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Good Grief Graphics

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Everything posted by Good Grief Graphics

  1. Not that those headlines are really going to keep those young kids away.
  2. yeah I know, but I've had some issues at that site before, they just don't understand.
  3. did you have 98 1st or 2nd edition? 1st wasn't so good, but the second one was pretty good.
  4. I've read this in half the topics I've looked through it seems.
  5. The driver issues with xp were insane.And yes, it is too user-friendly. If that's what you call a search dog (I want to shoot the stupid thing, but fortunately I can choose not to see it.) and a beginners-oriented interface.
  6. CF cards aren't going to be cheap in the big sizes, I think they're up to 8gb now, butr at some incredibly high crazy price, something like $1000. (Made for photographers.) And the mini can't be much bigger, and the interface is probably a million times better, as well as the sound quality and software.ROFLMAO I have seen so many errors in this topic... lol oh man. ok. First of all, the ipod is a hard drive based music player, the formats it accepts include mp3, aac, wav i think, and some of the other big ones. (Some, for obvious reasons.) I believe I read someone saying that the ipod had a bad interface or something liek that, hard to use, and trust me, it is a marvel of engineering. If it wasn't for the poor battery life, (especially on the minis, of which I have one and wouldn't give it up for anything.) I would declare ipod's perfect. The main format that the ipod uses, aac, (.m4u, mpeg4 audio) sounds at 128 kbps the same as an mp3 player at 196kbps. Not only that, but the ipods sound quality is beaten by a very select few players, one of them being the creative zen micro if I remember right. (ratio of noise to something, can't remember in detal.) And I have about 400 mb left on my mini, I will be able to end up putting 1100 songs on it, which is plenty for me. The ipod is simply better than anything else out there, with the possible exception of the creative zen micro being better than the ipod, but that depends on what source you read.
  7. You must have messed something up then. I have known about this for a long time, I just never bothered to put it in until now. Trust me, if you do it right, it will help a lot.
  8. Quick fix for that, right-click on desktop, properties, appearance, windows and buttons pull down menu thing, windows classic stlye. I personally use the silver version of the xp one, but I HATE that green start button. That one thing ruins it all for me.
  9. For all of you who want to buy it: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Came across it on a site that was on a site off of that april fools day joke sites topic. So whyme, I don't think that this shirt of yours will be printed by threadless.
  10. Well of course you don't want seeing someone you knew for years or to see a loved one go through all that torment, anguish, etc, and then have them keave you for some years. And for many, they can't be assured ofseeing that person again, unfortunately.
  11. I like your graphics and I always have, although they're not something I would make use of personally. It's just that for someone to come out and say "1/10, looks like some microsoft clip art placed on an image off of the internet" or whatever it was, just strikes me as wrong. I spent about 12-13 hours on that image actually, with 2/3 of it deciding how to finish it after most of the hard stuf was done. The tattoo part alone took about 8 layers and 4 hours to get as close as I what I wanted it to be. At least they didn't complai n about that, they just didn't like the picture and the "clipart" heart. Of course my attention to detail in some things were overloocked, because they didn't see them. I suppose that could be a good thing, but maybe not. I just posted another message there, some things I forgot to put in my last post there.
  12. I know, lol. Don't take everything serious, especially if it involves warm and fuzzy admins or websites.
  13. My guess is that it would help a little, but not much.And if you're reading this and not doing it, then you are missing out on a serious speed increase.
  14. I DIDN'T EVEN GET 1/10's ON MY FIRST-EVER IMAGE IN PHOTOSHOP. I've never even SEEN 1/10's EVER given to ANYONE. They take an artistic image and break it down, finding "faults" because it dosen't fit their view of graphics design. It's liek communism ,or socialism, or whatever the crap kind of system that dosen't like things that dosen't think their way. Kinda puts me in a bad mood for the weekend.
  15. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Some people just don't have a clue. Oh, I'm backsniper in the topic, the name I used when I started playing socom online. Haven't done that in a while. I view it more as art, who knows how they see it.
  16. Oh, and if I read what you said and comprehended it right, t ocompensate for the ;arge glow going outside of the image, you could have gone to image>canvas size and increased the size of the bg (canvas, in a way) so that it wouldn't have been cut off.
  17. AA would stand for anti-aliasing, whcih is used on text in photoshop. Basically, it would mean smoothing out the ruogh areas, the blocky areas.64mb of ram with photoshop? Wow. I was barely able to do some things on ps6 when I had my older 450 p3 w/ a crappy 15" monitor and 128 mb of ram.
  18. It dosen't exactly make me feel warm and fuzzy, but I guess that's just me. The idea for the site has come together very well, A free hosting sight supported by ads which are clicked on by the large ocmmunity. Have you ever noticed how many guests are on the forums at one time? If we got most of them here, that would be pretty sweet.
  19. *Sigh*What would we all do without computers?I go as much graphics design as I can. I also mess around with Blender when I'm not in a creative mood.
  20. for number 2, any palm pilot or something like that would come close, with a stylus instead of a finger. True, kind of far away, but the palm and windows ce machines are pretty capable now. on number 3, If you call it a remake, then you have to call every gaming system (with the exception of perhaps the x-box) made today a re-make, going all the way back to pong , maybe. It's a gaming console, not much you can change to make it completely different than any other gaming console.
  21. What? LOL!!! I didn't see that last sentence until after I posted my post. You've actually never had any problems with a microsoft product? Ever used internet explorer? I would hope you'd see some problems there. Never had the blue screen of death? I've seen it on every operating system back to win 95. (Both versions of win 98 too.) I can't remember if I've seen it on xp though. If you truly have never had any problems with microsoft products, then you are one of a very very select few. Consider yourself warned. Oh, and to those of you who were debating over the phrase "lol" in the vent forum, I actually did literally laugh out loud.
  22. They were originally going to put a new file system into longhorn, which I was looking foward to to see what that would turn out like, but I believe they're delaying that.
  23. It's tough to gte good at if you don't have the time. I've been using ps for about 2 1/2 years now, still don't know everything in the progrtam itself.
  24. Yes you can have a dual-boot system running both windows and linux. Linux would have its own partition on the hard drive however, xp couldn't read it, and it works the other way around too. Kinda tricky to install I think, actually I was planning on doing it, but I never got around to it.
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