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Everything posted by delivi

  1. yahoo is definitely is a though competetor to Google. We can see many new products from Yahoo and Google competeting each other.
  2. I think that the topic of this question dosent mean anythingcan anyone live without water???
  3. Hey dude i think that this is not badbecause Xisto has a good ranking in google. Page Rank So when your site is listed in a site with high page ranks then your site's page rank will automatically increase.This problem wont occur if you're using your own domain name.
  4. Ok please tell me who selected these names for the nomination.
  5. hey You've misspelled my name as "devili" ^_^I done a member search whether any user exists in that name, but I found none. So I'd be grateful if you'd mind correcting it.Anyhow I'm happy and surprised to se myself listed for Trap 17 Awards.
  6. Hey dude you claim that you ont use MS products but the Non MS Products you use are mostly based on MS Products, you should keep that in Mind.
  7. A very happy and prosperous new year for all the members of Xisto Family.
  8. I'm happy that the trial of Saddam was very fair, but I didnt want him to be hanged. The US should have made him live in prison for his life time. Because hanging him will make things worse and also getting the harted of his followers. Whreas I they'd let him live there will be no loss for anyone.Please Tell me If I'm wrong.
  9. if i currently use phpbb 3 beta 4 can I upgrade to the final release without losing the settings, posts , etc.
  10. the phpBB version 3 Beta Update 4 is released now.Those who've already installed the forum can update to the latest release by downloading the script from the site.
  11. Vista consumes a lot of resources because its interface is more animating and graphically pleasing. So it is definitely meant to consume a lot of resource as a normal gme with good graphics would consume. But if you disable the special graphics themes, then you can fell it sooth as a breeze.
  12. I learnt that the latest version of PhpBB 3 which is in Beta version has subforums enabled by defult. So I'd better wait till the final version before installing the Subforums mod.
  13. ok now tell me who is the authority deciding over the bandwith to a country.
  14. wow its cool dude.Google too has its comedy culture
  15. Man definitely Microsoft is very very bigger than GoogleYou are comparing a Big Gaint with a young Kid.But it might seem that Google is more popular and more bigger than Microsoft because we can see everybody talking about it, and more over internet has become an integral part of our life and Google became more dominant. But Microsoft is present in the entire relam of the Computer world.
  16. thanx friends for helping meI'll workout your suggestions and the come back here to let you know about the outcomes.
  17. I'd definitely go for Xbox 360 or PS 3Wii does'nt please me
  18. thanx Saint Michael i'll try to understand this and let you whether this is what i needed.
  19. I just love the service offered by the Google but I'm not pleased with the way its corporate is organised and works.
  20. yes that's a great concern about upgrading tothe latest version.But someone will comeup with a tool for converting CS2 brushes to be compatiable with CS3
  21. Currently i'm working on a project of Knowledge Base website. I've to add a huge number of pages with lot of data. I've already created the page templates (i.e) designed page layout for each catergory i'm includingin my website.i want a tool or any coding by which I can add the contents of the page in a single page by specifying the file name.I want it to place the contents in the correct place or table and save it in the name i'm specifying.What I need is not a WIWYG editor but like the "New Post" Page in the forum.I've to just specify the title, contents, links and the filename(optional) the page should be created automatically and it should be individual page accessible by the web search engines like google, msn.Please help me.
  22. I'm really very sad that still Vista is not available legally in India. Moreover the indian price is nearly 3 times the price of Win XP Pro.
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