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Everything posted by ashiezai

  1. Yea. I recommend godaddy too. But regarding the downtime thing .. i need to explain a bit. The downtime is because your webhosting account is down but not your domain name. Maybe you are saying that you have a domain name registered and hosted at http://www.networksolutions.com/ and the server is down very often. But you can always register a domain name and host it on other web hosting place like here Xisto.
  2. You dont need to submit to google. IF u have a lot of link backs from other sites, google will find you. It's useless if you dont have any link back to you even if you submit to google. content is also important. Google doesnt like duplicated content.
  3. hmm .. i think there might be a correlation between violence and games. Some people just play too much violence games like GTA (although i like it too) .. they can't seperate what is the real world and the virtual gaming world ..
  4. I dont own a business but i think i will try to do so in the near future. I'm still preparing and doing research before i invest some money into it. I' planning on internet business wow .. that is a nice website i guess You make me so hungry .. Those cookies are so temptating
  5. Hmm. .. i couldnt give u my comment here because there's some error during my visit to your site. Your MySql connection is down during my visit... and i think i couldnt get all the links on your page too .. i get the following message :Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /home/www/temaplace.freeownhost.com/online/useronline.php on line 30Useronline Database CONNECT Errorhmm.. 100webspace is not reliable
  6. oohh .. the dimension of airbus a380 is slightly bigger than boeing 747 but the capacity of airbus is better . this may suggest that design of airbus a380 is more space saving :Pand also 2 levels .. but i wonder if there's really that much people want a business class or first class seats. I've seen that airbus has added alot of business class seats in a380. May be im just too poor .. or perhaps people r so rich nowadays
  7. ya .. i think the airbus a380 will be a success. Sure it will be more profitable that boeing 747 or other similar plane as it can bring more passangers I think that it will be more profitable to fly 500 passenger in a plane rather than 250 in 2 planes. There will always be enough customers to fill .. dun worry .. if not y u see an airline flies so often between 2 places ? like 3 times in a day ..
  8. Erm .. i think u have missed some points there. Xisto provide u the space to host ur website. A website could be anything u like such as blogs, forums, or just plain simple website. That is, a phpBB forum is considered a website (that uses a forum)
  9. Too true .. sometime i hate them but im glad they are still around with me when i face some problems ..
  10. Hmm ... do u install any website designing software like dreamweaver or anything else lately ? maybe during the installation u set the default programme for html file with it ?i dunno wat to do but i think u can still edit it with ie :right click on file > open with > IE
  11. LoL .. please tell us the answer !! We are tired of guessing it wrongly
  12. I think a parked domain will be like this : https://www.google.tk/?gws_rd=ssl where ever u go .. u will only get the main domain name there with no path of the real file ... Maybe im wrong .. just a guess
  13. Ya .. u cant put all those in the same page .. even if google did not discover it .. im sure there will be some ppl/webmaster will report it the google and then u can only say bye bye to ur account and earnings.
  14. PR is dependent on the quality of the inbound links. The last PR update nearly all websites have a decrease in PR or no gain. May be the algo has changed .. but i would say that PR 5 is still a very potent PR and very hard to get that a PR5 and PR6 will have no diff in SERP
  15. Do worry .. google will update it sooner or later. :rolleyes:believe me .. did googlebot visit u lately ?do u have a PR ?google will sure catch up ur website content ...frankly if ur website isnt that popular or do not have a high PR .. ur google's cache wont be updated that frequently .. mine got updated about 1-2 weeks time. Imagine the work load of google updating 8 million pages .. give them some time :)google doesnt care that much for the revisit meta tag
  16. Dear bash, u should get a domain with forwarding/masking service like offered by godaddy.com and i think it's cheap too .. but unfortunately u had bought it .. nvm .. i think u can ask the admin to cancel ur subdomain and host a domain! i did ask admin for that last time and i just take some time for the admin to change it. But i think this will take them some time. I used to have a subdomain and now i've changed to a .comp/s : i dun know if Xisto can host .co.uk onot .. for .com it just works fine.
  17. ya i think the slope is a bit different ... but that little difference slope wouldnt make up that big hole .. hmm ... u made me confuse : lol
  18. mod rewrite is a good thing to learn if u wan ur website to be well indexed by search engines because they dun like (even cant read) URL with many parameters like =,&,$,% etc etc .. currently im also using mod_rewrite to rewrite my website from .php to .html as i know that SE cant read php that well .htaccess cant be created windows system .. i think this is because windows doesnt recognize filename which starts which "." The way to create a .htaccess file is simply create it using notepad and name is anything u like .. then upload to ur homepage server and rename it to .htaccess .. that will do the job ... ofcos u can also create it directly on the cpanel's filemanager
  19. im also afraid of height .. and i think that it's kinda serious too .. because i still remember when i still was a kid .. just looking at the sky would make me scare ... i dunno why is this so ... even when i looked up at the bottom of a tall building i had this kinda feelings too .. but im trying hard to overcome this :rolleyes:im also afraid of needles too i'll freak out when doctors wanna gimme an injection
  20. lol .. if u think that you did not did anything wrong ... just forget about it and i also hate this kinda ppl ... he will not do any harm to u ... just that he will make u mad sometimes
  21. this is a free webhost not free shell.. running a mirc bot like eggdrop will eat up too much memory and make our server unstable .. i dun think that u will be allowed to run a background bot here ... from my experience ... u could hardly find a free shell that let u run mirc bot because u will ruin the whole server if alot of ppl is trying to flood u or DOS attack ur bot... My advice is ... if u really wanna run a mirc bot ... find a cheap webhost that have shell access .. and i think by paying them they will let u run ur mirc bot .. and besides that .. u can have a web hosting too
  22. You can get a top level domain for as cheap as $5 per domain .. that's from https://hostway.com/ and it's realiable .. they wont take ur money and run away.the $5 is only plain domain name price and i think u will need to pay extra for more services .Or u can also try https://de.godaddy.com/ for $8 per domain name .., and i think that the services that comes with the price are attractive if u really use them .. such as domain masking/pointing .. domain transfer, parked page, sale page, website builder .. etc :rolleyes:i'm using godaddy now. so far so good
  23. Absolutely can .. Cant u see that this forum is using PHP script look at the address bar and u can find something like index.php
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