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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Jlhaslip multiply the number of candles on the cake by 11 I hope you had a good birthday. If you act younger the longer you'll live because eventually you'll hopefully forget how old you are Just double your age every birthday and say that's how old you'll live to be Just don't go through the mid life crisis. Happy Bday again.
  2. Looks pretty cool. I tried using Cinema4D once but failed. I would personally use a bit more color and make it look more exciting but I'm sure the idea here is the shield itself. I think it's pretty good. Not really all that much I can say other than that. I'm not hte expert on 3D pieces.
  3. Yes, like last year the winners will be awarded hosting credits. I'm not going to give all the prizes out right now though until everything is straigtened out category wise. Those who are Non-Hosted will recieve the banner/signature from this week's SOTW. Hosted members will recieve both the credits and banner. If the non-hosted become hosted within 30 days of winning they will still recieve the credits.
  4. Welcome to the forums Kuroshiro. I've been hosted for almost a year now and haven't had any problems. It just depends on whether there is enough space and bandwidth for you. I am 15 and a Sophmore in High School. I used to do online gaming but new versions came out and I have to buy new parts for my computer. I mostly play America's Army. Hopefully I'll be able to play it again next week.
  5. I currently have a Sony Erricson. Parents bought it for me a little over a year ago. It looks a bit beat up but has a camera, voice recorder etc; Not that bad. I don't really need a big bad phone. I just use it to call people and every once in a while if I'm bored I'll take pictures or write notes in it. The phone really isn't anything special. It's low quality stuff on it but still rather cool.
  6. I like the templates. They are rather nice and professional. I feel like I've seen them on another site before though. The fonts are ok as well I sort of wish there was more of them. The ones there I probably wouldn't use. As for the banners, I can make banners better than those. It looks like the site is still growing though so hopefully they will have more stuff in time. The templates really are the only things worth going there for I think for the time being. I might have to use them as examples when I design mine.
  7. lol That's not his real age. He put that there as a joke or just so no one else knows his real age. I am pretty sure he is around 53 like rejected said. I wonder if he'll ever tell....
  8. I am sure it must be a challenge going from more of an alphabet to symbol like writing. I have always thought about learning a language like Chinese or Japanese but don't really have the time, or money right now. I'm learning spanish but that's easy to learn once you get the hang of all the verb tenses and pronunciating is pretty simple as well. Good luck on your Chinese studies. It can be really handy to know a second language like that, you can make a lot of money as a translator.
  9. I personally wouldn't want to be homosexual let alone know what it's like but I don't think it is outright wrong. Just because I'm not for it doesn't mean other people can't be. If they find more pleasure with other genders so be it? I think we are just so used to growing up being told it's wrong that a lot of people just find it disgusting because that's what they were taught.
  10. I agree. $125 will take forever to build up. Of course if you want you can pay $180 to have a diamond membership and make the minimum payout $10 or something like that but just to get back up to the $180 you had in the first place might take forever. The best way to do it would be to have multiple accounts but they probably have something against that. It would be too long of a process and you could make $125 within a weeks work instead of a year reading 10 emails aday which might just get you a dollar.
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Well I forget how old you really are so I'm going to just have to give you 99 slaps anyway with 1 more to grow on since we like to round things off. If it's not your birthday then we will just have to give you the slaps anyway for fooling us
  12. If Joomla doesn't work out you can try PHP-Nuke. That has a content management system as well as PHPBB forums integrated in with it. There are many adjustable themes that go along with it. The log in for the CMS also is the login for the forums. If you go into your CPanel and go to Fantastico they have a list of preinstalled web management systems that you can use that arepreinstalled. You can set up a test for each one or look at examples at other sites to see which you like better. Here is the list that was in Fantastico that you can check out.
  13. That's pretty interesting. Luckily everything I have reset itself, well not the house clocks and watch but my computer did as well as my phone. I heard that around here they were thinking of making it Daylight Savings Time all the time and keep the daylight always out longer. Now it's gonna get dark here around 6 which has it's pluses and minuses.
  14. Yankees haven't won a World Series since 2000 I stopped thinking Yankees a while ago. Of course I've been rooting for the Marlins but anyone but the Yankees is OK with me. Just goes to show you money isn't everything. Marlins won with like an $11 million salary for all their players combined. Something like that anyway. I can't wait for the next season to start. Ought to be interesting.
