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Everything posted by Galahad

  1. Well, my first ever computer was Commodore 64 (rev B I think)...I got it in 1989 or 1990, when I was about 8 years old... I know it was expensive as hell, and that we could buy a laundry washing machine for that kind of money :PAnyway, it had base of 640K RAM, youc could attach a hard disk of some sort to it, but I never saw it... I used a tape drive, for ordinary audio casettes, I had Commodore 1541 floppy disk drive (5 1/4" floppies)... Two joysticks, and a 2400bps modem :DOf course, it hooked to a TV instead of a monitor... And I know, I could run any game made for commodore... No need for more powerfull graphics cards, or stronger and faster processor... everything could be run on it...I first learned to programm in BASIC on that computer... I still have it somewhere, but I think it's not working anymore poor thing... He served me well :DThen came 286, 386, etc
  2. I overclocked my CPU, from 2.0 to 2.6 GHz...I have a 300W power supply, that works pretty well, it even compensates for some short power glitches... Now, to the core of the problem... My CPU multiplier is fixed to 20 (it's a Celeron processor), and I raised my FSB from 100, to 130... I have two HDD's, and a combo optical drive... I have added a small fan on my GFX card, and added 4 more fans inside a case, to cool the machine... Now, if I raise FSB speed to 135 or above, if some heavy CPU usage is required, my second HDD will shut down, and in most cases, even my computer would restart... Now, I am pretty sure it has something to do with the power suply, but I just want to make sure... Oh, yes, I have rasied CPU core voltage from 1.525, to 1.550V... I know it's a small step, but I guess it can change a lot of things...One thing to note, is that it is older power supply, and doesn't have +12V CPU connector, just the regular ATX one... Could this be the core of the problem? It's not very essential, as I am pretty sattisfied with the speed of my computer, I just sometimes feel the need to experiment
  3. Galahad

    What Could It Be

    Amazing how some seemingly completely different things in a computer can influence one another... But, everything inside a computer is connected I suppose... I have had a similar problem, that I believe is connected to power supply, but... I'll open a nwe topic for that Ckuehner, I would appreciate it if you would give me your oppinion on the matter at hand
  4. I hate programs that guess what I wan't and try to finish, or fill in the blanks... Frontpage must be the most worthless piece of software ever made Dreamweaver MX 2004 rules... Though, the feature where it automaticaly closes the tag I open, goes on my nerves a bit :DBut compared to frontpages messy code, stuffed with worthless unnecessary tags and code... Peach :DGooooooooo Dreamweaver!
  5. Wow, that's pretty complicated for begginers at least :DWhen I installed Linux on an XP machine, setup prompted me to install LILO boot loader, so, I just say OK :DIt set's everything up, and I don't have to worry about boot sectors, and stuff :PBut this is also very useful to know, in case LILO screws up or something... Great thing to know
  6. Galahad


    Yes, try one of those with mega long cable :unsure:It's the same here, as with Kitty... I use my headphones mostly at night, because I like to listen to loud music, so I don't want to wake up the entire neighbourhood... Sometimes, I forget I have them on my head, and when I get up, they just sort of fall off my head... If anything, I will break my keyboard like that, because headphones usualy fall on the keyboard :DI've never snaped the cable, and as a matter of fact, I think it would require quite some power and strength to snap it, it's about 6 or 7 mm thick You must be using some thin cable, right? :PAnyway, go for the cordles headphones, to prevent frequent snaps :PAs people say here: "Ne mere to bez kabla" or translated aproximately as: "It ain't workin' without a cable"
  7. Long time no see It's been a while since anyone posted anything here, so I'll just add this simple piece of code, hoping someone will add something new I recently remembered how to swap two variables without the need for the third variable Dim v1 As Double, v2 As Doublev1 = 17v2 = 2v1 = v1 + v2v2 = v1 - v2v1 = v1 - v2 This code of course won't swap variables that contain objects or are typed (struct) variables, but can be usefull if you have limited memory resources... Variables of course don't need to be double, they can be integer, long... Any size you need
  8. Yup... I noticed that too... I hang arround chat rooms, and I agree, these newcomers (or n00bz as they like to be called) are the ones using this slang, TLA, abbreviated language... Net veterans, are experienced typists, and can type without looking at the keyboard, and acctualy, it takes me more time to write lol or something abbreviated, than to type the whole damned thing :unsure:And the saddest thing: more and more kids get online, starting at the birthyear of 1988 and lower, and they have absolutely NO idea about the language. I'm talking about kids in my country, of course. I know serbian isn't the easiest language, but what do they go to school for? Perhaps nobody is teaching them anything there...As someone said, I could go, on and on and on about this, and just get my blood presure up I try not to notice how lame that all looks, but, it gets to me sometimes...I mean, it's ok to use lol, or brb, but overusing TLA'a and abbreviations isn't cool, it's lame... Or l4m3
  9. Hey dude, sure you can get a job! I mean, first time I got a job, I never worked anywhere before that as kitty nicely put it, we all had to begin the same way as you do. And it's all about confidence, and appearance... Try to be sure of yourself on that interview, never show fear... Those people feed off your fear, and they love it, and then extend that interview for as long as they can...Just take a deep breath, and go for it. You can, no you WILL get a job, that's the attitude you need!
