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Everything posted by Becca

  1. But what if an innocent person does really think the site is good....If I see a crap website or layout I will seriously was it is *BLEEP*ing horse *BLEEP*, I am a person who seriously speaks my mind....once this girl was pissing me off I started to shout at her calling her a *BLEEP*ing retard *BLEEP* and a *BLEEP*ed up hairy *BLEEP* juice.....So....I do actually say the things I say...I guess some people just can not be bothered are arsed to look at the site proper because it's sort of waisting time.....Purple is the colour the WOMAN EVIL ..... mufafafa...No Im seriously....see this face?? --> <-- It's the face is seriousness...I guess someone has said that your website was a load of *BLEEP*ed up *BLEEP* grannys bush....and that touched a nerve but you thought it was really good ???Okay maybe not....but.....being nice is always good, even if it involves lying horrible and being dis honest .....
  2. I don't know you can try....I thought it was just for flash.... Radio Blogs ROOL <3
  3. Well it's really good for your first buttons <3I made a few on the trap site....somewhere...lost....It's clear simple and easy and better than what most people contribute....as other buttons are really good but you can not read the text because of all the fancy backgrounds...8/10
  4. I like the name..brb. I'm going to paste what i've got copied in my clipboard and then copy teh website thingy....--------------------------Few mintues later After I've seen the site....COOL Very preeety butterflies...I just may make some PSP brushes out of them...if I do I give the butterfly site credit
  5. Becca

    Pixels Pixels

    Okay...so I want to start doing lickle pixels for other people to adopt....most of you may not know what these are....tough. Anyways I want to ask what you think of this room I made in MS paint...Took me forever to draw the high lights and stuff so I don't want nasty remarks just honest ones. And give me some advice on how to improve it.... I know it's really plain and crappy but it's my first try in making these things. If this topic goes unanswered I guess people don't like me....I knew it! I might as some more I have drawn....If any one knows any programs to make them easier then PLEASE tell me because I don't want to keep making them on Paint it takes forever.Especially as my wireless laser mouse ran out of battery... Oh and move this post if it is in a wrong place...I didn't know where to put it...
  6. ...Lmao...yes it seams people have more fun ruining hotel rooms and trashing the place...rather than working in one....no affence.,,
  7. You can't use special fonts on yoru website because other people who don't have them can not see them...only you can or another person who has the same font...if you want the special fonts in an image on your website then thats okay just not as like text or link or anythingWell you can put special fonts actually...but you have to direct he font SRC to a place where the font type is uploaded.....it's not the same as a normal font type file...
  8. Becca

    Easy Css Question

    add a:active { font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;color: #000000; text-decoration: none;} a:visited { font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;color: #000000; text-decoration: none;} a:link { font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;color: #000000; text-decoration: none;} a:hover { font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;color: #000000; text-decoration: none;} into the script or A:link,A:visited,A:active { font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;color: #000000; text-decoration: none;} if you want them all to be the same It's something like that [br][/br]<title>2 G's Productions</title>[br]<style type="text/css">[/br]<!--[br]P{[/br]font-family: verdana;[br]font-size: 14px;[/br]font-style: normal;[br]color: #000000;[/br]}[br]a:active {[/br]font-size:8pt;[br]font-family:verdana;[br]color: #000000;[/br]text-decoration: none;[/br]}[br]a:visited {[/br]font-size:8pt;[br]font-family:verdana;[br]color: #000000;[/br]text-decoration: none;[/br]}[br]a:link {[/br]font-size:8pt;[br]font-family:verdana;[br]color: #000000;[/br]text-decoration: none;[/br]}[br]a:hover { [/br]font-size:8pt;[br]font-family:verdana;[br]color: #000000;[/br]text-decoration: none;[/br]}[br]-->[/br]</style>[br]</head>[br][/br]in the body:[/br]<p><a href="company.htm">OUR COMPANY</a></p>[br][/br]<p><a href="merch.htm">MERCHANDISE</a></p>[br][/br]<p><a href="bios.htm">BIOS</a></p>[br][/br]<p><a href="studio.htm">STUDIO</a></p>[br][/br]<p><a href="events.htm">EVENTS</a></p>[br][/br]<p><a href="contact.htm">CONTACT</a></p>
  9. oooo Goody all these bad stories about it...earlier on I got that automatic update thing and it asked me if I wanted to update the WMP but I press cancel....=D Good choice ? or Bad ?
  10. Oh um I know where smilies are but they are pink and for girls....so Idoubt you want them....if you want to use the emoticons from msn just go to http://www.mess.be/ for emoticons.....maybe they will do for smilies ??
  11. I used that it is alright...because it gives you a sub domain that isn't your sub-sub domain if you get what I'm saying....but the email is mucked up so is the mysql and anything it offers...it basically has NO scripts and not enough bandwidth for my website...but I guess it is alright....I'm using it for my Fan Lists because they take up little space. It is quite good if you need PHP and all that stuff but dont mind the site being down A LOT of the time or it giving you errors and stuff
  12. Becca

    About Me...

