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Everything posted by Galahad

  1. First alcoholic beverage I had was beer... It was Jelen (Deer) Beer, and it still is my favourite beer...With no offence, but American, and German beers are way to weak for my taste... I like old European beers, like Staropramen, or Stella Artois, Tuborg, Guiness I tried Jule?l, a Norwegian dark beer, they actualy brew it only for christmas (Jule is christmas in Norwegian i think )... It's great...Don't get me wrong, I like to drink German beers like Warsteiner, but also Mexican beer Desperados I think it's called... Anyways, I LOVE beer :)I like to drink wine, white wines actualy, like Chardonnay, Riesling (localy maed wine, Karlovacki Rizling) or Sauvignon Blanc... I love drinking them pure, or in the form of spritzer (Karlovacki Rizling is the best for this)...Red wines are a bit hard on my stomack, so I awoid them... I tried all sorts of drinks, I can't even remember which (I tried grog, rum, all kinds of whiskey, vodka...), but beer remains my favourite... When you drink it in normal quantities
  2. I'm a software developer, or more popularly, a programmer I've been employed for a year and 3 months at my current job, but I've been working different jobs for different companies for about 4 years...Software developers job is a fun one, and you need to keep in touch with new technologies constantly, always learning new stuff, finding different ways to improve your code, maybe add new functionality... I guess it's the constant learning that makes this job an interesting one...Pay is ok I guess, it could be better, but I'm not complaining
  3. I see most of you are fairly young (14 to 15 years old), and you speak of marriage and things are to come in relatively distant future... It's nice really, but a little early to talk about those things...In your teen years, up until 20 or even 25 years, you should have fun, live your life to the fullest... After that, you should start looking for something serious... I don't deny, there are people that start relationships in early years, and last until the end of their lives, but they are exceptions... Most relationships started in early age (that meaning 14, 15 or 16), that end up in marriage (potentialy with children), fall apart when theyr actors come to age of 30 to 40... The reason is they haven't lived their life to the fullest, never experienced something they now want, and thst's the main reason... And sometimes that love just fades...There's nothig wrong in going out, but there shouldn't be a big deal about it either... I'm the type that never cared about going out with every girl in school, and from neighbourhood... If I found a girl I relly liked, I would become closer with her, and in time, if that liking stays, or intensifies, I would ask her out on a date... Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't, but the main thing is, that now, with my 25 years of age, I don't regret a single thing I did, and wouldn't change anything if I could go back in past... Not as single thing...And most importantly, I'm ready to start my own family, get married, have a bunch of kids, etc, etc :)My point being, don't get too nervous if you don't like going out with everyone, it's perfectly normal
  4. Well, this was an interesting topic, and an interesting article I read...I believe there are different views to her, uhm, how do I say, views or actions agains the Muslims...First, do start off on the matter of her lying on her application form... If she publicly admitted to lying on that form, and she was admitted to become a member of the parliament, people can't start acting now, 4 years after that, just because they don't like her anymore now...Second, I don believe Muslim religion has rather extreme views on some things, and there are many things I don't agree with in ther religion (holy war being one od them)... But I also don't agree with many things in Catholic religion, and many things I don't agree with in Orthodox religion (me being part of this one, not by choice, but as a stereotype - I don't believe in any form of God/Gods, and therefore may not be objective about religion)I live in a country where affairs such as this one, come and go, on a weekly basis, so I may be more biased towards indifference to such matters...But, if only reason she should be expelled from the parliament, and deported back to Somalia, is that her oponents don't like the things she's saying (I don't actualy know what she's saying, and how extreme her views are), then that's ton of horse droppings :)I believe there are ellections comeing soon, and that's what this fuss is all about... It always is...
