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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Johnny rocks . But the sigs seriously need a new look rather than the usual "grunge" and the vender thingies tht I call PSDs. *render.. even the other categoried images are grungey texture..Oh yah.. I thought the battle was OVER? ^(up)ahaha Ah well. Johnny - 6Michael - 3Luki - 0 Luki isn't getting any votes maybe because you can't actually see the image.. its 'broked'.
  2. Thanks for making me one. Was this one made before the first one or after? Because I kinda didn't see this topic. Anwyays the font doesn't seem to match the theme but Ilike it anyways. Ilike the sparkly background but I want PINK... LOL.jk I think the two black 1px borders don't go and the girl is too shiney and like good-quality for the background if you get me.. because the background is kinda misty and it isn't merging in my eyes. The tech thingies are cool though. lmfao you don't need to make me another one... (if you don't want to) I haven't even started yours yet.. my programns have gone all rusty and old.. (i'm on hols) btw: why are all the sigs given to me got a females on it..lol. thanks, can't see the image though BROKEN.
  3. Well im from London, but I'm not sure it's the same all around england. but heres my school's...A*, A, B, C, D, E, F, U I think U is something like you can not be marked because it's so bad or something. B is bad to me. some people may think B is good, but Ireckon it's a bad grade.. The inbetweeny. You know? lolI think* they are in order from highest to lowest... there are also effort grades which mean how much effort you put into your work and stuff.. 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest.We also have SATS grade which are supposedly something like the national curriculam level or something. And average for my year (year 9) is level 6-8. Anyways I got B and above this year... It was pretty bad results considering what Iachieved last year. oh well, therse always next year.
  4. Yeah there is a different Ithink. Theres are voice record thingy/ Which is pretty cool if you want to send a short voice message without using the microphone thingy which takes ages to load because the other person has slow internet connection.Also Ithink the layout is df\ifferent like the games and stuff. Not quite sure. Im using it at the moment just not e\regularly
  5. My phone is O.K but the worst phone I have had was my nokia 750I or something of that sort. The image quality was sooo bad and like 'shrivelled' and terrible that i bought a new phone as soon as the contract expired... I also gave that phone to my mum. Ireally disliked it's chunkiness aswell. Lol. To some people it was probably a really good phone but to me it was typically crap, lol. Mean heh.Oh right Ireckon that the old nokia 3310 and the series of them were pretty good, Inever had one but they seemed really really usable and can be dropped whereever and whenever without breaking it. Even though they aren't as good as phones excluding the colour screens camera and basically anything a new phone offers it \'s a good phone to give to your grandma because it's soo easy, LOL. Which is basically what we dd.
  6. bLOGS are cool lol, your layout is pretty cool aswell.. it's simple but still good ;)I use wordpress, it's very easy to use and there are tons of hacks and plugins.Anyways... cool blog, so... well done!
  7. Is there not another topic about favourite films? I don't know if this is alowed as it includes directors as well. Let me go and check. ....
  8. Neatly set content. All organised and easy to navigate. Althought the colours do not go with each other. The layout is O.K .The font and way the header image is put doesn't really fit.The header, text, shoutbox and background colours also do not match.
  9. The splash page doesn't suit the whole theme. Sure.. it is in FLASH and it shows you can USE it.. but wtf..?The shoutbox is misplace should be somewhere neater or should be wider.Cool, good tutorials. Not much content but what's there is good.The layout is really good except I think the green scrollbar is a bit dodgy, even though the color is used in the theme it still bolds itself out and makes it look "lonely" Nothing bad about your site excet it looks half empty...or half full either way.Because it doesn't work in firefox... and I had to pull myself to use ie to go on the site... i give it 3/5 oh and it also froze my computer because of bloody ie and all it's sppyware or whatever it has.
  10. Version 2? I didn't even get to see the "last time" sig!!Well it looks cool, so thanks.The text doesn't match the theme btw. Just thought I'd point that out, It needs something SCRIPT and a NORMAL font in a smaller size infront of it. If you actually get there lol
  11. Most stupid people also get tricked this way into seeing the other person.And I know what you mean when you said you thought I meant another thing by the word "cyber". When I was 8 people asked me for it. It's disgracful and they knew my age. It really scared me and I didn't really go back to chat rooms....Vritual girlfriends means virtual hugs and kisses. *Becky Kisses Dog... is unlikely going to be and feel like the real thing. I mean hpmh. I feel kind of sorry for some people who do this sort of thing though. Because some people only get online gf or bf just because thy are either ugly or can not pull. Which is kind of sad really.
