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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. i just now remember that there is a MATRIX movie floating around the internet, PAINSTAKINGLY RENDERED IN ASCII. :P i've seen only a brief sample clip, and it was awesome to behold the results. :D i was not able to download and view it in full, since the file was TOO BIG to download (and i've got dialup connection until now :D ). the file, as i remember, cannot even fit on a standard DVD, so you can just imagine how long it would take me to download that. :P

    That is absolutely awesome!!! Thanks so much for that.I'm a fan of the matrix so love it... I have got the bittorrent for the Entire movie in full sound and colour :D:lol::D :D
    4.5GB... I'm sure itll be finished in no time :P The dude has released a re-formatted version that now does fit on a dvd!
    On another note, do you know a good torrent program (i.e. one that doesnt install spyware and adware all over my pc!)

  2. SM, I know that you've said you don't want anything to do with taking the laptop apart, but I think it might be your best option... my old hp laptop (not old, but older!) had a power problem, so after much worrying I decided to have a look. It doesn't change anything and you don't have to touch any metal parts to worry about static discharge at all

    Honestly you're best option would be to clean the fans... It doesn't take anything and is free... It's surprisingly easy to clean 'em:


    Just turn the laptop upside down and put it flat on a table (with a towel to stop it scratching or whatever)

    undo the 5 or so screws holding the base plate off and carefully lift it off.

    get a cotton bud and clean the fans... I probably wouldn't blow them as teh dust would just go everywhere, but whatever you feel like :lol:

    bear in mind also that this would be quicker than waiting for a new cooler and having another thing to get working and keep with the laptop...


    OK if that's not your thing I think the zalman cooler would be a good thing to get... it's only ?30 and I can say it is built well... none of those annoying creaks. (considering it's aluminium - comes in black or silver, whichever suits your comp better...)

    Also, it's the right size for up to 17" screen, not many other ones are!

    A quick google for a place to buy sent me here: Zalman cooler See Review


    Posted Image


    This is it... it may also be good for a slight tilt in the keyboard of the laptop... I'm thinking I might save up and get one, I could use it right now :D

    (another bonus about this one is that, apparantly, the fans are nice and quite too, looking at reviews!)

  3. I think that'd be a freakin' awesome idea. There just aren't enough co-op campaign games, especially for WWII.

    I agree with you, in fact I've been searching long and hard for co-op games. I'd be soo happy even if they only did a remake of cod2 with co-op support...

    it's great that you like :lol: it'd be like the frenzy of a paintball skirmish, with people getting shot around you... In your own home!!! Do you have any possible ideas to improve this before I put it forward to someone?!!! :D


    Hey I just came up with this thinking.. of course the voice feature of the xbox/PS3 (I like xbox though!) would go alongside it so you could chat / make a strategy, maybe there could be an option to make all the voices sound like theyre coming through a field radio... Not so you can't understand it of course, but to make it sound more like you're in the action... Maybe if someone talks and bullets go past them, it should go through the radio too? I think that would make a really good experience? <-- Is this any good

  4. I used to do a lot of ascii art. I still do a little, but it can be very time consuming to do something impressive, and I don't have that much time anymore.

    Nice cangor :lol: I havn't actually tried any myself... I always thought of, but sorta gave up!!That is a nice idea sev, doing something in colour and life size... I bet not meny people have thought of goiing in that direction with it! Life like ascii art!? Hmmm I might see what i think of it!
    I know what you mean about the novelty factor, but maybe I can get some good stuff before it fades :D

    How about start a ascii competition (ofc with only work done by the people submitting)? maybe get some ideas together with a credit prize or something... could be popular!

  5. Maybe you had accidentally checked search uk only (or another region) by accident...As unlikely as you may think checking that little button is, it happened to me the other day without even noticing or going anywhere near that button!I was rejoycing cos our page had, within hours, moved from top of 3rd page to second hit!!So I sent my friend an email saying the good news, searched again and we were back down :D - then i realised what had happened!!!Don't fret it man, just take it in your stride and be patient.. if everything's right, you'll be up there no time :lol:

  6. I don't think I feel like explaining my viewpoint about this atm (although be assured, I have one!!!) But I would like to disagree that old age would stop a criminal from killing again...There are so many weapons nowadays that this is really stupid. One, for example: Are they too old to hold a (light) crossbow - and yet deadly, they can even repeat shots - and point it at someone? If they are truly a murderer, then they woould have no problem killing with it... How is age going to affect that! They should either be given life sentence until death or be spared the suffering in jail before that. Many convicts or murderers agree that jail is worse. Now I only think life till death or death penalty should be given in the case that someone is a true murderer... e.g. they enjoy it, feel no remorse, and would probably do it again. No way should this be allowed.Oh look, I have already rambled on, but at least it wasn't too long :lol:EDIT: Actually I quite agree with you sniped :D we may as well get something good out of them!!!, but I'm sure many people wouldn't be happy with them being so free roaming or the high risk of them coming back again. I think the main reason for the death penalty would be to prevent this in the long run... Maybe donate their organs off to hospitals globally as there is a shortage of those, that really are needed to save lives...

