Image which makes an "image" of your data and store it in a special container... called a .IMG file. Usually, the image can be restored from the NTFS to the FAT32 drive. OR Just make all drives the same. by.. -format your 300GB to FAT 32 OR -transfer all your data to the 400GB NTFS drive... then.. re-install Windows as NTFS on both your 40GB drives & re-transfer the data from the 400GB drive back to the 40GB drives.(probably the best solution for you if you want to beat the 4GB file size limitation..for video editing etc.). In summary, AVOID MIXING FAT32 & NTFS IF AT ALL POSSIBLE... it's just asking for trouble. Hope this helps, RGPHNX
  14. hI NEO,wow! probably the longest intro ever in these forums.lost of nive ppl here to interact with.if you have any questions just post or shout & someone will help you out... no problem.Enjoy your stay.RGPHNXPS- Xisto hosting is excellent!!
  15. Hi fallen,welcome to the forums. There's lot of very nice ppl here. If you have questions .. just post or shout and someone will help you out. Make lots of posts & make new friends.Enjoy yourself.RGPHNX
  16. Hi ,There's some good advice in the previous posts.If you'r still having startup problems you can check out my website for a step by step guide. Also ther'es an indepth listing & explaination of ALL the beep codes & Error codes.Hope this helps,RGPHNX
  17. Hi all.great thoughts & comments.Keep'em coming..............REMEMBER TO VOTE !RGPHNX
  18. Hi all,I'm no expert on SEO but theres' a great tutorial(4 articles) by two different experts over at SEOchat.com. Just go there.. and search for the authors name "Danny Wall". Also theres another tutorial there for pdf download. Just click on the banner headline link on the homepage titled "7 days to Massive traffic...".Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  19. Hi again all, good comments. There's been lots of things to consider posted.....but Have to agree with burex's post re: So far...When it comes right down to it... the votes in the poll pretty much say"NO way"... Make sure to vote RGPHNX
  20. Hi Oblivion 9999, Some good advice in the previous posts. What you need to do first is get a "boot disk" & see if you can get your computer to start up to DOS. You can get a bootdisk here http://www.allbootdisks.com/ If you can get it to startup at all... then your pretty much sure that it's a problem with: 1) the hard drive is failing OR 2) Windows OS is corrupted >> try the 'repair" option from the install CD.[backup you HD first - put it in another computer & get your stuff off of it] 3) other software is messing with Windows >> remove any newly installed "drivers", if you can get to them. If you can't get it to startup at all using the "bootdisk" .. then there's some other problem with the hardware (ie. power supply, CPU, motherboard etc.). If you need more help with troubleshooting.. you can check out the tutorial at my website. Hope this helps RGPHNX
  21. Hi jose_a1,There's some good advice in the previous posts.If your power (in the house) has been messing up for some time.. then ther'e's the very real possibility that it could have damaged your computer hardware components. The only way you will know for sure is to do a step by step hardware test.If you need help or instructions..you can check out my website for basic computer troubleshooting.Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  22. Hi all, Thanks for the comments.. So, does anyone have any input regarding the "security issue" that mbd5882 brought up re: Is this a real security issue OR just a reference to guests having to sign again each time they wish to post in the guestbook ?? Anybody know ?? RGPHNX ps- Please continue posting your opinions regarding your experience with other guestbooks also. Thanks again.
  23. Hi all, Good comments.. keep 'em coming ! Nothing personal but.... Have to comment on a post above that said Well, the REAL TRUTH is... thats what Microsoft SAYS its doing with the information. The point of this poll is NOT what Micro$oft says.. but the real point is.. How secure is your information once you have lost control over it.. ??? And that depends on various factors like .. reputation & trust.. which should be based on previous performance (ie. actions)... and other things like ... whats humanly possible (to do at all) .... and other things like.... [ you fill in the blank here]...etc. Its like saying... We're from Micro$oft ... trust us ... or We're from the government ... trust us ..or We're from [fill in the blank] ... trust us So, you decide.... and voice your opinion here.. and please vote. Thanks RGPHNX ps- Has anyone here heard about the "NSA backdoor" that Micro$oft secretly installed in all versions of Win 98 that would have allowed the government to secretly gain direct access to your confidential information.. without due process of law (ie. court authorization). Micro$soft only removed it after the consuming public got wind of it and threatened to boycot their product. Its a matter of historical fact.. just do a search for it.. you'll find lots of info. PPS- Special kudos to xboxrulz for his post comments on linux & Win 2000 security!!! . Its accurate and if you don't think computer systems can be designed with REAL security protection.. you should just do some checking.
  24. Hi nightfox,Make sure your network addresses are set correctly (ie. the same).. then..Make sure you have "file sharing" enabled (ie. turned on).Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  25. Hi all,Good responses..keep them coming ! just some things to consider:Most ppl are more than a little "lazy" and/or "un-informed" when it comes to responsible "safe" computer use..> 40% + of all people who surf the internet have NO firewalls.. at all.(port vulnerabilities)> 55% of all people have un-updated or No antivirus programs ..at all.> 50% + of all people still open e-mail attachments from ppl they don't know.(Outlook Express)> 30% of all computers are infected with virus, worms, trojans & spyware.> Most ppl still have "file sharing" turned on in their computers..(they have no idea what kind of info their computer can "share" without their knowledge).(Windows feature)> Most people havn't "protected" their HOSTS file against attack (Windows feature)Most of these "vulnerabilities" were brought to you by Micro$oft in the first place.So.. whats the chance that ...people will take the time to "turn off" the error reporting (file sharing) to Micro$oft when Windows crashes?So.. what's the possibility that.... Micro$oft will design security features to keep your confidential information TRUELY confidential.. once they have copies of your info ??just some thoughts,RGPHNXPS- remember to vote
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