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Everything posted by RGPHNX

  1. Hi all,Yeah.. just noticed the same thing re: change to "unlimited bandwidth".Also noticed that mu "used disk space" jumped from 18.9MB to 20+MB.As I didn't upload anything to the server that would have caused an increase in "used disk space"... then .. the only logical reason for this change is..there's some maintenance going on on the server.Only the admins know for sure.Has anyone asked them... PMs or posts???RGPHNX
  2. Hi ebbinger_413,Check out the CD/DVD troubleshooter at my website.RGPHNXPS- if you still have problems-- email me
  3. hI Giniu, re: your question Yup!! Yes !! Si !! your lilo will most likely be "messed with" The "accepted" setup sequence for installing a dual boot system is to install Windows XP first ... then... Install Linux. You can thank B Gates Fore more info check out "dual boot" How To's on the net. THATS WHAT YOU WANT TO DO ! Hope this helps RGPHNX
  4. Hi,Just click on "Free Web Hosting" at the top of the page..then scroll down a little..you'll see them thereRGPHNX
  5. Hi Philywiskaz,You probably will want to replace all the ram because often times "mixing" ram will result in making ALL ram run at the speed of the slowest ram.Check your motherboard or computer's manufactures site for more details.For a general discussion of ram issues you can check out my website.Hope this helpsRGPHNX


    Hi Metalgod89,Welcome. Don't be intimidated by the "new" stuff... you'll catch on.. just read some of the info in the forums.Basically,,you make some posts in the forums.. you get some "credits" for each post you make..Then.. after you get enough credits.. you can request "webspace" for your webpages..Then you create your webpages & upload them to the "server" computer.HOPE THIS HELPSRGPHNX
  7. Hi all, good comments.. some ppl forgot to vote though :lol:Keep the comments coming..RGPHNX
  8. Hi cammy,saw the guestbook on your site...NICE looking... SHARP.. PROFESSIONALRGPHNX
  9. Hi all, mbd5882 could you elaborate on your comment re: What kind of security issue(s) does it have??I'm asking because the website that "sponsors" it doesn't have any security issues listed in their "bugtrack" reports. (ie. http://www.cpskins.com/). Do you have any info from elsewhere ?? IIf so....Could you give the URL?? Thanks RGPHNX PS- Anybody else have any info or opinions ??
  10. Hi all,Has anybody installed the "Viper" Guestbook using the Fantastico installer??Am requesting Your comments re:-ease of installation/ configuration-maintenance/admin issues-security issues-your URL where we all can view your customizations.- alternative guestbooks you like better.All comments welcome.Thanks for your opinions,RGPHNX
  11. Hi all, Nobody has reported on this so.. thought I'd open it for a forum opinion poll. As reported in a recent CNET.com article.. . You can read the entire article here.. Longhorn Spyware details What this means ..According to the article.. is.. If Windows Longhorn crashes while you are using ANY program.. the ENTIRE contents (ie a EXACT copy) of what you were working on will go to Misco$oft when you click on the "Report the problem" popup screen. That means MicroSoft will get a EXACT COPY of your.. -email -IM -IRC -Word document(s) -XL document(s) -Powerpoint document(s) -password information, including banking & credit card information. -ANY OTHER program documents your working on -the names, serial numbers, registration numbers of ANY PROGRAM installed on your computer. Basically, Micro$oft will get a copy of anything it wants from your computer... as long as you have the program open at the time that Window$ crashes.... AND they won't even notify you of what info they have taken. So.. the poll question is.. Do you trust Micro$oft with your confidential information ??
  12. HI all,theres a reason that Norton AV slows down Windows OS...Norton AV moves the location of some of Window's OS files..and Windows doesn't like that very much.This can cause Windows to eventually crash.. & often does!just FYIRGPHNX
  13. RGPHNX

    Pc Problems

    Hi chewetot,If the problem just started happening AFTER you installed the new dialup modem adapter card.. then It's probably.. the adapter card Or the drivers. Need lots more details to advise you any further than this.Hope this helps,RGPHNX
  14. RGPHNX

