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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. Right... a couple of days ago I registered another domain for use as well as my main one http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    Today, I realised that I was able to use both with my trap account as putting my new domain as an addon ;)

    Trouble is, when I come to make it it won't let me, saying I'm not allowed to add any more than (0) addon domains!
    My cpanel shows 0/0 allowed addon domains (not unlimited or 9)

    On searching I'm pretty sure I have exactly the same problem as the dude in this topic:

    If you could possibly sort this out I'd much appreciate it ;)

  2. Im trying to figure out how they would be able to ignite the matter/antine engine without blowing it up. I would ponder a guess that heat would just make it worse. Although that does bring up a futurama epsiode using anti-matter droppings from nibble to fire up the engine and what not.

    Very good question, but I think it is possible to ignite without blowing it all up.

    remember, we are working on a 1/3 of an atom or whatever scale so its very very small...


    I think it would be possible to purposely make a small amount of antimatter at a time come into a small amount of air (or some other form of matter) that is disposable. This would happen in the "engine" of said vehicle, possibly in a vacuum, where antimatter and air can be injected to meet up.

    This would result in annhialation in the "engine" space, that with certain special (heat resisting etc.) materials could be channeled to propel the ship or vehicle.


    The size of the explosion can be controlled (with difficulty using a variable amount of antimatter or varying the amount of matter (e.g. gas/air in there) - not sure how you would vary it without exposing it to matter again!!! possibly ~ very ~ strong magnetic fields and some way to stop suppply being given after a couple of units of the stuff has gone into the "engine")


    The biggest problem is simply containing antimatter, as as is the main point of this thread, when antimatter comes into contact with any form of matter it annhialates and there is a huge explosion. Maybe this could be done by somehow storing the antimatter in a vaccum, inside of which some techy has found a way to "bend" the space time (can be done using very large masses or other methods) - effectively making the space inside a really vast area -where the antimatter is in the middle - and keep it there!!.

    This is also my response to the question posed in this topic: bend space time and store the antimatter in a huge vacuum, but this would mean that vacuum wouldn't take up too much space!

  3. The cPanel is upgraded to cPanel X (1.0 -RC36).
    Thanks Opaque for providing us with the latest cPanel. :lol:

    BUT the Fantastico is missing , this is a great disappointment. Please Opaque provide us with the Fantastico.

    Okay, unfortunately I can't provide you with fantastico, and I would like to ask something on the topic of cpanel, but not fantastico (apologies for borrowing thread room!)
    How can I view my site statistics through cpanel? I don't mind whether it is text or graphical, I just can't find a way!!


  4. Hi,

    can anybody give me a clou about a hardware that can connect 2 computers wireless over a loger distance like 500m. The problem is that we are having a computer in a distant house on our plot. We don"t want to use a cable but wireless. Normally wireless is for internal house use but anyhow... Thanks

    You will need to use a wireless signal "repeater" D-link make a lot and they are around everywhere! just search google and pick one :lol:

    Make sure you either match the speed of your current wireless network or go for a repeater that is faster other you will create a "bottleneck" in your extended network!!!

    (So make sure you pick a speed you would like for the repeater / access point.)


    This is a home-made outdoor repeater using a d-link repeater as the basis! - Not much use if you don't want outdoor or to DIY it


    This is pretty interesting, although since he used a repeater to make I'm not sure what the point was! (maybe to make a waterproof outdoor repeater?)


    Linksys Wireless-G Range Expander WRE54G


    With this, it looks good, but a lot of people have said its difficult to set up so this may simplify things


    1-Disable WEP (the encryption that makes you enter a key to join the network) on your Router or AP

    2-Hold the auto-configuration button for 30 seconds(if everything goes well both lights on the expander will turn blue) and unplug while still holding button. Plug back in after 10-15 secs.

    3-open your Internet explorer browser and type (default ip of expander), a window will pop up. leave the user name blank and put admin as a password (this is default password).

    4-make sure that the default gateway and subnet mask settings are identical with your Router or AP,change password on the expander if desired & save settings. (all settings should be correct due to auto configuration)

    5-Enable WEP on the expander, once again remember use same settings as in your Router or AP, save settings again.

    6-Go to your Router or Ap settings and enable WEP. Bang you're DONE. Enjoy


    D-Link AirPlus Xtreme G Access Point


    Another example of a repeater. This has a couple of different purposes, but is still a repeater to expand the range.

