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Everything posted by Galahad

  1. It's hard to conserve fuel in the city, when there is a traffic light every few hundred meters. However, the less gear shifts, the less fuel consumption. Now, this doesn't mean you go on driving in the first gear, that would suck all the juice out of the reservoir, plus, you'll be crawling :(The best way is to see the cars handbook/manual, and see on wich rpm, the fuel consmption is lowest, and the power generated is the highest, and try and keep your cars engine revolving at that rpm...As I said, this is difficult in the city, where you have to stop and go frequently, and slowdown, and speedup. But, on a highway, it's the best way to conserve fuel :DOh, and tip to the Americans driva a smaller car, with less engine volume so, for example my car has 757 cubic centimeters volume, and spends about 6 liters in the city (i'm hard on the gas pedal )... So, just scrap those 3.0 liters + engines, and drive smaller car... Just a thought
  2. Hey all...I know this is a bit odd question, but here goes... My friend is a great designer, and he makes pretty cool drawings and art. He would like to send some of his artwork to mr. Tartakovsky. So, the question is: does anyone have some address where he can do that? Email or postal, or any type of contact info, that would enable my friend to send his artwork over to Gandy Tartakovsky...Thanks in advance...
  3. Ahhh... Cartoons... No matter how old, a person can watch cartoons... My favourites... Well... Tom & Jerry mainly, I mean, I grew up with that cartoon, also older cartoons from cartoon network, Dexter's Lab, Cow & Chicken, I Am Weasel (I R Baboon ), Johnny Bravo (one hot sexy mama ) From the newer, a coleague of mine, showed me Macross Zero, a predecessor to Robotech, which I also loved to watch, then Transformers, it was ages ago, must be 10 years ago, or more... That type of cartoons, Japanese people do know how to make a cartoon, that's for sure... I just don't like Pokemon and Dragon Ball(s), they're kind of... I don't know, a little stupid, but hey, people love it Oh, did I mention I love to watch Teletubbies :lol::lol: Yeah, visit this link, for some quality... hmm... play time with Teletubbies
  4. Mmm... Strawberries... Yummie... I actualy have some strawberries in my garden not much though, just a few plants... But, they are kind of cheap, as many farms grow them, and we could get a kilo for about 1 euro...And I do love strawberries, especialy with some creme... Man, I wanna eat some now or, a sttrawberry cake... I'm drooling all over ;)Now days, I believe strawberries can be bought anywhere, as goes for other fruits and vegetables... Or any type of goods in general... The only difference is - price...
  5. It's incredible... What I would like to see happen, is the whole world uniting against USA. Why? I'll tell you why...US presidents have nothing better to do, but to go around the world, looking for stuff to buy. When they can't buy, they take. USA (the government, not the people) is the greatest evil ever. They impose their oppinion on the whole world, and propagate double standards. "Everyone is wrong, we are right". Right my a*s...Nuclear bombing was the most cowardly thing ever done, and I think USA should at least pay great amounts of money to Japan. If they can put people on trial for war crimes, they can certainly be put on trial for same things. No double standards! Who gave the USA the authority to police the world? What do they know? The citizens of USA live in dark, because theire government serves all kinds of stories...US want's to stay the ruler of the world, and they don't choose the tools to remain in power...I say, USA should be put to trial, for war crimes against Japan.
