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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. If you don't really know how to work with domain names I would start with blahblah.trap17.com You can start with a subdomain but always transfer to a normal domain later costing 15 hosting credits. You can experiement around and see what you like best. A regular domain will cost money and a sub domain doesn't. It really depends what you want to do with your site and if you feel like you need one.
  2. Another part about having too much homework in one class is that it isn't just one class. Normally if i have more than I can handle in one class, I have a lot in all of my other classes too. My teachers say they talk to each other to make sure it doesn't happen but they lie. They never get together and say, "Ohh I am gonna give a lot of homework Wednesday so don't give them too much" lol I wish.
  3. Well I was wondering if maybe we could start a group/club like thing. Sort of like a group of people who share the same interests who meet a couple times a month or so in a chat room. Talk about stuff in their own private forum that's passworded. Have a leader who decides if someone can join or just an open club like thing. For Example: Maybe have Saint Michael start a graphics/design group that are experienced in web graphics. He can have people apply to join and if he thinks they are good enough he could let them in. If not ask them to apply another time. They could chat about their graphics in the forum and have club contests and it could go on and on. The administrators of course would decide whether someone could start a club or not. Just a suggestion. Maybe take it into consideration if people like the idea.
  4. Well I don't know how it happened, but one day when I changed my background to a new background it seemed to work alright. Later as I was signing off, my icons cleared and then my old background popped up and then logged off. When I sign on, my old background pops up and then my new one. I think it's sort of cool but I don't know how I did it. If anyone could tell me I would really appreciate it. I have windows xp with a dell inspiron 1150 if its important.
  5. Hey just wondering if any of you have played Americas Army. It is a cool game you can download online for free (which takes a while) or you can pick up a cd at an army recruit (in U.S.) You can go through many trainings trying to become more skilled, or maybe even a medic to heal people on your team. You can then play online with other people and go against another team. You build up honor to become better. You fight each other and can start clans. (maybe Xisto should start one) Check it out. https://www.americasarmy.com/
  6. Well I haven't seen them before for personal use. It is a cool breakthrough in technology. I would buy one if I could but I am pretty content with my laptop. If you want more info. about the tablet pc go to https://www.xploretech.com/us/products/tablet_pc_le.asp
  7. The list could go on and on about how many bad things there are about the internet. I don't like how many people scam people into getting money and stuff when they don't get anything. There's spyware, keyloggers, adware, etc; People will go to all extents just to get stuff on your computer. Then there's the stupid pop ups advertising nothing you want. People who use it for pornography and people selling illegal software. It's like the energizer bunny. It just keeps going and going and going.
  8. Ya I would definately hadd some color. You could make the navigation more visible. Maybe add a mouseover javascript effect making it blue when you highlight it maybe. Maybe put it in a different area or something. I don't know, just experiment with stuff.
  9. Pretty nifty stuff. Looks l ike a little alien. lol It is a lot smaller than the regular router. I would like to buy one to see the difference in speed between it and the speed of my internet now. I like how it has a longer range than regular networks. I could take my computer outside and use it out there without having a very low connection.
  10. Yes I use this stat system. It works very well at posting page views, and hits for the day, and then total hits, and total page views. It doesn't show the users I.P address like some do. I don't think it really needs to anyway. People should know what their IP is. It's a nice way for users to keep track of their hits.
  11. I would like to try Google Adsense for my site, but if you want to make money just sell stuff on eBay or start in web design, or program people's sites. You can make a lot of money off of that. There are many things you can do online to make money, you just have to find something you are good at and do it.
  12. I don't play for real money especially because I am under age but another good place to play poker for money or for play money you can go to pokerroom.com They also have good poker rooms where you can play tournaments, omaha, 5-card draw, Texas Hold-em, etc; I played a couple times and it was pretty cool but I don't play anymore, now I have a new game on my computer lol. Americas Army.
  13. Welcome to Xisto PK. Everyone will respect your wish to give out the info. you want. But yes you will get to know a lot of us sooner or later. No one can resist. lol Can't wait to get to know more about you as well like your interests. See you around the forum.
  14. Well the Panama Canal does go through Panaman so it should rightfully belong to them. I don't think it really matters that much because it is just used to travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. If you go to http://geography.about.com/od/specificplacesofinterest/a/panamacanal.htm you can find the whole article. People from Panama were mad that a U.S. territory divided Panama into two so they rioted against americans. Eventually the two countries tried to work it out and in 1977 Jimmy Carter gave 60% of the land back to Panama and later we gave the rest back.
  15. Welcome to Xisto. You will meet many friendly people here and you can learn a lot and share some of your knowledge. This is a great place to hang out and once you start posting you won't stop. Please make sure though that you have read all the rules.
  16. Sorry the url is w3schools.com If you go there you can learn everything there is about XHTML and how to use it. There is the information to show the basic info about XHTML
  17. Well obviously you know what XHTML is now. If you want to learn how to use it or any coding languages go to http://w3schools.org//?gtnjs=1 It is a great site for learning to code. You can also learn here at the forums in this section or the tutorials. Many people here are experienced and can help you.
  18. All internet connections have their ups and downs. I have bright house and they have the same problems. It cuts out some times for no reasons. I want to get Verizon Fios. That would be cool but sadly we can't afford it and don't really need it.
  19. Well I recieved my email saying that my account is now active. Then after that it gives me my ftp access but no cpanel username. It tells me my site is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and I have my domain as thecsmnetwork.net Everything works I just don't have a cpanel. I hadn't known about the e-mails because it came to my junk folder but I never recieved an activation email.
  20. Well I don't really watch as much tv as I used to. I will normally watch baseball but the season is over. I will watch hockey and football but I don't really have a favorite show. I just watch reality shows and everybody loves raymond. Law and order too.
  21. When I ordered the second hosting package I had about 32 hosting credits. Then after I was approved and everything was activated they never went down and I currently have about 52 hosting credits. I am just wondering if it takes time for them to go down or if I was special. lol j/k Just wanted to let you know. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Use English ONLY in our forum. Never use another language, especially for the title.
  22. lol I don't think it really matters at all. Maybe some companies call them notebooks because they are smaller. Maybe some call it a notebook computer because it sounds more proffesional or because they are just what they are called, a computer with small size and holds stuff like a notebook, not necassarily games. I personally call them all laptops because they can sit on the top of your lap when you use them. I really don't think it matters.
  23. Ya like they all said already, you have some pretty good work. You might want to work more with different fonts and different ways of blending them. You could also use a little more depth in a couple of them. There are many experience people here who can help you.
  24. Thanks for your comments. I know the text could be better. I have to find new fonts at dafont.com and get more brushes cause those weren't the best. I didn't really take my time. The sig is 400 x 100 already I don't think it needs to be smallerthough. Well maybe it could I don't know. Thanks again guys.
  25. Ya a religous forum could be good but do some harm. People could get offended by things that are said. Then again you probably just should have a notice that if you don't want to be offended you might not want to read that forum. We could discuss what we believe in and find people who have the same religion and stuff it wouldn't be that bad. Probably just put it in the Life section.
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