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Good Grief Graphics

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Everything posted by Good Grief Graphics

  1. I'll have to upload an image I made in my spare time in about 10 minutes. I added a cows head, a pic that came with ps cs, to my body. I matched the colors, grain, and luminosity from the picture that I+ had of me and it actually looks realistic.
  2. I personally am not a fan of images that appear to look like what everyone else is doing at the time. It is well done though, and you placed the text perfectly. I attempt to find my own style. But, that's just me.
  3. I haven't had any problems with the pop-up blocker, maybe you have spyware or osmethign from using ie or downloading something.
  4. I need to completely rethink the way I have my site right now. (adesign.trap17.com)I like the site.
  5. I'm just sticking with photoshop for now. I also can't afford to buy 3ds max or anything anyway, and blender looks too difficult to learn. (I tried for 6 hours and gave up.) Was that logo (the most recent one) done in ps?
  6. I don't know... It's just that usually the only time I can upload things to my site is when I'm at school behind this proxy. I'm at a friends house now and it's working fine.
  7. I need to upload my re-design of my site (adesign.trap17.com), but I can't log in with any ftp program I try. (Filezilla, coreftp lite, aceftp3.) I am attempting to access the ftp behind a socks5 firewall, bess-proxy.tccsa.net using port 7034. For some reason, no matter what I do or try, I can't log into my ftp. I've tried usign all kinds of combinations of different things, and nothing is working. I'd really liek to upload everything, but it appears that I can't.
  8. I'm not into anime art/graphics at all. I don't have a deviantart page, I jsut use my own website. Or rather, will be soon.
  9. I like the effect that using a solid color at the top half or so and a gradient at the bottom gives. I haven't experimented much with text though personally. If it wasn't for the the 3d effect, I believe that it would look too plain and the colors would't go with the image as well. As it is, it is nice. It is true that it dosen't represent the site well however, which can be difficult to do. I may make an attempt at this eventually, but I'm not sure right now.
  10. photoshop (7 or later) would be the best choice, but if you don't have a way of getting it for free or cheap or whatever, then that's not going to work. Adobe Elements 3 would actually probably be the best bet, as it has the healing brush. (Which was introduced in ps 7.) I was bored two nights ago and put a cows head on my body and made it match the rest of the image's luminosity, color, and texture in about 4 minutes. (It was a little grainy from me using the unsharp mask filter to give it a slight grungy look.) Of course, I've been ps for over two years.
  11. Most people use pixel fonts that they downloaded, such as redensek (sp?), pixeldust, porsche911, etc.
  12. Visit my website on thurday or friday when I update it, and I will have 4-5 backgrounds for download, w/ resolutions from 800x600 to 1600x1200.
  13. It could be done in ps if a talented artist used a wacom tablet and had tons of time to spend on it.
  14. You could do that site with two frames. See the way my site works: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I'm not really sure what to tell you though.
  15. lol, even if you use photoshop for 5 years you don't learn everything. I've been using it for two+ years, and I sure as heck don't know everything. To center an image in the center of the canvas, select the entire image (Right click with a selection tool and click "Select all" or go to Select>select all) and then choose the layer you want centered. Clikc on the arrow button and under the properties for that tool (Near the top of the screen) there should be 6 options. One is for horizontal align (Aligns it in the middle of the selection from left to right), and another is vertical align, which aligns it in the middle, from top to bottom. "I hope I could help you... I have one doubt... I can't mix two layers... I mean... I want to make two layers become one can I do it? Because I always have to use Corel Photo-paint to do it " If you mean merging layers, in photoshop, either link the layers you want to merge together, or make those two the only layers that are visible. Then go to layer>merge visible or layer>merge linked. There are shorter ways to do that, but that should get you started. By merging, I mean combining the information of two layers together, with how it looks varying according to the layers blending modes. I hope I helped somewhat, I may have just confused some of you even more. When I upload my re-design to my Xisto site (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) by wednesday or thursday, I will probably have some basic tutorials on it.
  16. The diagram has to be deceiving in some way so that the two triangles appear to have the same slope without having the same slope.
  17. Internet Explorer dosen't show transparency in png files correctly. IE users see a gray background.
  18. yes, firefox is the best. I didn't even notice that it was a png, I thought it was a jpg with the same bg color at first.
  19. Not bad considering you used a mouse for it. I stayed away from drawing in ps because I only had a mouse, but I got a tablet now so I may start drawing some here soon.
  20. I absolutely love the intuos 3 6"x8" wacom tablet I just got... w00t!
  21. Yes, that font is impact, one of my favorite fonts. (seen here in this sig)
  22. That's the point of me making these... I have no problem with that, and thanks.
  23. That's the one thing I don't like about the site, that the sides draw away from the main area of the site where all the information is. Other than that, nice.
  24. If you have cs or ps 7, (Or elements 3) I'd reccomend using the healing brush instead of the blur tool for blending in the eye. It does look a little blurry, liek it lost texture after you blurred it.
  25. Didn't hear about this, I have been kind of out of the news for a while, as I haven't had electricity since wednesday and still don't. This sounds like it was kind of bad though. I guess having a really bad ice storm is better than getting killed by water.
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