  6. Evolution is filled with holes... Hm... And The Bible is not? Honestly, I'm thinking of taking that book, and starting reading it, and looking for holes... I'm sure I would find plenty... One thing to remember is, people needed something to explain things they didn't understand. So, it was logical they made up some supreme being, who controls everything around us... So, there we have God, Alah, and who knows how many other gods, and godesses... Can you prove to me, that Christianity is not a myth? What basis do you have to claim, that Christiannity is the one religion that is right? You have some evidence to support this theory of yours? In the age we are living now, and it is easier and easier to deceive people, I need solid proof for everything... Believing in something is good, we need to believe in something. But blindly accepting tons of things, that can very easily be made up... Not gonna happen... You always say we need to prove god doesn't exist. Why don't you prove to u he does exist. And I was speaking of "we need to look something else, not where we live" nonsense... If I live here, I need to look around me, that's why I have eyes, brain, and other senses... Anyways, if I were religious, I would say "that's why god gave me the eyes and the brain", wouldn't I? If we are to close our eyes before pain and suffering, claiming that god will take us soon, and all will be well... Let's just say, it's not going to be a nice world, and we all migh very soon see if there is god, or just "ashes and dust"... Saint_Michael: Great thing to say man I just might do that after he answers my questions or she, maybe god is she
  7. Well, that "vee-dunk" sound you have described, sounds way too familiar. I think you are right, when you assume your hard drive died. It is fairly difficult for an uninstall program to cause such damage to hard drive, but, it possibly is the last straw, that caused your hard drive to die on you. That sound you're hearing, is hard drive attempting to power up, and position it's heads to start position, but for some reason, it can't... Maybe the electronics died. If you can find the exact same model of your hard disk, maybe you could replace the PCB on the back, and that would bring your drive back to life... Maybe, just maybe...But, my best guess is... Rest in peace, old hard drive...
  8. Well, I don't think anything drastic will happen. Intel may lose very small amount of users, that won't be noticeable... The thing is, Intel has his users, and AMD has his users. Now, these two categories are very much like some religious sects.... Intel fans, speak against AMD, at any given oportunity, and same goes for AMD fans... So, when I say noithing drastic will happen, you know what I mean... I, for example, am Intel's fan, and there is no way, I would by AMD, even if it is cheaper, and possibly, faster... I had an AMD a while ago... It burst into flames, and dragged the motherboard along... Not a pretty site, and cost me a bundle... So, that's why I'll never switch to AMD... I think, if Intel were to stop making processors, I would switch to Mac The fact remains, that Intel is a professionals choice, whereas AMD is a gamers choice... The two are, in my oppinion, uncompareable... But, we will see what the new day brings...
  9. Kitty, nice site, but... You already know that, don't you :PYou can now guess, kitty is my very good friend, and I had my fingers in her site, but very little... She wouldn't let me do it myself, she wanted to be the one to make it... But, I do feel partly responsible for the site... We'll be working on a new color scheme, and play around with some stuff... I believe I thought her well, don't you :PKitty, my young student, you may now advance to become my aprentice Great job :POh, by the way, Avalon, this is not a get rich quick scheme, those banners are forced upon us by .co.sr redirection... We will be trying to find a way to circumvent this unpleasant thing they are doing... Possibly a domain name, or something...
  10. Since I'm an atheist, and don't believe in god, you can imagine my first answer But, for the sake of the arguement, let's say god appears in front of me right now (Oh man, here he comes... Wait... No... I'm just halucinating, I'm tired)... First of all, I would be very very VERY sceptic about who he is. He would have to prove he is god, or I would just nod, and say "Yes, yes, you are god. Did you take your medications today?" If he would prove he really is god (and not some alien with some strange technology), I guess... Well, I guess I would be in for it... That would prove me wrong, and probably condemn me to eternal fire of hell, of whatever place god sends people to... I'd probably ask him everything others would, why are we here, why are you doing this to us, and this and that... What does that mean? What should we look at? What is greater than life? We do live in this world, right? Maybe I'm mistaken... Or, if we shouldn't look around us, what's the point of us being here? I just don't get you religious types, honestly... At one point you almost have me believe in god, then, at one point, you say such nonsense, that I remember why I don't believe in god... No offence intended, really... I just don't understand the point of life, if we are to look at something htat doesn't exist (or at least, we are not certain it exists)
