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Good Grief Graphics

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Everything posted by Good Grief Graphics

  1. I don't think mine has one, I didn't see one whne I installed it. of course... It would be really hard to see.
  2. Never heard of this physics accelerator. Too bad the cell chip probably won't be running windows, but there's a chance for an apple or linux cell processor computer.
  3. Well, Illinois won and Louisville beat washingotn. Duke plays michigan state tonight, I don't know who else plays.
  4. Maybe you could change it to "Freaky hand sig" or something, the title "reviews about my signature" dosen't seem to attract much attention.
  5. I wish I could get ahold of a 3d program other than blender. I can't afford it though, ps is expensive enough.
  6. What? I found the tutorial you used. I don't know what you're saying here. What I try to tell people is that tuts are good for learning some techniques and stuff, but don't rely on them in your work whne you're starting out. That image you posted looks almost exactly like the one done in that tut, try to do something more with it once you've done the tut. Modify it, heck, even try some filters on it. Try fading the filters with different blending modes. (You do that by going to edit>fade... after using a filter, as long as you odn't do anything else first.) Try to do something more with the image.
  7. yeah. I reccomend that you refrain from using the bevel effect on anything if you can help it. It dosen't help with the image at all, just makes it look worse.
  8. Yeah, photoshop cs. I did have 6 for about 2 years, thne I got cs upgrade around christmas.
  9. I usually put "My new work" to tell people that my latest work is posted in that topic. Oh well. Oh, the larger version of this image is HERE. I actually have it at about twice that siz,e but I doubt that anbody wants to see that.
  10. Well, I can't draw worth crap so I use photoshop to express myself.
  11. I get sick of people who just don't get it. They say, "oh that looks cool, 9.5/10 gj," or something like that and they don't even think about anything else. I have to think like an artist, or otherwise I won't have a chance in the graphics world once I start getting into that. It reminds me of an image that colin smith did at photoshopcafe.com. Of course, he did it all in photoshop. http://photoshopcafe.com/tutorials/orbs/orbs.htm
  12. Well, in a sig form as I shrunk it way down and made a sig out of it.
  13. I bought kmart stock at a buck 44 about 2 years ago, and I don't believe that I have any now. I don't remember why, but I think I lost it for osmereason, somethign with the ch 11 bankruptcy.
  14. It dosen't surprise me that some people are creative enough and bored enough to put "easter eggs" of some sort on the die of the chip.
  15. I've had the same problem too. It can be rather funny sometimes.
  16. I think that 80% of our time in school is wasted and we either have no use for it later in life or we forget it and never re-learn it. How do you keep running into walls anyway?
  17. Can't believe there isn't already a topic about this.
  18. I ahve a mini. Its ease of use is unbelievable, the interface is unmatched by anything else I've ever seen or used. The sound quality is far better than this g2 (or s2, whatever it is.) sony cd player I used before it. I have 930 songs on it now, most of my cd collection.I currently am listening to subseven's new cd "free to conquer," zao's cd "legendary," Norma Jean's new cd "Oh' God, the aftermath," As I Lay Dying's cd, and Living Sacrifices cd "Reborn."
  19. You want to prove this? lol... I'm an AMD guy myself, and I have the AMD 64 3500+. I'd say that the AMd procesors may be a better choice for now because they've been around longer, but who knows. Cut what about the multiprocessor cell chip being designed? While it won't be running windows, there's possibilities for an apple or linux machine running it. And of course, it will be on the ps3.
  20. lol, photoshop by far. It's not really a fair comparison, a proffesional level application (photoshop) compared to a product that's made more for the average comsumer.
  21. What the hell are you talking about and where did this bullcrap come from? First of all, I'm not really into pure "abstract" images. My current sig is actually 3d renders from blender, combined in ps. No brushes used, if that's what you see abstract as. I'm not really pissed off yet, but you keep this up and I will be.
  22. *sigh*Some people just can't understand artists/graphics designers. A raindrop in a box could be his view on somethign or a reflection of a mood or somethihng, etc., or it could be some random thing he thought up. Reduce the translucity (Opacity, whatever it is in 3ds.) of the drop and maybe add an ice texture or something, if you want it to look more like it's frozen. I think.
  23. Don't know if you noticed, but there is a one or two pixel white border around it. It's all right, but I'd prefer a different kinf of red for the colors. What is it anyway? looks sort of like screenshots from a website moved around or something.
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