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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. Okay I have an idea, it may seem barmy at first, but would you be able to open with notepad or wordpad the .html file that is "infected", copy all the text and paste it in a "code" tag on here please? That may give a hint as to where the thing stems from or what it contacts etc etc... (Make sure you paste it in a code tag, we don't want infected stuff here on trap!!)


    Good Luck

  2. If I were you I would not attempt to disable the scanner, On a couple of conditions:

    1. Upload the file here - https://virusscan.jotti.org/en - This site will scan it with all the major and some not so major scanners (may take a long time as it did for me)
    2. If the file is infected, I recommend deleting it from you're harddrive and recycle bin.
    3. Note uploading a file which you know may be a virus might breach the TOS of you're hosting. I'm not sure but it's not fair to others anyway to distribute possible stuff around.
    4. Grab yourself Kaspersky Internet security and do a full scan, I can highly recommend it! No I'm not paid to say that nor do I work for them :-)

    Sorry if this seems complicated. It's 1:30 in the morning for me so I've treied to lay this out as simple as possible, for mine and your sakes!!!


  3. EDIT: Seems like I found the answer, though it requires root access (anyone able to please fix this :) ) Link to SOS Wiki:

    Remove zone file in /var/named > rm /var/named/domain.com.db

    Find the domain in the /var/cpanel/users directory
    > grep -R -i domain.com *

    Modify the cpanel user file
    > vi username_found_with_grep
    > remove all references to domain

    Modify /etc/named.conf file and remove all references to domain

    > REMOVE this entire entry, include the
    trailing '};'

    > zone "domain.com" {
    type master;
    file "/var/named/ttiappliances.com.db";

    Reload named
    > /etc/init.d/named reload

    Cleanliness - remove references from:
    > vi /etc/userdomains
    > vi /etc/localdomains

  4. Addon DomainBind reloading on gamma using rndc zone: [projectjim.co.uk]The subdomain, googlue.projectjim.co.uk has been added.
    Error from park wrapper: googlue.co.uk is already configured.

    Removed googlue.projectjim.co.uk Server at line: 1176. Removed Entry from httpd.conf Bind reloading on gamma using rndc zone: [projectjim.co.uk] Bind reloading on alpha using rndc zone: [projectjim.co.uk] Bind reloading on epsilon using rndc zone: [projectjim.co.uk] Bind reloading on shree using rndc zone: [projectjim.co.uk] The subdomain, googlue.projectjim.co.uk has been removed.

    googlue.co.uk could not be setup. The subdomain googlue. projectjim.co.uk was not setup either.

    I ran into this problem after my browser froze whilst trying to add googlue.co.uk there was obviously some configuration settings made and it think it exists, but the addon domain doesn't!
    I already have two other addon domains running, but repeated attempts to re-create this addon just give the same result (even with a different subdomain target)

    Any ideas where the settings might be stored or how I can get this to work?


  5. Hmm well there was a time when almost everyone in our school was using it!!! Simply because FF is so great it worked around the school web filter simply by using it!! That was brilliant.They let it continue for a while, then found a way to block it :rolleyes: Now there really isn't any need to use it because like someone else said, the school computers are so slow its better just to use IE...

  6. The only way that you will know if your files have been altered if you go through them and match them against the ones on your computer, or if your files are not displaying correctly in the browser.

    Thank you for the lengthy reply SM.Well matching files is a bit of a problem for me since I don't have an up-to-date backup that I know of. (conducted one a couple of weeks ago) Hope I can remember the code and spot any bad stuff. I think it would be much more convenient to check the I.P. logs rather than go through the files manually!!!!

    I would think it would be appropriate to display the IP number that is being used so the hosted members can check it against the latest visitors log. Also I believe the RAW access logs can be used to check to see who has access the account.

    Okay, thank you I will have to check them.I would also agree that its a good idea to put at least half / most of the offending I.P. Address for the members to check against, if not all of it so we can check the problem. I have logged into my account from a number of computers (around the country!) and would have no idea which I.P. address may be bad!

