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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. Basically I think biscuitrat is right that the outside ring isn't needed. So I decided to remove it... ^ ^ The page will have Brass Tracks (not Tacks!!!!) written in the top corner anyway.

    I think if the BT is white is goes very well and is clean, but only if it has some outline to it... I skeched this using paintbrush in photoshop quickly (sorry, don't have the psd yet!) so it's a bit wobbly (school mouse), but you get the idea.. Maybe it should also ba a slightly thinner line too...


    I'm also thinking that those two notes on the T could look quite good when done properly, but the thing inside the B should go... any thoughts?

  2. Anyway, I do take some of your points. Firstly, Jimmy stated he was happy with the outside ring, so I left that as it was. Personally, I think adding a musical note into the logo may be a good idea, but this is obviously for Jimmy to decide. As Jimmy is in the UK, I can assume this logo is also likely to be used in the UK. The term "brass tacks" is not used very much over here, so confusion is unlikely.





    OK, I feel slightly to blame for some of this confusion...

    @ Biscuitrat: The Logo Will be Shrunk, by about 60-70% the size is only so that once shrunk, any anti-aliasing will smoothen out everything... (And I was originally working in this size with the inner bit you can see on the old design; there was no need to shrink it!

    The edges being cut off; the canvas was cropped right to the edge, I may be to blame here! but I'm pretty sure I have *just* enough skill to smooth that!

    By asking for a web 2.0 style I was intentionally being a bit vague. For two reasons, I wanted to end up with a "smooth" looking logo, and I also didn't really have any specific info on how to achieve said smoothness! by saying web 2.0, rval immediately had an idea on where to go - and it turned out to be right :lol: ! That was all I meant by w2.0, nothing more!


    It will be for sheet music... i.e. the stuff you play from!

    Originally, I had made a logo with notes and stuff in the middle (attached), but that was the one he rejected! (Maybe because it wasn't great and didn't look that smooth)... The BT in the middle he had actually said that would be fine, so I'm assuming it will be!!! It will go in place where the logo is shown on the other pic attached - The whole deal will be printed on A4 (with a higher resolution than that pic). The white part will be cut and behind that corner is a printed sheet with the details for the different booklets. This is so he can send the covers with only one variation to be printed (and therefore get good bulk deals as they're the same for every product). HE LIKES THIS.


    Rval, I do like the first two you linked to quite a lot (The third is ok); they are far better than the original!

    The only thing I think that needs doing is finding a decent colour for either the BT or the inner circle... maybe biscuitrat already has an idea to spruce things up?



  3. WOW!, thanks Rval, that was extremely quick but nevertheless exactly the sort of thing I meant!! I really like the smoothness of that inside circle now... but the outside seems kinda crappy!!! (It's okay that you make my original logo look sooo bad... :lol: ) It's going to be printed, not put on the web (I'm a ff user anyways) so the ie transparancy bug can't hurt me :DYou're right in saying that the blue BT with the logo isn't perfect matching... I'll have a play around and find a nice colour for the BT writing to match your smooth inner ring.If you could possibly do the outer black ring in a similar "smooth" style, that'd be great! :P

  4. Hi, I'm working on a logo for a brand new music service my trombone teacher is doing. I have the main covers but I need to get a decent logo...He rejected my last one (lols!) but he loves the cover so much, I was wondering if anyone would be able to spice this logo up to the smooth, web 2.0 kinda style.It's important that the BT in the middle stays the same, with the five lines over the T, but I'm happy for you to resize / change colour / add a smooth gradient!!...Also, the outside ring's Brass Tracks writing is fine (suits the cover well), so unless you think it could be spiced up, that's ok.! (Font Included - just put it in your adobe photoshop fonts folder in program files and it'll load up into photoshop)The two offset circles are good, but the solid white one is simply a temporary guide, with no nice texture to it or anything (maybe slightly transparant?) it should have a slight web 2.0 gradient to it or sumthing. Same goes for the black background... It's the nice texture I'm really after as I think the positioning is good!!!In The Zip file is the (newer) brasstracks logo I've been working along in PSD (Photoshop CS2) format. There is also a version saved with maximise compatability turned on. I also included the font I used for the outer ring writing (Pablo LET) but there isn't much need to change that!! The two inner letters are a rasterised layer unfortunately!!Thanks very much for your help :lol:


  5. in my opinion i like the ps3 a lot better i think it offers better graphics and lots more features, despite not too good online supports, best of all all the games that are coming out, that i've seen, are great

    and i've always liked the playstations :lol:

    Y'know, people simply saying that they like the PS3 or that they like the Xbox isn't going to help the debate; I think we should build up a strong list of the top games for Xbox and PS3... How about it? (I'll put it in a side by side table once it grows!)