  5. Computer teachers are generaly like that... There are actualy 3 categories of computer science teachers, and they could be grouped like this:- "Living in clouds": This category probably covers about 45% of the computer teachers... They think they know everything, no matter that they haven't updated their knowledge in years, and they are falling behind.. I actually had such a teacher, and just because I knew more than her, she kept harrasing me, and kept giving me al kinds of impossible tasks to do (well, not impossible, but very very EXTREMELY hard), and she kept waiting for me to make a slight mistake, just to give me a failing grade... This is probably the worst kind of teacher, and everyone hates them, as they don't posess (and probably never did possess) neccessary knowledge for this job...- "I don't care" type of teacher, is the one that will tell you to read something from the book at home, and let you play games throughout the whole class... This is my oppinion the most destructive type of teacher, as they don't even try to teach you anything, they just do their own projects during class, and let the kids play games... Kids of course like them, and have nothing against playing games the whole time... Not my favourite personaly - "Real Guru": Now these are the right kind of teachers, in my own oppinion... They know the matter, they know about computers, they aren't afraid you will ask them something they don't know, or afraid to say they don't know something... But they will look it up, and tell you on the next class... They are strict, but fair, and 90% of the kids that finish they class, have the basic knowledge in computers, a knowledge they won't forget in 10 days... Some students like them, some don't, but whe it comes down to what it really maters - knowledge - they are the ones to look for... There are basicaly very few of them, not more than 3% or 4 % of the computer teacher population :)I'm actualy currently looking to go to computer college, for computer teacher, as I would like to pass on what I know of computers to new generations... I believe I could fit into this last category, and never become like the second one, let alone the first category... But, it's most likely that I won't be actualy be a teacher (because the teacher pay really sucks), only use that diploma to get a better job with computers :DAnyways, let us know how the meeting went, with your principal and computer teacher... And try not to get so irritated, it will only get worse...
  6. As I am setting up a wireless internet connection, I would like to share it with my brother, and I would like to put up a server, or router, to rephrase it :)It will most likely be some old machine presumably a P2 or P3, I will put Linux on it (most likely it will be a new Ubuntu distribution), and at first, I would only use this computer as a router, and will probably install Apache, MySQL, PHP and god knows what more, and make a real living server... Maybe put up UnrealIRCd on it :DServers that will have Linux as their OS, don't need to be powerfull machines, as they should be when puting Windows on it, and they actully run pretty smoothly, considering they are going to be used for non-profesional needs, and with a small number of users at the same time...Anyways, servers are such a great thing , but they may be difficult to set up, even for intermediate computer users...
  7. Making a key logger in VB is quite simple... First of all, why would do you want a VB keylogger in the first place? Are you familiar with Visual Basic? If you are, then you can write your own keylogger, it's quite simple, and, despite what amhso said, it IS possible, and it won't suck, it's a simple matter of using windows API to do a hook, and subclassing... Visual Basic isn't a child's tool anymore you know... Anyway, visit Planet Source Code - VB World, and look for keyloggers there, I believe there are quite a few... Anyway, as keyloggers are very bad thing, in my oppinion, as they invade privacy in the most horrible way, I would suggest you create multiple accounts, for you, and your brother each, and use your computer that way... Why would you want to know what he does when he uses the computer? Does he break something, or what?
  8. If I understood you corectly, you want to hide HTTP request from a filtering server, but you want that same HTTP request to be available to the actual web server, is that correct?If you want to to that, I would say it's quite impossible, as it would require you to write your own web server, in order to interpret that encrypted HTTP request... If you wish to encrypt HTTP requests in general, I believe HTTPS protocol is the one to look for...Basicly, if I understood your question correctly, what you want to do is not doable... I have never done anything with HTTP requests, so I'm not the best choice to listen to... But from what I know, in general about how things work, I think it's not doable... If anyone knows better, please, correct me...