    The main question is though did the person go after individual accounts or did he get get root access in the system at all?

    That is an excellent question, but from the sound of Buffalo's explanation it sounded like only accounts with weak passwords were hit. That sounds like he or she may have had a brute force or maybe rainbow table running on our cpanel accounts. Perhaps over the period of a long time. Yet another reason why if you change you're password often it's difficult to crack.

  7. Man that's pretty good. I had to look at it in image ready to check it out. I can definitely see her going both ways. But the shadow tells me that she is actually going clockwise. Also the shape of her feet tell me that her right foot is out - making her spin clockwise. If her left foot were out she would be spinning counter-clockwise. I guess I'm logical like that.

    So do you reckon the image reverses at different points?

  8. I am running a legal copy that came with my HP laptop. In fact I have two copies of windows, one that is spare from a previous lapop that broke. Both computers came with the windows cd (although HP optimises XP for the laptops it was supplied with - I'm not completely sure what this comprise of, perhaps the HP logo in windows starting screen!!!)I would never feel safe to use a bootleg version. There's so much crap that could be running in the background or just not running at all it's risky.

  9. Even though i am still a newbie, i already feel the drag of posting just to keep your hosting account alive (I had my account suspended once). Sometimes you just want to browse thorough the forum and post nothing at all, at other times you may post a few which catch your attention. Furthermore,its difficult to have posts that give you a lot of hosting credits other than tutorials and lenghty posts. I would like to suggest using forum login time as a extra source for receiving hosting credits as one's time spent in the forum is oso as precious as posting.What do you think???

    I think time spent online is definitely as important as the topics created. Unfortunately this could never be done because too many people would cheat the system. They could just leave their browser on all day getting it to refresh every 10 secs.A different way would be to use the number of posts read. Unfortunately this would be cheated too.
    It is much more difficult to cheat the current credit system as it is, because people notice plagiarised items as they can be seen, rather than invisible statistics running in the background. We like to see what's going on.

    The reason for trap free hosting is to build a community, not have people browsing the forums all day, like it or not! (I'm also one who browses a long time but searches for a while before finding a topic I can really post something I believe about. It's kinda painful to do this :) ) So get used to the credit system as is, and make the most of it.

  10. Thank you for the information. This is quite worrying for all our accounts' security. I have a couple of questions that would probably answer people's first questions:I just logged in and have not experienced a password change. I changed it from the simple dictionary word (oh dear) I was using to a much more secure code now. Does this mean that my account was unaffected?Is it possible that our files have been altered if the password has not been changed by the "intruder"? Have there been any instances of files modified on people's hosting? If so we will need to check all of our files.Last but not least, Is there any way to see a list of all the recent logins, not just the last login, and their I.P. addresses?Regards,James

  11. I had a microsoft wireless keyboard once (don't know the model) - I REALLY had lots of problems with gaming, seems the keyboard would often "give up" when i was pressing the keys in for running etc it'd stop randomly.

    Don't know how it's today, but i've gone back to wire. Gives more reliability - Specially within' the gaming zone.

    DUDE!!! I have exactly the same problem with my M/Soft wireless keyboard. (seems to me a microsoft thing)

    I'd be holding down "w" to run forward and all of a sudden itd stop. I would have to take my finger off and press it again. It was random as far as I could tell. I seemed to be able to solve this problem by replacing the standard batteries and if it came back, wiggling them about every so often!!


    I think this is not a problem with wireless keyboards, but Microsoft wireless keyboards. I cannot fault the keyboard at all. All the additional buttons on it ACTUALLY WORK! (I was shocked how useful they are, as you know usually those extra buttons are a load of crap) For once the software that comes with the mouse & keyboard was awesome too! It has to be the best interface / customisation software I've ever used. Well done Microsoft.


