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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. Hey I've always wondered about dreaming... it's fascinating!I believe it's because the mind is still sorting all your recent experiences... The mind can never fully shut off; so for some reason when it's processing these thoughs / memories you can "see" them, or parts of them.I think (remembering biology) the memories are held in organic parts of the brain, where links and new organic parts are made whenever a new memory is made. Over time these could fade or be built up to become more of a "permanent memory". I think it is the brain building up the organic "memory" parts overnight, and since it's going through them all to build the memories up, you see some of this brain sorting activity..Just an idea!

  2. Okay, It's great to see so many people already in ;), I'll add a bit of info!!

    Jim, Staff members can enter!! I really don't mind who does this, and the more people the better! Just I can only award the credits if you're hosted, otherwise we'll get people losing 40 or so creds when they activate, and possibly spammers coming in just for the creds!! If you're a staff member you can still do everything as normal and then when you send me the final e-mail feel free to say if you want the creds or not...! I'll announce winnners as I get them!


    At the end, if you complete the credit quest :) you will be asked to e-mail me some details, and so I'll have a list of the people to complete in order... that's how I'll decide the two winners, the first to complete the challenge! Don't worry I'll look in my spam inbox too :)


    This challenge will require Lateral thinking at every stage, so think outside the box. It's quite easy when you know what to do, so working out where to go next is the tricky and the fun :P part!!

    Don't take anything in this challenge literally!! there is one part where it is obvious, the bit on trap history, but that's the only straightforward thing, once you have the answer ;)


    If anyone can PM me when they think they've got past any tricky bits, please do! It's great to be able to see how far people are getting. I can also keep tabs on the current running winners, and on any overtakers!


    Oh year, one important thing, please don't post any solutions or hints about the challenge when it's going! think about your post and if it will give anyone reading it an advantage. It's okay in a PM to me though! This is pretty obvious, but I thought I'd say it anyway!


    See ya at 6 :)

  3. Right... so I've seen so many competitions recently and this gave me an idea. I'm going to host a 100 credit challenge.

    Now, I hope that you will take part. It requires nothing from you, except you're brain!!!


    The challenge has started!!!

    The starting Link is up go here.


    Finding the password (one word, all lower case) is the first challenge! the clue is shown on the page there... Nothing to do with Xisto at all... think completely outside the box!


    Don't get me wrong, it will be a very difficult quest. But then again, with over 3 months free hosting credits *of my own!* being given away, it deserves to be a challenge. Mighty hordes of good luck to you all :)


    The first two people who I recieve the finishing e-mail from (final clue will require you sending an e-mail somewhere with an answer) and who send me a CORRECT answer, will recieve the credits. I will only award the prizes to Hosted Members, but you are welcome to do the challenge if you are not and get hosted quickly - I will wait a day or so on your request and if you're hosted by then, you can have the credits (provided you're first or second ofc!!!).

    Right... The challenge will include some tricky lateral thinking exercises, a couple of tests on your ability to find helpful things on the net and a quiz-style question on Xisto history. All the information you need is there somewhere.. you just have to put two-and-two together! You may need some additional software sometime during the challenge! Most people will already have something for this purpose, but there are many different free trials of programs around if you need it.. google it!


    Thanks to SM for helping me develop and test this challenge, and NEITHER of us will give ANY clues or help to any one member.


    Moderators and trap staff MAY have a go! Opaque and BH if you're up for a challenge and have a rare spare moment, this challenge is perfect!!! there's nothing stopping everyone from doing it, and you can tell me in the final winning e-mail if you want to recieve the credits or not (if not you will be a named winner and the next quickest person will win the credits :) )


    Please don't cheat this challenge. I've tried to make it pretty solid, but nevertheless I'm relying on the honesty of us Trapees :)


    First prize: 70 credits

    Second prize: 30 credits

    Secret Booby prize!: 15 credits

    We have official winners: see my post a bit lower down for some comedy details!... 1. serverph 2. Tramposch 3. Watermonkey

    See below for spoiler answers and some clues if you still want to do the challenge yourself, although don't look at the spoilers if you wanna give this a go! it's too easy when u know what to do!

  4. Seriously, the number of topcs exactly the same over xbox 360 or ps3 or wii is stupid. No-one is getting anything out of such topics here at the trap, and everytime a new person seems to register, a new topic seems to show up. These are always "I can't decide on xbox of ps3 help?" Blah!Now come on, PLEASE stop making these topics. Do your own research, instead of for the sake of posting and simply get whichever one you want. After all it's your choice in the end!! Post a nice detailed review if you really want to help people out and help yourself with more credits as well. All three are fun and after all if a console is fun, it is good. So get the one you enjoy, don't just blag a topic and try and keep it going...Idiots.