  9. Hippy? So this is how it still works, anyone who is for peace, a pacifist if you will, is a hippy, and everyone who is for violence is a god given addition to Earth? Which nation was the only one that used the nuclear device, or should I say, weapon of mass destruction? United States! And they used it twice! And US still has nuclear program... Who gives them the right to do so? Who give US the right, to police the whole world? US is being hated more and more, throughout the world, and it's people like you Kioku, that only add oil to fire... Why aren't you in Iraq? Why aren't you defending yourself? You are just like ton's of people in my own country, that protect Kosovo, from a 200 hundred kilometers distance, but when they had to chance to actualy go, they chickened out... If you want to defend and protect something, go do it, don't just talk about it... America IS the world bully, and I think the United Nations should take some action, because, if US doesn't have to follow the rules everyone else does, others will follow their example... So far, the existence of the United Nations is pointless, and are setting double standards, showing how United States can do whatever they want, and go around the United Nations and United Nations Security Council, while they demand the rest of the world, to listen to what the United Nations say... I also agree on the point, that we should try and put ourselves in common American citizens shoes, and try and see things their way... They do live IN the box, and can't see past what their own government is showing them, and letting them see... I start from my own country, where about 70% of the population, can't see past what our government is serving us... Only those of us who use Internet every day, can see things from outside the box, and form a normal oppinion about things... I don't blame the American people in general, just those who think US has to play big brother to the whole world... Actualy, they play big brother only to those countries, that have something US can use for it's own purposes, be it land, oil, or other natural resources... Every country has extremists, same here, same in US, Canada, or any other country... But every normal, rational thinking person knows, that violence only brings more violence, which in turn brings more violence, and round it goes... If indeed US would take all their money dedicated to wars and killing people, and used it to feed hungry, a world would indeed be a very brighter and better place... Just try to mind other peoples business less, and clean up your own yard first... It's simple as that...
  10. I don't think the question of president Bush is just a matter of Americans... It's the matter of the whole world, since his policies affect just that, the whole world...All that fuss about war with terrorism... He is just as same as he is, just multiplied by 10... Terrorists resort to violence, when their ideas and goals can't be achieved peacefully... So, what does Bush do? He does just as same, not only when it comes to terrorism, but with everything else... But that's not just Bush, all the American presidents are like that... Unfortunately, American presidents are just puppets, and are actualy not controling anything, they are just for show...Same happened when clinton was in power, he came to the Balkans, and "fixed" things, when actually, US was there just as long as their interests were in question, when their not, they're gone... What's with the bombing of Yugoslavia? They claimed they were freeing Serb people from Milosevic, when in fact, it was Serb people that suffered those 72 days of constant bombing, destruction of bridges, and many civilian targets... When they spent their war budged, and set their foot in Kosovo, they stopped, since their idea in haveing a base in Balkans, was accomplished, and there was no more need for "freeing" us... So, story of Iraq - I've heard it all before...The problem is, this isn't the last time it happens... I fear that every time US doens't have it's way, it will resort to violence, and "wars to free the people"... And they will only get bolder, and bolder... So I think Europe should stand firmly against some US actions, and put them in their place... US is not god given to rule the whole world... If they don't follow the UN regulations, how can they expect anyone else to follow UN regulations? And even claim that "their wen't against UN regulations, or resolutions, and that's why we're at war with them"... That's just plain hipocracy...So I don't actualy think that impeaching Bush would have some drastic impact on US foreign policies, maybe there will be improvement in the domestic policies, but foreign - I don't think they'll change anytime soon...
  11. Well, we all think waaaay too much sometimes... But you need to try and think less of those bad things, and concentrate on good things, positive things... So yeah, I thought about how my girlfriend might cheat me, but what can I do about it? If she wants to cheat me, she will, and I can't stop her... So, I go on to think that she loves me, and that she won't cheat on me...As for the matter of grounding, I'm past that phase long ago, but why would they ground you, if you don't do anything real bad? Go on to think that they will commend you, or say something positive... If you just always think how things are bad, and black, then that's the way they will be...It's all up to you, in the end...
  12. I wouldn't call it being cheap either... I too try and get the best price, and best possible quality for that price, on everything, starting from clothes, and all the way to computer equipment, hell, I even want to buy a cheapest possible car, that has the best possible quality...I agree, that people who workd hard, value their money, way more, than people who get it from their parents... And believe me, I work hard, sometimes even 12 to 14 hours a day... What you are doing ( and what I am doing ) is just shopping smart, and not wasting money on unnecessary things...I too go out, have fun with my friends, and I too leave tips whenever I pay for something, starting with taxi fares, drinks in the pub, or just plain grocery shopping, etc... And even if I had more money, I would still do the same thing, because, I know how hard it is to earn that money, that I can call my own...
