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Everything posted by ashiezai

  1. lol .. i like ur site alot the graphics are just nice n cute ~a blog site .. wow .. that's a lot of words there
  2. Dear khmerneed, I'm so sorry to hear your story. But life is like that , we can not control it. Just let it be. We can not do anything about that. Just dont be sad, forget the sadness and live your life to the fullest. Take some time to recover. Perhaps your dad will regret in his old days. BEst regards. Live for the future. Dont look back
  3. lol .. Xisto is the best free host ever .. u will find it out when u have enough quality posts But i think this topic shouldnt be in this sub-forum. This should go to SPAM
  4. lol .. i'll tell u that they r smart enough .. ur browser .. ur ip or ur cookies will tell them if fraud click is there .. if u r going to ask ur fren to <- snipped -> .. make sure they click it only once a day n not clicking too much}
  5. my fren got paid last time for google's adsense .. i didnt get paid because they caught me clicking on my own ads. i think that if u r not going to fraud click ur ads u wont be kicked out by google other ppc programs are not that strict and their spam detection are lower .. but the payouts are so little compare to adsense.
  6. lol .. i still play sc:bw now .. but not that often .. only when going to cyber cafe with frens i like bw more than warcraft because it's easier to contol and manage everything :DBW was really a success until there're still so many ppl playing it . looking forward for sc2
  7. THis is also a reply from the above (by spectre).. i think u r trying to spam the forum Plz post ur own opinion and dun copy n paste other ppl's reply ..
  8. hmm ?? that was my reply from the 1st page .. y did u copy n paste it and act like it's a new reply ?
  9. Cloaking may give ur SE ranking for a boost .. i really mean that .. and normally google spam detection is not that perfect so it's kinda hard for them to detect cloaking website. but google will ban will if they detect u .. either detected by themselves or reported by ur competitors.do u mean like this :<a href="xx" title="abcefef">abc</a> ?the title tag in the <a> tag is similar to the decription of the image but for SEO .. i think that the alt tag in image tag is much more valuable than title tag in the <a> tag
  10. steroid is actually very bad for health . Yes it will cure u fast but the effect of steroid is not on the site of desired but all over the body. Steroid is actually a panacea but it will have a lot of side effects on ur body. Because the pharmacology or mode of action of steroid is targetting a compound (or u can call it molecule) that can be found all over our body. Steroid is not specific enough to cure any disease but it will have positive effects on the disease.
  11. try zedge.no .. a really good one .. tones and pictures .. wap based
  12. hmmm ... dropout21 did i offend u ... i was just explaining the google ads thing... y did u gimme a -1 reputation ..
  13. But my total filesize is only less than 10mb ... how do i upload 100mb more ?
  14. Did any1 notice that the bandwidth usage on the frontpage of cpanel is actually DOUBLE the bandwidth that u had actually used? U can go to section under bandwidth and see ur bandwidth usage. For mine it stated that i've used 199.56 Meg but looking at the details it only total up to 99.78 Meg. But looking at the AWStats (updated) .. it stated that i;ve only use 77 Meg (including traffic viewed + not viewed ) I need some advise about this .. because i think if i've used 200 mb for only day 4 of the month ... then im going to run out of bandwidth very soon .
  15. 1.Google adsense2.Google adsense 3.Google adsense That's because google is so popular now and other company cant fight it .. u can still find some lower paying one like : clicksor, fastclicks .. bla bla so much more and google is the highest paying
  16. yes .. it's pay per click .. it will pay u more that those pay u per thousand impression.it's just like $0.10~$20(yes it is for some keywords) for a click and u will only get about $1~$2 per thousand impressino for other companies
  17. Get some proxies here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/4634-proxys-need-another/
  18. lol ... seems that u guys r looking for some proxy here .. well i can share some with u all ... i have quite a few of them .. use one first then when it is blocked move to the other .. dun use all of them at once http://www.pureprivacy.com/ http://www.proxyweb.net/ http://anonymouse.org/anonwww.html http://www.guardster.com/ https://www.anonymizer.com/ http://proxify.com/ http://www.justprivacy.com/ http://www.intenseghetto.com/get/nph-p.pl http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hope this helps
  19. Yes u can put a adsense on ur forum to earn some money .. but the different thing is :the rate they paying for forum is much more lower than a content site .. google adsense is the highest paying advertiser out there .. and no 1 will beat their rate per click .. clicksor pay much more lesser than adsense .. i only got $0.01 for clicksor but i got at least $0.15 for adsense (same keyword). But the bad thing is .. adsense is quite strict .. ur acc will be disabled if u r caught clicking on ur ads. normally a the click through rate is about 1% or less than that .. mine was 200% (!) so i got mine disabled ..
  20. yahoo mail provide 250mb for new users ...but for the old existing user it takes forever ... mine r still not 250mb ... aih ...but when i create a new account i got a 250mb one. -.- they dun give that space to hosting is just because that they need to consider about the bandwidth ... not as same as email .. u wont use up too many bandwidth ...but if it;s hosting .. then the site is available to every1 all around the world .. and let's say if u have 100mb file on ur site to be downloaded by 100 ppl.. then that would be a 10 G bandwidth used.u wont used up that much bandwidth by email .. the maximum only 250mb for this instance
  21. Dear odomike, i couldnt reach ur site now .. i dunno what's the reason .. just connection timed out. but i could give some opinions about seach engine optimazation. But i could tell you that the keyword you are using is not good. That is, even if u rank good with that keyword u wouldnt get much traffic from that. try this key word : affordable web site design (but this kw is too competitive im sure u know it . it has a average of 177.7 search/day.) You must be wondering how do i know how many searches is done for the keyword ? Well, you can find it at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ U can type a word into it and it will show u relevant data of searches. I've used this quite some time and found it quite reliable. The keyword ranking tool found there is also a good one that u can keep track all of your keyword ranking daily. The GOAL is : To find a keyword that is searched alot by internet user but not that competitive. It's no use to get a high ranking for a keyword that is not even search by someone. Just my 2 cents, hope this helps
  22. i think the server is up again .. mine no problem at this time
  23. "Xisto is no trap at all""Professional hosting at no cost"
  24. in malaysia here .. a movie tix cost about RM 10 .. erm .. that is $3~$4 USD
  25. yea ... i oso cant connect to mine too ... im oso hosting a commercial site ...i think that admin is fixing something on the server .hope that my site will be up soon
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