    I have the 5000 Wireless Laser package that also comes with a mouse. The mouse works flawlessly. I also experience no lag with it watsoever. The keyboard is exceptional, and far more comfortable to use than my old one. It has a nice padded bar across the front :). Apart from that one problem with keys being held down for long periods. (long means running long distances in a game) The Microsoft wireless packages are good. It was cheap compared to other brands, but it seems for gaming go with a different brand.

    To Conclude, Wireless keyboards and mice are no problem at all for gaming. In fact they are more convenient, and the technology now has eliminated any noticable lag.

  12. I know a programm you can buy called tuneup utilities.

    Yes I run the tuneup 2007 demo on my computer. It is an excellent free trial... WHY? because it let's you continue to use it past the thirty days! Only catch is you have to wait like 2 mins or so for it to start up, and the demo is no features restricted :)
    I find I use it only for defragging the registry. It seems to find a tonne of crap that needs to be deleted and cleaned. Can't say I noticed a difference but it's always nice to know that you're computer is running smoothly and quickly in the background.

    I don't think ending all your processes is a good idea, especially not disabling your antivirus. There are certain services you shouldn't end. Another thing I'm skeptical about is the hard drive, most programs run in the RAM not the hard drive, unless you have a whole bunch of virtual memory and use up your entire RAM. And one last thing, you cannot make your Hard Drive go faster, it is a set speed that cannot be changed. Perhaps I am mixing up what you mean, but I am thoroughly confused. As for games running faster, it is quite obvious, less programs taking up RAM means more for your game thus increasing speed.

    Dark you are correct, usually files or information that will be modified or repeatedly loaded is stored temporarily in the RAM. But still, the majority of files remain on the hard drive and are accessed if they are read only.
    For example take World of Warcraft (a mmorpg game) - It takes up 6.5GB on my hard drive! Now I'm sure that It can't load 6GB into 512MB of ram on my computer! (some of that will be used by itunes or background services as well) It is the one thing on my system that seems to get defragmented often. I'm not sure why but I feel like I attribute this to its frequent updates installing and massive size.

    THIS WILL NOT MAKE YOU'RE HARD DRIVE SPIN FASTER! But it will noticably reduce file read/load times. And therefore programs starting up.

  13. Well God actually has a lawyer for himself. And it looks like God will lose this trial. I saw this a while back and thought it was pretty darn funny!He's only making the case that anyone can sue anyone for anything. And quite right too. It was becoming rediculous. Heck I could sue trap for the time I took HAVING to write this post!A couple of his points (which I thought were excellent);Since God is omnipotent he knows all about the trial and what is going on.Trouble is, how do you find a Jury that is NOT related to the defendant!!!! - They are working on that one as we speak :)

  14. Xbox 360 because of two main reasons.Halo 3 is coming in a couple of days but that isn't my reason.
    1.) HD ad BlueRay are competing against each other.
    Who will win?
    HD will win because of this reason.
    Back in the day there were two different types of video to watch.
    You could either watch VHS or some other thing.
    The reason why VHS got up is because of PORN!
    Yes PORN.
    Thats the reason why I think HD will go over BlueRay
    HD has more porn than BlueRay
    2.) I own a Xbox 360 thats why I choose it.

    Well Xbox 360 gets my vote hands down. Why you ask?
    Simply because I own one. It has given me so much fun and enjoyment, and has been the best console I have ever owned by far. I believe that we shouldn't scrutinise anything, simply pick the one that we enjoy using. I'm sure if I owned a PS3 it would still be great, although everything I've seen for it so far has led me to believe it's the more "serious" console. Not my style I'm afraid.

    and. er.. because of all the high-def porn :P

  15. Well I read some where that by opening an old topic back up, that that is against the forum rules or something. But, I guess you guys do have a point on creating topics, plus I just created this one lol.

    Yes, I agree with all of you guys. The activity seems to be ceasing. I for one havn't logged on in ages, I would say I just didn't feel it was an enjoyable way to spend my time :D
    Now it seems there is a photography section!! Hooray! A section I requested probably 6 months ago has finally arrived. Could a moderator please open the section for real, because it would be great to get that going :P
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