  13. Do you think you are more of a human because you have more money than someone? That remark you just said... It's better I don't comment on that, you just sit, and think for youself about what you just said... It seems to me that you are closed minded too... US foreign policy is not that great as you may think.. The again, you might be one of those who blindly follow Bush, and is war policies... This has nothing to do with anything... We all NEED to learn english language, not WANT to, and there is a big difference between those two... English language is by chance, the most widespread language in the world, and therefore, it pays off to know it... With this remark you think you are a macho man? Some kind of great protector? I would go on to say that you actually don't know about women, and you think you are so great just because you're a man... I actually start to pity you... Have you thought of donating some of the food to people who don't have the money to eat shrimp or steak? Not outside US, but to your own people? I can say you haven't... Next, to move on to the US history... I bet it's not hard to learn, oh, shall we round down to 500 years of history? I believe American continent was discovered in 1492, yes? Now is 2006, that makes it 514years of your continents history, when Europeans got there... Let's say you have 500 years of American history, as opposed to say, Serbian history of, oh, at least 1000+ years...But that's besides the point here... And just a side not for you anwiii, an extremist would say something like "All Americans must die, because they are evil" or something like that... saga was just saying his own oppinion, and I believe that is one of the major US propaganda claims, "you can think and speak freely" (just as long as it's not about us) I might add... Or am I an extremist too, just because I don't agree with your oppinions, and foreign policy of your government? This is not an attack on you, I just felt personaly offended but what you were saying, and descending this debate to a personal level, and attacks based on nationality, financial status, or belief system... Next, as gaea said, these kind of personal attacks ruin any good discussion, and we should all refrain from it... Personal attacks, on people who think differently, only proves their point - if you can't make your point, without attacking a person, then your oppinion is the wrong one, isn't it so? Also, US is definitely not pro democracy, it is pro-US, as gaea said wisely... Where US interests coincide with democracy, it's great, if not, well, too bad... My country was also "liberated" by the US... And what good it brought? Nothing good! Only a significant increase in nationalist extremists, and such, which makes life for us "normal" people, very difficult... US wanted a foot in Kosovo, and they got it, and now, Yugoslavia doens't matter anymore, US got what it wanted... Again, people always take personally when someone says something about their government... I have nothing against American people, I have many friends there, that are good, decent people... But there are always idiots, and there always will be, same here, same in the US, and in any other country... It's up to us, more intelligent people, to make life normal, but sadly, always those small groups of idiots, lead whole countries... Let me ask you, what will happen with Iraq, when we deplete oil reserves? What will happen when all oil on Earth is depleted? What country is next to be "liberated"? I must say, I started looking on that "liberated" as in "liberated from it's own resources"... Maybe US will liberate Holland, or other country, that can grow food, or something else... Maybe sand will become important factor at one point in life, and suddenly, US will liberate entire Africa, who knows... Those donations US governments give out, are not free, as you say... They expect those governments to obey all US governments wishes and commands, and if they do not, they suddenly become dictators, and need to "liberate" certain country, rises again... The fact people go to the US, doens't mean they like US... They just try to survive... I believe all those proud patriotic Americans, should come to live in "third-world countries" as they say, for about 5 years... I wonder how would they get along there? Also, that referenc, "third world"... What makes US "first world"? And where did that "second world" go? Just because you have more money than someone, doesn't make you more of a human, or a better person, or more equal than someone who doesn't have as much money, and has to work 3 jobs, just to meet ends... So, for the last time, if you can't stand your case without personal attacks, or cultural or religional attack, better don't say anything, you'll only lower your points stand, you won't improve it...