    Hi All

    Hi chewetot,Welcome to the forums !! There's lots of nice knowlegable ppl here to help you with any questions you might have. Just post your questions OR shout them if it's really urgent. Enjoy your stayRGPHNXPS- the hosting is excellent.
  15. Hi Amezis ,Sounds like your computer is resetting the screen resloution to the "default" settings at bootup.Almost any hardware (motherboard, video card, monitor or connectors... etc) malfunction can cause this to happen. Also, as the other forum members said (see above) it could be your videocard drivers OR even a corrupted Windows OS. This type of problem seems to be more frequent with Win Xp than with some of the previous Windows versions.My advice is to do backups.. then do a hardware diagnosis.. then re-install Windows if you continue to have problems .Hope this helpsRGPHNX
  16. Hi sunkist, you might want to check out the "Yahoo optimization" pages over at SEO Chat. I'm sure I seen you question answered there.. OR at least discussed many times. Hope this helps, RGPHNX
  17. Hi guangdian , re: Not exactly correct! Have been getting directory submission rejections because NNav etc. webbrowsers can't access the homepage. It also causes a problem with the Googlebot spider. So.. Anybody have any suggestions on how to fix this problem? Thanks RGPHNX
  18. Hi Hercco, Thanks for the reply. Yes, I already know that NNav, OPera, Firefox etc. webbrowsers don't load my homepage properly. That's EXACTLY what I'm asking about.. how to fix it. Also.. a REAL secondary concern is that the re-upload of a previously working copy of the website(ie. it worked perfectly before for NNav & Firefox etc.) ALSO fails to work NOW. I re-uploaded the previously working copy of the website in an attempt to fix this problem. Anyway heres a copy of the homepage HTML that the Nnav & Firefox & OPera use to access my site..... with my comments added: <html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=windows-1252"><meta http-equiv="content-language" content="English"><meta name="author" content="RG Enterprises"><meta name="generator" content="Enersoft SiteGenWiz Platinum 1.5 , http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Page</title><meta NAME="description" CONTENT="Beginners Guide to Advanced PC Repair"><meta NAME="robots" CONTENT="INDEX,FOLLOW"><link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="./gen.css"> <!-- THis is Javascript inserted by the WYSIWYG editor. It defines page re-directs according to which webbrowser (ie"sAgent" ) the surfer is using><!--This is most likely the area of problem><!-- Yes. I know it's "annoying" to read><script language="JavaScript"> <!--var sIInd=document.images.length; var sAgent = navigator.userAgent; var bIs95NT = sAgent.indexOf("Windows 95") > -1 || sAgent.indexOf("Windows NT") > -1 || sAgent.indexOf("Win32") > -1 || sAgent.indexOf("Windows 98") > -1 || sAgent.indexOf("Windows 2000") > -1; var bIsIE4 = sAgent.indexOf("IE 4") > -1 || sAgent.indexOf("IE 5") > -1 || sAgent.indexOf("IE 6") > -1; var bNOpera = sAgent.indexOf("Opera") < 0; var bIsIE432 = bIs95NT && bIsIE4 && bNOpera; if (bIsIE432==0) { window.location.replace("../_sgg/f10000.htm"); <!-- the rest of the javascript from here down just defines variables for image displays for use with the CSS defined above>} var aAnchor_78=-1; var aSub_78=-1; function mOver_78(id, stat) { id=id+0; if (id!=aAnchor_78 && id!=aSub_78) { if (document.all) { }status=stat; } else { status=defaultStatus; } } function mOut_78(id) { id=id+0; if (id!=aAnchor_78 && id!=aSub_78) { if (document.all) {} } status=defaultStatus; } m94_0_0 = new Image(); m94_0_0.src = "mdn1.png"; m94_0_1 = new Image(); m94_0_1.src = "mda1.png"; m94_1_0 = new Image(); m94_1_0.src = "min1.png"; m94_1_1 = new Image(); m94_1_1.src = "mia1.png"; var aAnchor_94=0; var aSub_94=0; function mOver_94(id, stat, mImg, mId) { id=id+1; if (id!=aAnchor_94 && id!=aSub_94) { window.document.images[mImg+sIInd].src=mId.src; if (document.all) { document.anchors[id].style.backgroundColor='#0000a0'; document.anchors[id].style.color='#00df00'; }status=stat; } else { status=defaultStatus; } } function mOut_94(id, mImg, mId) { id=id+1; if (id!=aAnchor_94 && id!=aSub_94) { window.document.images[mImg+sIInd].src=mId.src; if (document.all) { document.anchors[id].style.backgroundColor='#0000ff'; document.anchors[id].style.color='#ffff11'; } } status=defaultStatus; } //--></script> </head> <body><!-- body HTML has been deleted by me></body></html> Any suggestions on exactly which code sections to modify ?? Thanks RGPHNX