  11. Well... It is very disputable if young ones are more intelligent, or just more informed...In my opinion, they aren't more intelligent, just better informed than we were when we were their age. There is distinct difference between intelect and knowledge & informness... I agree with kitty, and several others, when I say they just think they are more itelligent, and smarter than us. In some fields, yes, sure they are smarter... But, what about experience (if my dad could hear me now he always says to me "you will never have my experience", even though I'm 24 )Perhaps some later generations will be more and more intelligent, as human kind evolves, but I think at the moment, thei're just as intelligent as us...As for the respect of the elders... Don't even get me started on that They don't have any! They think just because they can turn on their new computer, they know everything about computers, and if they know how to get to the internet, they call themselves hackers And it's the same in all aspects of life... They thing they know everything about everything... That's their mistake... Never give yourself more credit than you deserve...So, to all you youngsters outthere: show more respect for us elders, you're gonna be our age soon
  12. Well, hackers used to be people who posess great knowledge of computers, and programming, in several languages and on several platforms... Now, thanks to media mostly, most of computer newbies think that hacker is evil person, who sits in front of his computer for weeks countinuously etc. People who claim to be hackers are not! Hackers never brag about their knowledge, and especialy keep quiet about what they hacked, Movie "Hackers" contains a good stories about hackers...Kids who got their computer a year ago, think they are the smartest in the world, since they know how to click the Hack! button, in their new hacking software... But if they would be put to test, they would be dead beat in a few seconds, because they don't have elementary kowledge about computers.I'll tell you a story about a guy who thought to be a hacker, and braged a little about it. And one day when I was nervous, he started braging, and asking people to give him their IP. So, in order to prove him to be a lamer, I gave him my IP, and waited for him. After 10 minutes, he claimed that I gave him the wrong IP, because he can't get in. Ofcourse, I didn't mention to him I hade firewall installed (now MS, but other, older firewall). And since my firewall logged his attempt to break in, now I had his IP And I simply used NET SEND comand, to send him a note "I'm in your computer now. I'm gonna trash your computer, you lamer!"... In a matter of seconds upon receiving that message, he disconnected...Oh, did I mention, I'm NOT a hacker? I actualy have very little knowledge about hacking and stuff, I simply remembered that most people leave their messenger service on, and that I can use NET SEND for purpose of scaring him...Anyway, back to topic... If you don't encourage hacking, and of course, write a warning that doing things from your text is illegal, you should be ok...
  13. Yes... The original sin... What's up with that? Why do I, why do we all, and why will everyone that comes after us (according to the Bible, that is), have to pay the price for Adam & Eve's mistakes?If God indeed created us, he knew what we are like, and what would we do, and not do. So, he knew, that apple would be picked, and eaten... Which makes me think that God did a pretty low thing, planting that apple, saying "Don't eat it", knowing that saying no will increase desire to eat it, and then, when it did happen, banning Adam & Eve from Heaven... And further more, God then created the institution of the original sin, or, everybody pays for your great great great great... great grand mother and father... Doesn't sound like a good, loving God to me... What influence did I have on those events? And why is it I have to be a sinner, as soon as I am born, even though I never did anything wrong?I understand I am a sinner now that I am 24, but then, when I was few minutes old, what could possibly I do wrong?The fact is, the Bible was written by people, and eve though it has some very good messages, most of it is just work of a control freak.And since people needed explanations for something, they invented God... Who is a spitting image of ourselves, and is soo nice, loving and caring to us. And by condemnig us to burning fires of hell... But it's for our own good, isn't it? God sounds like a narcisoid person to me... If you don't believe in me, and you don't love me, and don't follow what I say, you go to hell... And hell is not a very nice place?Imagine this situation... You are on a deserted island. You have your children with you. You've been stuck there for, say, 20 years. They are both full grown now, and by their standards, you can do no wrong, you are a sort of God to them. They listen and follow your every word. But one day, they didn't do as you said, and they ate, a tomato you planted... And you ban them from your settlement. But, since you are all alone on that island, they still depend on you. So, a loving father figure you are, you help them... But, they can never return to live with you, and they must follow what you say, and when they die, you will let them come back...Now, the time has come for them to have their own children, and they do... And you are a proud grandfather... And you say to your grandchild, you are a sinner, and you will not live in my settlement, and you will follow every word I say, and if you do not, you will suffer for all eternety...Not very nice, isn't it? That is how I see the actions of God, if indeed he exists...
