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Good Grief Graphics

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Everything posted by Good Grief Graphics

  1. IE and Firefox usually downsize the image so you can see it.
  2. I suppose I could make a simple tutorial on textures. The short verison is I used two pictures of a wall in one of my bathrooms (It has a cool texture and look to it.) and put them over the image of the knife, set the blending mode to either soft light or overlay. I also used the unsharp mas filter on the knife image with settings of 500% and about 190 pixels. I then went to edit>fade unsharp mask filter and the blending mode of luminosity, so the colors wouldn't look bad.
  3. We need an edit button. Better to show the image than the url.
  4. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ If anyone wants this sig with their name on it, just tell me and I'll have it to you by monday or tuesday.
  5. Just as a question...The renders I have that look liek the wallpapers 3d renders have been made in blender by taking an icosphere that was subdivided several times and beveled, and putting a material and tex on it with a displacement. How were those renders created? I've been trying to figure this out on my own.
  6. I like the idea adn the way that it was executed in the image. Nice job. lol, I don't see a man though...
  7. I don't think that there were enough visitors through the tk url. My site url is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, but I haven't updated it in a long time. I plan on making a redesign here soon using that banner image.
  8. Trust me, I already knew this. I have 2 gb, and if I ask for the next level ill have 3 gb. No problems so far, I've been fine. I made the background. I guess I just saw it as easy because I'm used to doing that kind of stuff.
  9. I didn't do much work on this at all: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. ahh this stuff too: without the text and lines: Then I found that when doubling it, ahh you can see what I mean, it looks like osme weird temple or something. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Actually this is more abstract 3d than tech 3d.
  11. I changed it some. Tell me what you think.
  12. I mean the first and the last quotation marks.
  13. google search for "allinurl: "nph-proxy.pl"" without the last two quotation marks. Alternately, replace the last part with "npho-proxy.cgi"
  14. That's how I came up with the name "Accidental Design." I made an interesting image by accident. I think it was the first time I used the unsharp mask filter on really high settings. It looks a lot like a clouds filter then a chrome and then a radial blur to me. You came up with it in a different way, but that's cool. Hey, try using a gaussian blur of 3 pixels, or maybe 4, and then going to edit>fade gaussian blur and set the blending mode to "lighten." It wouldn't really go well with this kind of image, but it's just a really interesting effect. I'd personally reccomend using osmething other than the same font for the bottom part, it's asking for an italic or cursive font.
  15. the third one is the first version of the first one, i had another rneder on thje right side. I wasn't going for a cartoonish mountain look as much on this one like I did for the first one.The last one I just put my logo I came up with on it. It has a 1 px white boreder btw, dosen't show up on these forums though. (It looks really cool with a black bg) I need a better logo, but I haven't been able to come up with something better yet.
  16. Dang it forgot to add my comment. WHERE DID THE EDIT BUTTON GO.I like it, it's interesting and I would wear it.
  17. I LOVE threadless. I've been wanting the rubber band hand t-shirt for a while now.
  18. What is the blend portal system? Do you have a larger version?
  19. Looking at it on the forum it dosen't look so great, but going to your site, I like the splash page a lot.
  20. It's hard to ocme up with somethign good when you have no creativity. I usually grab my good ol' masters of photoshop 2 book or a cmyk magazine and look through it for a while.
  21. NEED EDIT BUTTON!!! I hope to make a living as a graphics designer in the future, It's kind of hard to do that at the age of 15. I wouldn't even know where to start if I wanted to get a job in this field of work.
  22. ahh somethign I forgot to say earlier: I'm one of those many people who hope to make a living as a graphics designer. This tech stuff (Such as this sig in this topic.) isn't what I'm best at nor what I like the best to do. I prefer to have more artistic work. But anyway, typography is one of the most important aspects of graphics. If the type takes away from the est of thei mage or distracts the viewer from the main point of the image, then the artist has failed in that area. It is very difficult to find a balance. I believe that the font I used and the way I used it blended in with thei mage perfectly, but yet, not too much. While most of you are used to seeing signatures and everything, I'm used to seeing cd packaging art from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, work in magazines such as CMYK or Computer Arts magazine. I'll upload the new version tomorrow, but I'm not changing the text.
  23. trap17 is now blocked by one of the two proxies used by my school that runs through the N2H2's filters. (lol, although few people know there's more than one and how to switch.)It was blocked as "E-Commerce." This means that there's a decent chance that it will be blocked under the other filtyer at school, and I will have to use a cgi proxy to access Xisto. I'm hoping that I won't have to, but it would really suck if I had to. Is there any way that Xisto could be taken off of that list? N2H2 also blocks free webhosting, but trap hasn't been blocked under that. I'm just wondering if there's any way that trap could be taken off of the list. It sure would be nice to know that I wouldn't have to worry about not being able to access this site.
  24. My name in games is BACKSNIPER (On clantemplates.com also)I played socom and socom 2, that's the name I used.
  25. The newer version has color. The text I made to blendi n with the image, but not too much.
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