  14. Yes, hacking is illegal... But I don't think this particular person can be called stupid, he did hack into their system! And that system is supposed to be protected by biggest minds on the face of the Earth...As for the damage of $900.000... Maybe I'll sue US government for stress, since they did spend BILLIONS of dollars bombing my city (among others in Yugoslavia)... I personaly hate US governments, all of them, because they always seem to know what's best for everyone, and always stick their noses in other peoples business... And always resort to violence, when someone doesn't want to go along with their ideas... They are a typical bully, all brawn, no brain... I live for the day that the world unites, and once and for all puts US where it belongs... They do not own the world, and we are not here just to serve their ideas and purposes... And the British government taging along, like a puppy, obeying all the commands their masters US give them...So yes, I think this man is being used as a scapegoat, kind of example for others... They say this is serius attack, but he didn't gain access to any vital and confidential information... Just plain stupidity on behal of US government...Hope I didn't offend anyone if this post was a bit harsh, but I hope you understand me... And just to avoid all missunderstandings, I DO NOT have anything against Americans, or British, just their governments...
  15. Someone already said, things that work out greatly over the internet, or phone, don't neccessarily need to work out greatly in person, or "live"... You should be cautios, and go in slowly, not to be freatly dissapointed if things don't go as you intended them... On the other hand, things may go even better than you imagined :lol:As for her being a minor, you should watch out for that Sadly, girls i my country tend to chase older guys, and actualy have sex starting at 15 or 16 years, with guys as much as 10+ years older than them.... Sad thing, and annoying... I'm 25, and I hate when children chase me (and by children, I mean anyone who is 6+ years youger than me )... be smart, and don't get stuck in prison:PWe'll keep our fingers crossed, hope this all works out for you as you intended it...
  16. Galahad

    Audio Speakers?

    This happens because sound from most soundcards to external source (in your case your speakers) uses low voltage for signal transfer (don't hold my word for it, but I believe it's +/-1.25 volts)... Your speakers are meant to be connected to HiFi device, which provides higher voltages, that your speakers need to operate properly... What you need to do, is connect your speaker output, to your AUX IN, or simmilar input port on your HiFi... Usualy those connect woth two RCA jacks, one for left, and one for right audio signal... I'm sure you can find premade TRS jack to 2 RCA jack cables (1 3.5" stereo jack, to 2 RCA's)... Then you can use your HiFi to turn up, or turn down your volume... Or you could make your own cable, it's quite easy, I'll draw up a scheme for you: Here's 3.5" stereo jack, or TRS (Tip-Ring-Sleeve) - Tip is usualy used for LEFT audio signal - Ring is used for RIGHT audio signal - Sleeve is used for grounding signal SLEEVE RING TIP__ | | | |_____|____ __|__ | | ## ##__|__ | ## ## \ | ## ##_____/ |__________##_____##__| I don't actualy have the time to draw RCA jack, but you can Google for it, and you'll see how it looks... Outside ring is usualy used for grounding, and inside pin is used for audio signal... So technically, you need four wires to make this TRS-RCA cable... Two wires used for LEFT audio, and two for RIGHT audio... I'm sure I'm not making any sense, but I'll make a drawing when I get home, and explain it little better...
  17. Well, most of the people already covered all the alternatives, I'll just add my two cents here...Besides S-Video, and Composite out, you can buy a card with additioal DVI port... I have Ati Radeon 9250 on work, and it has one standard VGA port, one S-Video port, and one DVI port... DVI is the one you plug LCD monitors into... But, there are DVI-to-VGA converters, they are tiny boxes, and are probably priced under 3 dollars... You plug it into your graphics cards DVI port, then you plug your analog (standard VGA) cable into this converter, and voila! You have an instant two monitors... Those were my two cents :angry:Now, as for your inquiry, wether 2 graphics cards will work together, the answer is yes, they will. Without any additional software I believe... We used Xentera's for our projects, and we were looking for a cheaper seolution (Xenteras are graphics cards, that provide 8 separate VGA ports, and cost roughly arround 2000 dollars)... So, we tried 4, dual head graphics cards, and we got the same result, even better in some situations... And I believe it worked perfectly without any additional software, all was natively supported in Windows XP... Since there are no cards with two AGP slots (or at least not widely available), we used PCI cards... The age of cards should not matter, they are supposed to work together, no matter who made them... Just plug them both in, boot your Windows, install drivers for your "new" graphics card, and you should get those two monitors in your display properties... Then just set them up, and you're all set...I use two monitors for work, and they are great advantage when you have a lot of things to do, use one as workspace, other - place all the tools there, and you have a great increase in viewable work area...
