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Good Grief Graphics

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Everything posted by Good Grief Graphics

  1. This was the first sig I ever made. I hate it so much... but it's funny.
  2. All of them combine renders from blender with some stuff from photoshop.
  3. I combined different renders from blender in photoshop to create this. By far the best one I've ever done. Tell me that you think.
  4. That looks a lot better than the sig, I like the colors. What's with all your renders and stuff used in your images looking so crappy and pixely?
  5. USE A DIFFERENT FONTThe second one is the bets one, it's actually pretty decent. The first one, use somehting other than just render>clouds for a background.Don't use windows fonts, the ones that come with windows. At least, not the big ones such as times new romans and arial. (IMpact is good for grunge and some other things though, one of my favorite fonts.)Dang, I haven't played socom 2 in forever.... man.
  6. That sig reminds me of what my first sig looked like. I was going to uplaod it today to make fun of myself, but I forgot. I made this unbelievable abtract 3d sig sunday morning at like 2 am. I used some elements from blender and comined them in ps to... well I guess I'll jsut have to show you guys tomorrow.
  7. I love blender. Well, sort of. I'm starting to figure it out.
  8. Big part of that it because it's a flash player, hard drive players probably wouldn't have survived.
  9. #96 (I think) Search: They try to take a lot of credit for this. First of all, google revolutionized searching, and it should be higher than #96. True, google wasn't the first, but they were the first truly good one.
  10. I used to play that, I never beat it on the expert mode though. Don't they still have that in xp? I haven't checked on my new computer.
  11. Dang I just noticed this too. No forum is complete without an edit button.
  12. For some reason, I found this sentence funny. I'm not sure why though. What would a completed version look like? As in with text? I'd reccomend adding some random text to give a better representation for the people looking at it. Nice job. (I'd rather have the scan lines on the bottom banner thing with your name on it than the madden logo, but I didn't see anything I would change other than that.)
  13. I love blender now that I'm starting to figure it out. It's freakin awesome. Of course, I'd rather have something better, but it's free, so I can't complain.
  14. I use it mostly for web stuff. The best would be any kind of 3d program, the easiest, I'm not sure.
  15. How's it overpriced? $100 for 512 mb flash player is a very good price. Of course, it dosen't have a screen, but not all people need one. I'm happy with my ipod mini, which holds all my songs. (Barely)
  16. There is an edit button, assuming that you're logged in.
  17. I never looked at it like that. It's actually a distorted image of my hand w/ the unsharp mask filter applied before I reduced the size of it.
  18. There are people wh othink they're trying to further their cause in every group but harm it... Yes, there are christians who take things WAY too far, but there are those of us who don't. But if you take a look at that show... The host or whatever of the show said that the group had every right to protest the show. He was admitting that they were right in how the show was.
  19. Don't worry about spamming if you're talking about your Xisto site. I like it, I wish I knew php. It would make things so much easier for me.
  20. I'm assuming that you mean banners as in large images, not small ones. If so, I agree with you. Guys, just calm down, if you tried to make an image in ps and tried to learn it within 30 days, yours would be pretty crappy. Should I go and upload my first sig from 2 years ago and show you what I mean?
  21. I know I saw a sig on clantemplates.com with the exact same font style, or something almost exactly the same. I'm not too much into this style that EVERYONE does now, I try to find something original on my own, something that represents me, not everyone else.
  22. The performance,? What do you mean by that? And yes, I used ps cs. It might look a little better if I had a better camera, but I don't.
  23. what the crap... Oooh the spin and store! It adds audio to the advertisement so you can hear a stupid tv dude explain why you need it. Anyway, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I ddi it about a month ago, kinda cool I guess. I made it look too realistic in some areas though, as I combined 7 images of me to make this.
  24. Take the start thing off, other than that it's pretty good. of course, a 432x638 image isn't a great size for a book cover, do you have it as a larger version?
  25. You can quote on more than one post by clicking on the "quote" button for each post you want to comment on. Plus, I got around the simple little javascript thing easily, and a 500x500 image was 200kb. Not too bad, really, but not great.
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