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Everything posted by Hamtaro

  1. My favorite current-gen console is not on that list! (Obviously, it's the GameCube). The next-gen console I'm sure I will like the most is the Revolution. (Yes, I really like Nintendo, I know) I know that they do not have the best graphics, and that they are the cheapest, but I like them because of the selection of games that Nintendo usually has.
  2. Gmail is much more than enough for me! I don't receive many emails, and I'm still at 0% usage with about 66 messages (and I'm still not using 1 MB of space). I really like Gmail (and have invited a few of my friends at school, and they like it). I know for a fact that I won't use all that space. I just can't see how anyone could turn down such a great email provider. I also can't see how anyone could use ~2.64 GB of space for email. Anyway, I doubt I'll be switching email providers anymore (which I used to do often).
  3. I hate school, but I don't really think that my classes are boring. It's just that I'm having a heck of a hard time with Algebra, which causes a LOT of stress for me. I like my classes as well, but there are hardly any people in them that actually know how to be quiet and listen. If it wasn't for those things, I would more than likely start liking school again (I used to really like it).
  4. Quite honestly, that name doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I find it to be funny, to be honest. Don't ask why, because I have no idea. Plus, if you think about it: That word is a heck of a lot better than some of the other possibilities that could have been used. I also really don't see how people could find that offensive...but that's just me.
  5. Hamtaro

    Been Expelled

    I don't really know all that much about networking, but I do know this: Typically, school's keep a log of the sites you visit (and at my school, some teachers can actually see what's on your screen from their computer). I couldn't see a school expelling just simply because you connected to their network and surfed the net. However, if that is how it happened, then they did go a little overboard.
  6. That is so stupid of her to do that! I don't really know of those types of spoiled people around here, however. I hope you (or someone else) can catch her doing that so that they can take away her license!It seems that where I live, they're a little less strict about driving. Although, they are planning on making us keep our permit for 1 year instead of 6 months (but I don't have to...since I've already got it). Back to the point now: I do belive that there should be more strict laws for people who drive unresponsibly (especially around where I live..and I don't just mean teens, either).
  7. Wow, it seems to be so opposite for me!! Sometimes, we get cancelled before it even snows, if the weather predicts that it will be bad. Also, sometimes we get school cancelled for just semi-snowy weather (in other words: the roads haven't even been touched by snow and the ground only has a little). We've only had about 2 snow days this year, though, and the way it seems, we won't have any more. However, it does seem that school should have been cancelled for you. Especially seeing as you are sick and not in school. I never really knew that there were schools that did that.
  8. Wow, so many phobias! I'd hate to be around someone with Sinistrophobia (fear of objects on the left side of body/left-handed), since I'm left handed...One thing that I find funny about one phobia, is the fear of long words. It's called Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Someone with that phobia would be afraid of the name, itself. I'd hate to have some of those phobias that I saw on the list at phobialist.com. I wouldn't be able to deal with most of them. To me, some of those just don't seem like they'd be possible, but I guess they could be...
  9. I used to use Yahoo! Briefcase, but I hate downloading files on dial-up...so I stopped. However, I just simply use my flash drive to back up everything and the things that I use the most are also on it. Oh, and Albus Dumbledore: They only allow you 30 MB of space, not 30 GB (I would use them then!!). I just thought I'd mention it so that you don't get confused.
  10. I hardly like any sports. There's really only one I do, and that's tennis. However, some that I probably like the least would be: basketball, baseball, and golf. Honestly, I don't like watching any sport (except tennis) on TV. Those are just the ones that I consider to be my least favorite. I don't know why I don't like them, though.
  11. I know exactly what you mean! Mine's all different people, too! I keep getting these messages advertising car rentals, hotels (mainly in Hawaii), and other spam links. Anyway, the only thing that I can tell you to do, is go with everyone's suggestions. However, an image verification wouldn't always work, though (especially since some spam bots can read characters in images). Also, if you decide to do the random image thing (but don't know how to), there is a tutorial for it at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Although, that uses a login form validation, but it should be easy to follow and refine to the way you want it. If you know how to do it (and I'm not so sure that I do), you could prevent the message from being sent at all if it contains things like links or whatever kind of HTML you want to prevent.
  12. Wow, I see what you mean. It would suck having those types of dreams all the time. I never can remember the dreams that I have for some reason, though. Anyway, I don't see how you've managed to deal with those. I don't blame you for being sick of them...I wouldn't know of a way to help you stop them either. I hope you can manage to stop having them, even though you can't control them. I don't really like dreams, especially because most of them that I hear about (and the ones I've had that I can remember) make no sense, or are just plain creepy.