  18. Hi, yes, that was kind of information I asked for... Modem is Motorola, and I found this page with driver download HERE And here are drivers for Avance Logic sound card, riiiight HERE I hope this helped you, and that those drivers will be appropriate for your computer If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to ask
  19. Hi,Yes, there is another way of finding out what models of these devices you have, but you will have to take them out again...What you will look first, is located on the back of the card, on a sticker. You look for FCC ID label... Now, if you don't find it, no big deal, not all cards have this label... If you do find this FCC ID, you can use it on some sites with drivers, to determine who manufactured the card, and what model it is. I believe WinDrivers.com has this search by FCC ID ability, but they charge for drivers... But you can at least find out what you need to look for....If you don't find that FCC ID, you will have to look on the front of the card, and look if there is some text on the PCB... Chances of that are small, but it's still worth looking at...And as a last resort, you have to look at the text written on the biggest chip on the card, and use that text in the search engine, to find what drivers you need... If you do need to look on the chip, post what you read back here, or drop me a pm, and I'll try to locate those drivers for you...Hope this helped a little
  20. Sorry for the late reply... I don't know if you are using Visual Basic 6.0, or .NET, since their syntax can be different (I'm not quite sure, it's been nearly two years since I last used .NET) Anyways, in order to make a variable global in your project (to allow all segments of your code to access it), you need to add a module to your project, or use already existing module, and add a following piece of code: Global VarName As String That's all there is to it, now your variable VarName is accessible throughout your code... As Insspiron wrote, in .NET it's a little different keyword, but mostly same procedure... Use Public keyword, in place of Global... Happy coding
  21. Ok, so probably everyone has heard about the death of former president (or should I say, dictator) of Serbia, and Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic. Now, you probably think I'm going to put him to stars, and praise him as a hero of our people, or whatever. Well, I'm not. I'm here to rant about the unbelieveable stupidity of my own people, even some people close to me.This is the man, who has taken 10 years of my childhood, when I was 10 years old, he created a great war with Croatia, later with Bosnia and Hercegovina, and in 1999, when I was 18, he provoked NATO bombarment of my country. And for what? So he could remain in power. He's the man, who took tanks out in the streets, against his own people, the man who said "No one can beat you", and later his militia beat the hell out of everyone who had the guts to oppose him. He kept his dictatorship wby eliminating his political opponents, new reporters who dared to speak up agains his regime, by banishing everyone who was not of Serbian natinality from the country, we had ethnic clensing in Kosovo thanks to this man, his politics lead to hundreds of thousands of dead people, dead women, children, men, elderly... Milions lost their homes and becam refugees, he robbed and plundered his own country, his own people...Finaly 5. october came, and milions of people stood up against his regime, and we managed to throw him down. He was arrested, and sent to Hague, to the International War Crimes Tribunal... That's the only thing I didn't like... I woul have preffered he was arrested, and publicly executed in the main square of our capital, just like dictator of Romania was. He and his wife were the only, last stand of communism in Europe, where everyone is equal, only the few are "more equal" then the rest. His son, earned millions smuggling cigarettes, and just plain beeing the lead mobster in the country. Beating and murdering people he didn't like, or were crazy enough to stand up against his father. And finaly, when I thought that all was over, and that democracy came to Yugoslavia, this, this... I don't have the word to describe our present prime minister, this CREATURE appeared, and we almost had our dictator burried in the main cemetary, in the section where all the great people are burried. They made a farse out of this mans death, everyone trying to score a few cheap points of his death.Present government spit in my face, and spit in everyone elses face, who went out of there homes on 5th october, and yelled that they will not allow any further theft of their votes... They spit in the face of out late prime minister Zoran Djindjic, the only man who had the courage and the will power to lead us to a normal life. And this creature, Kostunica, wanted to burry this criminal, next to dr. Djindjic...The world is once again looking at us, as evil, sick, and perverted people, who all supported Milosevic, and his policy of war with everyone. And once again, I'm affraid we will be put into isolation, and everything will return to year 1991, when I was 10, and when my childhood was taken away from me, and replaced by waiting in lines