    Hello welcome people.,... :)Wow you lot are old.....My Names Becky and don't take any notice of me because I'm weird and I'll probably freak you out or totally confuse you in the posts I make....Anyways bye bye person....see you in Jupiter
  13. The only easy way to make money off your website is just selling stuff on it....and thats got nothing to do with making money of your website...But luckily a company manager might see your wonderful layout and pay you a a hundred pound per page...Just like my bestfriend's brother's bestfriend....Or you can just sell graphics and layouts...but these days every one can make their own...
  14. Oh my gawd...it's well long.,...nice anime layout/....is it an anime website ???? Or somthing ? I had one of those but my old host shut down and just deleted all my fileS!!! Idiot.....Oh and....I cant really see the text because of the background/ It has a nice layout though
  15. Well...I reckon the best HTML helping...How to build a webpage...helper is http://lissaexplains.com/ I used that to help me when I Was 8...So I reckon...you will definately understand...it's not just for kids but also for big kids aswell Anyways first of all use a HTML checker to know that your HTML you are doing is valid. ALWAYS to close html tags you have opened. When I started using html when I Was 8 I never used one of those Page Builders because LMAO I thought they were harder than actually writing your own....
  16. I have a high pitched voice which is really babyish and my voice is cruddy.....Singing is NOT for me...My teacher studied singing...she is a GREAT oprah singer!! She sang to us one in like um italian or something...and OH MY GOD...she was sooo good
  17. Phut phut ? This post is still active ???Some one told them how to do it long ago....I think they know now...lmao :)Anyways...disabling LEFT click is just weird....or funnyBye off to go trampolining x Becca
  18. What ? Nob thats not nice!!! Nobody isn't a nice way to call one another....Also Nob is also another term for um....a male organ...Nice sig...though very ....um nice?
  19. Make it PINK ... Then it would look just right!!!!When your drawing....zoom in...it's better, you get more detail and the control of your hand somehow magically increases !! Seriously ! PINK
  20. Going to the Gym 3 times a week SERIOUSLY works...I know this littlin he's reall small around 4ft something he's been going to the gym for like a few months now....he comes out with a 6 pac !!! And gawd he's only 12!I just do a lot of sports....eat...and then get fat.....The end....I have never ever been skinnier before always fatter than the day before... :)I'm off to go trampolining now bye!! I have to go tomorrow morning aswell !!! 6am in the morning to go bouncing on a thing....okat tired but definately FUN.
  21. It's not disney it's pixer...and if you loved finding nemo YES you would definately LOVE this!!!You have probably seen the film once I post this lmao it's a bit late...Well Angelina Jolie or how ever you spell her name is in it so is Will Smith and Renee Zelwiger...sorry I am bad with spelling names....Oh so is Jack Black LMAo...You would NEVER guess who he voices for!!!
  22. Yes it's very sweet =DNice to contribute every now and then =Dbut....yes the dread but......NOT butt lmao....I rekon you could do with a border and instead of using old english,or whatever the font is, use something simple and readable like verdana,tahoma,arial,century gothic etc...Overall good attempt ^.^
  23. and *cough* *dawu* *cough*...I don't like starting new threads because you don't know whether someone has done something EXACTLY the same before or not.And if you;ve posted it in the wrong place...plus some of the moderators think any new threads made by ME is a spam.... =( Well do don't but it seams as though......I only like to post in threads OTHER people have started off then I know I am not doing anything bad ...
  24. I think a hotel engineer is someone who fixes every thing??? Does all the engineering ?? Like the light bulbs....right ? I swear a sanitation egineer was someone to clear the human excrete and stuff ?? Well anyways cool job....I have this funny story I went to a 5 star hotel with my friend,jumped on beds....GREAT FUN.And REEEEEEEEEEEEALLLY funny. Oh and we took all thhe expensive cosmetic stuff from the re-fill trolley when they come to add some to the empty rooms made fun of the male staff and laughed at all of them oh and I spilt nasty juice on the bed. ...Verry fun indeed....
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