  10. Well, the list of programs I use is pretty long, but here are my most used ones:Windows XP Pro SP1Internet ExplorerThe Bat! (email, very safe)VIRC (IRC client)Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 (I have full Studio MX 2004)Visual Basic 6.0 SP5Windows Commander (yes, not Total Commander )Adobe Photoshop 7.0 & ImageReadyUltraEdit 8.0 (great text editor, I use it for PHP)Apache web serverMySQL daemonUnrealIRCd (for development purposes)Anope IRC ServicesBSPlayerWinAmp (almost all the time)Exact Audio Copy (great for ripping CD's)Nero (I have no idea which version it is)Sound Forge 6.0MS Office XPAVG 7 Free antivirusAtGuard firewallAd-Aware 1.06 SEACDSee 2.41 (old, but better than new versions)Where Is It (great tool for cataloguing your CD's)Yahoo! messengerI guess there are more, but I can't think of anymore... I hope someone found some new program here
  11. If you're really going to get into music, I recommend getting some Intel Pentium4 processor, say about 2.4GHz, 512Megs RAM, and as large hard drive you can buy :PAs for turntables, most professional truntables (like Pioneer) have some form of digital output or something. But, there is a great little thingy Hercules made, it'a mixing console, for mixing MP3's, like records. It looks exactly like a turntable, and even acts as a sound card when installed. It's not too expensive, it was about $100 when I looked at it, and performs quite well. If you are buying a sound card, get SoundBlaster Audigy2 Platinum, it's great for such uses.All in all, you don't need cutting edge computer, to get into music production. I can run and edit sound in Reason/Sound Forge and similar programs on my Celeron 2.6 with 512MB ram, so... You will do just fine with Pentium 4, it's even better than my own machine :PHope I helped a bit...
  12. My favourite food... Yummy :(I just love Chinese food, in all forms... But, there is one recepy I got from a very dear friend of mine. There is no name for it really, it's just something she made up, so we call it "Chicken ala Cica" (Cica is her nickname)Here's how to make it (forgive my english, I writ it quite well, but when it comes to more specialized terms... You can guess. I'll do my best to explain how to make this great dish)You will need chicken white meat, chicken breasts I believe I can say :(If you make for one person, one piece will do just fine.. You will need some ham, bacon, or something like that, and cheese. You cut those on little squares :(You roll them into white meat, and you... umm... what's the word... you put oil in the frying pan, not too much, and bake it (is that the right word? ) roast, fry, something like that... No flour needed, just roll the ham and cheese into meat, and fry it, until it blushes...In the mean while, you prepare a sauce, a great sauce... Orange sauce :(It's made like.. damn... beshamel sauce (I hope you know what I mean, it's made with milk, and some flour)... When it's ready, you put orange juice, but from freshly squeezed orange... I guess you have no idea what I wrote here, but what the hell If I ever learn technical (cook-technical) english, I'll rewrite this :PAnyway, it's a great salty-sweet combination... Great dish
  13. I have the sam view on things as Kitty. Then again, I come from the same country, and I lived trough the same hell as she did, so I guess it makes sense we think the same way... As long as people think about war, that option remains open... And the fact that US has nuclear missiles is not something to be proud of... If they demand that other conutries destroy their nuclear weapons, why should US be excluded? Just because they are so nice, and love the entire world? If they were the only ones with that kind of power, what would stop them from enslaving the entire world? They do it already...And I don't apologize if I'm harsh... I think US has to be put in their place... They didn't exsist 500 years ago, and they don't have the right to police the world, and stuff their nose in other peoples business... I once actualy liked US, but ever since they came, and bombed me, just because THEIR man didn't listen to their orders anymore, I started hating US. Well, not actualy hating, I have better things to do than spend my feelings on such thing and country, just... I don't like them anymore... I didn't like the way things were in my country, but when US came, all differences were set asside, and all resources targeted against the US, and that's the thing you can't rule out in war: people defending their own homes, often defeated invading armies... Kitty mentioned Vietnam... US was destroyed in Vietnam, despite what they say now...So, in conclusion, people should stop thinking about war, otherwise... We could all be dead very soon...
