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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. That's quite ancient! Is this correct?

    Yes, it's correct. Someone dug this out again. Although it's good to re-read things every once in a while, I really don't think this could be any good. Four members have now posted up this recently... it is about two years old!!!!
    I spent a lot of time reading opaque's post about the credit upgrade after seeing this in the recent posts list and thought we were getting a change to something!! (although a couple of things puzzled me since most as far as I knew had been already done!!!)

    Could we not dig it up unless there is something new to say about it :)

  2. when finally my Google account was disabled! Due to a member who tried to spam on the ads. Frankly, at that time, the first thing that hit my mind was to Close down Xisto. But it was only the responsiblity of so many members and the feeling that I had at the time when my site was closed, I decided to keep up the site. Till now [26 Nov 2004] I have been covering up the expenses from the money I made out of my part time job..
    At that time ( when I got my google account disabled), I met another person who had an advertising company. I partnered with him and he in turn introduced my to other companies. Xisto's Traffic statistics were pretty much impressive and It attracted a lot of attention. soon I was accepted by that company and I started a partnership deal to trade off the expense of the site by selling of the top advertising space at Xisto forums.

    so there after I Stopped running behind google ads and stuff ( even though they can fetch up 20 times more money that what I am earning of these ads ) but my main motive was to keep the server up and also to keep the site running. Even a little amount enough to keep this site up was quite satisfactory... I haven't made any profits or even any money of this site... Because all my google accounts were disabled at the last moment when I was actually expecting my payments!

    So you see, That is the reason trap doesn't go with google ads. OpaQue had some personal "beef" with them and problems over time just meant it was easier and more satisfactory to go with someone else.

    Tada! OpaQue is interested in the quality of this service and keeping it running smooth and growing like a good company should, not generating huge amounts of profit (although I'm sure he wouldn't mind the odd bonus :) )...

  3. Heard about it, not really interested. Call of duty 3 wasnt as great as i thought, and COD4 will probably be the same. I dont think ill get it.

    Well Matt... the point is call of duty 3 was not developed by the "proper" call of duty team. It was made by their lass experienced subdivision and hence it's not really a proper call of duty title. This COD4 if for development by their proper team and hence should be beastly!


    COD2 was their last game, and as you all know this is probably the best game around!!! Really looking forward to a fast-paced modern shooter, cos there really aren't any good ones at all!

  4. First, i recommend using SM's suggestion of chmodding the script to 000, then:Well if it's a ftp manager that's refusing to delete them, try using cpanel filemanager and just delete that one folder. Everything should go at once :)The cpanel will delete it easier since it's on the server, and hence will do it much faster too!or thirdly, if you want to upload a script to delete them, after chmodding the original script to 000, save a couple of the college's less important files to your computer and then delete them from the server. This should give you enough room to upload a delete script...BUT be very careful with a delete script. Something may go wrong and clean out your college's webserver, which would cause a lot of annoyances...

  5. Okay, I am having trouble saving changes to a .css file using the cpanel filemanager.
    Basically it worked for me a couple of times (trying to edit "compiled.css") but now it just throws this error at me every time I click save!!
    I cannot delete, move, rename or edit the file at all using an ftp manager or even the cpanel. I have been forced to take my site offline until I have access to update the css... Please help!

    open compiled.css failed: Permission denied at cpanel.pl line 444 Carp::croak('open compiled.css failed: Permission denied') called at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Fileman.pm line 1299
    Cpanel::Fileman::fmsavefile('/home/jimster/public_html/dailyrant/templates/rt_elemental/css', 'compiled.css', '.nav, .nav * {^M^J^Imargin:0;^M^J^Ipadding:0;^M^J}^M^Jdiv#horiz-menu { /*...') called at cpanel.pl line 444
    main::__ANON__('/home/jimster/public_html/dailyrant/templates/rt_elemental/css', 'compiled.css', '.nav, .nav * {^M^J^Imargin:0;^M^J^Ipadding:0;^M^J}^M^Jdiv#horiz-menu { /*...') called at cpanel.pl line 1423
    main::exectag('<cpanel Fileman="fmsavefile($FORM{\'dir\'},$FORM{\'file\'},$FORM...') called at cpanel.pl line 4309
    main::dotag(undef) called at cpanel.pl line 4198
    main::cpanel_parseblock('SCALAR(0x8eb2e70)') called at cpanel.pl line 4152
    main::cpanel_parse('GLOB(0x90b71c8)') called at cpanel.pl line 969

    (if a mod sees sensitive account info of mine in there, please remove it :) or if a trap members sees please PM me quick!)

    The box with all the code appears and I can write into it okay, but saving is a problem. I have restarted comp / cleared cookies / cleared cache / re-login to cpanel but still no luck.
    If I'm honest, I really don't understand what any of that error code means!!! I hope it means more to you all...