    Also, with the HD-DVD issue for xbox...

    Also, what is with the Elite 360 not playing HD-DVDs, it might struggle there in the HD movies department.

    Think of it this way, do you really need it? And when you decide you do, you can simply add it onto the console, so whatever way (and you can always sell the hd player off afterwards!!), you get the option instead of being forced to pay the higher price that works out about the same in the end, just with more choice!!!




    Metal Gear Solid



    Halo Series



    More Dammit!!!

  6. Well this would be possible... But the technology is nowhere nearly fully developed.Scientists have made the first "teleporter" that successfully works. Note that is doesn't send the particle to be teleported through the air, instead it creates an exact replica on the other end, whilst destroying the object on the other side.They have only managed to do this with a single photon, base of energy.So it would be possible, and without the static problems, as it doesn't get sent through the air!!In order to get a much larger output of power from it would require serious development, but after all, they are working on this continuously...

  7. Looking now... I'll see what I can figure out!

    <td colspan="5"><frame src="affliates.php" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"><iframe src="affliates.php" frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe></td>

    I can't remember much about frames... but don't you have to close the frame tags?

    You have closed the iframe, but the affiliates.php within the frame has not been closed...

  8. There is one HUGE development missing from all WW2 or just the games where many characters are around the "single player" (whether npc or not).


    I came up with this idea yesterday and I have already passed it past so many people who agree it would turn these games to seriously top notch ones.

    The Single Player "campaign" style missions where there are many characters, controlled by the computer and you. (Let's not pretend, there always are other players with you in almost every mission of a game like Call of Duty, so this is about 99% possible) What if 8-or-so of those other computer controlled characters were online co-op players. How awesome would that be? Storming the D-Day beaches with your mates or going through and capturing the campaign mode village with 7 other warriors on the other end of an internet connection...

    They are developing 54 people plus, with 32 already working in some games for online battles, so what's to say that an 8-way would not be entirely posible to implement... They already have the technology and skill to do it!!!

    I think this would simply MAKE any game, what do ya reckon? Maybe if anyone could add to this idea, and totally improve it, we could all get an amazing game to feature this new "Feature" sometime in the future :lol: (Having known a developer would make this possible..)

  9. I wuld say Busted.

    ok so I wud say Velvet Revolver although there a relatively new band the members have a lot of experience, and i.m.o Slash is one of the best guitarists of all time, so a close second for Guns n Roses it is then.

    Lol you cracked me up then !! :lol:
    anywhoo Since there are so many different types of rock it might be worth jst naming some decent bands:

    Bruce Hornsby and The Range
    Lost Prophets

    All Time Great "Sting" - I know it's not really rock, but cmon, he deserves to be on the list!!!

    oh and big up the http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ jazz band they kick *bottom*. (you won't be able to find any info on them; I play in it!!)

  10. All of those feature sound great! I really do look forward to COD4, but I hope they don't make the aircraft flying too "foolproof" trying to perfect that could be difficult. But if they pull that off. It'd be awesome. Everything else sounds great.


    There is one HUGE development missing from all WW2 or just the Call of Duty series games.


    I came up with this idea yesterday and I have already passed it past so many people who agree it would turn these games to epic proportions.

    The Single Player "campaign" style missions where there are many characters, controlled by the computer and you. (Let's not pretend, there always are other players with you in almost every mission, so this is about 99% possible) What if 8-or-so of those other computer controlled characters were online co-op players. How awesome would that be? Storming the D-Day beaches with your mates or going through and capturing the campaign mode village with 7 other warriors on the other end of an internet connection...


    I think this would simply MAKE any game, what do ya reckon? Maybe if anyone could add to this idea, and totally improve it, we could all get an amazing game to feature this new "Feature" sometime in the future :lol:

  11. I suggest the best thing is once you think you've uninstalled all of the programs go to the tuneup utilities site: /oldbrowser/index.html and download the free 30 day trial of the tuneup utilities 2007 (Last time I used it the version was 2006, but it shouldn't make too much difference.)

    Find the registry cleaner and just run that. You may be prompted to run it twice.

    Honestly, you'll be shocked at the number of duff registry entries. I had about 1500 broken registry entries and I don't install / uninstall very much at all nor have that many programs. I try not to install things that I'll be uninstalling straight away for that exact reason...

    It does speed things up if thats what your trying to do; and delete the large files later!!

