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Everything posted by ashiezai

  1. As a result of the strongest earthquake in 40 years and massive tidal waves in the South Asia on December 26 2004, more than 140,000 people in the area are dead, missing or separated from their relatives. Families all over the world have lost contact and are without news of their loved ones in the region. As the consequences of the earthquake and tsunami, at least 80,000 people were killed in Aceh alone.The total of homeless people being counted in millions, and with millions more at risk from hunger and disease. Please contribute to the tsunami relief. You could save a life. https://www.redcross.org/donate/donation https://www.directrelief.org/ http://www.charitynavigator.org/ http://www.crs.org/ http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/ http://www.unicef.org/
  2. Yea ! they took ages for a site to be listed there ... i've submitted mine 2 months ago and still nothing
  3. if u dun wan to save it ... JUST donate it to the tsunami victims !
  4. the reported death has tolled up to 70,000 now ... and UN expect that the number will continue to rise up to 100,000 because of the low level of medical health in those poor region. Hope this will end sooner and i pay my deepest condolence who has lost their families and friends.
  5. ... so what is the point of this thread ?i couldnt find any.
  6. Sad news for everyone on earth. THe Tsunami and earthquake wasted over 26,000 lifes in asia region and africa. I feel like crying when i saw the broadcast of the flooded area. Some of them were dragging on something helplessly before they were swept away by the water. A diving and swimming heaven now becomes hell. There were also 56 were killed in my country. I would like to extend my deepest condolences to every victim's family. Full story : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. Im totally against WAR !Bush is so greedy .. i tihnk 1 more reason for US troops to invade IRAQ is to used up the old weapons and getting some new ones. or maybe testing some new weapons .. i dunno about that. I respect those soldiers that died for the country .. but did bush respect them ? from the bottom of his heart ? i dun think so.. Bush said he wanna free iraqis but now he's killing iraqis. Is an american's life more valuable than Iraqi's ? Yes .. there're alot of US troops that lost their lives but do u know that there're much much more lives wasted than americans (viets, iraqis, Somalian) ?? Do u know that now there are still alot of ppl in vietnam are borned with abnormalities ?? just beacuse of the orange agent used during the war. Check it out on the internet and u will know the effect of war agents .. God bless everyone.
  8. did u get ur approval from frandt.com ? i applied some time ago n still no reply now
  9. i dun really understand what i wanna say but i'll try my best to explain it . do u mean that sometimes when u search for something it will come out with tilte,description and url and sometimes only the url ? for the 1st case, google has crawled ur site and indexed them well. for the 2nd case, google has crawled ur site but ur site has not been indexed yet. give some time, ur site will be up with title, url and description. But make sure that the page is readable by google and no html error or ur page wont be indexed by google. hope this helps.
  10. try maple story at http://www.nexon.net/landing/maplestory/ nice 2d game .. kinda addictive
  11. lol .. that is a nice site .. looks professional keep the job up ..
  12. erm ... i dun have a absolute answer for this ... it depends on the game itself. U could say WC3 and other online game is fun but u couldnt deny that GTA:SA is fun too
  13. WOw. nice Logo man !! i like it alot. christmas feel~and also thx for the tutorial about the making of reflection . gonna try this out ;)i like the font too .. can u plz tell me which font do u use ? This font makes me feel good
  14. lol .. the admin will know who has been online. U will sure log into this forum and this will create a log file that admin will look at. u will need 15 good posts to get a free hosting account. Good posts mean replies that r more than 3 lines with good content. i dun think there's one out there. The min. is 15 posts. What makes the differences between 7 posts and 15 posts ? just post 8 more n apply it.
  15. This is because the google algo is based on Backlinks.Yahoo and MSN based more on On Page SEO.(such as keyword density)
  16. FRESH CONTENT is the key. Google loves fresh content. If u update ur website more often it will be crawled more often. This only makes u into the google index. But u cant get high SERP (search engine ranking page) for that. The google algo depends much on the backlink and PR. And how is PR calculated ? from the quality of the backlink. That is, u should get backlinks and backlinks and backlinks and backlinks. To get into the google database is easy. The tricky part is to get high SERP for competitive keywords. My website got indexed by google within 4 days when i 1st started. I did nothing except exchange links with other site that has been crawled by google. I think that alone with blog is nothing unless u get backlinks pointing towards it. Google loves blogs. that's y u can see alot of ppl spamming high PR blogs. (this is effective but unethical and not recommended) An alternative way to blog spamming ----> sign the guessbook of popular pages
  17. erm .. y dont u check wat ip was that n ban that ip from visiting ur site ?
  18. Dear Mr. Cheeky, i got the absolutely same version of ur website with both www or without it. Let me get this clear: The domain cheekys-domain.com is what u registered and not the www version of it. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is only a subdomain of cheekys-domain.com You can have the above 2 address point to different IP address. That is, the above 2 can be totally different website. But normally if u did not change anything, the www version is always understood as same as the domain without the www version. (normally all web host will take http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ as cheekys-domain.com) So, make sure that cheekys-domain.com has point to the right IP address. If the problem still persist, create a subdomain called http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and point to cheekys-domain.com in cpanel. I think this is solve the problem. Hope this helps.
  19. Good luck Spectre ! thx for everything u've done for Xisto and Xisto. ;)hope u will find ur way through ur future and best wishes from me
  20. lol .. funny i was a bit of above last time when i was addicted to sc ... just played everyday after school for more than 2 years ! gosh ! lol ... there're still alot of ppl playing sc on battlenet lol .. y dont u use a no-cd crack ? ;P
  21. my website used up about 700mb (but actully when i see the details in the bandwidth usage it's only totaled up to 350mb) for about 100 pageviews per day. And my website is average sized n everypage is about 40kb. So i think 3GB is quite good and absolutely more than enough for a normal site.
  22. hmm ... use ur leg to walk out ?erm .. or the wall is made up of steel bars that can let u walkthrough
  23. Try using other FTP programme. I've tried using AceFTP but i tihnk there's some bugs or problem in it ... Sometimes AceFTP connect to ur FTP with wrong password. Yeah n i really do mean it. I set my pw in the profile and dunno wat's wrong with AceFTP it sometimes just can't connect to FTP .. The error log said that it's a wrong password. But sometimes it's ok ...
  24. hmm .. i think that there's still a long way to peace for the middle east. Althought i dunno too much politics or history of the middle east. But i wish that everyone is safe and there's no war for this christmas
  25. lol chuppa chups is the lollipop brand !! Hmm .. i think i'll vote for kit kat. I like snickers also but i think i like kitkat is better
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