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Posts posted by Jimmy

  1. Thanks both of you :P It's great that you like it SM and yes Mr bk is right. I used joomla with rockettheme template. It took a lot of work changing things to the way I liked it and stripping down the page, also ordering and customising everything. Also did a lot of behind the scenes work too :D You like the banner??Oh and bk, by administrator bar, did you mean the admin link? Well I guessed it was the link so I've removed that... if you really meant the login box, please speak up!!

  2. The only thing I didn't like is the content placementI have a rantblog too but it isn't much though I plan on making it bigger and better. :D

    thanks sy, you said the layout might be a bit confusing to start with. I have made that wolf welcome pic quite a bit smaller, and I would say it makes everything much better, makes writing look "wider" in the middle and more text shows before people have to scroll down as well... what do you think?

    If you wanted, I'd be happy to make you a publisher account, so if you wanted you could come along with us and have dailyrant as your rant site?? :P

  3. Daily rant has been running for about 3 months now, and I think I have completed everything! Thanks to SM for a previous 9/10 review :D - topic seemed to have disappeared, so I created it again! It's got a lot of content up and I would say I have finalised the design and finally got it perfected from my point of view! - Does anyone have an opinion on the upper-right searchbox?

    Please review my site critically for anything you think can be improved :P

    Daily Rant

  4. its really a fake and useless one cannot afford to have this ,its not possible to remmeber this address nor posssible to type in forma so whats the use of it.may be the company is making fun.

    fake and unaffordable? it certainly isn't fake, and it's also free for use. Seem's like you're wrong...
    nor is it possible to remember this address...? once again you're wrong. I got mine about 4 months ago, although I've never used it I can still remember it:
    It's the alphabet twice and once more up again to "k" - easy, heh!!!
    If of course anyone can remember the alphabet :D

  5. That'd have to be one fancy keyboard to do that without your knowlege. You could easily keylog that way, but how would you send it off without knowlege from the user? Keylogging programs can just send off the data using Winsock or BSD sockets. A firmware stored in the keyboard couldn't do that - the orders would be sent to the keyboard buffer which would be processed by the OS on screen and then the activity would be easily noticed by the user. There'd need to be cooperation with the operating system manufacturers to do anything completely hidden that's without suspicion.

    Hmm interesting point, but since nowadays most keyboards come with some software or "additional tools". Most users would install these without checking since "it's only a keyboard!"If it contacts the keyboard's manufacurer "trusted" site and you think it's okay and allow it, then those packet delays can be transmitted without being noticed.

    It probably relies on the user trusting the keyboard in the first place and not seeing that anything is wrong. - You make a good point nevertheless.. (and all I can say is I'm not completely sure how it would be implemented!!)

  6. the want polkadotred and well then they can have it.

    lol they certainly have got that!!!
    I think the rosa thing is awesome the way it drops the roses down and shakes when you point to it!!!
    In my honest opinion I think it's a bit garish as a site, but it sounds like that was what they are going for :) you never know... people are different!

    On a more important note, you should really change the colours of the scrollbar thing. I didn't know it was possible to scroll down at all!! (just noticed something odd on second look at your site :) )

    maybe make the scroll block that you drag up and down solid white or something...?

  7. After following serverph's link to a wiki article on stenography (that how to spell?) I noticed something that is actually quite worrying...

    A new steganographic technique involves injecting imperceptible delays to packets sent over the network from the keyboard. Delays in keypresses in some applications (telnet or remote desktop software) can mean a delay in packets, and the delays in the packets can be used to encode data. There is no extra processor or network activity, so the steganographic technique is "invisible" to the user. This kind of steganography could be included in the firmware of keyboards, thus making it invisible to the system. The firmware could then be included in all keyboards, allowing someone to distribute a keylogger program to thousands without their knowledge.

    Basically what could be done by a cheap keyboard manufacturer is to implement this to "rip off" their customers, stealing passwords, accounts, bank details etc.
    Now I think most of us will find this worrying. Never again should anyone buy cheap imported keyboards or ones from "dodgy" makers...

    So it's a hardware version of a keylogger!?? sending a different "delay" for each key that is pressed so whoever is on the other end could easily find out whatever you type. Whoever is reading this right now most likely has a keyboard in front of them... can it be trusted?

    Scary, I'm just lucky I went with a well-known brand!

  8. Since I've seen so many "late" introductions from people here at the forums recently, I decided to add mine to the mix!
    It's been a year in the making and most people may remember me from "Jimmy's 100 credit quest"!! which was actually a 115 credit quest after the booby prize I awarded!!!