  14. Yes, good old plain Basic I remember when I first bought a computer. It was Commodore 64 (rev. B I think), and it was used all over the world, and I think NASA used them as well I'm primarily VB programmer, or maybe better, BASIC programmer. However, I learned PHP/MySQL, Pascal, and I'm thinking of starting to learn C (plain C, C++, C#, no matter), Delphi, and such... I work as a programmer, and we primarily use Visual Basic for our programming, but we plan on switching to Delphi, as it is more powerfull than Visual Basic, in the area we work, and that include manipulating with 4 COM ports, 1 COM port that has to issue a new command every 11ms, and so on... So, in conclusion, everything people wrote here stands. You shouldn't pick just one language, and specialize in it. You could end up knowing a dead language... VB is easy, and has high productivity, but in some low level stuff, it is very limited... Instead, learn several different languages, and you will have the advantage, you'll be able to write any kind of software...
  15. Well, I would pick Intel over AMD anyday... Since I don't use my computer for gaming, but instead for serius work, I need a stable processor... Now, it may be that AMD has that, but ever since one AMD died, and fried my MB.. Let's just say I don't like AMD Anyways, Intel has dominant speed and quality when it comes to processing graphics and multimedia (MMX and such technologies), while AMD is more centered on 3D graphics...This is the question that will always remain: "Intel or AMD?"... People who like Intel (who are just like me), will hardly switch to AMD, and vice versa, people who like AMD, won't switch to Intel...So, I cast my vote for Dual-Core Intel (with Hyper Threading if possible )...
  16. Well, I wouldn't recommend using any Nokia phone for GPRS usage on your PC's... And here's why... I work as a programmer, and for our products, we offer GPRS reporting system. Now, we've tried several industrial GPRS modules, but they are way too expensive for our product to meet competition. So we tried out with mobile phones... And here's the result:Nokia, in it's most expensive model (can't remember what it is, but it's supposed to be good), puts a Class 8 GPRS module... Not bad... If you don't use it too much... It works reliably for some time, then, if used for too long, seems to get worse and worse, and in the end, we ended up working with garbage...Siemens (not the top model, M60 i think it is) worked ok, but if the network signal is too low, you can get a lot of garbage... Alctel worked the same as Siemens, more or less, and Motorola, in my opinion worked the best...To cut the story short, if you want to use a mobile phone for GPRS on PC, use Siemens, Alcatel, or Motorola... Just for your information, Motorola puts Class 10 GPRS module in ther cheapest phone... Notice any difference... The phone works great, even with low network signal...I think Nokia is just overrated because of it's "easy" menus and too much comercials... I don't say they don't make good phones, I just say there are way better manufacturers than Nokia...
  17. Well, if it can, I never heard of it... I seriousely doubt your friends graphics card breaking down, has anything with any sort of virus. I would put money on some sort of power surge, maybe factory defect, or his graphics card is just plain old Though, I think those old components were built to last, while these new hi-tech gizmos are built to last you a year or two, and then force you to buy new version of that hardware... Anyways, to cut my philosophy short, chances that virus messed up your friends graphics card, is about 0.001 percent
  18. Germans make the best cars ever. I mean, they do have the knowledge, style, everything... I know they can't compete with Italians with design, but when it comes to design/functionality/price ratio, I think it's a perfect balance...Having said that, my favourite car is BMW, virtualy any model But, I would die for old 645CSi, '92 850, or from the new 6 series, 645d, or Cabrio... BMW has a perfect line, when viewed from the front or back, it shows some strength, and power, and when it comes to stability and functionality.... Just perfect. Of course, that "sports" functionality has its price, and the price is comfort... BMW are comfortable for short and medium length travels, but for long journeys... It can get a little uncomfortable...I also like old VW 1600J (the old Beetle), and VW Corrado, Porsche 944, Audi (only A4 and above, new A4 Cabrio, new A8 4.3 especialy)... I guess people expect me to say something about Mercedes... Well... I don't like it, plain and simple Don't know why, but I just don't like it :rolleyes:I already see myself in a new BMW 645i Cabrio, roof down, loud music, and my little girl next to me, on our way to some distant beach, racing off in the sunset... :)A man can dream...
