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Everything posted by Becca

  1. I don't quite think that saying "LOL, LMAO, BRB" is trying to Leetspeak. Things like. 1'm TrY1nG 2 133T $p3@k. Is trying it.Who is it harming? Not like we are going to say LMFAO in real life.. I mean how would you even pronounce it. Easy does it. It's if it is over used, then yeah maybe. Like most people who have replied I disagree with you. its not lyk we'r doin diz, iz it? i mean dat iz wel anoyin, coz diz seriously int propa.oh yeah, LOL to me is "I hear you, I've replied, but I don't know what your talking about", lol.
  2. Wehay for LONDON. I live in London, so HURRAY!!!! for me. I'll be 20/21 by the time too, when the olympics comes to London and I sooo can not wait!I was told by my friends in ICT, they looked up on the internet, lol.Oh yeh btw, where in London is it? hehe who cares? I've always wanted to go to the olympics.. I actually want to be an olympic gymnast when I was 7, but school got in the way and I never carried on. :)Maybe by 2012, at least one or two people from my school might be in the Olympics. We already got a junior world champion at long distance running and swimming and one who beat the whole UK at running there's even a golfer, lol he's the third in the whole world in his age category.
  3. I don't want to make you feel like I don't know...bad? But my friend is like in the same situation. this guy that's in my class has been like talking her a lot lately online and texting and he's told her he fancies and she told him she fancies him, but they are both too shy to actually talk properly at school..and he wont go out with her because they wont talk and she wont ask him out because she's wayy too shy, And well this has been going on for a month or more now and he's gone a little stale over her.. she still likes her but he's starting to like other people now, and well it might be too late...
  4. i get gheto back slapped all the time. I've gotten loads of bruises and I've even got a 6ft 3 boy sat on my face before.. they rugby tackle me and bundle me.. oh the pain..the pain...i think most boys would know if a girl is flirting with them.. it's ultra easy unless their 'ultra' dummies :unsure:i don't think staring really is much of a thing. I mean i stare at everybody, except they never seems to keep eye contact with me more than a mili second.. it's probably because i'm beastly looking and ugly..lmao.
  5. 1,4,6,8,9 awesome. I love the whole 'grunge' kind of texture thing going on. I'm not so keen on some of the others, because they look blocky.and HEY! "wow, that's better than anything i can do" is MY thing.. Lol.. I say it all the time. man.. the shame.. the shame.You are really good in actually matching the text, theme, colour and the elements go together. It actually all suits and goes well.number 10 is kind of scary and freaking me out. Is it something from that weird doll film that's out? because they scare me real bad.the best one has to be 8 because i love the texure and the sort glow on the image. i like the color aswell its 'golden'
  6. I use MS PAINT.. it's a cool program you know. Im kind of confused what the little splodge are actually meant to be. are those people?Anyways.. if you've only started using a paint program then hurray that looks good but if not you might need to improve on placing the elements together to make it look 'whole' instead of piecey.. uh do you understand that?And the text kind of looks randomly pasted on...it doesn't go with the theme.btw a free gfx program thats good is the serif stuff..
  7. I wore mine for only like a week the screws fell out and I lost the lens.. I haven't been to the opticians for over 5 years probably... I don't even know if I need them or not.. love sucks... *sighs* why was the whole thing invented...I know there's bound to be someone out there nerdy and answer me back.. but oh well..
  8. you can't actually follow rules in getting the opposite sex's heart.. that's just like treating them like a thing that only works with a manual..Plus everyone's different sorry.. i just HAD to rebel.. hah
  9. I like this guy and I've only known him like since secondary school started.I really hated him before but as the years progressed I'm getting more and more attracted to him and well my friend likes him too and I'm suppose to 'set them up' and I just feel so guilty and I don't know why. I've tried to help her and done everything she wanted me to do but it feels like a lie. heh. And I even like them both so much that if he does like her I will seriously try to help them just to see em happy.He's not even good looking.One of those O.K looking typical geeks.
  10. First of all I cracked up about the geek thing. And yeah popular pretty girls do not want ANYTHING to do with the internet besides those cruddy cyber chat rooms and MSN. PFT What a life. Most have never even heard of the world wide web outside of the MSN world. It doesn't just go for girls but for boys aswell. If they aren't on msn their on those dirty websites looking at you know whatsits. I don't know if you would classify me as a girl, I've got all the bits and bobs but I'm worse than a boy. I'm more rough I burp louder fart louder.. speak my mind wayyyy too much for my own good. It isn't really my fault I mean my mum's so freaky.. she doesn't even shave her armpits, I mean for heavens sake nearly all the women in the world (who have the access) shave or wax their armpits..sorry for sharing that minging info with you lot btw... Anyways I swear quite a few girls visit here?