    Well my name is James and I'm from the UK. There's been a lot of rain recently, so even more of a reason to type this up before the internet goes down on our end

    I'm 17, going into the last year of college before going off to university to study cybernetics. Yep I already know what course I wanna do! cyb is just amazing, I can look at some of the really simple uni projects at an open day and its like whoa! amazing :) check out the inverted pendulum project. (or even more impressive is a double two-hinged inverted pendulum being balanced!!) It's so simple, and even better to see in person youtube link: here

    Hobbies are cycling, photoshoping.. did a really nice convertable jeep the other day.. I also do some rifle shooting which I'm not very good at but hey I prefer shooting clays or pistols! Trying to get an airsoft (bb shooting game like paintballing with replica weapons, should be fun!) thing organised ;)
    I also like playing computer games, with Call of Duty 2 on xbox360 being a personal favorite. I also just bought a "RETRO" Dreamcast just for old times' sake :) with toy commanders nd chuchu rocket! v. fun games...

    I've recently got a decent web/joomla site project going here which I'm very proud of:D It looks nice and I guess you can never advertise enough so here's the link again ;):)

    Well sorry this is such a late introduction, but I suppose better late than never! It might give people here a bit more info to know about me :P See ya round!

  9. Maybe you could try again later.

    Well I think the point of this post is that Tramp has waited long enough :/I can understand how frustrating it would be, and as much as we all want to say just wait a little longer, it really shouldn't be happening.

    I know OpaQue has a lot to do an all, but a good member at these forums is going without the support that Trap is usually so good for...

    Good luck and I hope OpaQue approves it soon...

  10. I think Velma, although t is a pressurable job is doing such a great job! Opaque is also right up there spending a LOT of time making everything work and function in an enjoyable and reliable way!Velma actually did award me my credits as correctly after the initial confusion, but then I ended up giving them all away for the Jimmy's 100 credit challenge lol!!!I think it's awesome you guys decided to sort this matter out. Personally the 25 bonus credits is completely fair and more! those who forgot to post after should be so grateful, even though their credits went up and down again!

  11. Nice one SM!!! although I think you should make the blog layout for some of those pages a little more shiny and eye-candy-ish since it does look like a rubbish blog!!!


    lol and following your link to tetris review I loved your legal notice: :)

    Images and of course games are copyrighted to it's perspective owners blah blah blah..Roms are illegal and so don't get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove other wise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well their is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007 SM Old School Legend.

    Old school legend hahaa! I'm off to see if tetris is available on the dreamcast... (It's my newest retro investment!!!)

  12. But, your Home Page is empty? Is that meant to be, or still under construction?

    I'm sorry to say I didn't have the time to manage because of exams and also I modded the .htaccess file for a different site. This meant the content generated via cutenews CMS I was using doesn't appear anymore.

    My site will now redirect to my bigger, new project that has a LOT more content!


    Alex it made me laugh when you said you almost closed the window because it was a parked domain :) Any further reviews from here onwards will probably be on my now main site, where the newer reviewers might not realise it's not projectjim.co.uk any more!!!!

  13. Lol serverph's Rarryawn trophy tells us that he knew this before anyone else!!!(he decoded my hidden-file picture in the challenge :) )You can also use this method to hide a movie file in a picture or almost any other types of file to merge with a picture. Technically all types, but some will be seen as corrupt once the process has been done.If you encounter errors doing this, try to make sure that the file you're hiding inside the image is larger than the image file itself and/or try hiding a different file type :)Oh and I can't believe you stole my tricksy sneaky knowledge!!!!!! This was gonna be a tutorial of mine :_(

  14. That is a interesting quirk, and it seems it should be fixed by the joomla guys; did your research find anything to the statement that they tried or are trying to fix that? This maybe see ma bit far fetched, but it would seem as though they are trying to monopolize by making sure that you can use only there software to make changes to there file structure. But like you mentioned in your earlier post that if this is a well known problem it should have been fixed by now.

    No I didn't find any announcements detailing a fix, but since they are working on 1.5 it'll be okay for that version.


    Nevertheless it get's even more confusing. After editing and renaming back to compiled.css with Joomlaxplorer, I found that this file got greyed out in joomlaxplorer!!

    Now I'm getting confused. So, now I can't edit the file or rename/move etc. with Joomlaxplorer but instead, it now works in cpanel!!!


    How wierd :) It's pinging me between the two programs. Really odd...

    Must have something to do with the fix Opaque tried and resetting permissions etc. but to work initially with the plugin and then not to is odd...

  15. Tasks Performed for you :-
    1. Copied compiled.css to compiled.css.copy.
    2. deleted compiled.css
    3. chmodded compiled.css to 644
    4. reset ownership of that file.

    Check now.

    Okay, thank you very much for the help, but it didn't fix it!! I have no idea what's going on here. Cpanel just gives me a permission denied error trying to rename compiled.css.copy back to compiled.css

    BUT, I have found a solution!!!

    I was doing some research about this problem and apparantly is is quite well known... Joomla does something funny with active folders that it uses.
    Using Joomlaxplorer (plugin for Joomla) I was able to get around the problems with cpanel and ftp programs it renamed and edited successfully :) .

    I'm a bit annoyed I can't use an ftp program for it like everything else, but since it seems joomlaxplorer is the only option, and certainly works well, I'll stick with it!! (I feel a Joomla tuturial coming on :) )
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