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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. I'd go for the tree everytime!!! I mean, it's a bear. One look and you'd start running. Trouble is it would start rocking the tree!!! now that would be frightening.

    There's no way in hell I would go and lay down in it's path of destruction.


    I mean, what if it treads on you? You wouldn't be able to breathe. That way there would be no survival even if the bear thought you were dead...

  2. In fact Michael makes a great point. I always neglect to remember the system restore. Try using that and tell us what happens :D Make sure you pick a point far back from the current virus problems.Don't worry, it can't damage you're comp more than already has hehe...And once you've fixed you're problems don't forget to go and buy Kapersky Internet Security Suite. It's probably the most effective virusscanner & a great firewall to go alongside.

  3. You missed out HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE!!!!!!!!!!!! - This is near the edge of our techological storage needs (I say near, because it is actually working and available to consumers!)


    You're also very lucky, while researching this post I came across a well laid out site with all the different technologies (very different to yours) you may well consider "borrowing" most of it :P

    here is the history of data storage link


    I read all about it in a pdf file I had *searches bookmarks* Honestly I cannot believe I found this, but lap it up. It's a great article, and not too long to read either!!

    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - Since this article the technology has moved on in leaps and bounds, as you would expect. So try looking up holographic storage and seeing where it has got to now :D


    Holographic storage basically involves a 3D array of light sensitive material (looks like glass to me) and lasers are used to store data in a 3 dimensional state. Apparantly it stores data page at a time instead of bit-by-bit on the storage surface of our usual CD or DVD media! - It therefore benefits from supreme read and write speeds.


    near DVD sized discs can hold many Terabytes of data and read+write that with amazing speeds...

    Currently a holographic array can hold Petabytes of data (yep, it's real) !!!!!


    I'll leave you with this quote I found pretty funny lol:

    "Yeah, that’s right. It would take approximately 90 million punch cards to be able to store one DVD"

    Posted Image

  4. I think you have abused your computer beyond belief and should let some professional handle it rather than you yourself fidget with it.

    I do not think it is advisable to overwrite your OS again and again. You never mentioned your Pc Configuration. Think about it wisely before taking another step.

    @ Jimmy: He had mentioned that it isn't easy for him to take a backup as he has too much of info on that P.C

    Sorry Velma :D but I don't agree... In my opinion it would be the best course of action to re-install the os. It is a simple enough task to do.

    Letting a professional try to correct the damage to exe's would be VERY expensive! (I know because I've once given my hard drive for data recovery, and they actually failed to succeed)


    Losing you're data is bad, I know, as I lost thousands of my holiday photos from the hard drive issue (and it's upsetting too) but it sounds like you have no other choice. Try to make a list of the stuff you would like to keep on you're computer, I recommend paper and pen for this, like installed games and programs that you will wantt to download or install from cd once you're computer works again.


    Also, possibly the best option if you have a lot of data you don't want to lose, is this:

    1. buy another hard drive, it won't cost you much (but it will cost something. I'm not pretending it's all fine and dandy!).

    2. take out you're infected drive

    3. replace it and re-install the os on a new, clean drive.

    4. In the meantime, give the infected drive to you're local pc wizard (PC world I think offers a data recovery service, but they are useless. I first gave the drive to them but they failed and I think it was them who broke the drive. the woman opened the RAM compartment to get at the disk, even after I had told her that that was not the right one!) and ask them to recover & backup the data you want to keep for you onto dvds or cds and ensure that is clean. This will probably cost you around ?80+ (depending on how many GB of data you have) if you feel that the data you want to keep is worth it...


    It may cost you, but it starts getting expensive when you want your data back

    If you feel you can bear not having it or getting it back when the virus has gone, it will be much cheaper for you!



  5. I believe the red shift has some connections to the Doppler effect.

    er.. WHAT!!
    red shift is an effect with the wavelengths of light.

    the doppler effect is auditory. Working on soound principles and the wavelengths being "physically changed" by the moving object.

    I'm sure you could find a link, but from what I know, the purposes of each are very different

  6. I downloaded and installed a game from a P2P software via LAN....then next thing i know that all of my EXE files are infected...am pretty much helpless here cause even the setup files are all infected and refuse to function...ran an antivirus and fond out that ALL exe files in woddows folder is infected..the AV tried to heal the files but to no avail..


    i think i might hafta renistall my OS..AGAIN...but can anything be done to avoid ha step?????NO setup file on my PC functions...some files DO function via CD...but thats about it.....

    If I wad you I WOULD definitely reinstall. There is no telling what system files and changes have been made. From what you say, it sounds like the damaga is very widespread.

    Even with an antivirus that worked for you, it would be difficult to tell if you're system really has been cleaned. If you don't reinstall, you're computer could be keeping copies of the virus or backdoors into you're machine.