  13. I'm a little late with this, but I can show you how I did it (after doing a lot of searches from Google). It's a little more simpler. However, one limitation of the code I'm going to give, is that it supports only gif or jpg images. Should you want to add more, it's easy to do, but you need to know the mime type for the file. //Gather file data and other things$tmp = $_FILES['sample']['tmp_name'];$sep = md5(time());$filename = $_FILES['sample']['name'];$filedata = file_get_contents($tmp); //Get file contents$fdata = chunk_split(base64_encode($filedata)); //Encode data into text form$to = "you@domain.com"; //Email address to send this to//Determine mime type$ext = explode('.', $filename);$ext = $ext[1];if($ext == "JPG" || $ext == "jpg" || $ext == "JPEG" || $ext == "jpeg") {$mime_type = "image/jpeg";}elseif($ext == "gif" || $ext == "GIF") {$mime_type = "image/gif";}else {exit("Error: Wrong file type!");}//Begin the message. Be sure to change this how you want it.$message = "Email message here";//Begin the headers$headers = "From: \"From Name\" <{$email}>MIME-Version: 1.0Content-Type: Multipart/Mixed; boundary=\"$sep\"charset=\"iso-8859-1\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit--$sepContent-Type: $mime_type; name=\"$filename\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"$fdata--$sep";$subject = "Email Subject Here";mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); One last limitation: Files with more than one . in them may not be processed completely right (I've not tested it that much). I don't know exactly how to get the extension. I don't know just how many files you'll get with more than one in it, though. I will now explain it to you. The file sending is actually done using the mail headers. However, the message has to be converted to base64 encoding (which will send it as text). This is done by first getting the contents of the file using file_get_contents() then chunk_split() and base64_encode(). The chunk_split() converts the text to match RFC 2045 semantics (that way the email client will be able to read the base64 encoded file). Oh, and remember where it says $_FILES['sample'] change 'sample' to the name of the file upload field (just reminding you). Also, the $email in the headers should be changed to whatever you want the From part to be. I have tested this code many times, and it works the way it should. However, you still need to include your form, and add whatever data you're going to send in the message. If you want to send other types of files, you just add more after the elseif. Such as: if($ext == "JPG" || $ext == "jpg" || $ext == "JPEG" || $ext == "jpeg") {$mime_type = "image/jpeg";}elseif($ext == "gif" || $ext == "GIF") {$mime_type = "image/gif";}elseif($ext == "bmp" || $ext == "BMP") {$mime_type = "image/bmp"; //I think that's the mime type for BMP files}elseif($ext == "txt" || $ext == "TXT") {$mime_type = "text/plain";}else {exit("Error: Wrong file type!");} One last note: I know the mime_content_type() function gives me the mime type, but I had some problems with it. Anyway, this method also ensures that you get only the file types that you want. Also, I used the file extension in both lowercase and caps to ensure that it would be sent. I know that sometimes the file extensions get capitalized automatically for some reason in Windows. I hope this helped you. If I need to explain anything more, please let me know.
  14. I guess this depends on the family. All I have to say, is that I'm the oldest, and I have it the same way as my younger brother and sister: tough and at the same time, easy.We're told a lot of times to do this, and do that, and pick this up. It's not just one. However, it does appear be a little more harsh on my brother (which is in the middle). It seems to me like all families are different about how things are for the oldest and youngest. Although I do have it hard sometimes when I have to watch my brother and/or sister.
  15. You know, you're more than likely right about that. I've heard my dad say that before about viruses. Anyway, I don't have Photoshop (mainly because I stink at graphic designing) and I use Gaim instead of AIM. No matter what kind of hole it creates, I'm still going to use it. Regardless of what OS you're using, or security suite, you're going to have some sort of hole in your OS when you connect to the Internet. Also, I never consider all the applications I have to be completely safe, I always scan the files that I download with a virus scanner (which still may miss some).