  5. Run Commands (start -> run)
    Code:compmgmt.msc - Computer management
    devmgmt.msc - Device manager
    diskmgmt.msc - Disk management
    dfrg.msc - Disk defrag
    eventvwr.msc - Event viewer
    fsmgmt.msc - Shared folders
    gpedit.msc - Group policies
    lusrmgr.msc - Local users and groups
    perfmon.msc - Performance monitor
    rsop.msc - Resultant set of policies
    secpol.msc - Local security settings
    services.msc - Various Services
    msconfig - System Configuration Utility
    regedit - Registry Editor
    msinfo32 _ System Information
    sysedit _ System Edit
    win.ini _ windows loading information(also system.ini)
    winver _ Shows current version of windows
    mailto: _ Opens default email client
    command _ Opens command prompt


    plz reply... if u find this post useful... :-)

    That is useful... I favorited it too! I always forget and get them muddled up when I need them:
    I find the best one msinfo32 - I have been trying to find a way to see the location tasks are running from, as task manager only displays the name - under software environment and running tasks it shows all of the information. Interestingly enough I got to this page once by mistake (not using command prompts) and found it very useful.. but couldn't find it ever since!!!

    another useful one to add to the list is "dxdiag" withought the quotes of course. It gives system information about graphics / audio and the state of directx etc...

    Want a killer tip for squeezing even more size out of your GIF Web images? Make something transparent. That's right, if you can pick an area of your image to make transparent, your file size will drop like a rock. For example, if you're putting a logo over a white background and you can make the white area around the logo transparent, your file size will be significantly smaller. The transparent areas are virtually ignored when determining file size, because, after all, there's nothing there.

    Nice Tip, that can come in very handy. I knew about transparancy, but i didn't know that it made it way smaller in size!

  7. OK, I have decided to put it up on my site, as I may only leave it up there for a short amount of time.

    Please visit this page, instead of the hard link (and if you have to pass it around - I'd rather you didn't - please send the person to this page, or make sure they don't pass it on any further!) - By splitting up the original file and giving it away, I'm pretty sure the copyright isn't gonna help me out too much!!!

    Shakespeare's Works Page

  8. What? Who says they have to be famous to be hot?!

    Exactly!.. All we've had so far is famous people!
    Anyway heres someone else and I'm surprised no-ones mentioned her.
    She certainly looks real nice, and I'm willing to bet she's a pretty decent person too!

    Alexis Bledel (probably about 25 yrs old now... Judging by the age of Gilmore Girls - Great series!)
    1 2

  9. Nice. If anyone here likes Shakespeare as much as i do.. this is a treasure. I'm always looking for new Shakespeare to read and this is just a handy little booklet for me...I love the guy, his writing is supberb, and his teachings are entertaining and invaluable.
    Yay for Shakespeare!

    Kraizii, i have now split up the massive text file into all the different plays / sonnets (all in one for sonnets though!) and saved them as text files named the title of each. If you would like to have these, it makes reading / finding anything you want much easier!


  10. Thanks for all that advice saint m. and thanks blessed for the positive notes and good bumping :(

    OK Here's whats new:

    -that background gradient get rid of the white and go with a lighter color then just the white to bluish color

    As you suggested, i think I understand you right that you mean to change the entire background colour to nearer to white, I've done that and I must say... it helps :(
    I combined the two title images and a lot of the other template images in my redesign as suggested by you :( - This helps in two ways, it did easily make the files smaller overall and it was way, way easier to recode my whole site down to the barebones (looks no different :( )!

    -add a drop shadow to your site either on the sides or on the bottom.

    Right... I see where your going... and I agree! this would be a nice direction to take. i will be working on this for the coming days... trying to do it withought destroying the rest of my page!
    Also, in a twisted, double dagger effect of removing useless images! - I managed (really don't know how) to get the colums nice and have those page headings like "home page" and "my photos" to be coded into the browser instead of using images. I'm pleased with the result! the colours look nicer and it definitely makes it easier to modify for new pages.

    -with the background border you have at the top move it down to image you have in your site (of course adjust the size to fit)

    Hmmm I'm really not sure what you meant for this one... sorry about that! could you maybe explain it a little clearer with a quick ms paint knockup of the sort of thing that you mean!!!
    THE SITE HAS BEEN COMPLETELY RECODED DOWN TO BAREBONES! I managed to do this withought changing any of the layout at all and it really shortened the code, removed most of the complicated tables and converted things to divs!
    Don't forget to check out my photos page!! I found a really neat JS for photo views and it allows captions and html pages in it, resizes the window and everything, and best of all its clean looking, free and no links or marking! - PM me if you would like the link to get it :lol: I bet you will!
    Please tell me what you think of the changes :lol:


  11. Pretty stupid idea but people seems to like it..Personally i would never register for that mail because even i can remember it or spell it biggrin.gif

    Simple...! its the alphabet twice and once again up to k! I can remember it already :lol:

    Personally though, its not long enough.

    I'd quite like to register the domain (available :() with .co.uk or maybe .org.uk for an even longer address! at the end and get my own nice design up there instead, I'd offer free no-ads service with nice e-mail reading if I do this - maybe only to fellow trapees and friends!!!
    If you would like this annoying service and name, drop me a reply!


    abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk.org.uk!!! Its mine now :lol:
    Its so long that in the manage domain pane and on domainmonster site, it screws up almost every page of theirs :( :( :(

  12. Seeing as it is frustrating (and should be), perhaps the solution would be to edit the post and change it to a paragraph or so on the brief history of rock and roll, that is nothing included in your big post, then simply post it in another thread somewhere where you would say you get credit for the work you put in.Although this is probably gainst the rules and people may frown on it, I'm sure you won't be taken down for it.