  14. Hey... Sorry for such late reply, I had health problems, and wasn't near my computer... When you said Winsock is a client, and Winsock1 is a server, that's ok, but then you swapped functionality, In your code, Winsock is a server, and Winsock1 is a client... But, that's irrelevant for now... Now... This is the problem area in your code... This line is telling Winsock control, to listen on ANY port, meaning, random port Winsock chooses... May be 80, may be 110, may be 20891... And it increases by one, every time you start your project... Winsock.LocalPort = 0Winsock.Listen Then, there are some more modifications to do... Firstly, you set RemoteHost property to the address ""... This can be a valid address, but, as my predecessors, I think you wanted to use "", wich is the address for localhost (your computer, that is). But, the main thing you are not getting any result is the line: Winsock1.RemoteHost = "cokestudios2.cokemusic.com" Here, you are setting the RemoteHost property to some host, that requires connection to the Internet, in order to connect... Since the best learning method is by trial and error, and with help of examples, I'll give tou the correct version of your code: Winsock will be the server Winsock1 will be the client Here's the code Private Sub Form_Load()' *** Initialize server componentWinsock.LocalPort = 80 ' *** Set the port number, on wich we will be listening for connectionsWinsock.Listen ' *** Start listening for connections' *** Initialize client componentWinsock1.RemoteHost = "" ' *** Set the address of the computer we are connecting toWinsock1.RemotePort = 80 ' *** Set the port number on wich we are trying to connectWinsock1.Connect ' *** ConnectEnd SubPrivate Sub Winsock_ConnectionRequest(ByVal requestID As Long)' *** Here, we accept incoming connectionsWinsock.Close ' *** Close the server component, so we can accept connectionWinsock.Accept requestID ' *** Accept the incoming connectionEnd SubPrivate Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)Dim Data As StringWinsock1.GetData dataText1.Text = Data & vbCrLf & Text1.TextEnd Sub I'm sure you already found some examples on the net, but here Hope it helped...
  15. If you are skilled programmer, you can try Rent-A-Coder sire, the address is http://www.rent-acoder.com/ You can bid for work, you get a project, you make it, and you get paid for it. If, on the other hand, you wish to sell existing software, you made your self, there isn't one place to do it. You can try some larger software sites, build your own site, and things like that...
  16. Yes! That's the question I wanted to ask. Who wrote the bible? I have nothing against the religion, but let's take a look on several things. First thing you notice about christianity (orthodox or catholic, or any other division) is:- if you don't believe in God, you go to hell - if you don't do things our way, you go to hell - if we don'y like you, you go to hell and the main thing is: hell is a very bad place, where you suffer for whole eternity! Now, someone earlier wrote, that God doesn't sentence you to eternal damnation BECAUSE you're gay, for example, but because Satan is inside you. Now, my question is: why doesn't God exorcise Satan from that person, and ban Satan back to hell, and admits that person to heaven? If indeed he is allmighty, and can do everything. Why does God punish someone, just because he or she couldn't resist Satans temptations? By baning someone based on this, God is actualy sending a message that may sound like: "You are weak, and I don't want you here in heaven, where all is beautiful. Instead, I condemn you to eternal suffering in Hell" [ I have stated fairly harsh views on religion, so if anyone gets offended by such texts, don't read on ] Now, I'm sorry I have to say this, and deeply appologize if this offends anyone, I am just thinking out loud but... Doesn't that sound a little rasist and fascist to you? Didn't Hitler, and many more before him, and after him, do the things that way? I'm not saying that God is rasist or fascist, but it certainly can look that way... Now, when I take into consideration that bible was written by people, for reasons unknown, I can safely say, that chances of what I said earlier, are increasing. I'll explain. People have the need to believe in something. It's not a bad thing to believe in something, we all do that, even us Atheists believe in something. Now, someone very smart, figured it all out, and came to a briliant idea: why not use that need to believe in something, and control certain amount of people? I know, it sounds crazy, but bare with me for a while. I think bible is based on some real events, but eenhanced with imagination. And who can claim, with certainty that noone changed the bible since