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Everything posted by levimage

  1. Hey I too would like to jump on the mulit-monitor band wagon. I am currently using a 27inch Sony TV at 1360x768 with a VGA cable. My question is how does HDMI come into play. Like say if I want to invest in a 32-46" wide screen. What do I look for in a TV. And what would be compatible as far as video cards go. How would I get the best performance across all monitors? Hows does SLI or Crossfire come into play in multi-monitor configurations? Are there any good web sites out there which someone can refer me too>My current usage would be for photo editing (high resolution), photo studio (live camera caputure/display), gaming (graphic performance/response). And maybe video editing once I acquire a video camercorder.
  2. Hey this is just a luck guess. But ummm... when you were cleaning your Fans/heatsinks did you remove them from your motherboard? If so when you were installing them again, did you have to use any force to install them or was the motherboard making any kind or creaking sounds? Was water or other cleaning solution used, or come in contact with any electronics? Also what did you use to clean your setup -- cotton swabs, paper towels, compressed air, circuit board cleaner sprays, oxidizings spray agents, or something? Maybe you zapped out (static) your setup (motherboard) -- it happens, especially on old equipment. Or maybe their is some kind or residue left behind. Maybe you dropped a screw and shorted out something, or a magnetic tip of your screw driver came to close to something inside. Well I think we need some more feedback -- If you can explain your cleaning process we can rule out all the what if(s)... okay. We'll reply soon.
  3. I think what you need to do, and I'm not sure if your up for the challenge or have time is.... to do a thorough install. I'm talking going online, doing the Everest Ultimate Edition to find out what you actually have under the hood of your laptop. Go to the manufactures web site, look for manuals, literature, notes, forums, FAQ's on your model, supported OS's, what bios/driver updates are available. Then you download everything you can find on it. Read those manuals to find out the peak operational capacity. Then compare your findings with the new features from the BIOS updates. Then if gramp's didn't have the top of the line model available at the time - find out what he was lacking. Then verify that with what people tried -- google search. Then when you finally mapped out an upgrade path you would like to take... go for it. Flash bios, Reinstall your chosen OS, load the drivers, do whatever necessary update which would apply for your needs. Then install your software programs and do their updates. One that is taken care of set to manual or disable unnecessary services, do regedits, and whatever so called tweaks that are proven or you are familiar with. Just try to keep your spurs from jingling and jangling - testing tweaks. Test run you usual applications, go online, play games for a couple of days, then do a defrag, then run a cleaning/optimizing software. Finally when satisfied. Create a restore point, Norton Ghost/backup, or whatever kind of recovery CD(s)/DVD(s) so you can fall back to it should something happen. Oh most important -- Document everything you do, or didn't do. This will help you if you want to do it again, make a key alteration in your system, or create a similar configuration a newer laptop -- Cause by now your will have just starting to get your feet wet in creating system images.On the laptop end. Opt to get a new laptop hard drive you system will support. No only will you benefit from more space, faster RPM, better response time, but you will also have the benefit of better/higher cache size and lower power requirements. You laptop will be able to run longer than the manufacture published running time. Memory also helps. A new BIOS also helps with better hardware support for memory and processor functions. If the laptop has a good amount of memory then you can try memory/cache optimizations. Also better processors Pentium Mobile, Centrino, Core 2 Duo, and whatever the latest processors if you on the AMD side. Also look into PCMCIA card which house flash memory. You software can be installed on it instead of using a hard drive which is slow and drains batteries faster. There may be other option available to for your configuration but you'd have to do your research.Good luck,Levimage.PS. I just rebuilt two PC(s) running Windows 98 SE. I was surprised in the performance of one PC after a bios update - that came out two years later (version 13) from the factory release one (version 3).