  12. A very good list indeed but I noticed no one mentioned "dxdiag"
    dxdiag stands for DirectX Diagnostic. The DirectX utility can be used to show a computer's hardware specs as well as test DirectX software such as sound and video. A very good troubleshooting utility.

    lol I love being able to say this: I DID!!!!

    second post in the first reply!! yeah its quite a good utility. Although had some problems with one of the tabs - May have been Norton internet security (which I've now dumped in favour of kapersky IS6 ^^) causing crashing on directshow and one of the tabs :)

    I suggest care if you don't like crashes and have Norton...

    Here's a New Updated List

    Updated Run Commands (start -> run)
    command (use cmd if command gives errors) - Opens command prompt
    compmgmt.msc - Computer management
    devmgmt.msc - Device manager
    dfrg.msc - Disk defrag
    diskmgmt.msc - Disk management
    dxdiag - DirectX diagnostic tool, also some general system info
    eventvwr.msc - Event viewer
    fsmgmt.msc - Shared folders
    gpedit.msc - Group policies
    lusrmgr.msc - Local users and groups
    mailto: - Opens default email client
    msconfig - System Configuration Utility
    msinfo32 - System Information
    perfmon.msc - Performance monitor
    regedit - Registry Editor
    rsop.msc - Resultant set of policies
    secpol.msc - Local security settings
    services.msc - Various Services
    sysedit - System Edit
    win.ini - windows loading information(also system.ini)
    winver - Shows current version of windows

    any more for any more?

  13. I would say PS3 at the moment because of the upcoming game, Home. Its basically like Habbo Hotel and Runescape put together. The PS3 also has less hardware failures.

    But the 360 is better in graphics in my view. Also, they have the Halo series and Gears of War.

    I'm sorry but almost everything about that post was wrong; except of course it was in readable english.


    Why would anyone want a console version of runescape? It is possibly the most pathetic game alive. I mean pac-man simply tramples all over it. And Habbo Hotel... Don't know about you, but I''ve never heard about it and it sounds to me like another poor online FREE game!!!


    Er, less hardware failures? That really gets me; since when has the xbox had more hardware failures? There was only a heat sink problem with the first few batches when they forgot to remove some covering/sheathing on the heat sink, resulting in those ones overheating. There are NO other hardware problems at all and don't forget that it was released over 1.5 years ago, so its really unlikely a working original that was faulty is still around! (they've all been sent back to be fixed)

    THIS WAS UPDATED OODLES AGO!!! - So the xbox has had no other problems over 1.5 years, --> that's pretty much 1.5 years more fault-free than the PS3...

    (btw it's unlikely that any release console has no problems, and the one problem that came with the xbox was simply fixed and not botched)


    Graphics better on Xbox?! Er, technically the graphics are better on the PS3, but this really makes jack all difference as it is 99% to do with the game. Both have graphics so good, the graphics of either system it not something to bother comparing. What's more important is the quality of games


    so think about this:

    Are the games rushed titles made purely to extend their line up

    Would they have good gameplay

    How good is the online part of each game as once you've completed each one a couple of times online is great addition. (I've been playing Call of Duty 2 online for months and it's still my top game. This is on xbox btw! I have almost forgotten it has a single player campaign as the online is so great.)

    Are they fun to play?


    I've played the halo 3 beta and it's all hyped up. Gears of war is good on xbox and xbox has other legendary titles. Yeah one good game for PS3, but most of them are copies from other consoles/computer systems simply for the PS3 with nicer graphics - NOTE these will also be on Xbox so ignore these games when choosing.)


    I would definitely say xbox, even when looking at the two honestly. I spent ages deciding myself, looking at the actual facts not warbling a descision like everyone else seems to have done whether they love sony or microsoft. Bear in mind Xbox360 really doesn't feel like a microsoft product (or look like it) if you hate microsoft. And if you hate sony, get an xbox anyway!!!


    PS3= excellent but really expensive (less games at the moment obviously)

    Xbox360= cheap but ok (more games at the moment)

    The xbox is not cheap mate!! but neither is the PS3 which is certainly one almighty step up in price.

    You say the PS3 is excellent and the xbox is ok. Pretty sure you based that on absolutely nothing. Specs are almost identical (xbox out performs PS3) so the only difference is games.

    As you say xbox has the more games (might I add the better game selection is for xbox) so why bother with a PS3. Get the fun console. That is an Xbox 360

  14. The menu, colours, and top banner are absolutely great for all pages!


    The front page is very good, I would say nothing to change there.


    The about us page is good.

    Except one small suggestion; it might be an idea to let users choose to view the video bigger if they want, I would have watched it larger!! - I'm no old man with poor eyesight either! hehe :)


    For the stallions/mares/foals page, the photos and banners are good. I just have a little quibble with that brown background, the one with the browny-yellow stripe running down...

