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Everything posted by Becca

  1. I found this in my spam email, but it's soo cool! I'm kind of late on things so it might be old news to you but oh well lol. Apple have got a new 'thing'. It's called the Mac Mini. It's this adorable little mac machine (6.5" sqaure, 2" high). Its basically got everything that a mac is plus it's tiny and cheaper. It's just big enough to slot a cd in it. I mean HELLO?!...anyone else out there craving for a mac PC..but can't afford one!?!? I don't think it comes with anything extra like speakers or mouse etc... but the price for the mac you probably wouldn't expect it. Sadly It doesn't have a floppy disk drive. On the site it says something about plugging and electric guitar in it. So I think it would probably be suited for musical purposes more and photoes... Size isn't everything... here's the site by the way http://www.apple.com/mac-mini/
  2. Does wordpress {blogging script} count as a site builder? lol... because what's left of mine is only the posts...I deleted the whole layout and created my own.Well I sort of now most html now and just type it all up by hand in notepad... it's all wrong but most of the time it works..and when there's a error it's easy to fix because the coding was all written by you and you sort of know your way around.I've never used a site builder thing to create my sites but when I was little I tried to use the ANgelfire one and didn't understand it...
  3. As light crept hastily through the windows, a sudden howling brought trepidation to the dogs, shambling aimlessly. They yowled frantically, pawing only scratches. Momentarily, everyone ran, attempting, praying that it would help
  4. Hey um can I renew a current domain I have with another company?Um I've joined and like I'm from England..and there are only like 6 advert thingies to do...BUT...I put the link up on my site...and I haven't been on the computer for ages and VOILA... I'm like 400 points up! I mean I've got about 600 points now...it's like been what? Day uh I forgot but it's been quick.
  5. Yeh I'm with mizako and guangdian, Link Exchanges are actually really good! I've joined loads and gotten practically all my viewers from them.I opened a Link Exchange like earlier this year and I've gotten more traffic...but it's not real traffic as the people only see the link exchange page, if you get that. But still it looks good on the charts. Last month I got 12284 unique visitors, I dont know if that's good but it looks like a big number to me. LolComment on other people's blog, just remember to actually read their blog first... because it's kind of rude to just pop in and go HELLO and then leave expecting them to visit your website..
  6. Wow the layout is really good. Um I'm not quite sure about the header. It's blue and the rest is a sort of pale goldy orange kind of colour other than that it's pretty cool. good to have a FAQbtw.
  7. Becca

