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Everything posted by ashiezai

  1. oooohhh ... this game is GREAT !!it's even better that underground 1 !! mygod ..nice game and it's highly recommended!the babe on the first screen is so nice !! Blood is coming out of my nose
  2. oohhh .... do u really get $7 in 3 days? mine sucks ... only $0.04 so i stop using it rite now ... or could u tell me wat is the highest bidding keyword for clicksor ? or wat keyword u r using ... mine r just like $0.01 per click ... sucks.my adsense got disabled !!!!!! shyt ... i had $30 in it .... ahhhbtw .. any1 try fastclick.com .. i think it's quite good 2
  3. oohh ..im oso playing gunbound here :(add me if u wan : ashiezaiand i've found a good free mmorpg : http://www.nexon.net/landing/maplestory/ nice game
  4. ooo ... a touching story ... the Xisto's story made me wanna cry :~~(btw, thx for everything .. Best wishes to Xisto and admins !I promise i will contribute more to this forum
  5. Bit Torrent .. it;s P2P file-sharing .. yeap .. it's faster to dl files if there r enough seeds. after dl-ing the file u will be a seed if u r online. it's just like kazaa but harder to find files to download. u can try this bt agent , where i found quite good : http://www.bitcomet.com/
  6. cost per click ? i think u r saying pay per click . it's just like the google will pay u a small amount for each time the ads on ur site was clickedothers option are like CPM : they pay u an amount of money per thousand of page views without some1 <- snipped ->
  7. iim now applying for adsense again using other website ... because :adsense is the highest paying ppc programmeadsense loads faster (than clicksor)*clicksor is paying so littleeeeeee .... damn it *overture's website is so complicated that i dunno where to sign up aih ...
  8. ahhh.... google adsense ..... i hate it !!!! they r so clever @@@i had $30 in just a week .. because i clicked on it .. lol ... but i was clever oso .. i did click on it about twice using the same ip .. then i reconnect again ...but yesterday my account was DISABLED !!! holy *bottom* !! they said it's a click fraud (and yes it is )
  9. oohh .. maplestory ... i've heard of it from my fren ..so now im goin to give it a try .. does this game exist for some time already ?y i din not know about this game ..im playing gunbound now .. anyone ?http://gunbound.softnyx.net/default.aspx
  10. U're welcome personally i hate PR ... coz google will only update PR status of all website once in a blue moon ... my site is still of PR 0 n u know.. when u ask for a link exchange with other webmaster ... they normally reject a PR0 website's link ..
  11. but the problem is ... how to choose from that hundreds of links ...dun tell me that u r going to dl all n check which one u like best :(just try ur luck .. lolbtw .. thx for the resource
  12. hmm ... google PR is not a new thing anyway ..just install a google toolbar and u will see the PR of each website .. it's a determining factors in search engine positioning.the theory is : the more back link to ur site the higher the pr of ur site the higher pr site that link to u .. the higher ur pr will be ..
  13. lol .. of coz u can .. try this : ftp.xxx.trap17.com then it will connect to ur directory without using a FTP program then it just appears like a folder .. then u can copy file in n out
  14. cannot access to it "No web site is configured at this address."
  15. i've been using google adsense for nearly a week .. frankly ... my visitors dun <- snipped -> .. and im the one who clicked on it ... and guess wat .. i think it;s some good money .. because in my stats i;ve got usd 30 now for less than a week. it depends on wat types of ads u clicked on .. i noticed that travel in poland's ads have a higher rate per clicks .. hope i'll reach $100 soon ` }
  16. finaldesign : thx for the gmail invite ! i have a gmail account now ! thx alot
  17. pour into both glasses and each one of them drink half of each glass ?
  18. lol .. i was also thinking this problem last time ..but plz carefully note that it;s now members level 1.. i tihnk u used to be newbie level 1it's just like newbie level 1-3 ,then member level 1-3,then advanced member level 1-3 .... bla bla so on .. :(i think it depends on your post count
  19. btw the way if u dunno how to read to merry xmas in chinese , this is how it is pronounced :" Sen Tan Kuai Lurk " lol .. funny
  20. oo .. u still have some google invites left ?i would be appreciate it if u send me one thxashie_zai@hotmail.com is my email .. thx
  21. lol ... so what did u do after u caught him ?peeping ? watching ? reporting ? or just walk away ?i think it must be a strange experience
  22. ashiezai

    Why Did Bush

    oh .. yeah i agreed wat u said ...and i believe that bush will go for war again against iran in the next future ..this is not the correct way to stop terrorism
  23. ohh .. and btw .. i forgot to give u some tips for building a more search engine friendly pageit;s difficult for a se to crawl a dynamic page like ww.xxx.com/index.php?=50id=83make the dynamic page se friendly by using mod_rewrite to result will be : http://www.xxx.com/index.php/50/83? = and other symbols cannot be recognized that easily by google .im using mod_rewrite now but im not that good .u can try to search it out at google for some tutorial ..good luck !
  24. hmm .. regarding your question ... here's my 2 cent :google will not crawl ur site too often if ur site is a new 1 .. and so do other SE.For google this is termed as the SANDBOX effect .. for example , a website that have a lot of backlinks and a good PageRank will be crawled by google much more often ..this is y your listing in se is not updated .. u can try to see the cached page .. it;'s the link just after the description of website listing. See the date of the cache page and u will know when is the last crawl of se to your website .nothing much u can do with it now .. u can only improve ur website gradually and get as much backlinks to your website and probably get a PageRank for the next google next PageRank update.google dont use meta tag now .. but other search engine are using it .. so go to optimize it .. do some work and hope that se will see it
  25. i think what u mean is using alt tag just like this : <img src="picture.gif" alt="the text u will see when the cursor points to the picture"> smiles .. u mean those smilies like this ? this is a picture and u save the files and put the tag inside ur html: <img src="smilies.gif"> what do u mean by other non-pictures stuff ?? word. just type any words will do .... wat r u asking for?
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