it was first written? Who can say, that someone, took the original bible, based the new one on the original, used some of the good stuff, and added some texts that are supposed to frighten people, and force them to believe in something. It is very possible, is it not? Take another thing into account. Churches are EXTREMELY wealthy, and I do mean EXTREMELY. Why don't they use it to help feed the hungry? Are not prisets, men of church, the ones saying we shouldn't have any earthly posesions? And what about them? Why do they keep stashing money, and other valuables? Why do you think catholic priests were not allowed to marry? So that all the wealth, remains IN the church, in the institution... I don't even want to mention all the sexual abuse, made public, or covered up, that goes on in churches (both orthodox and catholic, and possibly other churches as well)? And don't tell me, those priests were corrupted by Satan. I don;t want to hear it. Are not those people supposed to be of very strong will, to resist the Satan? And if they were corrupted by the Satan, how can we know if others are not corrupted as well? If whole church is not corrupted? I can go like this for a long time... But, it does make you think, doesn't it? I believe maybe, very long time ago, religion was very good, and very positive thing. Then, someone used it for it's own benefit, and now, religion is only pale image of what it used to be... It's still positive, and good thing, but not as it used to be... And again, I went off-topic... But this topic can't exactly stay on track for a long time, and it indeed is very good debate... The point is, only proof we have of what happens when we die is: we dissolve into ogranic elements that we were made of in the first place... Life for us, true us, doesn't go on. But, it does go on for us, the elements that make up life... That's what we know for certain, and that's what I believe. No book can think for me, not the Bible, not the Kur'an, nor Hindu religious books, or any other book, holly or not. Period. We think for ourselves, and have our own oppinions. If we weren't supposed to do that, God wouldn't have given us that ability, now would he?
  17. You can use notepad to write programs in VB, why not... But... You will need very, very, VERY good knowledge of VB, and the structure of other file formats VB uses...What you need is Microsoft Visual Basic, any version, though I would recommend going with version 6.0. It has everything you need, built in compiler, linker, everything... Even resource file managerTo make one program, you start VB IDE (Integrated Development Environment) where you have two views: Form view, and Code view...Form view shows your programs window(s), and there, you draw controls, buttons, text boxes, and other... That's the WYSIWYG part (well, not exactly, but I won't bother you with that now)Other is Code view, where you edit the actual code that makes up your program.I believe there is a VB versio called Learning Edition, that is free, but again, you can't make EXE's DLL's or OCX's with it. Good for starting out though...Hope I helped some
  18. I'm not sure if this post will be usefull to you, but I'll give it a shot... First of all, I'm not using MySQL from VB that much (I am actualy starting to use it), but I most definitely WILL NOT use ADO, MS ODBC or anything like that... I will use MySQL directly, using some dll's. Here's what you should do: - Go to Planet Source Code, VB World - Do a search on term 'MySQL' There are several articles showing how to use MySQL without the help from ADO or other MS Engines... That error you are receiving, is definitely timeout error, but I can't explain it. I myself have gotten this error, when connecting to a remote database from MySQL-Front... Hope this helped...
  19. As people said, there are several ways to access your computer remotely...Via Internet: I am very sure you can find many free tools on the net to accomplish this. One thing to note, you should take good care of security, to avoid unauthorized people from accessing your computer.Via Modem: There are also programs that allow this type of remote access to computers. Should be free programs for this also. This program controls your modem, and waits for the call. When you place a call, it's a direct communication between two computers, no net, no other people. Drawback is, if you use your phone line for something else other than computer, this can interfere with regular, voice or fax calls...The safest option is via modem, but most supported way, and with most software, is via internet. You should consider what is important to you, speed or security, and select appropriate method to do this.And ofcourse, always search Yahoo!, Gooogle, and other search engines...