  11. I remember once this guy asked me out. I guess I gave out the wrong messages or something because I certainly was not interesting in that annoying thing. He text me twice asking me out, whilst I was having fun on holiday, not to mention it was at 4am and woke me up. I got to school and he came towards me and I was like oh *BLEEP* and ran into the toilet and wouldn't come out. Can I just say there is nothing wrong with guys wearing glasses. I think it's kind of cute. And just because you look geeky doesn't mean people don't like you and you wont get girls.I laugh at everyone's dafts jokes as much as they laugh at mine. And well I laugh at my friend's crap jokes, their girls, not like I fancy them or anything.. I guess it's kind of polite.I remmeber once when I was in year 4 these two boys gave me valentines cards and I ripped it up right infront of their faces..lol. they were so thick they get the message and kept trying to grab me and kiss me. It was terrible you know. I ended up crying at the end. I was like only like 7 or 8.
  12. Flirting comes naturally anyways. Unless you don't talk, then there's nothing being said to actually be flirty.I don't know if I give the wrong vibes.. because I treat all the guys the same but some, being stupid and all, think I fancy them heh.
  13. I can't live without my internet (AOL- crap I know lol), firefox, adobe photoshop 7.0, giffy and MS Paint. THose are like the things I need. I mean MSN or anyother msging program you can use online and stuff..I think.
  14. what do you want? Please explain specifically because I don't quite understand your needs.Do you need a php script to connect to the MySQL database or what?
  15. Oh god I haven't done that for ages. Except I like standing infront of a large audience and speaking. I like speaking in public, speaking in classes and reading and stuff. I'm just your basic nonstoppable annoying chattabox .But I remember when I started my primary school halfway through the year and the teacher was like this is becky...I just stood there and cried, I was only like 4 or 5. lol.But now I guess I'll just probably say. Hi I'm Becky I like to burp and fart and I'm more rougher than a guy.. no wait...I'd probably say something the teachers want to hear..(and lie a little)"Hi I'm Becky I've just moved over from London and I am looking foward to making new friends and the extra curriculam classes. I can't wait for art as I love drawing and creativity. I only live with my mum and blah blah blah"
  16. the templates look good if you've only just started making them. They can easily be re created in MS PAINT, which is not the ideal thing to achieve. You want to make a template that no one else can make or do, so it's original and people would want to use it.Try to make the text on the headers match the whole theme and color.Other than that the templates are looking good and if you improve.. you'll do well in the future.
  17. ..or you could just open the font folder and open the folder where your downloaded font is and click and drop it in there or copy it into there.. instead of locating the folder..
  18. I like simple layouts. It's more effective if yuou know what I mean.,The USA flag showed up for me. This computer I'm using is in chinese but I am in england. so.. lol I don't know.
  19. What google does for me now is just give me a fast loading useful homepage,lol.Web hosting from googles sounds like a good idea, they'll probably give loads of space like they do with gmail, which is wicked. Another cool thing they would of ventured. Doubt what I just said made sense..
  20. Blogs are juts logs of your daily gossip and stuff. lol. Online journals, diaries or just 'stuff'.I have one , I use wordpress it's pretty simple to use and there are loads of plugins and hacks that you can install :unsure:I tried using grey matter but I couldn't be bothered to upload ALL of the files..Cutenews is good for non mysql users as it requires NO mysql at all.wordpress IS the old b2 I think. Not sure. It revolutioned from another blog haha.
  21. have I ever said that your stuff is amazing?I think your website is the best site hosted by trap.. it's amazing, your design and flash works are awesome! I really admire you and your skills it's incredible.
  22. if you are talking about the whole square then there is a javascript script on dynamic drive . http://dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/highlightmenu.htm if this isn't what you want, then I dunno
  23. you can create a 3d looky likey in photoshop using gradients and stuff.
  24. well heres my top three :1) Apply Juice!!!2) Chocolate Milk Drink3) Soya MilkI know your probably thiniking Soya Milk EUURGHH but well I puke when I drink milk so it's my only other alternative to get lots of yummy calcium instead of drinking milk and luckily enough, I actually like it!I don't drink fizzy drinks it;'s bad for your teeth.. but I do every know and then though...fizzy drinks have also been banned from our schools..
  25. I think I've posted here before, not quite sure.. anyways since the last time i've posted in a topic like this I've totally changed my 'thing' lolI'm into all that ska,alt and rock stuff.. but not proper hard metal though. I hate all that screaming stuff... it does my head in and THAT is NOT called singing.. no affence. I still like all the 'other stuff' though. I'm a mixed person I like a bit of anything..I even listen to classical music before I go to sleep, lol...
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