  4. Hey maybe you posted it by accident, or maybe it is your browser. You could have been using one of the many web viewers, local mail application, 3rd party access(forwarding)? Probably you, if you were using your account -- being logged in -- in one of your browser tabs, and you were surfing in another tab. Maybe some clever servers scripts was checking on you're active internet activity. Or say for example your email is setup to automatically preview email or show images on from the spamming site to verify your email. Maybe it's something similar to Microsoft registerd members/technet email, where it all kinds of things happen in the background. Well these are my ideas, but maybe it's just something new, another overlooked security flaw on your end. Content filtering, packet analyzer, online traffic statics or some else upstream from your Internet connection, then again, maybe it's out of your hands. Well good luck finding the culprit and let us know.
  5. Yeah I had to reinstall it. I turns out I could not bring up an explorer like interface which contains the control panel apps. I'm sure there is a way to do it Using XP Home edition. I'm just use to typing 'lusrmgr.msc' in XP Pro. Well that feature was not available in the Home Edition. So yeah, I got a clean install. Thanks for the ideas - it kept me thinking.
  6. I guess I can look into the new account thing. I've actually experienced bad accounts in the past like NT and 2000. But yeah, I booted from the xp home cd and I did not choose recovery (1st option), I chose repair (second) - which replaces the installed files with the one from the CD -- (Did not reinstall the OS, even though it had that option). The problem still exists. I think the recovery option is like if you make a recovery disk or restore point - which I don't have.So I guess I can take 40 minutes for a reinstall or do the user account thing. I hope the explorer situation did not affect the 'default user' or the all 'users account'. I shall post my results on what I find. Wish me luck.
  7. pretty nice if green is your think, maybe tone down on the GB or try re-ordering your layers for a better effect.
  8. Has anyone ever experienced or came across a PC who's Exploer and Internet Explorer was not working? Well mine is going through that right now. When the PC boots up it loads after the logon screen - all i see the the desktop background with no icons or taskbar. I can do the Ctrl + Alt + Delete to start tasks. I've tried the following the remedy the situation.Safemode.... NopeBoot back normal- Boot to last good known config -- no luckSystem restore - no restore points to fall back to (I saw some at first, but didn't think I'd think this was going to be that bad; now they're gone... rats )Ran the AVG virus scanner, came out clean.Ran highjack this... seemed ok :PReplacing the explorer (copy and paste) from another working XP machine (I restarted it just to make sure, nothing)Manually added the irtutil.dll runtime to C:\windows\system32\ (nothing)Well I'm kind of out of options. I think I may need to backup the data to a USB and try the dell recovery CD. (I hate thoughs recovery cd's and the whole babysitting the recovery)If you can help, thanks in advance.levimage
  9. This also touches on the topic of erasing hard drives. I've always wondered say. If you don't have a shredding utility running in the background that handles all your file deleting chores, say someone were to delete a file, and empty the recycle bin. Sure you can recover the file depending or not if anything was recording on the hard drive location. So here is the question. Is there anything out there that will clean a drive with an OS already installed by writing zeros on a drives' empty space; thereby, getting rid of the no shredded files.If there is let me know, especially if it is something that is free or some form of open source.Thanks in advance. By the way I use CCleaner. with a recycle bin option but there are times I don't use it to delete files or extra copies of files.
  10. Hey it is finally working. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and photo.rcssx.com. I think everyone should get like 10 credits/days for what has happened. I know I haven't updated my site in a while and but I'm glad it is working again. Sad though, I know I missed some important email... business is slow the past few weeks. Oh well, I guess that where the loss of business clause comes in handy when it comes to Terms and Conditions.Anyway, thanks for the fix!
  11. Okay I'm going to try to get my web site running today from the help of the above posted responses. For the record, I think I've changed my DNS to everything from the my 1st post and waited 24 hours and the entries. Lets' see if the http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -- add and remove domain works. I'll post my results. Oh yeah, if this does work I think I lost like 10 days or something around there.