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix or get round this, cos it's very annoying!!!

    I'm still trying to fix this problem and it's becoming very urgent. This has forced me to take my site offline until it can be sorted...
    I can't delete or even rename using an ftpmanager (or cpanel), so I can't upload an edited version at all the ftp gives errors as well as cpanel no matter what I try:

    350 RNFR accepted - file exists, ready for destination550 Rename/move failure: Permission denied

    This is getting really annoying so if anyone has any idea how to fix it, I'd appreciate it!

  6. I'm pretty sure I know you're problem. I had Exactly the same thing a while back.You need to submit a support request or watch this post in the support forum, and wait diligently for an admin or the support people to simply turn on the feature for you.BuffaloHelp fixed it when I asked the addon domains to be allowed for my account (asking on the forums), and it didn't take very long!Good Luck!

  7. Try using the dos prompt to override the program in use. It worked for me once upon a time with an evil virus file refusing to go!!I don't know the commands to delete, other than type "cd foldername" to navigate forward to the foldername you typed or type "cd.." to go back a folder. you can that way navigate to your folder the file is in and then possibly try typing "delete filename.extension" - I'm not sure about the delete command...

  8. AH! next time, I plan to have the post about it before the challenge starts, up for longer! Also, I will try to find a more perfect time that works across the different countries, without many people having to wake up at 4 in the morning if they were to do the challenge :)ah and the auctions :) I havn't won them yet. I'm preparing for the final scrap... twenty minutes left! I'll tell ya what I win if I actally do... thre's a lot of competition :)

  9. I sent them in and depending on the number of posts per page setting I bump that up to 21 pages or 800+ posts and so if you report all these "clones" to the mods they will be able to take care of it.

    Fair enough SM, I will take note of those duplicate pages. I see them everywhere, not to mention they must be becoming a nightmare for mods to deal with...!!! Those antivirus topics is the same ball park, with almost exactly the same question everytime. And exactly the same answers.
    First 360/wii duplicate topic here

  10. Haha you're welcome... I just loved watching everyone tear themselves apart trying to work out what the hell the white lion is for!!!Although I gotta say I did end up giving so many clues... I just couldn't bear to wait for a winnerI also figured nobody would win without them!!!!! - you just try yourself without any clues... It's tricky! (also there is an extended password clue for the first part of the challenge. I updated this during the challenge)Oh and about the php... I know absolutely no php!!! I just googled secure page php or something :) and switched jimmy's credit challenge for the author's copyright notice ^^SM did the Xisto history bit and suggested the php passworded page for the start (my initial idea was passwording the lion all in one...)Everything else was my ingenious creation :)

  11. I would like to have a go at this myself :) being 118 hosting credits sorter than I was two days ago, I could do with those extra credits!!!!!!!!!could you possibly give a couple more details, like does the question change every week: i.e. a question worth 5 creds where a new question is released every week? and also what day of the week / time? would it be released!!cheers,the "broke" big contest holder!

  12. Cheating is a waste of time...I used to play call of duty 1 all the time over our school network in huge games wit some friends :) that game was legendary, and I'm trying to get another copy since it's pretty cheap now and oh those were good times!Instead of burning your time being nerdy fiddleing with scripts, download some other maps (Mogadishu was always a blast) instead. That is a much better use of your time ^^ - If anyone wants mogadishu, I found it the other day in my sent items folder on e-mail when we were sending it to each other at school!!! - I can send it to you.

  13. Hmmm well for all of you who are completely bamboozled and can't do it, I've done some clues and the outright answers! Bear in mind that once you see the full answers, the challenge is no longer a challenge at all and becomes too easy!


    To see the clues, expand this box:


    Challenge 1, password clue:

    If you need an extended clue: it is "Seize the reward, Julius Ceasar. Hang on... what was his language again"

    Challenge 2, lion clue:

    The lion is not an ordinary lion... he says .rar

    Challenge 3, trap history clue:

    Somewhere on these forums... you just need to know where to look!

    challenge 4, gnome riddle clue:

    It's all in the moment of pause...

    challenge 5, encoded e-mail clue:



    To see the answers, expand the following which you're stuck completely (WARNING! - complete spoiler. Rarryawn will eat you if you look at these!)


    Challenge 1, password:

    To look at the clue and figure Julius ceasar's language of choice was latin!! This part required you to notice the need for, and use, an english to latin translator available all over the web and get the latin of reward. This word was chosen carefully since there were few translations and most were similar, with one word praemium being the important one. I originally had seize the prize as the clue but different translators were sometimes not showing praemium as a translation... Praemium was the best translation for the conext of reward here...