  12. no stretched stuff just do the 100% instead of just 100.. e.g 200& will be twice as big I think or something. It keeps it in proportions and not stretched. I think the site is fairly basic and the colour scheming is a little dull. It's a good start..seen as your only probably 13 it's quite good. Plus you know how to use PHP. Validated HTML and CSS is a REALLY good thing though I never seem to get that. And mines php...well i think it is. not saying that your site is boring. But you need something that will capture the visitors attention and like mesmorize them or something. But I see that you're site is prolly still under construction. http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=vintagefairy&e=com is my site, it's a little scruffy but come visit some time.
  13. I don't know whether this is spam or not or if tis in the right place all I want is to know what people think about Online dating?I myself actually think it is ridiculous and sad. I'm not being mean but some people go to chat rooms to find a supposely online "boyfriend slash girlfriend" not to chat to... but like just to say they've had a boyfriend or something weird like that.When I was 8 I did this thing, but people 13+ are doing it as well. What is the deal to it?I mean how could someone actually keep a relationship without seeing them? You probably can, but I certainly can not. I think most people may disagree with me :PSorry if I've offenced any "net" relationshipped people.
  14. Yeh but it only offers 1 domain and stuff.. Trap offers loads of it and it can host VERY advanced stuff.Also I see it offers scripts but does it have fantastc ?
  15. What???!?! I don't do graphics.. I only photo manipulate woo everyone loves me.. that's why I only got one gift, haha LOL I can't create sigs, it's tooo hard especially for boys.. So sorry if the sig I make for you G_M turns out PINK or has Barbie in it. I'll do it next year.. hope your patient.. LOL
  16. A 1px around the font would look too cheap and it wouldn't suit unless it''s in that bricky colour your using.btw whats wrong with stripes? I love stripes.This is a good sig, and you don't really need to change anything because whats there is mean to be, right? It looks perfect to me and it all pieces together well.
  17. woo, look!! I got one!! That is so cool, lol.Thanks .Does this mean i gots to make you one? damn! lol jokes. I'm no good at this graphics thing hehe.
  18. heh what a funny thing to make. It looks so good I want to eat it.What program did you use to make it? Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro?hehe S_M ^ is a joker!!
  19. I don't like them both and I've never used any of them, lol. :unsure:I thought LJ was for blogs and MYspace was to like show who you are or something? Because bands use MYSPACE to like show off their music an d post stuff about it, i never really get what they are good for except blogs...and I agree with what dragonfly said... too many fake people populating those sites I mean some stupid tramp used my picture in her myspace...how pathetic. Oh yeh loads of people from Myspace steal images, backgrounds and everything from websites..
  20. I can't wait, Harry Potter is awesome. I love the books they are just soo interesting and well awesome! lolHas anyone else got the WHSMITH deal thing? I did, lol. How pathetic am I :unsure:The books are definately much better than the movies because the movie cuts parts out because of the cost and time.My friend read the last book out ,I think it was the order of the pheonix or something , in 3 hours! It took me a week to read it, lol, because it was quite thick.
  21. Sometimes people relate game playing to the way a person acts or what they do. But why the hell are they banning all GAMES...? what is everyone going to do? Just watch TV all day...? What about online games? Is that banned too...this is seriously crazy and pathetic.
  22. I'd say the guys who go online mainly wear glasses, not because they are geeky.. but because of computer. I, luckkily don't wear any glasses.. even though i go on the net literaly 24/7.17 is "fairly" young but I'm younger.
  23. I live in London and we first heard this news in our Geography at school.All the pupils in my class were distraught and crying. EVERYONE was crying, their families and friends and relatives all work in London near the bomb explosions and everyone was really worried. Even the guys were crying it was all too much and got me started aswell. It was a horrible atmosphere.It was reported that a muslim was trying to do a suicide attack but got shot in the head.Also someone in our class said it might of been something to do with G8 as a similar thing happened last time the G8 got together and 300 died.At lunch time me and my friend crowded into a small room with all the people watching the news, sitting waiting and hoping. it was terrible. My friends were really badly scared.
  24. I think I've posted here before, but I'm older and seen more movies now, lol.1. Grease, favourite film ever, I don't know why just love it,I think I've seen it over 30 times.2. School of rock, you've just got to love those awesome movies about music, guitars and all that crud.3. Cinderella, I LOVE IT. 4. Chucky. All of them. Been watching them since I was 5. I had nightmares for weeks.5. Gotta be the Matrix that film is awesome.
  25. even if some houses may be destroyed for the olympics the prices of the others are going to seriously increase.Can I just say.. woah it was CLOSE! I thought London has held the Olympics twice already?
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