  19. Hi all,Heres the latest in the browser display problems.Updated my homepage via ftp. -(deleted the old home page in the "www" & "public_html" folders & the ROOT directory "_sgt" & "_sgg" folders..before ftp'ing the update). Verrified that all new homepage updates had the correct "last modified" date (ie. the server was showing the newest version I just updated in all file folders which were previously deleted).Homepage uses HTML with CSS & tables only- no php or anything fancy. The only changes I made to the homepage were the addition of some metatags (ie. <META...>) in the header section.PROBLEM:I get a 404 error (ie. page not found) when attempting to access my homepage using NetscapeNav ver 7.2.IE ver 6 still works just fine.BOTH webbrowsers worked just fine before the update.Have re-uploaded a backed up/previous version of the homepage to the server in an attempt to correct the problem. ..result>> Netscape still can't find my homepage.QUESTION:What's missing/ wrong ??Any guru help appreciatedRGPHNX
  20. Hi Florisjuh,The "Windows Managemnet Instrumentation" is part of the core Operating system files that are installed when you setup/install Windows for the first time.You might be able to "repair" the file if you re-install Windows & choose the "repair" option. Check with Microsoft on how to do this. Am sure you can do it in Win XP... but don't know if Win 98 has a "repair" feature/option on the installation disk.If the problem is with the Win 98 OS .. you might have to update it to Win ME or above to use the "repair" feature.Hope this helps,RGPHNX
  21. Hi unfortunate,Welcome to the forums. Lots of helpful , friendly people here. All types(er...coders..geeks..nerds etc.) of ppl here.. everyone welcome.Enjoy your stay.RGPHNX
  22. Hi all,Heres the latest in the browser display problems.Updated my homepage via ftp. -(deleted the old home page in the "www" & "public_html" folders & the ROOT directory "_sgt" & "_sgg" folders..before ftp'ing the update). Verrified that all new homepage updates had the correct "last modified" date (ie. the server was showing the newest version I just updated in all file folders which were previously deleted).Homepage uses HTML with CSS & tables only- no php or anything fancy. The only changes I made to the homepage were the addition of some metatags (ie. <META...>) in the header section.PROBLEM:I get a 404 error (ie. page not found) when attempting to access my homepage using NetscapeNav ver 7.2.IE ver 6 still works just fine.BOTH webbrowsers worked just fine before the update.Have re-uploaded a backed up/previous version of the homepage to the server in an attempt to correct the problem. ..result>> Netscape still can't find my homepage.QUESTION:What's missing/ wrong ??Any guru help appreciatedRGPHNX
  23. Hi all,The display problem just kinda solved itself..Iev6 started displaying the images correctly on approximately april 20/05... don't know why.. "gremlins" in the machine???.. don't really know.. is a real mystery.I didn't change anything.. no ftp uploads.. no file changes .. nothing.The only thing I can think of ( a real longshot at best) is that it takes some time for the server to propagate & display the pages properly... BUT this should not be so.. in theory.. anyway. Anyway it's still a major mystery. If anyone has a definitive answer( ie you personally have encountered the same or a similar problem elsewhere on another server OR with your webpages).. then.. feel free to PM me. It would be great to know the real answer for sure.Thanks again,RGPHNX
  24. Hi sue/sueconjoice,Welcome to the forums. Lots of nice, friendly, helpful ppl here. The webhosting is EXCELLENT! If you have any questions.. just post a question or shout to the shoutbox... someone is sure to help you out.Enjoy your stay. RGPHNX
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