  13. On fairly extensive testing, I am unsure as to whether the invisitec protection programs do what they say they do, as per the online demo, hosted by them.

    I can easily get the file by saving as web page complete, it is saved along with two other files. Simple... also, the link to the full resolution image is easily visible in the source code and print screen works. Please hold off from buying this in the mean time, I have e-mailed them about it and I will see what they say :lol:


    There are some dedicated programs out there to help people out on this matter.


    I was trying to do this with my photos, as I didn't want anyone copying my (decent!!!) photographs.


    Of course you won't be able to stop anyone completely (i.e. very computer literate hackers), but for the purpose the security of a dedicated encryption program will work fine.

    The best way would be to use a program that encrypts the file on your server.

    This prevents anyone using print screen or saving the image and makes it extremely difficult to use, whilst letting them view the image as normal. I'm not sure what it does with the cache of the file (the file gets saved on the user's computer for quick loading etc - standard thing with images), The program description says that it is only viewable in the browser on your site only, once it goes anywhere else it becomes unusable.


    Do a search on google and find respectable looking ones


    LINKS REMOVED: During testing of the ones I linked to, I found that in firefox the images were easily accessible. Sorry for no links! Please do test out the software first using their demo pages.


    They all do essentially the same thing, but seem to be very useful and worth the money for a proper program. If you are serious or even semi-serious about protecting your artwork, ?40 or so is not much to ask.


    Yess... what sun said below, disabling right click is annoying, and doesn't help at all, because there are shortcuts that everyone knows anyway!

    May I suggest watermarking (what most of the hi-profile image companies do); that is, putting a semi-see-through overlay (probably white or grey in colour) on your image that saye copyright © 2007 <your name>, from <your web adress>. The best position to put this is in the middle of the image or NOT right on the edge, where it is easy to remove! - of course there is a fine line between an acceptable mark and one that spoils the artwork :lol:

  14. jay... Don't change the fonts!!!
    They really are excellent and go superbly with the theme.

    The entire thing is nice and bright!

    And michelper; I'm sorry, but I disagree about the yellow in there. I reckon it goes really nicely. Just my opinion... but withought it the page would look too blue!

    As has been said already it looks so slick with the nice rounded edges and 2.0 look :lol:

    Regarding web validation;
    My firefox page validator shows no doctype declaration and it would also like alt text for the image tags. It is fine to add

    to them, to prevent the alternate text appearing on mouseover!

    Also... it shows you forgot to close the
    that begins on line 55 and probably should end before the div on line 155!!

    Thats about it :( regarding the code stuff... I may be wrong on both counts! just suggestions :lol:

  15. Referring to Manual Shutdown #1 (Press and holding the button): This will sometimes result in data corruption, why? Because during the normal shutdown process, Hardrive Read/Write heads are being parked on the SafeZone. Doing this will just leave the head on top of the plate destroying some precious data.

    I would say we are talking about this one...And I would agree with you it is bad, you made a very good point about the hard drives, but these are not the only parts to suffer. Fans can lose life by being instantly shut off and also the main chip doesn't do too good having instant power / usage changes.
    Software can get corrupted too, with files being unproperly saved, just cut off, things being accessed...!

    Its just not great for the comp - pressing the button once to turn off is fine!

  16. "cutenews". Works good.

    sample site here

    Notice how the index page contains all of the articles and selecting the specific Company name from the left-hand sidebar displays only the

    company specific Articles? this is done using "categories" on each Article and the cutenews code to select by category for the selected Company.

    I can honestly say cutenews is great! Its very clean and simple, but it also can be tailored to your site easily.

    The integration is the best part. It is so simple to integrate with 3 lines of php code (three short lines that is!) but can be so easily configured.

    And its standalone php files, no mysql databases either.

    Give it a go, see if you like it. I've integrated it with my site (have a look round the blog pages and all the different blog sorted pages. You can choose to set it up how you like it!):


    It supports easy image upload, longer "full story" modes and comments by visitors, or whoever you tell it to allow. It also has smilies as you'd expect!

  17. Unfortunately that video didn't work for me, but really... I'm not surprised about the whole Ms copy Apple buisiness.But you know what really gets me, Microsoft won the patent for the ipod circular scroll wheel!!! I really don't know if they'll have the balls to follow it up, but cmon. That is Apple's thing and they must be quite annoyed over that.I'll wait a bit and get vista (maybe with a newer, desktop this time, PC) when it has been ironed out and perfected!

  18. Well, I always used to get that message until I set up my firewall to allow the ports. I don't know much either. I simply followed the step by step instructions on their site.There should be a link on the downloader somewhere when it says you're behind a firewall, for more info or something. Follow it.Or just have a look round the WOW site in the support area... You'll find it!

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