  15. Plenoptic


    Hey Rob. Glad to see you came to Xisto. Like the others I wish you would share a little bit more about yourself. How'd you find this place? Are you here for hosting or just to hang out? Well I'm 15, been here for close to a year now. Do you like sports?
  16. That's pretty cool. That'd be a very good tool to have when making tutorials. I got so mad in the old version of IPB when I type something and the forum doesn't work. This version though luckily saves the text in case you messed up and it's all still there when you hit the back button but this is even better. Very nice program. If you ever think of upgrading you should try to make a view page that allows you to see what it looks like, might take a bit to get it to work but would be a nice edition.
  17. I had a really tough time trying to decide on who to vote for this week. There were a lot of good entries. I am going to vote for though, Avalon. I really like the bright colors and the text. The render is cool too. Very nice job overall. I liked a lot of the others too but Avalons seemed to stick out the most in my mind.
  18. Even though universes may have no end, that doesn't mean there can't be another one out there. I might not be right next to our universe but there may be something in between. No one can definately say that there isn't another universe because no one has been outside our universe to prove it. Look at it this way, we all once thought that everything revolved around the Earth thanks to Aristotle. Everyone believed it until Copernicus came along and said now wait a minute, everything revolves around the sun. That changed beliefs of everyone and started confusion. Galileo confirmed that not everything revolves around the Earth, but the planets revolve around the sun and moons revolve around the planets. Everyone also once believed that things travel in straight lines until we found that there is some mysterical force pulling down upon them to make it curve. (gravity) So really we might think there is one universe now but there may be others out there, we don't know how big space is, and we might not ever for generations. But I like to keep open the possibilites. If there is one universe that's cool too, doesn't really matter at this moment in time though.
  19. Wow. That's pretty cool that they all have been Wikied. Right at the bottom of the page of the Xisto sites if you want to look you can go to all the other Xisto Corporation sites on there. I went to the Google-Analytics page and it said that the owner hasn't updated it yet or something so I sort of wonder if someone added them all in there or if OpaQue did. Pretty cool either way, we can say we have a Wiki page :(Well I found out that if you make a search for something and it doesn't show up it automatically creates a Wiki Page for it. So now I have a wiki for my site
  20. Well if you can't find anything that you can really make a lengthy reply, try to find something that you can create a topic on. You can write a tutorial which is big credits if it's a long one. There is always news that you can find and summarize for people to read. There is really endless possibilities. Sometimes a post requires just a little bit of research. It is expected every once in a while to have a few short posts, but making lengthy ones will come easy in time. Just keep trying to expand on things, like why do you like something? Or if you have a disagreement with someone else said put what you think is right.
  21. Pretty handy stuff. I have just recently started to download a few plug ins for Firefox and have found them to be quite useful. I never really looked through them all because I didn't think they'd have any of that kind of stuff. I have GSpace now for uploading files when I transfer them between computers. The validator will be very helpful to me, as well as ColorZilla. MeasureIt I especially need because sometimes I work on my site on another computer and don't have the dimensions without the PSD file of the design and sometimes I accidently delete it in the coding.
  22. It took me 3 times to pass the test. One because I read the Quick part for the push the green button a little late. The other was because I clicked on the R the second time to see if it would take me to the next screen faster. Pretty interesting game, I enjoyed it. Of course, husker spelt the title wrong as Idoit test because he is such an idiot. j/k
  23. Well although I at first wanted to root for the Tigers I sort of changed to the Cardinals but like I've always said in the end it never really mattered. The teams I wanted to win weren't in it and the teams I wanted to lose (Yankees) weren't in it either. So congratulations to the Cardinals and have fun at Disney World. If Kenny Rogers cheated it just goes to show you cheaters never win. The Tigers I guess were just really rusty after having like 11 days off or something like that. Probably a bit less. The Cardinals came off the big win and took advantage of the Tiger's errors and pitched great games. They deserve it.
  24. Tonight is going to be the last night for suggesting categories. Hopefully by Sunday I'll have another post with a link for you to vote on which categories you think should be used. After a week or so voting on those nominations will start. If you think you have a category idea go ahead and post it... today is your last chance. Rack your brains
  25. If you can't find that, I found a tutorial you can use. http://www.purephotoshop.com/ It shows the many different ways you can post the time and date. <?php date('D M j G:i:s T Y'); ?> The T in the code is the time zone you can type in. I don't know exactly if it changes the time according to that time zone though. You might have to test it. Also I don't know how much of the date and time you want to show. This page has a chart explaining what all the letters show. http://www.phpspot.com/tutorials/index.php?id=1
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