to buy a loaf of bread, and 1 liter of milk, not being able to replace old, torn shoes with new ones... Crying myself to sleep every night, waiting for my father to return from war, where he was forcibly taken by the monster Milosevic... The abolished his wife and his son, both of whom are wanted by the court, and there is a warant for their arrest, by no one else, but Interpol... And now, my own government, has withdrawn those warrants, and will allow them once again, to enter the country, and flee back out... The same people who burned, robbed, and plundered accros the country...And they want me to mourn him? To call him a hero? I don't call my self a believer, I don't believe in god, but I do have moral principles, and I respect the dead... But for this monster, I have not a shread of greef, of feel of pity, just the same, as he didn't show a shread of pity for hundreds of thousands his politics murdered. NO, I will not attend the service, NO, I will not give him 1 minute of silence, NO, I will not cry for him, NO, I will not call him a hero, and by god, NO, I will not allow his vampires and evil hordes to return to power again, and continue destroying everything and everyone around us... NO, NOT AGAIN...I hope this rant will not offend anyone, as I have seen there are few of representatives from my country here, and there is a possibility that some of them are sympathisers of his...And I'm sorry to say, I DON'T feel any better after ranting this, there is still great feeling of shame, anger, and god knows what other feelings, all mixed in me...If only I were born somewhere else...
  22. Here's a question for you: How are you going to make a mini keyboard, or other controlling device for use via COM port? If you plan on using few wires and contacts, then I'll have to crash your dreams. You will need to design your own PCB, with your own electronic components, and micro controllers, and you will have to programm that microprocessor by yourself.I work with a company that uses COM ports for out basic communications in our products, and we have engineers design our PCB's, and programm micro controllers, so we can use standard MSComm control within Visual Basic. Working with COM ports is quite simple, once you've got the hardware and have that hardware programmed well. For example, communication with our main computer, is done with a little over 10 bytes! And we have all the information we need.So, just answer me this question, were you planning to design your own hardware controller for this game, or were you to buy a complete solution. If you are making your own controller, it's puzzles me how you are not familiar with either C or Visual Basic.And since you didn't make that particular game, I'm assuming you need a DLL that will take the input from COM port, and simulate key presses to that program. This way too, you need heavy programming, and I'm afraid, you'll have difficulty finding who will do it for you.Hope this helped some, and I'll see your reply soon.
  23. What you need to do, is use either Frame control, Picture box control, or any other control, that can be used as a contaner. Then, your option buttons will be separated, and you will be able to select only one option, from those three categories, each. Names of option buttons are not relevant, they can all be named optOption, and be array of fifteen elements, or they can be named optOption1, optOption2, and optOption3 for each of the 3 groups, and again be arrays consisting of 5 elements each. Or, each control can have it's unique name, thus remuving the need for arrays ( I personaly favor arrays if controls are similar in functonality )Hope this helped you some
  24. Even though I lost my data, more than once, I'm still a sloppy backup person I only backup my files at work, and that too is rarely... I usualy put my projects on a USB flash drive, and take them home, to work more on them, and that kind of serves as my backup... We also have one computer, that has one shared drive, where we all should put backups every day... I'm glad to say, I'm not the only one, NOT using this feature ;)I personaly dislike most of the comercial backup programs, because most of them, will take 10MB file, and turn it into a 20MB file, which is, you must agree, pretty stupid... Instead, I physicaly copy my files, to other destinations, and if something is very important, I put it on a CD, for safe keeping...Backup is a very good thing, and people should get a habit of making backups from early days, it's a good habit...
  25. Glad to hear you PC is working again... Now, at least we know what happened to your windows drive... If you are missing ntloader, than it means somehow, your boot files got damaged, and xp can't boot up... There is also the fact, that you can't access your files on NTFS drive, because Windows 98 doesn't have the ability to read NTFS... Any way you put it, you need another computer. with XP installed, so you can transfer all your important data from your drive, to another one, or you need XP installation drive... I'm affraid, your deadlines will be hard to meet...I hope we helped you, in potential future computer problems, if not in time in this situation...
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