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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Ummm No affence but just because you are 14 does not mean you can not afford any thing...I mean I could afford Photoshop why can't you ?? I mean I am younger than you as well... It is only like $200 or like 150 pounds whatever....It isn't that much...
  2. WHAT ?? Lmao....Can I remind you it is pink....You are a boy or are you not ???AHAHAHA...I am not saying that boys cant like pink, but they usually go for a more masculine color....Lmao only kidding....I made a massive banner for trap but it's really crap so I am keeping it hidden in a folder somewhere on my comp....So it is forgotton...muhahah.I'm weird..
  3. Yes simple is pro!! I totally agree. All these people make these banners and there are loads of graphics every where and like most are good...but some are sort of over the top....You get me??
  4. I am thirteen yes thirteen thirteen thirteen thirteen...Quite a lot of users here are 13...I mean it was more than I expected...As I see most are in their late teens...Can I just ask is there actually anyone at the forums that is over 50 ??? or even 40?? Not that it is bad or anything...I would just like to know....Doing this poll has showed the range of ages forums can be for....as everyone can see it is for all! So I guess to me this is a good post...
  5. Heya welcome to this great forum...My name is Becky I am thirteen aswell and I like making website layouts,sports and my computer [obviously] I hope you enjoy it here like I do..Have Fun!!! Take Care !!xx Bexa
  6. oooh Very nice!!! Better than mine!!!I think they look very professional I like the animated one though
  7. 3Ds Max god that gives me a head ache so far I can only make thingys that look partly like crystals...I really need to know how to use illustrator to like make my own proper graphics....But I haven't the time if anyone knows any good tutorials that you can make...things like digital people or whatever....please contact me via the PM or AIM....Thank you..Oh yes and your art is stunning !! When I am 15 I hope to be as talented as you
  8. Um can you please put all of this infomation on one post ....It is kind of hard going from here to there and there to here finding them....
  9. Normally direct linking is NOT good because it also wastes the users bandwidth and like well I dont know it is just not good...Anyways I don't really care.Lmao.Hey do you want to join my button rotation system ?? Its just like a button rotatio nand the person who has the most credit's banners gets showed the most...You dont have to..You just have to put a code up and it sometimes rotates into another button.
  10. Yay....Are you direct linking it...??? I think it might be better if you direct link it because I change my button from time to time...
  11. Cool thanks yay!!!Lmao....They took me like a minute to make each one...I am happy that people like them...I would of thought Krap thought the buttons were crap.Anyways thanks:D
  12. I added your button onto my site... And I hope you will do the same for mine... Here is the link to my button and my url <a href="http://bexadesigns.tsx.org" target="__Blank"><img src="http://bexa.trap17.com/buttons/bexas-button.gif" border="0" alt="Bexa Designs"></a>
  13. I don't really care that much...I just use the aol one my server gave me I can not be bothered... Although I do think hotmail is not all that good...I think people only sign up for an acount because they "think" you need one for msn....but you don'tAnyways do you have to pay or something for Gmail ??? What is it anyways ?
  14. I like playing mafia games..lmaoI know this has nothing to do with games but my friends friends dad was in "The Mafia" the actual one....THE REAL mafia..In real life seriously....But he was once caught by police and changed his ways and now he is a very deep christian.
  15. Our school has a basic layout but it is pretty good...I don't know the link to it but I will find it out...like tomorrow.I just go to some grammar school which has the top 20% grades in london.
  16. I have a really crap phone....it thes old Nokia 7250i the one with the dumb intergrated camera...I am going to get a new phone soon. It is a new nokia and it has like video,cameria blue tooth and LOADS of other things...Excellent phone....But just one thing....The quality of the videos are not all that good...But who cares.? I want that phone...I think I am getting it soon like this month.My old phone is like 1 year old so I am going to give it to my dad, he buys me new phones and I give him my old ones.lmao.
  17. I really like your website and games..And your layout is really good....Would you be interested in becoming affilliates with me or not? Because it does not matter if you don't...Anyways like I said good website and keep up the great work...bye! x
  18. Yes there is this program called.... I HAVE FORGOTTON SORRY!!! That is absolutely free!!! It is really cool! I have never used it but I downloaded it once and it had loads of tools to it sort of similar to Photoshop. Here is a link to a list of free things you can use for your website etc... They are really good...Serif is a good free make aswell. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. Can any one give me basic tips on how to use these. I just got these programs yesterday and I haven't the clue how to use them...I wanted the Adobe Illustrator 6 months ago and I only just got it. And I want to make like one of those characters which people make, that are so totally cool!I do hope some one is kind enough to show me where I could view some EASY tutorials to get me started..Because I have to admit...lmao...I am a fast learner.Thank You ...BexaOh yeah and what is your favourite graphics program that is really easy to use....I might get an easier one...if there is one....
  20. Lmao @ chuck...I love all music...actually...I love every kind from classical to western and blues...I think all music is cool and people should listen to them more closely...Every song has a story...a meaning....
  21. Sorry but my vocabulary is very low and I do not uderstand you...
  22. Stop advertising you bum hole...Xisto is great and you just got to face it mate..it beats that site anyday !!Oh and btw does it have unlimmited MySql ?I see you don't list the things it doesn't have and that list of the things it does have is pretty short....you must admit...Although 3gb storage is excellent....I must agree.Anyways I am off to do my project about JAZZ
  23. It is alright...although silver is one of my favourite colours.....I don't like it that much...it is really nice and all but my eyes hurt after a while looking at the screen because it is sort clashing with the white background....Can the admin get loads of skins or is this the only one??I LIKE PINK BTW people.... PINK PINK PINKBut blue is my favourite colour. Okay never mind I am just weird
  24. I have uploaded songs with the endings rbs...Which is well I don't know what it is...But it loads 10 times faster...I convert all my mp3's into .RBS with this thing I have called well... lmao Convert64...Its really cool actually. It came with my radio blog.....Actually I think people who want loads of selection of music on their websites should get a radio blog.It is really good. Trust me.Anyways....have fun guys...and girls!!Bye x
  25. Um Mine is .tsx.org....Some re-direct thing. I don't know wherre I got it from I forgot...It is pretty good except from 1 ad.
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