    For you're security, and actually a quicker fix than trying to remove this (or maybe more than one virus/backdoor/keylogger if the attacking exe was a hacker "kit") it is best to re-install the os. It shouldn't take that long, and you will have the bonus peace of mind knowing you're system is clear.


    Now, if you do decide to re-install the os, make sure you do this first:

    1. When you're ready to re-install the os. Turn off the computer.

    2. remove the power supply

    3. remove the battery if it's a laptop or a backup supply if it's a desktop

    4. Wait maybe 10 minutes for the RAM to lose it's temporary data and the capacitors to dissipate (virus files could remain in the Random Access Memory)

    5. Format the disk (IMPORTANT - it's best to format the disk first then move on to reinstalling the os, rather than just overwriting with windows setup - This is easy enough...)

    6. Go ahead and re-install you're os.


    7. Make sure that any files from the old system you want to keep, you virusscan them first and copy only the files themselves. Don't copy folders. If you copy a folder you may well pick up a hidden executable or remnant of the virus, along with you're own stuff :D - so select you're files by hand from the backup.

    Hope this helped. I know it's a bit long, but so is the problem you've got!!!

    If you need any more help please PM me, I'd be happy to help you out.

  7. Very well said Qpaque! I bet eauction now wishes that he hadn't advertised here =)Unfortunately there are so many companies out there offering the same kind of services, someone is bound to use them, without realising how they could be getting a much better service from somewhere else.Nowadays, it's generally a silly thing to pay for something as almost everything (with paid-for products being the exception) you could get for free or very close to that.

  8. Thanks dude. I like what you said about it being cool but professional and fun at the same time... Actually, I hadn't thought about that use for the side menu! I just happened to set it up that way with both using the same menu links! :PI suppose it's a good thing you couldn't find any improvements required :D I sorta had my eye on the search box styling, but it doesn't seem to be much of an issue!

  9. Hey man, nice forum u've got there. I am in the registration process ATM. N nice skin too.

    I agree, well done. It's simple, but kinda nice looking. I liked the categories, haha, you've even got a section for yo mama jokes =) I think you have got all the best sections you will want, and they're well organised in the sections.Now comes the hard part. You need some content!!! I have registered under Jimmy as usual :D

    If you wanted, a slight gradient on the top menu would complete the look! (it should be easy to do)

  10. I LOVE the new search box. Fits right in. But your nice javascript drop-down seemed to have disappeared in safari :P The menus just pop up now without enlarging like they used to. I tried it in firefox and it still works. x( As much as i hate to downplay safari, it does like to break javascript that has a very small error in it. Even some of the Xisto forum drop down menus don't work. Did you change anything to the javascript since my last post?


    Edit: Nevermind its fixed again :P

    Ah, thanks once again alex! I've been away for a week so nothing has been done on the site.

    your post actually quite worried me, until I read the last line, although I must have read the first bit at least three times before reading the last line haha!! I didn't change any of the javascript, I just changed the html that the php searchbox module generates (at least that's what I thought I had been modifying :D), to go along with the safari bonus features :(


    It's odd that something like that would just change, but I do know that when javascript is disabled the smooth drop down stops and the menu appears instantly. it sounds like you had javascript disabled somehow (maybe temporarily?) or some cookie problems :D

  11. Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

    Very Nice, those are some stunning outcomes :D


    I have to say that I have tried this before, but y'know.. the hardest part was getting a decent photo of the eye! - Using a SLR is extremely tricky, you even need to guess and rely on the autofocus. Of course, you have to look through the viewfinder, not a large LCD that can be seen in a mirror :P - In fact I actually gave up. (oh and since an SLR is a large camera, you can't see round it in the mirror with the other eye!!!

  12. It was moved to SPAM because you had no contributing post except for your URL. This is just advertising your website for link traffic. It's against our forum rules.
    Although this time it's an improvement but in the future, if you want to have people review your site, try naming your topic title differently--say I would like your opinion on my web site--and try to be descriptive in your post.

    Wow... I'm not quite sure what to say! I'm sorry that was what happened, next time as you suggested I'll use a different topic title.
    You can have my word, I'm not after link traffic. I don't have any ads or get anything from it, so there's nothing in that for me! I suppose I would always like more visitors, but I've gone after that by joining with thedailyrant.co.uk and we get a couple of visitors from them....

  13. 9block, good suggestion. what with the main articles being the first thing you see.. I think I might take your point and put the latest on the right, or something. First though, I'll take the searchbox mods - I seem to be having success with that! And yes, It is actually a Joomla! setup :D I would highly recommend it if you're willing to go through the hassle with templates and customising it to compliment you're content!..

