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Everything posted by delivi

  1. what are you gonna do with such a huge Inbox space, You can store spams that you receive in a year. Usually such type of services are target for huge amount of spams.When there are reliable services like Gmail, hotmail, yahoo then why go for something you never heared before.
  2. you can have 99 databses and as many as tables your web hosting space can contain.
  3. the site design looks simple and loads fast with no heavy graphics.I'd suggest you to add a few more sections like latest downloads, most downloaded etc.
  4. Here is what I've heared so far, and found it to be true," Microsoft Windows Vista Bill Gates Edition", is the Actual Windows Vista but with an Autograph of Bill Gates in It. It is a limited Special edition used for promotion in the various promotional contests by Microsoft.
  5. hi praveenkv1988 welcome to the Xisto Family.hope that you'd enjoy your time being here in the Xisto Forum.Post sensibily with good quality posts and get credits to get your free Xisto Web Hosting No Ads Account.
  6. really I'm shocked to look at such a horrible website, It will be in my mind for several days as a bad dream. Man I whish that I should'nt have seen it.
  7. This site has a few tutorials that are very highly professional and easy to understand for creating Vector Graphics using Adobe Illustrator. Check them out http://ndesign-studio.com/tutorials
  8. This is called as True Love, a very rare phenomenon to be seen. Notice from truefusion: Quote what is not yours. Warning issued.
  9. i'd say that this is only possible in our dreams, because the Man has a limited intelligence compared to the things present in this wonderful world.Eventhough science has developed a lot, there is no proper cure for the Common Cold !!!!
  10. this is well expected even before many years,according to the Revelation,the last book in the Holy Bible, the Anti Christ will enforce everybody in this world to implant chips either in their forehead or in their arms. And only the people who've implanted the chip can buy or sell things. These are the last days, all the phrophesies said in the Bible about the last days of the Earth are being fulfilled.
  11. That is a good suggestion caos dreamer, but it is entirely against the principle of Xisto to be completely Ad Free.You've just got only the 3 options given by electriic ink.
  12. thanx for the concern and the advise saint Michael.This system is not for submitting to the other website, I'm setting this in my Admin Control Panel of the Forum. Is this also risky??
  13. wow gasp!! I had to hold my breaththat was an excellent graphics work. I love all the sigs you've created they show perfect profesionalism.Hey Sudden why dont you share your knowledge with us, you can share the methods in the Tutorials Section or Brushes and Plugins at the GFX Section. Hope you'll enjoy the time being in Xisto.
  14. I've installed SMF in my website, I found a very useful feature for adding packages in it. The FTP Package Manager enables us to browse and download the mods directly from the source to our website through FTP, hence saving time and bandwith. I want to se3tup this feature, this requires my FTP server name and login info. MY doubt is should I give just the site FTP address, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or for the forum folder http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or for the packages folder.
  15. wow that is a great tool for webmasters to make proper optimisation for the Search engine. Thanx BuffaloHelp for sharing this resource.
  16. I've understood now thanx freinds for helping me.Albus as you've advised I reported the Unlimited Domains Issue to BuffaloHELP, and got them rectified thanx.
  17. As Bible says in the Past Daniel and his friends who ate Vegiterian food in the Palace of King of Babylon were found to be the more wiser than the others who ate meat. This is from the history.Here in India, there are several different castes among which a few castes do not eat meat, especially the Brahmins they are found to be Wise men and they do rank top in the Country level talent hunts and also in several fields. They've the respect of people even from the days of the kings.
  18. My System Specs are a little old for now,
  19. I've two different domain names, can I host different websites in my Xisto Free Web Hosting Account.I dont want to use redirection. If possible how many differnt websites can be hosted for different domains.
  20. The best way to avoid virus is to keep yourself Updated witht he latest Virus threats and exploits.Keep your Antivirus Updated whenever an Update is available.If you come to konw about an exploit in a Software, apply the patch as soon as it is released.It is a good practice to visit security websites at least two times a week to keep yourself updated.
  21. I want to setup sections of my site as using subdomains. Presently if I create a subdomain for the forum , then I can only set an redirection to the folder I want the link to remain as forum.laschatz.info and not to change. How can I get this? Please help me.
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