  12. Hey, my web site has been down for like... I don't really remember. I was just wondering if you can pro rate your credit system. I am also a bit confused about the domain name system. I am originally setup with Network Solutions for a .com. When I created an account some time back it was on a different credit system. And I believe i used ns.astahost.com for the name server, then I had to change it to ns1.trap17.com. I'm not sure if I was doing it correctly cause the registration and the sign up process had different instructions. Now I'm reading above about everyone is suppose to be on ns.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com so I made the changes yesterday. So far nothing has happened. When I get in using the https://support.xisto.com/ I see a new cpanel and I guess I can update by page but I can't pull it up -- http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I've tried pinging the following: okay requested time out ns1.trap17.com ( requested time out ns2.trap17.com ( okay ns.computinghost.com ( okay ns2.computinghost.com ( okay ns1.computinghost.com ( okay So what do I do? I can call network solutions if I need to make any changes but I don't know what to make. Doe IPv6 have anything to do with it?
  13. Great, I just had to follow up on this topic cause I'm not going to get my mind off it till I share my ideas. Okay the light sphere... In case someone likes to product this further, name it the Levi Sphere or Riggz sphere. Anyway, I would not release the light, I would just like it to sustain its self. Then I thought you wouldn't be able to see it illuminate, But what if, the shell was made of a photosensitive material or some kind of clear transparent solar cells. Just think about a computer processor - how the processor dies are made. I read about this when the Pentium MMX was being made. And now sizes of processors are even smaller - people back then didn't anticipate it being this small. If someone can perfect that technology for a 3d sphere applications. Light energy within. And heat energy can be drawn from the outside... like your processor heat sink. Then if you can some how alter or amplify the stored energy, or channel to other methods - gravitational effects, motion, magnetics, path of least resistance. It can then be adapted to somehow maintain or be a component in some larger energy producing system.Yea..... I picked my brains... not my nose
  14. Okay, I'm going to touch back on this subject again. About the Computers/Laptops... And what I'm going to tell you, will apply across all vendors. If you computer says it will support a core 2 duo... or a Celeron D... it will most definitely support a Quad Core CPU. How you may ask? Well it's all about the socket size... Are we talking 775, 478, 423, or something else. You can purchase a pretty robust processor and install it in your current motherboard provided it has a compatible socket. You may not be running at the maximum listed speed +3.0 GHz but you will be running at the fastest compatible speed your motherboard/latest bios will support. So you just may need to update the bios to get faster clock settings. Then again another side effect which can also be viewed as a benefit is you processor may be drawing less power from power supply than your previous processor thereby running cooler and freeing up more power for your other power hungry devices. And may also be fine if you haven't considered upgrading your power supply. So you can think of it as a transition (I can't believe I'm using this word for IT, then again it's the consultant in me talking) rather than a upgrade, which will benefit you now as well as in the future. So when you're ready for that needed upgrade you can do it with ease. happy computing So back to the when it computer to computer/oem reseller configuration options. You can really just use anything. They just changed the ad to reflect their current access to just-in-time (built-to-order) inventory system - which consist of them plus the manufactures and testing companies, who have their machines tooled for specific motherboard fabrications. Whether it is to stay competitive, industry acceptance, or for cost saving purposes, the ad's will always change. Does this help any?