    Is there any way to make the stripe blend slightly more as it is a bit harsh, or maybe experiment with moving the stripe / making the colour more subtle so it doesn't stand out as much?

    It just seems to interrupt the page a little bit!


    On the geldings page, its all nice and looks great.

    One piece of advice may be not to repeat pictures. You re-used some pictures on that page quite a lot. Yeah, theyre great photos!, but it gives a sense that it doesn't completely show the actual horse if you know what I mean!

    Even if the horses look similar it's important to have a different photo for each!!


    Blog page is nice.


    So is the contact us page!




    Its all good and couldn't be better:GREAT SITE!!

  15. I was thinking I will go off to study cybernetics / computer science at a uni. Trouble is, most don't offer cybernetics and sometimes the computer science deps. are lacking!I was speaking to a couple of people, and it turns out for that combination Reading university is definitely the best. I kinda want to go somewhere a little further away though, as I live quite near... Might be worth a look.Uni. of York is also looking like a fine contender!!!

  16. The server's name "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; does not match the certificate's name "gammo.xisto.com". Somebody may be trying to eavesdrop on you.


    Also, I just noticed the name on the certificate is actually wrong: gammo.xisto.com Shouldn't that O be an A?

    You're quite right Rval!!!

    I wonder what's going on here... I doubt a mistake in certificate, so was this intentional?

  17. Just getting this extremely useful thread back on top after I've been looking for it again!!!


    msinfo32 is VERY useful - it's the detailed task manager we never got...

    To get to a window displaying processes, their running locations PID numbers (PID can be shown in task manager, but location can't) and the other general stuff; simply go


    RUN --> type "msinfo32" --> Expand the software environment category --> Click on running tasks from the drop-down menu --> Look to your heart's content!


    This is exceptionally useful if you suspect a nasty task may be running and want to find out where it's put on your computer!

    Also, if anyone knows a way to create a desktop shortcut to the system info pane (by doing run, msinfo32) I'd appreciate your help!

  18. PHP Security



    If you are using PHP on your website we ask that you please read the following carefully.


    We have noticed a significant number of PHP websites are being compromised due to vulnerable PHP code. Spammers are scanning millions of websites on the Internet looking for PHP scripts that can be exploited to send spam. When they find a script that has a loophole they send thousands of email messages through the script, often taking down the website or severely impacting website performance.


    Generally these loopholes exploit code using parameters from a form being passed straight to a mail command or page include without being checked for extra characters. These problems include line feeds in email names and addresses, or including any page passed to the script.


    When we find a site that is being exploited we often have to disable scripting for the whole site or at least for the compromised script (if we can identify it), this can mean unexpected downtime for your website. This problem affects all PHP websites available on the Internet, not just ones hosted by Heart Internet.


    This issue can often be resolved by upgrading to the latest version of the script or in the case of custom scripts asking your developer to close the loophole that has been exploited.


    We would ask that you carry out a security audit on your PHP scripts to ensure they are not vulnerable. Whilst we cannot carry out this process for you if you do have any questions then please feel free to contact us. If you are a reseller can we ask that you contact your customers about this issue as well.


    Thank you for your assistance with this matter.


    That's all for now

    Hope this helped you all!

    I know there are newly setup companies offering free audits around, try and google em!


    Join The Anti-Spam community - put this link at the bottom of your page:

    <a href="auditmypc.com/freescan/antispam.html&%2334; target="_blank">Anti Spam</a>
    It will give a list of duff email addresses for the bots to harvest, and at the bottom is a link to another page of duff links, and then another link to more, and this repeats essentially forever!

    Sending the bots into byebye land, it will simply overload them... hopefully.

  19. u cant ur born with whats in ur genes sorry matey

    Now that was a quality post to ignore!!!
    The most important thing is not to worry about it. Do what you can, but try not to become hung up on the height issue.
    And I think there is something you can do... Exercise.
    I know it sounds stupid, but it does make a difference. Don't get me wrong, the exercise doesn't make you taller, BUT, it will make your growth times last for longer, and definitely grow quicker.
    I made the mistake of becoming more lazy, and I can tell you, when you actually do some exercise there is a noticable difference in the time it takes to grow!
    If you've slowed down the amount you think you're growing, just do a little more exercise and another growth spurt will come'at'cha!

    Give it a whirl. And it doesn't have to be all the usual types of exercise, just do what you like, play a game with a friend, go cycling or swimming (as suggested already!) or just walk everywhere instead of getting a lift! - Anything is better than nothing
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