  16. Sometime last month, I tried a web host called Perfect Free Webhosting (before I decided to go with T17 again). They claim to have "instant activation," which it comes close. They also claim to have good features (never got to try them all). However, I wasn't even with them for two days, and somehow my site was deleted completely from their server. I went to their support forum, and noticed a topic about an experience similar to mine. It turns out, many members (moost of the people who post regularly there) are having this same problem. I check back on that forum a month later, and no moderator or admin has responded to the topic. Some people say that they emailed the admin about the problem, and still no reply. If you ask me, any moderator or admin that doesn't respond to something this big is up to something big. Also, the site has a lot of trouble with the FTP server (and it's hard to connect to it). This host is by far the worst I have ever seen, even with sites like GeoCities. Whatever you do, do not use this host, for whatever reason (even just for file storage of backup). The site's URLs are: http://www.perfectfreewebhosting.com/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I don't normally talk this bad about something, but I will not tolerate anything this ridiculous. (They even ask for quite a lot of information, like name, address, and some other info).
  17. I love science, and I usually get A's and B's. I don't have to do the science fair anymore. However, when I did have to do it (in elementary school...they don't make us do it anymore in higher grades for some reason) I never got anywhere near placing. I love science, but I always did horrible in the science fair. I never liked the science fair.However, I wouldn't worry about not getting honorable mention. You shouldn't be considered an "average dumb person" just because of that. What you should do is not put so much pressure on yourself, and don't worry about what other people think of you. I used to worry about that stuff, but it never did me any good. Just relax and don't worry about it.
  18. Sometimes I back up a lot, sometimes I very rarely do it. Lately, I've not been doing it much. Normally, what I do is create a zip/gzip-tar archive and burn the files to a CD-R. Sometimes I put them on my flash drive and move them to my HD running Linux (that's my only method of putting files on it through Windows). However, I don't usually have enough media/memory to backup my data, so I'm stuck with no method of backing up my data.
  19. They don't. Things like this sound too good to be true, or just sound like a scheme waiting to be happen. I'm not saying it's a scam (I wouldn't be able to do it anyway), but most people consider things like this a scam automatically, because that's what most places like that are. Anyway, no need to use the "everyone" part in that sentence, either.
  20. I've never had any trouble at all with using newlines (\n) using XAMPP, or any other method of using PHP on Windows. PHP just needs the \n even on Mac, which does use \r. You may have some sort of configuration set that requires that, but I'm not for sure. That's all that I would be able to tell you, so sorry I'm not that much help.
  21. I don't care if it's possible or not. I would NEVER use anything like that. I mean, converting matter to waves is already complicated enough. (and if I recall, an atomic bomb does just that). It just seems to me like it's too dangerous. I do like science a lot, but if you ask me, that is just too much into the extreme portion of science. I would much rather use a teleporter to transfer an item rather than a human being. Plus, this stuff makes humans seem to not be living or anything (who would want to exist even for a second as nothing but waves?). Still, though. Things like this are pretty interesting. I would actually like to see this accomplished. Just not for human transportation.
  22. I WANT a laptop, however, due to our school's stupid rules, it could be confiscated if I were to use it at school (if I had one). If you are actually allowed to have any kind of electronic at your school, without the fear of having it confiscated, then you are very lucky.If I could take notes on my laptop, that would make taking notes fun...I love to type (kinda weird, I think).
  23. My site BARELY gets ANY hits, and yet I continue to receive spam messages. I wouldn't rely on IP banning though. I'm a dial-up user, so my IP changes contantly. Also, banning an IP could actually ban someone who DIDN'T do it (I know by experience with MY website). However, I did receive MANY spam messages on the chat board on my site from one IP (plus a comment which I deleted before it showed up). They posted like 15 of the same message, and there was also a spam link on what was supposed to be a petition (that post was deleted). I know how you all feel about spam. I hate it. I just wish that there was some easy way to prevent it that didn't involve banning IP addresses.
  24. I like older games (and I'm part of that "younger generation"). Anyway, that sounds pretty cool. I haven't played too many NES games, but for the ones I HAVE played, I really liked them a lot. I sorta like playing the older games over the newer ones. I wouldn't mind trying that out myself (I'm a big Nintendo fan as well).
  25. I've had a bad teacher before. However, what she told us to do wasn't as bad as your teacher. Basically, she would tell us these dumb math problems and FORCE us to write down EVERY LITTLE THING as our "work" for the problem. (She's a sub, which NOBODY likes). Anyway, nobody listened to our complaints about her. When she started this one section with us (I forget what it was), it ended up being so hard that we started a petition (didn't work). Also, she made us do CALCULUS work (and I was in 9th grade. Calculus can ONLY be taken by students in 12th!), when this is supposed to teach us stuff we wouldn't get to in Algebra I or Algebra II. Anyway, I hope you can get that issue with your teacher resolved soon!
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