  15. FirefoxRocks, are you referring to TV, Print, or online Advertisements? Also, I've received countless catalogs from all the major pc/laptop vendors. The stats really don't catch my attention compared to the cosmetics/weight vs. processing power when it comes to laptops. But be careful, when you read the the print/online, they, and I mean all companies make grammar errors just so they can make print - it happens all the time. They even have a little disclaimer that exempts them from such errors. But the other responds to your post are worth considering.I'd like to know what your typical computing day is. What applications do you have running. Then like the other guy/gurl said about multi threading. Are they multi-thread or their other software products out there that accomplish your tasks which are multi-thread. If you would like to see performance increase then give those titles a try.I have two systems I do my testing on: I) Celeron Core D @ 3.33 GHz 1 GB ATA/133and II) E6600 Core2 Duo @ 2.4 GHz 2 GB SATA 2Personal Testing: MAME is better in a Core2Duo environment Photo Editing is better, more responsive at high resolution JPEG/RAWs ACAD is better, more responsive Virtual PC, now my virtual PCs are faster when I have more running simultaneously Rational = more productive /more entertained
  16. In addition to the initial topic post of "How To Erase Your Hard Drive", This advice will also apply for people who are upgrading their existing drive to a newer one with a new interface or more space (GB). I like to use the Ultimate Boot CD, which is available online -- just google 'UBCD' and download the .ISO image. Using your cdr recording software or a free one (I download and installed 'CD Burner Pro XP', also free.), insert a blank CD into your PC and select the options to burn from an ISO image.One you have the UBCD burned on the a CDR, you may now insert it in the computer/laptop you would like to erase the contents of hard drive (or other hard drive options). Press whatever keys are necessary to enter the BIOS. Then select/toggle the options in the 'boot order' to boot to the CD 1st (first).Reboot, your PC/laptop. It will boot unto the CD not your installed OS. Then you will receive a menu. Use the keyboard to select your options. You will probably want to select the Hard Disk options. This CD will have various software utilities from all the manufactures who make the drives as well as third party utilities.Select the proper utility from your hard drive manufacture. Then your pc/laptop will boot using the selected utility/software. From there you may write zeros to the beginning and end of drive (1-2 minutes). Or write zeros on the whole drive (20min to 6 hours, depending on make/model and size ), or copy your data to a new drive (2-18 hours, depending on different characteristics of both drives, size, amount of data involved, fragmentation, etc.).This is the typical way I reuse older drives or upgrade to new drives. I also want to add be wary of the about of time involved when it comes to using hard drive utility software, especially when you are working on someone else's pc/laptop and/or if you are going to get paid for the services.Also a final note, and I can't stress this enough. Make sure you have a back up all the data off the hard drive first, before you start attempting to use any of the above methods or utilities. And plan for time. And if this would be your first time, make sure you don't have any interruptions; power, people wanting to use the PC, having to move the pc/laptop, or you don't have enough time.Well this is all I can add on the subject. Questions?
  17. No kidding. I'm just starting to use the Yahoo Widgets. They are pretty cool in terms of graphics and features. I like that you don't have to have Windows Vista to use them. You really don't need and Microsoft technology that costs money. I guess if Microsoft buys Yahoo! they could absorb the Widgets too. Interesting.
  18. What are the successor games to Neverwinter Nights. I know there are some expansion packs and downloadable modules, and user created downloadable modules. I'm into RPGs. I got a better computer setup now. My last computer I had when I tried running NWN, the frames kept dropping and I had to disable all graphical enhancements and set the resolution to 800x600. Now I reinstalled it and I finally get 25-30 FPS with all options running.I guess I haven't tried anything since then. Well to all you RPG-r(s), if you've tried the game and liked it. What other more recent game would you recommend to me. Also, if you've attempted to create a NWN module I'd also like to try it out, and see how far you got. I tried working on a modules in the past. I'm still having trouble with the quest dialog.Also, what is your computer setup you have (processor, memory, video card, MB) and what games are you playing (name, resolution, fps, etc).Thanks for your time, I was up last night killing monsters.
  19. Ha ha ha... I've read the boards. I hate to say it but I listen to both. I was into rap when i was a teen in high school. I was like the only kid that rapped. But then it was different. Rap was more clean then. I mean there was still violence, po-po's, and drugs... but it was different then. They was stories, account of personal experiences, or other motivations at the time. There wasn't so much stripping, bending down low, and butt wild stuff. At the time the RnB was another avenue rapper took at the time, not only could they rap, they could sing, and they had their influences from older professional singers/songwriters.I also went through a bboy scene, but that's off the topic.I like RnB more than rap. I guess I prefer female RnB artist cause they don't touch on explicit topics - which is great if you're not the only listener. Then again any rap music is okay if it is censored. There are some song which i listen to the clean version and I think it's okay, I get use to it. Then when I finally hear the original version, I'm surprised, 'what did they do to the song'. 'Woah, so this is what this songs about?'On the rock I've had a guitar and stacks of Guitar Magazines. I never formally learned how to play. I just read and strum the tabbs. Well it's okay. I like rock because almost everyone I know has some taste in rock. Whether it is alt, pop, industrial, metal, 70's, 80's, 90's, or mainstream. I'm not a big fan of punk, ska, or derivations. That type of rock just seems out of desperation, with not purpose, almost like music with no climax. It is obviously made for people with issues.Oh yeah, I listen to whatever music is on the hard drive or portable. Preferable rock at work and rap at play.
