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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Well I'm not really feeling it. Black and a glowing lime green doesn't seem to work for me. That's just my opinion. I would add more color to it. The buttons are a little too big and the text on them is sort of hard to read. Not too bad though.
  2. lol How do you even pernounce that? Fi-Nord? I think that's pretty funny. So you could say that you are going to the store for milk and come back with a mountain dew That'd be what I do. Pretty wierd if you ask me.
  3. It depends on your rank in the forums. If you have a lot of hosting credits, the amount you gain per post goes down. If you don't have as many, your a newbie, or are in the negatives, then you get a lot per post. It all varies. It doesn't really matter I don't think. The longer the posts are the more credits you get.
  4. I have seen something like it before. It was some french site playing music. You could make the skeleton do flips and a bunch of different moves. This is pretty cool. I wish we could control the two skeletons instead of watching them. Not a bad little animation.
  5. I am feeling gfxtrap. I like the slogan "Trapped in a World of Graphics". Very catchy. If you guys need any help on the forums and stuff I can help you out if you'd like. Can't wait for it to start up. I will join the day I see it is up and running.
  6. Wow! lol When I first saw this yesterday I thought to myself "What in the world? That can't be right." I tried finding more info. but had to go. Thanks moogie for the link or I would still think it was fake. That's some pretty crazy stuff. I would like to buy one just to paint little eyeballs on my wall. lol It would be cool to paint stuff like that. If only De Vinci was around now to use this brush.
  7. If you are refering to your hosting account, although you don't have one please read the following topic. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/29996-how-to-i-cancel-my-hosting/ If you are referring to your forum account you can pm an admin and they could delete it for you. If you remain inactive for a large amount of time your account will be deleted automatically.
  8. That's pretty sad. Eddie entertained many people in wrestling, even fellow wrestlers. I found out this morning during school. I never really watch wrestling much but when I do I normally see him. It was very entertaining to see him. I can't believe he died. Even other wrestlers were crying for him as I saw on tv. They were have a special memorial with a little clip of a bunch of pictures and memories of him. Many people are going to miss him.
  9. Very nice and helpful resource. I found that my computer is also I might have to use this every so often. I took the first 3 tests and passed each of them. Hopefully it will stay that way. I thought it would find something but I guess not.
  10. I recently installed the new version on my site a couple days ago. I haven't found any problems with it yet. I have made other people admins, and added forums and catergories, etc; If I find anything I will let everyone know.
  11. Hey, Welcome to Xisto. I am 14 too. What are some things you are interested in? Do you like computers and all that good stuff? Hopefully we will all get to know a little bit more about you. It's not all boring stuff. lol j/k share with us what you want.
  12. Hey, Welcome to Xisto. I see you have already found a couple places to post. You are welcome to stay as long as you'd like. We are always glad to see new members. Hopefully you can share some of your knowledge with us.
  13. Well I understand that some people are learning to drive and all that good stuff and I don't mind people like that. I am talking about the people that go 10mph or more under the speed limit when traffic is going 10mph above. I'm not saying they have to speed but atleast go the speed limit. Even when cops are around, they don't have to slow down below the speed limit, just don't go over. I know I can't drive yet but it gets annoying when there is somewhere you want to be and people in front of you are going slow and you can't pass them. Then there are the drunk drivers, see them around here a lot. Yesterday my bro, my dad, and I were going down the highway and this guy was going very slow and then speeding up, could barely stay in the lane. We tried to pass him and almost got hit. People should know when to and when no to drive and they know how other wise they wouldn't have their lisence. Just thought I'd make a rather long comment on that.
  14. The way I see it, they want you to <- snipped -> that they have related to the content you are reading. If you are reading about baseball, you are going to see ads related to baseball. If the content on the site is talking about computers, the ads will be with in the same relative subject. They think if you are reading about it, you like that kind of stuff and would like to buy something related to it.}
  15. My bro helped me figure it out. Even when I took the html tags out and stuff it still had the same problem. I put a table below the coding. <Table height="100%" width="1" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><TR><TD height="100%"></TD></TR></TABLE>
  16. If I could get a wireless connection and my laptop would last forever or if I could find an alternative power source (solar power) I would bring my laptop. I could play games, come to Xisto , use the internet and work on my site, make web graphics, order food and other electronics online keep in touch with my family, order some food, mountain dew. The good stuff. If I couldn't get a wireless connection and I could get a connection with my cell phone, I would call my parents, dominos, and walmart. I would call walmart or dell so I could buy a laptop and other electronics. lol Either way I would get more electronics, and have my laptop.If I couldn't have any contact at all with anyone I would bring umm...a psp to keep me occupied.
  17. If msn starts giving away money or special products etc; they will lose so much money within the first week they would have to stop. People would search every second just to make money. Anyone could just go on to msn and search for the entire day just to make money. They would probably cancel it before it even lasted a week. Maybe they will pull something off like Xisto. They might give away free hosting or something, but in order to keep your site up you would have to search msn to build up credits. That would probably be the only way it would work. Maybe not necessarily web hosting but something along those lines. It's pretty interesting what competition over the internet is coming to these days. Who would have thought that search engines might start giving people stuff just to search using their web site?
  18. Not a bad little robot. I don't see what the point of having one would be though. Lol then again, maybe it could help me with homework. I would like to see it in action but the videos have a .ram extension. It would be a lot coold when it is hooked up to the wireless internet. I wonder how much they would cost. I bet they are way to expensive. I guess we'll have to see.
  19. hmmm, doesn't seem to work. It puts it outside of my content box to the right. It brings it up to the top though. lol Just doesn't keep it in the content box.
  20. I am feeling Mayank's. Really nice vectors, I like the colors. Really looks like he is flying through the sky. lol Samma: 0Mayank: 1Saint Michael: 0Becca: 0Reaver: 0Avalon: 0
  21. Alright well I am having a slight problem with my coding. I made my template and have it up on my site but my text I placed in the content box is towards the middle. I would like it at the top but I forget how to do that. I know it has to do with some like putting a table inside the table and making the height 100% or something. If someone could help me out with the coding I would greatly appreciate it. The link to my site is Here and the code used for the content box is this... <td colspan="6" rowspan="3"background="images/content.jpg" width="472" height="378"><font color="FFFFFF">Testing</font></td>
  22. If you go down to where you requested your hosting, go to the list of subforums and at the bottom in blue is a link that says, click here to terminate your hosting. The link is this, https://support.xisto.com/ I don't know where it takes you because I didn't click it in case it terminates it right away, which I don't believe it does.
  23. Nope, haven't heard of it. There is no point of it anyway if you don't speak chinese. It sounds like it could be a good forum though. Although many forums have add ons like a game system, the army system, and things that make your forum better and more advanced. Invision Power Board, and PHPBB both have many things like that. They all have many different styles as well. I guess it just really depends on what you like.
  24. When I go to your site I get the text "Underconstruction Please Come Back Soon" Anything you want to be seen on your website should be in the public_html folder on your site. Make sure you are doing that. For example, say you want to put a page called "something.html" visible on your site, put it in the public_html folder and go to pyro.trap17.com/something.html If this isn't your problem let me know.
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