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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Mask the seat colour and change that by pressing CTRL+B or something like that....no is that in PSP....uh I don't remember
  2. Yeh they are pretty good...dont look very professional though
  3. Liking the splash page =DI like the design of the PostNuke....The flash sound is kind of annoying every time you click on another link and go to a new page.....But overall your site is pretty good...
  4. Press on your menu system on your screen/moniter....and then find something that says dot delay fiddle around with that and it might do....It works for my computer so sorry if it doesn't work for you.......The dot delay icon thingy that comes up in the middle will look like a sort of squarish rectangle with a few links in it....If this is not what your asking for...then I have not a clue what your talking about...do you mean it moves the screen ?? like jumps to the side and then back ?
  5. Oh my gawd....feck......My teacher only told us about testical shrinkage which scared the *BLEEP* out of the boys in my class....Someone once told me Dr Pepper makes your willy shrink...dunno if thats true...Oh and someone also told me.....fried chicken gives you facial hair and speeds up puberty.....:s Well I don't know...rumours will always be rumours I guess
  6. zip_mc I really like the graphix you make because they all look like they have a sort of "texture" to them....like the texture of a canvas....=DI'm proud of yer boy..=P yer site rox..
  7. Um what was it called ?? something like Microchips Car Racing. oh my god how crap can you get...the controls are totally foocked up...It is such a Ralley Racer "copycat".....It is soooo dumb ....you press left and it goes right....etc.....and it is tiny so you can not control it... the graphics look like it is suitable for a 3 year old!Some one might like this game....so don't take it as an aafence......It is just my opinion..which really doesn't matter
  8. Whats the difference between pop up and pop under ?? I don't get it
  9. Do you make money from all this stuff you make ????
  10. msn is the most used that is all I know....but my comp kinda *BLEEP*ed up and I can not use it now.....it basically has everything you need....I don't really use IM's because I'd rather talk to my friends in real life or on the phone....oh and my time on msn...? well I met A LOT of perverts which scared the friggin hella outta me...I have no idea how they got my hotmail but it was freaky.....They started to say all this dirty stuff and telling me to do stuff...So i just started to swear at them non-stop and started to cuss them and say VERY VERY bad stuff....calling them a c*** and getting all my friends online (about 10) on them and we all start to cuss them....they get scared and block me...And I never see them again...
  11. Yeah !! Chinese people rock.....If you don't know about the world around you...Chinese people are the cleverest...followed by indian and then turkish and etc....Not boasting or anything but this is so true !!!!
  12. CSS is probably better...But sometimes when you want like a E.G dfferent colour bol you can not get it, it sort of has a set color,size,font fmaily etc.....But I personally use a css code for everything because it is really good and really does make your page look 10x better.I learnt about CSS and HTML together so I have been using it as much as and as long as using HTML.
  13. test sux...I like all picture...thats why I made the text shmall.....So you can't really see it... =P I found planet domain ages ago so I AM going to buy on of there.....its costs around 6 pounds for a .com so thats well worth it =D
  14. You are sooo obsessed with dirty teeth, are you not?Okay we get the picture...if we don't brush our teeth we get plaque LMAO.Anyways V GOOD pictures....Do you like my new SIG and AVVY ?Good job and make some of PINK stuff man....*tuts*heh xx Bexa =D
  15. I don't want .co.uk....I need a .com....Anyway thanks for the link I will check it out later on.Shark Tale is BRILL....except there were loads of 5 year olds in the cinema crying,laughing,shouting and shrieking...HEH...Oh wellzYou like my new avvy and sig??
  16. Yup yup.....Whats is with this GMAL crave ??? I swear everyone wants the sig....Everyone wants the gmail....Is it really good or something ?
  17. It says I have had 1189 visits but I don't get the stats things ......Can anyone tell me ?This is what is says:Unique Visitors - 731Number of Visits - 1189Pages - 14714Hits - 29224Bandwidth - 2.92 GBWhat's hits ????And why does it always come up with umm 70 websites.....does that mean your viewers are from there or something ?? Because I don't think people from all these countries actualy understand English...."--J"....Ohhh so it was YOU who signed my guestbook...I was wondering who it was---BANDWIDTH ran out again... .
  18. There are millions of websites that give you umlimited bandwidth....the only problem is they all aren't english....*sighs* Just thought i'd tell you lot.....Great! storage......I don't need storage I need bandwidth....Suggest any sites Lyon ? And don't put a whole load of crap underneath it......No one bothers to read it.
  19. Becca

    Hey Hello

    Welcome to Xisto....Have a fabulicious time
  20. MY DSL IS *BLEEP* IT KEEPS ON DISCONNECTING...I hate it.......I hate AOL.....GRRRRRR...*bites keyboard* My DSL sucks....I hate broadband..Too slow...Costing us 27 pounds a month...Major RIP OFF..
  21. HP Invent SUx....its so damn slow...I gotta w8 like years for it to load and everything....And it costs a fortune...And you don't get good stuff with it...*SPITS ON COMP*...Heh it aint dat bad......but it is slow
  22. Louie Sachar...And the author of "CUT". OO And I like Phillip Pullman as well...Ever read the book...The Butterfly Tatoo..??A.K.A...The White Mercadez God I cried me eyes out..CUT is about a girl who slits her wrists and she goes to an institute with all these insane people...I like to read books about stress...people with problems...people slitting their own wrists.....people who are unstable...people who are being bullied....people who die .....and people who are "different"...
  23. Becca

    Bush Is Gay

    Well here is something for you to watch... When I first watched it it cracked me up....... But then it got boring..... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. Yeah...I bet you made this post to get all the gossip and inside stories and secrets out of girls....NOSEY people......PSH...Only joking....Oh how many girls do you think there are here ?? ....That are 13 ???
  25. Yeah...like how old are you ?? I mean....at different ages there are different types of like I don't know...impressing...I mean when we were 5 a boy showing a girl some worm he found was impressing.....So...well...it depends ,I think, on how old you are and what you do....Because old fogies like think dancing to an old elvis CD is da bomb!! and a teenage might find dacing to an elvis cd ...well poofy...
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