  19. I seriousely doubt they do something like that... Asside the fact that doing that, without persons consent is illegal, and invasion of privacy, I doubt they have time to do that... I like the way they clean their disks afterwards...
  20. As for the ad/spy ware removal tool, I use Ad-Aware, personal edition (free), I use AVG 7 (also free) as my guard agains possible viruses, and for firewall, I use WRQ's AtGuard... Now, Symantec bought license from WRQ, and they didn't even bother to change file names, so basicly, Norton Firewall is AtGyard repacked. Plus, I didn't like the way Norton changed GUI, and sruff...Ever since I cleaned my comp from CWS, few months ago, I hadn't had a single virus, trojan, spyware, adware or any other malicious *ware on my computer (knocks 3x on the wood). Firewall keeps everything outside (or inside for that matter), and I don't think I give AVG much chance to do anything :rolleyes:So, get yourself Ad-Aware to protect you from spyware (get more anti-spy/ad ware software, can't hurt), and try to find AtGuard somewhere... I don't know how it goes now, that license changed hands... AtGuard is technically discontinued, so it should be free... Should be free, is the key word
  21. Thank you all for your replies, she decided to go with Nvu... I tried convincing her to at least try Dreamweaver, but she is as stubborn as I am, so you kind of get how it looks like :rolleyes:But, thanks for all your recommendations, hope I'll be able to help you all sometime
  22. I'm with Furor on this one. It happened to me more than once, while I had a PCI graphics card, to find it just slightly out of position. Of course, there is always a possibility that something else is screwed up. As Furor said, RAM caould also cause trouble. If there is only one memory module, and it breaks up, you also get beeps, although, I noticed a different types of beeps, on different MB's.But, my best guess is, that it's graphics card. Remove it, check the contacts, clean them, blow out any dust from the AGP slot (dust tends to crawl up in there ), and place it back, firmly screwing it in. If the graphics card is firmly in, and you still get three long beeps, it could mean that it's about to die (graphics card I mean). If you do not hear three LONG beeps, than check RAM modules.Also you mentioned the computer turns off... I never had my computer turn off, it would just sound three long beeps, and stay turned on, but not booting up... That kind of confuses me... Maybe it's RAM module(s)... Also, good idea to check if those things work, is to take them out, and try them on you machine. That would kind of give you some clue what to do next...Guess that's all the help we could give you... Inform us of your progress...
  23. I personaly used BitTorrent just once, and found it extremely slow in my conditions (dial-up 33.6k connection). As for the safety... There is no safe downloading option. If someone is set on uploading a virus, (s)he will do it. Since I only download musci, if I download at all, so... There is no risk for me of catching anything malicious. But, if your intentions are to download pirated software, or anything like that... That's another story then. So, until there are 100% reliable virus scanners, there will be about 98% safe download option. You always must count in human factor... Always People are extremely... well... you get the picture :rolleyes:I use Soulseek, on those rare occasions I actualy download something via P2P...
  24. What I need, is a free What You See Is What You Get Webpage editor for my girlfriend. She won't let me make the pages for her, she wants to do it herself, but she is not familiar with HTML or stuff like that, so she will need some template based editor, easy, and not to have too much options. I myself use Macromedia Dreamweaver, but it's not suitable for her, she needs to learn it quickly, and to make pages quickly too, just simple pages, nothing complicated...If anyone could suggest some good editor, I'll apreciate it. Please let me know.Thanx in advance...
  25. I have Cannon PowerShot A400, 3.1 MP... Since I use it in purely non-professional matters, I don't need anything better than this... It takes good pictures in the dark, so, I have no complaints in that area too And fairly cheap, too...
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