  20. Since Flickr is under Yahoo!, doesn't that mean Microsoft will now own it. And to think people who've been posting to it. Can you imagine going to an office store walking around the software aisle and noticing a Flickr box on the shelves with the Microsoft products,or say you're at the check out counter in a grocery store and you see a Flikr subscription card with all the online music/gift cards. And to the people who've been contributing, I guess Microsoft will scheme up a clever way to use your photos for marketing and such. Microsoft will inherit photo rights.I wonder if there will be a new Flickr photo community if this happens. Only time will tell.
  21. I guess Yahoo is not willing to give up. The Yahoo share holders might think otherwise though. When I use to do IT, I was one of the yahoo users who were waiting for Yahoo corporate edition. I was looking for a customized solution to like up +60 classrooms, +7 sub offices, with one main office. I was looking to setup chatting, white board, a portal, with push and pull plug-in installation. Hmm with Yahoo and their affiliates technology in hands of Microsoft, who know what new projects will be funded or may never even see the light of day. If anything, It will probably be released as some add-in for taking the rest or enhancing existing Microsoft applications.I guess this would be something like Adobe buying Macromedia. So what about all the user contributed content all of the faithful Yahoo users have submitted over the last decade? The copyrights for prime content will probably be sold/transfered to Microsoft. Either way, they just stuff all the fine print a clickable dialog box before you update your messenger or login to your Yahoo account.Well either way I think a eventually a newer form of Yahoo will come out. Then again Microsoft is always looking for companies to buyout. But yeah, just imagine what Microsoft will do you your yahoo id's/accounts. They'll eventually cross reference them to their Hotmail/Windows/Live/Zune/etc ID(s), and what does that mean to them more accurate identity information on your online habits. :(Well I hope many Yahoo users protest about the sale of Yahoo to Microsoft. If not, just cancel your services and look to another provider for your online needs. Best of Luck. :|
  22. levimage

    Computer Games

    I guess I like the Blizzard games. I've been with them since Diablo. Other games would include Neverwinter Nights. Emulation is low quality but timeless fun.
  23. It's about time this company is offering something free, besides some stupid reader which now does flash. It's just another excuse to install something on your computer, embed marketing links, enable some of their programing, and keep track of your activities, Anyway, I'm sure it inevitable, then again it's just a marketing gimmick, trying to get the name in your face... kinda of like iPod. We'll i guess I'll have to try it out.
  24. I don't think no one has mentioned it but I've seen cars drive around (Volswagon bugs/Volvos) that have a modified engine that run on the contents of grease traps from fast food places. I'm not sure what's all involved.It seems energy has to come from somewhere. Converting energy from one source to another with minimum energy loss in the process (from heat, friction, energy efficiency, etc.) I've had some energy producing ideas before but I'm no inventor. It seems all the best ideas thought of were bought by government agencies or energy/oil companies cause of new breakthrough in technology - which may alter their financial/regulatory/authority stability. There are technologies developed which the general public will never even hear of.Well one of my ideas since we get light from the sun. And we know the speed of light. We need to create some sort of artificial material which can slow down the light yet still capture all it qualities. Then once we harness the light in this material we can then project this material among our prisms, mirrors, various lenses to whatever photosensitive energy producing material we have. Or have it reflect in permanent circle/sphere which can will provide illumination, heat, or other light frequencies which we may benefit from.
  25. I bet you it wouldn't take much to clean up the cell photos. Increase the brightness & contrast. Tweak the white balance. Saturate it a bit. Focus or sharpen it to bring out the detail in the hair. You can the soft focus, apply gradients, or other effects to get the final result. If you do jazz up your pictures, post 'em again or some more of that little playful dog.
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