    That search bar just feels kind of strange to me, sitting where it is. I think that it would look better if you lowered it so it was sitting right above the nav bar, and perhaps give it an image to make it settle in more. Perhaps have a rounded box coming out of the bottom of the nav bar and have the search sit in there. I don't know, I'm sure you can think of something even better, I just feel like the search box was kind of slapped on there at the last moment in a space that was available. And if you want safari users to love you you can take a look at this for your search box. :P

    Thanks Alex, that's a really nice link. Very well laid out, so I've decided to take it all on board!! I've got two notepad windows open right now, trying to mod the site's php for those nice safari features (type=search and also the history search feature) :D *It's done! so basically it seems to fall back nicely and i'd like to know if those two safari features worked...I was thinking it would be nice to style the searchbox with those rounded corners, like it appears on a mac. If you know how to do this, I'd love to hear it :P

  14. Just to check if your ftp is working follow these steps (you won't have to change anything back & you can easily delete the network place we will create afterwards)


    1. Go into the start menu

    2. Click on "My Network Places"

    3. Click "Add a network place"

    4. Click "Next"

    5. Select the option that says "Choose another network location [specify the address of a Web site, network location, or FTP site.]"

    6. Then Click "Next"

    7. type ftp://ftp.capitalheat.biz <-- Notice the ftp:// before the ftp.capitalhear.biz bit - IMPORTANT!

    8. Uncheck "Log on anonymously"

    9. Type your cpanel username

    10. Then Click "Next"

    11. Just leave the pre-made name as it is, it makes no difference.

    12. Click "Finish"

    13. It should now pop up you're web site ftp (through windows ftp). - if it didn't start, just click on the ftp network place you just made, under "My Network Places"

    14. it will ask you for you're cpanel password. (You already put in you're cpanel username earlier)

    15. Type it in, and then you should be able to see the folders on you're web hosting!!


    if all is well you can use this if you want, so when you know it works okay, find out what is wrong with your own ftp program!

  15. You may well find, as I did when I joined, that the space you get is MORE than enough when you actually start trying to fill it all up :DWith package #2 you now get 500MB of space - that's around half a gigabyte, so AKA plenty :PThis was originally 150MB, so no, it's not a typo. 500MB is the current disk space that we Trapees get.Hope this helps too :P

  16. Member Rank Pips have been updated. You'll see that it goes beyond just 10 pips. I have added "in-between" ranks that reflects the same names but with different pips.

    Awesome Buff :D can we get a preview of what such member ranks would be?!?
    Also, thanks for reviving this thread. I was wondering when a member can customise their title and It gave me 500 (correct me if this has changed :P )

  17. I don't play paintball, and I really want to try it out. What certain skills are required?

    it doesn't require any "skills" at all, it's just a lot of fun!you go along to a place (many companies hold games) you get to rent a paintball gun, some overalls (so you don't get paint on ur own clothes) and a facemask etc.

    all it takes is to pull the trigger a couple of times and aim at the enemy!!!

  18. Thank you :D 4/5 is a great result!.. I sorta had that table issue coming!! I think for that, I really don't have the skill (or the time!) that it will take to remove those tables from the design. Its working well x-browser, and I fear if I start messing with stuff like that all manner of things will go wrong! - I did actually try to de-tabularize a different design of mine previously. It was very, very simple and yet I failed dismally and broke the template!! so I'll have to save that for when I have more skill...Do you have an opinion for styling of the top-right searchbox?

  19. 1. The limetouch logo at the top right doesn't seem to match the "style" of the page the word lime that is currently in green would better match your (search box?) if it was blue instead of green!

    2. is that bursting stars thing a search box? if so maybe put a button to the right of it saying "search" or you can use this code to show an initial piece of text that disappears when someone clicks on it: for example: a code that says the word search in the text box, telling what it does:

    <input name="searchbox" id="topsearchbox" alt="search" class="inputbox" type="text" size="20" value="Search this site..." onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='Search this site...';" onfocus="if(this.value=='Search this site...') this.value='';" />
    That code will show the text "search this site..." when someone visits the page. When they click in the searchbox, it will disappear (hard-coded javascript, if disabled, the text will still show and can be selected and replaced. Simple!) if the box is left empty and they click away, it will say search this site again!


    3. Tetra is right. The green really doesn't go with the blue at the bottom maybe make the blue a lighter shade at the bottom, or change it's colour slightly to match

    4. white text at the bottom is slightly hard to read over the blue writing...

  20. One woman said their would be no trouble with the Crying Boy if it was displayed alongside a Crying Girl painting, others say that the damage will be worse.

    Good tales are rare, but when they come along I do get a lot of enjoyment from them :D this one too was funny (and a little scary..)
    lol I particularly like the bit where some say the damage would be worse if it's next to a crying girl painting as well!!!
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