  20. What happens to us when we die? Well, just that.. we die. I don't believe in afterlife, though, I wouldn't mind some form of reincarnation... However, when anyone asks me (and my friends know not to ask me anymore ) "What happens to us when we die?", I asnwer very precisely to that question: "We die. Our life ends, they burry us in a deep whole, and we become worm food". I'm sorry if I offended, or disguisted anyone with this, but that's my point of view, and besides, that's one thing about death we know for certain, is it not?Now, humans are such, that we need to believe in something, be it good, or bad, but we need to believe... Some people believe in God, Heaven, Hell, and other things, others believe in something else...Personaly, I'm not a believer, I need to see and feel something, to believe... Well, I'm not that hardcore, I do believe in some things I can't touch or feel, but still...Besides, my opinion is that religion is invented for control of the mases, but I won't go into that, that can be separate debate ... Don't get me wrong, it's a great invention, but still, to me, it's too artificial...Someone said people focus on the afterlife, and spend their life preparing for it... That's just plain... insane... Why should I spend my whole life on something that may not even exist? Now, someone will ask if I have a proof that afterlife doesn't exist... No, I don't have the proof... But that's besides the point... I know faith, and beliefs can make people do silly things, or at least, silly to others. The point of the story is: People should live their life to the fullest, enjoy every day, enjoy the things they have, never regret about anything, and never want something they can't have... It's a key for happy life Ofcourse, this can sound ridiculous, and insane to some people, but... I don't care it's my opinion, and I stand behind my words :DAnyway, to sumarize my bable in this topic... There is no afterlife, when we die, we die. Period. :(p.s.I apologize again if I offended someone with this post, I never intended to do that, I just spoke my own views on some things.
  21. ActiveX if some sort of DLL... A library, or component, that has certain functionality, that can be incorporated in programs, and web pages... It's initial use was to allow programmers, to easily add some functionality to their programs, without knowledge of how it works... Then, it expanded to web pages, to allow more functionality as well...If you trust a source, like your bank, or some other large corporate site, you can accept it, otherwise, don't install that component...
  22. Yeah, I used to go there, very often... Then, as Kitty nicely put it, people became very rude... If I have to type /ignore every two minutes, than I don't want to go to chat at all...I'm actually planing to start IRC server of my own, with a good friend of mine, and that place is going to be different from other servers... No affiliations, we won't join any networks... Just, plain old, stand alone :DOfcourse, very strict rules, and everything... And when we get online, you will all be invited
  23. OK, I take it you're pretty loaded so, here's my opinion... I voted for BMW 630i, because BMW is my favourite car. And when it comes to cars, Germans are absolute champions in mechanics, plus BMW has really great design. I always liked their design...Anyways, since I see you want some kind of sports car (i just don't know where you're gone drive it, but ok...), why not get a BMW 645Ci? It has 245kW (333 HP) @ 6100rpm, with 450Nm torgue @ 3600 rpm, with top speed of 250 km/h (electronicaly limited)... 5.6 seconds from 0 to 100 km/h... Not the best race car ever, but very satisfactory for city drive... Or 645d, which has acceleration of 4.9 seconds for 0 to 100 km/h...I dream to own one of those Here in Yugoslavia, it's pretty expensive, 645Ci Coup? costs 82.777 euros, with all the taxes... And Cabrio is even more expensive, 91.686 euros
  24. Thnx for the responses... I can't change my CPU multiplier, it's locked on 20, so only way is to rasie FSB... Anyways, my computer works stable with this 20% overclocking, and the temperature on full load, on a hot day, doesn't exceed 57 degrees Celsius... Now, I know it's a bit hot for Intel, but hey, it's a box cooler My memory is fine, it's designed for 166MHz, and it's now running on 133MHz, so, I have some head room No, I know I have standard power cables +5/G/G/+12 (red/black/black/yellow), what I meant was, what new power supplies have, +12/+12/G/G (yellow/yellow/black/black) square connector, that goes in motherboard, and is used as an extra power source for the CPU, and motherboard... It's not actually an example of extreme overclocking, but it's close Thanx for your suggestions
  25. Intel Xeon if a server processor... Very good, but very expensive...Also, someone mentioned it depends for what will the computer be used... If it is a gaming machine (wich I doubt, you said it's for your father), then, AMD is the best choice... However, if graphicaly intense applications will be run (like Photoshop), or perhaps some multimeda programs (Sound Forge, Premiere, etc.), then I recommend going with Intel, perhaps a CPU from the EE series (Extreme Edition)... That's my opinion, you ofcourse know how big your budget is Intel is a bit more expensive, but in my opinion, much better choice than AMD, for serious work...
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