  5. I sense this thread has died pretty quick because you're gaining many credits from it...

    Make way for Jimmy's challenge to be released shortly... Watch the forums for a new challenge thread.

    total prize is 100 credits from my bank, maybe first an second place, who knows!


    In order to make it fair, the thread will be open for about a day or so until I actually post the challenge at a given time. This will mean most people will get to start at the same time - look out!

    It will be tricky, I'm not holding back on this lateral thinking and Xisto history exercise, but since the prize is three months free hosting and you lose nothing of your own, I hope you'll all participate!!!

  6. You know how people should know I'm an idiot? Well first on that funnyjunk thing I actually sat thru most of those and read pretty much all of them. Then, when I got to the end I saw the mail to a friend... I wanted to.. But before I had a chance I had automatically closed the tab, you know, like on impulse, since the site was So annoying.
    So INSTEAD I click undo close tab to get back the mail to a friend for and had to go through them again!!!!! (I didn't wanna close ff as I had other important tabs :E) Lol how annoying... I did get the form in the end :)

    And also discoveryvip doesn't blink for me.. ff quirks? It's not as annoying as http://www.dokimos.org/ajff/

  7. Lol Zac, that screen is pretty hard to read :D Laser surgery is nice, if you can afford it!!! The technology is pretty much perfected, so extremely-low-risk correction... It's more likely using contact lenses all the time would damage ur eyes in the long term! (why I still wear contacts... :lol:)

  8. Awesome :lol: tanks for the good review! I'll be sure to watch this one v. soon =p If it beats Bruce Alm. that would be so damn funny, anchorman and bruce (and shaun of the dead!!!) were top notch comedies, I hope this one is up there on the same level!

  9. @ renaissance, the link to review for the one I posted does go over battery life as well :lol: - They found about 10-15 percent battery time was lost depending on low-high speed, but it's not too much of an issue... I mean, considering if your laptop is sitting on this thing, then it's probably gonna be plugged in at ur desk, or if the cooling system wasn't USB to save battery power, you'd have to plug that in instead, making absolutely no difference!!!Also, the one I looked at has an on/off switch and is sizable enough for 17" screens.Would be useful for anyone considering a laptop cooler...

  10. Haha, loved the poll =pAs of about 3 hours ago, my room was amazingly clean and tidy... but before, now that's a completely different story!!!It was like a tornado struck land, so I decided to vote for that.I have a system: I let my room get really untidy (just untidy, not disgusting sorta thing with old indian takeaway boxes or things like that :lol: ), and then when I kinda can't bear it anymore I completely go over it and re-organise everything :DWorks like a charm, and I don't have to burn hours cleaning all the time!

  11. Hmmm alienware are good, but were you looking at the sentia?The graphics chip on that is "Intel? GMA 950 Extreme Graphics" as faras I know it's not a great card/chip...Yt it has got a 7.1 channel audio card... (odd, considering the graphics!)I may be wrong about that GFX card being bad, but alienware gets quite pricey once you customise it to how you like :lol: I made a ?5000 dream laptop, from getting carried away!

  12. Happy birthday to the Trap! 3 years and still flowing as strong as ever...If the quality of members is something to go on, this place will still be running at top notch every year, I can't wait!And I have to say, a HUGE thank you Opaque, for making this place possible, and running so well... I was going to start a topic for thanking Opaque and BH and all the mods and Xisto staff for running this place so good, but once again you're all one step ahead :lol: - I bet you agree, there can never be too many threads thanking you!!Congrats And A Great 3rd B-day (I suspect, for some reason, this thread will be a hit!!! :D )

  13. I see, your going for a sorta matrix conspiracy theory! :lol: one I personally quite like.Of course it possible, and I've often wondered if something is "dodgy" about reality as we know it... but then again it is also possible to be anything else. I say, forget whether we might have been placed here, and simply be greedy: take our sense of reality for granted. That way you can make of it what you want!

  14. I am having forum trouble in phpbb. Whenever I go to post something or add someone to a group or anything else, I get an error that looks like this:Could not find email template file :: topic_notify


    Line : 111
    File : emailer.php

    The email template thing changes but the Line 111 and File emailer.php are always the same. It's getting really annoying. Can anyone help me with this?

    is it possible you've been hacked?:
    I mean, someone trying to abuse the php to spam? I had a topic on php vulnerabilities in bad scripts that spammers were using...

    other than that try moving emailer.php around!
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