    My Own Cursor

    a free icon cursor thing that's good would prolly be FavICON for me. It works well and is free...but it doesn't convert all the images you made in another program..you have to draw one in FavICON...the quality is not all that good though. - Just a suggestion.
  8. my res is the same as yours and I run FIREFOX at home..but I'm on vacation atm and this computer only has IE, and yeh the text is minute on IE. Ialso made the background O.K for larger browsers because my mate told me it was messed on his screen ages ago, lol.{only true men wear pink:)}
  9. muahaha My Turn lol.The site is really professional looking and I love the color scheme. I clicked on the validate thingy and it said you got some errors.There's not many so you can sort it out. Iclicked from the front page by the way.There's nothing really wrong with your site apart from the pixelated font, that looks a bit like it's been pulled.I'm surprised you don't get many comments, because your website looks kind of popular.-Good amount of content.Sooo excellent basically!
  10. Hey Um I know most of the CSS and Coding is really messed and bad..heh I can't help it. When I change one thing other things get ruined, so I just leave it.@BuffaloHELP I may have blocked an IP similar to yours...as I get A LOT of spam, sorry.The only thing that I did was draw out the simple lines of the persons face and add a few swipes brushes and text..I wouldn't really call that graphics. @Biscuit I put all that stuff on the bottom because it's out of the way and no one really see's it. Um the font thing? I don't understand, can you help me please?? :DAlso I know the menu at the top is kinda crap, is that what you're talking about?? That and the site name is actually my handwriting .yes ezyrewards does...I haven't used it before, but I need it! Ask Rejected...And the text isn't small on my computer...maybe the font is dodgy or different resolutioned moniter.
  11. Sorry I reopened the topic to post something but I really wanted to say that my old sub domains pointed towards Florisjuh's website too. I just bought the domain and set the nameservers and everything and the domain worked but when I made a sub domain it pointed at his website too.
  12. Hey VintageFairy.com is my personnal domain which I use for my blog. It's not new but it's not old either it's just one of those in betweeny websites that like some people like and some people hate. Anyways I think the layout is O.K and I like it, but what do you think? It's a bit messed up in Internet Explorer...but it's still viewable. It's a bit hectic and whack but I like it that way. Oh and the source code..umm well it's not al valid Please tell me what you think. I need to know what other people think...besides those other girlies with blogs... btw I don't really do the whole graphics thing..I prefer making layouts and css code and stuff.
  13. No it's not only for US.. I've joined and I'm from UK :)I think tis a good site and reliable.
  14. one of your bests?? You're bests with the word JOHNNY on it.. or overall?Because I've seen a better one somewhere that you made for someone else..Anyways it's O.K... cool as usual. I don't know if it's me but the gradient on the text looks misplaced and the blue on black looks good but I think the black space to the side overpowers it. This is from eyes of a crappy graphics maker haha...so don't blame me if I hate good sigs.
  15. heh. that is seriously mental. THey prolly were secret vampies...I though lick my wounds was a saying.. ?Some girl in myschool did that.. except she'd hurt someone and then lick their wound., which is even worse.
  16. Uh well excuse me.. in england we spell it as PAEDOPHILE.. you americans spell it differently! and as to [5] doesn't have to plan a meeting.. you could be stupid and be tricked by the other person into giving your details to them..and they could either do the identity fraud thing..or come looking for you {and then start stalking you}.
  17. I don't know what you want.. but theres a type of script that allows you to enter links and stuff.. like a link farm..and if you're good enough you can create your own hacks for it.
  18. I've written here before but I'll say something again..Just do NOT eat anything like CHIPS and CRISPS.. trust me I cut all that junk out of my diet and I've lost 3kg in 2 weeks. I don't know how it goes but those height and weight BMI thingies on the internet are not accurate.I'm now 92lb and the heaviest I've been was 100lb...Getting sweaty can make you lose weight. Going to the sauna can make you lose a LITTLE bit of weight..and you can relax aswell without moving a muscle my mum goes all the time..and tells me about it lol.Weight isn't everything. You could be really skinny but heavier than someone larger than you...because of your muscles...
  19. I think I've posted in here, on well. ILOVE basketball. it's the best sports ever.You can actually snatch the ball and be vicous and everything. I love playing against girls though. Because they are so wimpy..I growled at one of them and they squeeled and gave me the ball, LOL. I've scratched most of them {by accident} so they are scared to have ball when I'm playing, heh.Anyways I also like rounders, which is a kind of a girls game. It's like baseball but simpler and with a muuuuchh smaller bat. lolMy favourite sport to watch would probably be footie because everything else seems so boring on tv. I'm sure it's much more exciting in real life.. but on tv...it's slow..
  20. That's no excuse the best boy and girl runners in my year have asthma. It seems all the best long distance runners in my year all have asthma, so HAHA. My friend has asthma and she's extremely good at sports and does everything.. but she has to bring around her asthma pump thingy. While she runs she pumps the thing , lol. It's crazy but she still does it. Anyways I kind of like running. Inever ever ran long distance or even short distance for that matter until year 7. When the school kind of intruduced me into it. Icame third in cross country which I was kind of proud of. I'm probably better than average at runnign short and long distance because I use to swim rallys and stuff. But I'm not brilliant at it. I remember coming second in 1500m and first in 800m in year 8. But I came 5th at 1500m in year 9 and 5th at cross country. So i've dropped loads of places.
  21. ooh. I went swimming club since I was 6. I use to go training an hour about 3 times a week. All the other days I had gymnastics trainning and tae kwondo lessons, lol.I left a year back, but it did me a LOT of good. I got REALLY good at running long distance because of swimming. But since I haven't been going I've dropped two places . Anyways every year we have a swimming gala at school and I've come first every year. The first two I did freestyle and the third I did backstroke. My favourite stroke would obviously be breaststroke.. but I'm the fastest at backstroke. Swimming can help people with asthma, so it's a highly recommended sport for those who have breathing problems oh yeah because of swimming my shoulders have been broader and I have extremely large muscles in my legs and thighs.
  22. have Iposted here yet? Iread all of the book on the first day of my holiday It was o.k I wanted more though.. now I'm craving to watch all the Hp movies out in a row.. btu Idon't have emlol
  23. I agree that some kids go wrong because of their parents but I was bought up by a single mother with no support at all from my "father" so my mum is hardly at home because she works all the time because there is only one source of income so she can't really look after me or discipline me and doesn't have time to care what I do is " right or wrong ". I don't think I have gone wrong..I have never stolen, killed or done something illegal besides drink alcohol at special occasions. But I think because she has been so strong throughout her life it kind of does make me look up to her, so Iguess you lot are kind of right.Me and my mum don't really have much bonding because we don't get much time together...but when we do start talking it's loads fun and I tell her most things :Pwhat i said doesn't really make sense but i hope you understand most of it.
  24. Yeh exactly. Being FRIENDS online is o.k but dating and doing the online dirty stuff is proper wrong.And I agree with what pensive-muse said.. For all I know Johnny could be THAT 45 year old paedophile (and good heavens spell the god damn word right ) ... oh yeh who even said we were friends lol jk. ONLINE DATING SUCKS if you want to try it, go ahead and have some fun.. Just remember that it isnt't real and you might be dating a whole bunch of lies. You COULD be in for an adventure and a bit of fun but you COULD also be in a lot of danger..
  25. hmm well the first time you turn the computer on ith it's internet.. it's gets a load of harmless virus's straight away .. even with a virus dectector thingy you'll sstill get virus's , Ireckon.Idon't know how many Ihave but my virus dectector cnostantly bleeps at me that it's found 5 virus' at a time, in which i delete them... but it comes up again and again and again of the same thing. o.O Idon't really care though.My anti virus thing has only found the trojan thingy one. But Iknow there are many
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