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Everything posted by delivi

  1. Google has become the primary destination for all the genius in IT Field, the Google is also picking up all talents for its work. Do you wonder why work at google, here is Google's answer, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. Google Periodically publishes the whitpapers written by its Staff for the various technolgies Google is using or planning to use in future. These papers will be veryuseful to understand how various Google Services work. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ These are a great resource for developers and will definitely help them, I'd suggest it is better to book mark this page. And also if you are planning for a startup rivaling Google then you must read all the papers.
  3. The Google Lab lists the different spellings the searchers have used to Spell Britney Spears. Check the huge list and the number of times each spelling is used in Google Search in the following link, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. Hi I just now registered for Orkut without any Invitation. Here are the steps I followed,i logged into Orkut with my Google Account, (GMail account)I was prompted with a window to Connect my Google Account with my existing Orkut Account.I selected I don't have an account.In the next page there were teo options, one to login with my Google ID or create a Google Account.I logged in with my Google ID and I was prompted with the Terms & Conditions, I selected Agree, Done.My Orkut account was created.Try and let me know about any issues.
  5. To addon to their services Google is providing Free Domain Parking. Google Domain parking If you dont know what is domain parking, then here is the definition, This service is named as Google AdSense for domains. This service will add adsense to the parked page for your domain, so you can even earn money through adsense befor launching your website.
  6. Definitely Google Docs and Google Spreadsheets is not a serious competetion to Microsoft Office.No Online Spreadsheet or Document software will never be able to be an alternate for MS Office. Because even if some one manages to create one, it will not be an online tool, definitely you'll have to download some package for it.But Google Docs and Google Spreadsheets is useful for the people on the move, to keep their documents online securely.
  7. Google Toolbar is now bundled with a lot of software packages, come friends please share in what software you got Google Toolbar Bundled. I've got Google Toolbar with, Firefox DivX 6 Create Adobe Reader Flash Player Please add your list.
  8. hi i think that the girls are very shy to show themselves, comeon girls. hi roseysaidwhat convience other girls to vote.
  9. you wont be able to see that, once programmer was able to access the complete contacts and Docs. this is a big privacy issue.
  10. the template is the default wordpress template, ther is nothing special about thatbut he content is really funny
  11. i'm using opera for the last 9 years, it is the only browser that is full with all the features that you'll ever need.I has great features like Mouse Guestures, Voice support, session control and many more, but it has some problems like not diaplaying the tags correctly. But you can over come this by making it use use IE or Firefox browser engine to display it correctly.
  12. I voted for SM's Trap Logo and Mich's Xisto logo. these are two that look more professional. But SM should make the logo a little more sharper, because it's blurred too much.
  13. hi Farsiscript, I checked the URL in 3 Browsers, here are my results Internet Explorer 7 - No Change Opera 9.10 - No Change Firefox 2.0 - Yes there was a change, the browser window was resized.
  14. i'm a noob in php programming, i can understand and modify php programs, but i dont know to write on my own. So please somebody who is well versed in php help me. My need is, I'm currently builiding a knowledge base website , i've my own design for the website, check here, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Each page in the left hand site has a tree navigation of all the topics available. Since this information must be same in all the pages, presently I need to change all the pages after adding a new category. Could you please help me in such a way that I can add this content in one file, say a text document and that will be updated to all the pages, by including the file in all the pages. the tree list coding contains only a set of html ul and li tags. please help me. can this be done using server side includes, if so please provide information.
  15. The Xisto community has a huge user base, lets see whats the Male, female sex ratio in Xisto.Please all members of Xisto, participate in this poll.
  16. I can access my website as laschatz.info and http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Both the urls take to the same page, but if i use http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it remains the same in the address bar, and the same with the other URL. Actually this is not a problem. But the real issue is that when it comespage ranking, the search engines give preference for external links that point to our website. So if 40 sites point to laschatz.info and a 30 sites point to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/then the search engine will not consider the inbound liks as 70, bu it treats them as seperate. So even though we've the proper links our sites has low page rank, so I want the http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to be redirected to laschatz.info. I've read that this has to be done by editing a file in the root directory, public_html. Please help me.
  17. please make your query more elaborate, so that we can help you.what version are you using is it Access 2000 or XP or 2003 or 2007
  18. its ok, i thought that they were removed under the new spam control policy, because most of my posts have disappeared after the spam control and lost 15 credits, I'm damn sure that I might have made a maximum of 5 spam posts, not really spam a onliner post. Now again I strated to lose my posts, that's why i got angry, ok I'm sorry for that. When we get something better we need to sacrifice something, ok fine, I've to go back searching to post the deleted posts back.
  19. I'm noticing that for the past few days all my previous posts are deleted, I'm damn sure that they were not spam posts, this makes me sick. I was asking for help and now those posts were removed and now I've to repost everything. Could someone give an explaination to this?
  20. but it doesnt have the security issues that GMail Has. The latest GMail cookie vulnerability revealed the user's complete address book.
  21. Microsoft has launched the new layout for its Mail service.The Windows Live Mail Lite is the lite version, no AJAX of the Windows Mail. This is helpful for the users with low connection speeds.The greatest news is that it offers 2GB of space for the mails.Now you can search your mails just as GMail offers.They've also introduced color codes for the Mails that you receive,Red - for mails that are found to be dangerous or harmfulYellow - for suspcious mailsWhite - for clean mailsYou can also customise the mail interface, which gmail dosent offers.At the present situation with a lot of privacy issues with Gmail, it is very good to shift to Hotmail. I don't think there is now no reason to say no to Hotmail.
  22. the browser for Nintendo DS is provide by Opera, you can get the browser and all the required details about how to install the browser from Opera's website in the following URL http://www.opera.com/. Opera browser is also for the Nintendo's latest offering the Wii
  23. thanx for the help, i actually need to backup only the databse can this alone be transferred through ftp from cpanel.
  24. the new Xisto forum update is cool and it loads faster than the older board. here is an ieeror message I recevied when accessing my Control Panel in the forum IPB WARNING [2] require_once(/home/Xisto/public_html/forums/sources/classes/class_display.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory (Line: 67 of /index.php) The url was http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act=UserCP&CODE=23
  25. delivi

    Hotmail With 1gb

    Hotmail has customised its interface and hence loads faster and has more feature attached to your e-mail account than what gmail offers.Presently Gmail is under huge critisim for the various vulnerabilities. So I'd say it is no longer safer using gmail.
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