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Everything posted by ashiezai

  1. hmm .. i think msn search will take over google in some time .. just because that there are so many windows users .. and i think microsoft will do something on the new os to make msn search more visible
  2. maple story is in english version ... and the account signing up for beta version is now closed .. u cant get an account there .. or u can ask ur fren who has multiple account to give u one :Dor i can recommend a similar korean made english version 3d mmorpg game to u :http://www.roseon.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t Rose online this is a nice game also ... also in beta testing .. so it's free like maple story trust me im addicted to it ...
  3. im still waiting for the pc version ... plz release it faster ... i dun have a ps2 ... but i wanted to play it so much ... all of my friends are saying that the game is so cool
  4. i dun like this game either .. but it's can still be played when u r super bored
  5. wow .. those are quite some useful hacks .. thanks alot
  6. hmm .. maybe english is not his/her first language ..perhaps he/she wanna say that the source code of windows 2k is leaked out ..
  7. lol .. i would vote for ken :Dreasons are because too many ppl are voting for ryu and ken deserved some :Dbtw .. i like ken better for the ... ( erm .. what do u call that ? the same style of tiger upper-cut lol )
  8. froogle is a search engine specific for products and not for other stuff like articles etc .it helps alot as some people are just searching for a specific products to buy online
  9. im also addicted to rose online it's so cool .. im now a level 26 hawker
  10. wow .. is sc really going to 1.12 version ? sounds like a good news .. in my opinion .. if sc2 is released .. there will be something like wc3 such as "heros" and that would be great
  11. hi every1 gong xi fai cai !! happy chinese new year ~ actually it's gung hey fart choi althought "fart" is not that good but i think it's pronouced like that in mandarin btw .. dooga where r u from ?
  12. hmm .. i think mine is 2 .. :Dbut how do u consider a number your lucky number ? like winning you a lottery ? or betting ? or just a plain simple yet unexplainable reason ?
  13. hi gunbound .. i also play gunbound quite often .. ur description on the page is quite neat keep it on hmm .. btw sorry for posting here .. i know this shouldnt be posted here
  14. wow ... that is a nice tutorial .. i can go to mars now and take a photo as a proof .. lol
  15. hmmm .. izzit ? i dun think it's good game for me .. i bought the cd ... and i just played it for about 3 hours .. then i quitted and play other games .. i think it's kinda dull and boring for me ... just my opinion
  16. im against cloning .. i think that it's kinda weird.. it's like making something that shouldnt be made ... why would the scientist clone something .. basically if u clone a man .. the cloned one wouldnt be the same as the one being cloned... atleast their thinking
  17. i would say that the content is coming up soon and i'll visit ur blog on regular basis .. :Dbasically, the layout is clean and nice. but i think it would be more attractive if u add some pictures just my 2 cent
  18. i know quite a few of my fellows that is born on 29 of february .. usually they just celebrate it before like 28 or 27 th .. lol .. they are as old as others they grow older each yaer but not once in four years
  19. wow .. i would say that modding a cpu case is cool .. but i think it takes alot of time and a bit of creativity .. that is what i lack of .. :Dgood work cragllo .. i like the neon light .. looks cool keep it up
  20. i would feel embarassing :Di know they will sometimes look at me .. seeing what's my feeling .. but i just pretend that i dunno :Dsometimes i just turn around and acting like nothing
  21. my friends also are getting money from google adsense every month ..they will verify before sending out the mopney
  22. or u can try to disable session id ? try to insert this into the .htaccess file : php_flag session.use_trans_sid off
  23. Thanks guys .. those are really some nice sites to learn something
  24. hmm ... this is a rather hard to ask question... technology can help us but can also destroy us .. it depends on how human are using it .. whether wisely to reduce our workload ... or abuse it ..
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