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Everything posted by Tetraca

  1. I'm sorry but I don't like monotonous stupid tasks + bad graphics + dinky window in a browser + java + bad sound. That does not equal a fun game for me. It's not even a game of your skill like Duke Nukem or Half Life or GunZ. It's a dumb little game based entirely on a random number generator. That's idiotic.
  2. WARNING: The following text has spoilers. Be warned. Chuck Norris facts are a plauge on the internet. I can't go one page on the ultimate showdown website without some stupid chuck norris statement. Luckily I haven't seen any for a while on slashdot after a comment on the Ultimate Showdown movie about Mr. Rogers in a blood stained sweater(the one who wins the ultimate showdown)
  3. In a situation like that, you should just tell them flat out. Telling him you're straight or something like that would just anger him in the end if you are gay.
  4. I'm not talking about faux paus old ladies with fur coats that get terrorised by PETA throwing blood on them. I'm talking about using fur survival and not fashion. I would never buy a fur coat just for the hell of it. If I were in a situation where winter is steadily approaching and I'm lost in the wilderness with nothing but a pocketknife and I know I have little chance of rescue, I'd skin an animal to stay warm. That is what I meant.
  5. That would probably be the end of human society - when we make machines that can think for themselves. Prepare for the matrix!
  6. Opera is free. Just download and install. I'm an ameteur web developer and thus have all three major web browsers - Opera, Firefox, and Internet Explorer on my computer. Browsing with IE is so insecure it's like blasting water(viruses and malware) at swiss cheese(your IE browser). Firefox and Opera are much more secure, near popupless(but in both you can refuse popups completely, unlike IE), and near malware inpenetrable. Firefox is the most extensible, but not as functional as Opera Beta 9 - Mail Client(all protocols), IRC client, Bittorrent client(with UDP protocol), notes, the ability to identify as any of the three major browsers, content blocker(remove flash ads in pages) etc. Firefox, though has the ability to be just as functional through its huge amount of extensions. With both their strengths, I feel that Opera is better because it follows HTML standards better than Firefox, though no browser follows them 100% And what's funny is Opera is only a 3MB download - nothing compared to IE or Firefox, yet twice as functional.
  7. Here is the only advice you'll need: Don't by from Dell, their customer service sucks, their PCs are low grade, and they're as advanced as a two year old computer. I've heard problems with Acer and their Laptops, but I've never owned an Acer.
  8. People say apple made the first GUI, just as some say DOS was the first OS for MCs(Microcomputers - Any computer with a microprocessor basically). Either way both are wrong. Apple made the first popular GUI(Mac OS, though the Lisa preceded it), and Gary Kildall made the first OS for MCs(CP/M).Xerox PARC actually created the first GUI on a called the Alto in 1973. Then they came up with the Xerox Star, which is the first to have desktop metaphors - images that relate to real world objects in 1981, two years before the Lisa.Tabbed Dialogs are also not an original idea. IBM's OS/2 had the first tabbed dialogs. Also, Apple's Dock and the Windows taskbar were borrowed from RISC OS.Apple isn't so innovative after all...
  9. Tetraca

    The Anti Mac

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ These people are out to create a GUI that does not use the standard WIMP interface. It's theoretical, but could we make a GUI that doesn't follow the standard interface poineered by Xerox Parc?
  10. Those were civil rights movements by the underdog. Is America the underdog in this conflict? I think not. Right now Iraq isn't a threat. It's the insurgents that we're trying to help remove. Saddam tortured his people simply for being Shiah. So, you wouldn't stick up for those killed for simply being part of a different sect of a religion? You wouldn't stick up for those black men and women hurt by apartheid in South Africa? Last time I checked US soliders weren't pulling Haditha's left and right. It's the terrorists, insugents, and former military of saddam brought by our presence in Iraq that's killing the innocent.
  11. Well, since I already used another host, I was in search of another free host that could match the deal of the previous. I googled and I found Xisto, which offered what I needed.
  12. You need a whole server app to run in the background for HTTPS. Xisto would need to install it. Use a Yahoo or Ebay store if you want a secure transaction.
  13. Okay do this:For each of the links, copy and paste a nonesense word(not anything like a single letter or a word in the code). Go into your editor, and in the edit menu, click find & replace. Type in your nonsense word in the find box, the target="_blank" in the other. If you don't want to deal with this consider using MySQL.
  14. Always make sure the floppies you use when flashing a BIOS are fresh. Your system could be messed if there is a floppy I/O error caused by an overused floppy. Also ME can make a boot diskette. NT Series Windows cannot(NT/2000/XP)
  15. I'm sorry to hear that. . Though the only pets I've lost were some fish, so I can really feel for you, though. It's not really sad when you lose a goldfish since there was little redeeming value for me from having them as a pet.
  16. Dang. I can't see the image. But man, that is one of the funniest things I've seen since today's photoshop phriday!
  17. Hurting anything for fun is not only sick, but shows you have an underlying psychotic illness you need to fix either by psychology or dianetics(if you believe in it).There's nothing wrong with killing animals for necessities such as fur or meat, but just for fun isn't right.
  18. Not really a problem after win9x. Microsoft removed a lot of the crap that plauged it in the olde age.
  19. There are no sites that offer free .com names. You can however get other domains for free - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ gives you .tk domains for free and http://freedns.afraid.org/ gives you very authentic looking domains, but your site will really be on a subdomain - us.to and uk.to come to mind. The free .be domain is not offered anymore.
  20. Try Damn Small Linux if you really want a compact distro. Fedora is bloated. FreeBSD is hardcore UNIX. Debian's Packaging system sucks. Gentoo is the fastest(or claims to be).
  21. Center the front page with the google ads so they can go well together. Also don't use "content" in the main header of the front page. Put something more descrpitive.
  22. If people really want to run windows apps with linux they should try WINE. That way you don't have to have windows but keep using windows apps, though for every product you can buy for windows there is and equal open source alternative for linux. The only place I've seen this not apply is Macromedia Flash 8, and games that are not open source. I reccomend Fedora Core for newbs even though it is bloated. But, FreeBSD is my favorite UNIX style OS.
  23. Oh man...that is so true. Never have I seen more incomptent CSS designers in my entire life. The CSS at some of these Myspace profiles are so hrribly malformed they'll crash your computer if you're using IE, and in any other browser your box will crash.Example: https://myspace.com/browser
  24. Though they will have the same graphics initially, I think the 360 will be crippled in the long run with Microsoft's choice not to use Blu-ray or HD-DVD technology. The PS3 thus has more capability of outputting better games in the long run.
  25. When I worked on a design for PTKFGS(failed idea for parody of YTMND) I used images heavily. However, that design is lost, and looks worse than my XHTML only sites. Sites I made expirimenting and applying images were appauling. That was actually for sarcasm. I could have made it ton's better. I actually have Fireworks. OS Advocacy's and Infrosoft's logo was made via fireworks. They aren't meant for PocketPC. OS Advocacy's fixed length design wouldn't even let it fit onto the PocketPC screen. I get a few visitors for each site - infrosoft has a small amount of recurring visitors - around 21 according to the qbtop50 counter. With the exception of Something Bad, OS Advocacy and Infrosoft are more about the content and are meant for more intelligent visitors. According to a poll on one of my sites it's better than the old graphical Mkportal I used before. If you look at Phatcode, you'll see it's pretty bland, but its content and active forums make it have a decent amount of hits(look at the bottom right corner of the page). I'll see what I can do with your suggestion, but I don't know how much I can do with Infrosoft, but I can do tons with OS Advocacy.
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