  7. Serverph, have you got any samples of your "long lost art" work? I'd be interesed to see if you've got something good that you actually kept!


    Mermaid, you are right, it's definitely cheating! I think some of the better ones I have had people show me are made themselves, as, of course, using a program will have mixed results. It really depends on the image you use and so you need a picture of what you want in the first place!!! (not too hard with google, but hey, take pride in your own work :lol: )


    Posted Image

  8. I'm sorry to be able to say this after you saying how long it would take, but it's kinda relevant :lol: so don't blame me!It's easy as pie with any of the wide range of free programs available. Came across one the other day. Of course you'd have to use a source image and turn up the contrast as far as it'll go to help it along, but the result is still the same...sorry :D

  9. I just thought it would be very useful to resurrect this by posting in it again - I just saw on the news that american scientists have developed a 96+% efficient wireless electricity. They expect it to be available to consumers in about a year. It uses the electromagnetic frequencies and works within about a 2m range. There is a large copper antenna that can be put in a wall or table, somewhere subtle, and small devices such as a phone or ipod can have a small coil inside to simply charge as you use them!Granted, 2m doesn't sound breathtaking, but I really do expect this to get bigger as they develop it!...

  10. Yup, I have to say being able to stop time is my all great #1, flying is good an all, but it would get a little boring after a while, also some issues at high altitude, and people taking you down when you're on the ground... I mean stopping time you could do anything! (even take a super-secret government jet out for a test run! Trouble would be... how could you stop time for all other living objects, without actually stopping any objects from moving, or you being able to interact with them? or anyone else that has been stopped for that matter?Still, would be awesome :lol:^~--Time King--~^

  11. To anyone wanting to get the install file: just go to the directory of that link as they've renamed the install file. You'll be able to see the index and get the right one from there!


    In here!!!:



    Be careful as it overwrites your install of FF2 should you be using it!


    I have done some screen copies to show FF2 and IE7 Differences... IE is truly shocking! the IE7 was a default install, shilst I have a couple of addons for FF2 - (Siteadvisor, LORI site request timer, FireFTP) - none of which should affect the page!


    These are the results:


    FF2: Posted Image

    ( Notice how Xisto is #1 in my bookmarks toolbar :lol: )


    IE7: Posted Image

  12. I loved the first socom and the second. It was mostly for their tactical realism and the large maps The multiplayer was an absolute blast too!But now with the xbox 360 in my house, I suddenly remembered socom! So, are there any good (realistic) tactical shooters around similar to the ideas of socom available for xbox 360, or any for release soon? (Not clancy's rainbow!)I doubt there are any with the headset voice control - that was an awesome feature!!!! even though many said it didn't work... But any shooters that are realistic?Thanks

  13. Call of Duty 2 on x.360 live service.It is by far the most FUN game I have played and I have been going with it for ages (since I got the console it's been practically my only game)World of Warcraft is break even, although I havn't had the time to play it recently, and since I've been playing that game for yonks now it's getting tiring. NOT BORING, simply tiring. I'm so addicted I just keep playing it lol!Two top-notch games right there...

  14. Yep, it's all the same. We are being decieved. Organic is really not that great, except it costs the end consumer more and allows them to buy more fancy, elaborate plastic packaging with more ink wasted printing on them.It's like those hundreds of thousands of plastics, bottles, cans, metals that are being sent for recycling and instead are getting dumped in landfill!!Don't believe me?... Since the government is pusing so hard for recycling to go up no matter what, people are ending up just throwing all recyclable materials in one to get them off. What is the problem? sorting.They are so mixed up, it makes processing impossible. So now theyre just being buried in landfil along with all the other trash or sent illegally to countries like indonesia to dispose off and make some money.

  15. mmm... I'm tring to see whether white or the colour I played with is better...

    I know comparing these two is a little unfair!!! since I did your bevel and emboss thing (I didn't realise you could do that!)

    I was experimenting earlier, and I really like the effect that comes out... The "3D" letter effect is nice, but unfortunately doesn't work great with the white letters... I think blue also suits the front page better...!

    Posted Image

    I'll sign off there and see what he thinks tomorrow, unless anyone has a suggestion...

    Thanks rval, I hate to cut off the development process for now, but I suspect I'll be back with more suggestions tomorrow (some I may be able to do, some not!)

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