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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Wow...You nearly blew my head up!I never knew any of them except the ranking thing*This shows how dumb and DIS-connected to the world I am...:)Cool stuff! I read all of a LONG post...FOR ONCE...
  2. Yeh you can ... you have to do it in a program called PSP or PS or any image editing ones...I like to do that kind of mesh sort of blending imagery thing. You juse use brushes or create a sort of back ground and paste an image ontop of it that is opaque or something.It is VERY easy seriously..you can learn how to do it in a tick with the right tutorial, first you have to buy the program though...
  3. Hello...I like your new layout....Wee I see mee in the affys bit =D Can I just say you don't always have to use special programs like PSP or PS to make alright looking websites... Both my websites were made fully in MS paint....Which I think is really cool,,,WOO Paint ROCKS. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I had one which I drew out free handedly but it's lost LMAO...
  4. AHHHHHHHHHHH My name is Bexa =DHeh...how am I suppose to draw the shoulders less square ?? Lmao I can hardly control the mouse!!! Im left handed and when I draw stuff it goes wobbly...I set it t a left handers mouse before but that really!!!!! mucked my hands up...It felt funnyHeh lmao...I think the bird should be PINK because well it would be better =D...I don't want to make another thread because I don't want every one to see it lmao...if I put it here...then only SOME people would see it...right ?
  5. IS it one of those ones where you have to sign up wit LOADS of these gay ads that send you a load of crap and scam....???
  6. Pardon what do you mean ? I don't get hardly any visitors about 20 a day ...
  7. Heh I personally jus use NotePad and thats it, I use MS Paint a lot aswell.. My whole website layout I have got now was made ONLY in MS Paint and Notepad. If you want a good HTML thing that is like notepad CuteHTML is good. I have never used it but I have heard good things about it.
  8. God ?? What ??? No way...GodDESS more like =P
  9. I'm not even old enough to have sex yet.
  10. Yeah.....Where did the so called "warn" go anyways ??I guess it went away because it was lonely because every one got 0% eh ?
  11. Quit trying to kill my entire force of army !!!! Stop it.....STOP STOP STOP....*we still reckon he's dyslexic heh lmao jokes*
  12. If you don't know the password....just delete the one you make...if it hasn't got any like data on it and make a new one WITH a password...Just scroll down and it will say something like USER and PASSWORD...I think.....try it and we'll see
  13. I waited ages for my last upgrade too..... My bandwidth had run out and no one could visit my site... Pretty annoying heh.....especially when your viewers can't actually view your website.... Anyways I think wassie an admin was one holiday like earlier..... I don't know...but most of them have to get on with their REAL lives like normal people...no affence. --- read http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. Heya I like your site...Especially the powered by Xisto button...I wonder who made that ? *cough* *me* *cough* *cough*Lmao....Nice design,layout =DI joined your topsites thingy.... ?? That okay? =D
  15. I don't use FTP because I'm dumb and don't know how to use it ... lmao.... I can only log on it and well thats it....Comes up with aload of crap ??? Got NO clue...I just search FTP in google to download one incase I might need it in the future and the first one that came up was Smart FTP so I just downloaded that one .... seeing as it was the first that came up meant to me it must be good....I don't know I'm dumb =P
  16. Do you know any advertisers in which lets you use only a small text link .... which isn't google adsense ??? Because I find it more attractive... than a large banner or ad or pop up
  17. I'd probably go back to sleep again...thinking it was a dream....I've had some mega funny dreams lately....very...very....weird...But if it was real then I would like hide under my covers and then fart to comfront me so that I know it is real.
  18. I make friends every where I go because I just about chat to anyone I see. Im the kind of person who would walk up to someone on the street I don't know and say Hello my name is Becky.....normally the person thinks Im a freak but occasionally I get good response...A person probably has around over 500 friends....you can't really count friends because you have too many. Plus you don't know who are you're real friendsI go out with like 10 friends....Sometimes I go out with 1 or 2.....I don't really have any close friends because I like to keep things simple.I know probably all of my year which are over 300 people. You need to be friends with them other wise you;ll get bulliled or picked on. Lifes like that....You need to know people to "get with it" and stuff.... You get me?
  19. If I find an image or whatever and want a matching colour for a backgorund.I just PRINT SCREEN or open up the image in PSP and then choose the color drop picker thing.....if you on paint brush just press CTRL whilst choosing the color...Okey click on the colour you want on the image as yoru background...It will show the colour in the colour picker box thing double click that and below is the Hex Code you can use. You do this instead of going through loads of colours trying to match the one you want =D
  20. Glad I helped =DHehe....I am just fabulous aren't I ...lmao jokes...Have fun with your Radio.Blog...pretty coo heh ? Lmao
  21. Lmao.. It seams like people are saying you don't know PHP...If you don't please don't lie...it isn't very nice....
  22. Ehhh Nope...Can't see it......I made some powered by and hasted by buttons on in the post a few spaces below or above this one...heh =DAnyways/....what ever the powered by button looks like it's probably good....everyone at the forums contribute very nice graphics and banners...etc....Well done
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