    Challenge 2, lion:

    You're in! now all you get is a lion. Similar to the Lion art made by tramposch!!! The lion had been aptly named by serverph as rarryawn so the clue, unsurprisingly was rarr, and the lion was yawning! you had to figure this was no ordinary lion... if you looked, the code did not at all look like a jpg! It was actually a .rar archive containing a text file compressed into the image! all you had to do was rename it to .rar and extract with a program (this is the one you might have needed) If you know the effort it took to get this damn lion to rarr, it was a worthy challenge for you all!

    Challenge 3, trap history:

    Having uncovered the text file, if you read it, you are posed with the question. "How many hosting packages were there before the credit system and how many posts were required for the best package? And when you had this answer you had to go to

    www. dailyrant.org.uk/[8x number of hosting packages].[2.8 x number of posts required for best package].htm (it said this in plain english in the txt file!)

    This turned out to be 32.280.htm - and this was the question that really tripped Trampy! kept typing in the address wrong!! There were four hosting packages and 100 posts was for the king package!!

    Challenge 4, gnomes:

    Now you're posed with the final question. A wizard has two white helmets and three black helmets that he shows to three gnomes. The gnomes close their eyes, and the wizard places a white helmet on the first gnome, and a black helmet on the last two.

    They open their eyes and the wizard asks them what colour helmet they are wearing. After a moment, the last gnome announces that his helmet is black. How does he know?

    There was a perfectly logical answer, which could also have been obtained easily wnough by careful use of google... (tho I did deliberately picked a site low down in google's rank to "borrow" this question from!) It was this; if the last gnome had been wearing a white helmet, the second would have immediately yelled that his was black! since there was a moment of pause, the last gnome knew his helmet must be black also!

    Challenge 5, email:

    you had to send this to an email address. Unfortunately though!!! I was evil and decided to make the challenge contain one more step! the email address was shown on the page, but I encoded it in binary!!! simple enough to know what to do, google turned up a load of binary to text converters!

  14. We Have Winners!!!!!


    1. Serverph - he kindly took the dignified option and chose the 30 credit reward!!!! Congrats to him for completing the whole thing so quickly, leaving the other's in the evil cloud behind him :) - got final gnome riddle right 1st time!

    2. Tramposch - recieves 70 credits!!! He got in there closely followed by watermonkey... Even having time to make some graphic lion art along the way!!! Also I give him top points for the hilarious answers to the final gnome riddle:

    Because the black helmets attracted the sun, thus heated up faster, thus causing the last gnome's head to begin burning quicker, thus causing him to believe he had a black helmet.

    LOL, and also

    He sees the other white helmet just chilling there on the table, and infers by process of elimination that his helmet is black. (both of these are wrong if you wish to attempt it urself!)

    3. Watermonkey - Booby prize - he did well to say the least. Stuck in there after being one of the first to notice the jpg abnormalities...

    I award him 15 credits for his valiant effort and also some great gnome answers too :)

    Well here's the big *BLEEP*ing clue for the boobie prize: The last gnome

    saw that the other two were wearing the only two white helmets,

    therefore he had to have a black one on.

    *BLEEP*ing gnomes...

    and see:

    Well, I'm thinking that the riddle is written in a way that indicates that that's one big helmet to be placed on two gnomes. If that's the case, then one of the two wearing the helmet just sees that they've got a big black helmet over them and tells the other. Otherwise, the gnome wearing the white helmet simply tells the other two they've got the black one. Right?

    Also, one moment.... Hmmmm.... Yeah yeah... I'm still working out that stupid riddle with the gnomes... I wonder if they're underwear gnomes...

    LOL :)


    As you can see my challenge both aggrevated other Trap members and it also made them tired beyond belief... I myself need to sleep for staying up to watch the carnage!!! I especially like the doubters at the beginning that there was actually no password at all! and all the people selling wrong answers between each other like use photoshop and zoom in really far ^^


    Soon I will be posting the solution to my credit quest (in a hidden div so you can choose to look or not). If you want to do the challenge yourself after this, you can, I'll leave all the pages up! just don't look at the answers cos it really makes everything too easy. The challenge was in working out what to do!!!

  15. Okay so I have to get a password off the clue. And I am sure it's related to Julius Ceasar but ah well ... I only know 2 things about him. His name and he had to do something with Rome. :) I'll try.

    Well yes, rome...

    You will also know something else to do with him and it has a relation to the important italic word...


    Tramopsch Was The First To The Second Challenge!!!!!!!!!!


    At the point of this edit serverph seems to have sompleted everything, but is holding back for a glorious win (I have yet to recieve his e-mail!!!) Watermonkey is close on his heels no less.

    The Lion seems to be confuzzleing people, and rightly so... :)

  16. It will be hard. Especially if you don't know what to do :)I can whizz thru it myself in about 3 mins, but that's only cos I know what to do and where to go lol!When you get past each step, (it will be obvious, like you found a new page or password etc.) please PM me so i know how far people have got! It's no fun otherwise :) I will write who is the furthest so you know whether you're doing okay for time...

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