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Everything posted by levimage

  1. I can read, write, and speak English and Navajo (Native American tribe).I tried learning from one of thoughs books that have like +18 languages to learn greetings and such from. It's been two years since then but I don't think I remember enought to impress the opposite sex. But from time to time it comes up like in business or tourist situations. Anywho I would be great to learn that stuff online again.I only seem to learn and retain languages with i'm immersed in that kind of environment - like a college/university setting. Oh well
  2. You camera looks like a hybrid point and shoot digital camera and mini video recorder. Although your pictures might not be the same level as the new point and shoot digital cameras it might pass as an entry level 7.0MP digital camera. Pro: You might have other settings for your model that might not be available on other cameras. In camera picture editing features, download options my vary. Zoom and stablization might be superior. Cons: Their might not be standard adjustments like aperture, manual, focus. * Beside the your technical limitations, you actual photographs will depend own your own creativity and experimentation. You can always edit them on the computer via photo edit software. Other than that point and shoots are fun to use.
  3. I think it is a big marketing gimick. I think m$ is just using their SP3 to force people to install a bunch of unnecessary fluff, and in an essence rely on their future technology. More important it is probably just more of a means to keep track of your pc activities, online tracking via their software, countering piracy with more undocument (untested programming). There will also be more ambigious EULA that forfeit your previous rights, licenses while requiring more of a dependence on m$ technology.It's true because many software has to be written for the Vista's OS. Which is more demanding than the PC's that are already out there. It is probably going to come to a point where if you not speaking to their servers or affiliate, you pc will not even run - kind of like a non-active hotmail account.That's just my guess. So you tell me, why should we upgrade?
  4. Q1: I can do all this for setting up the email account with thunderbird, but I can't send outgoing email. I think the port 25 with the ISP may be the thing. I haven't confirmed by trying another Internet connection. So, in the Cpanel where would I change the port settings for IMAP/POP settings? I may have to try this. Q2: Does the above only apply to IMAP connections or to POP? The reason I want to use IMAP is so the messages stay on the email server rather than being downloaded and removed by an email client. Q3: Another follow up question is, say in Thunderbird, what if I want my laptop to be able to access multiple email accounts from RCSSX.COM. In the settings I only allows you to specify one username@password for the server setting. Is there a way around this or would I have to use another email client? A real world example would be if say someone was needs to access an account like info@rcssx.com and worker1@rcssx.com.
  5. 1) Does anybody know what the difference between the different versions of the RPG Maker 2000, XP, 03, etc.?I've been trying to use some of the scripts available online when I noticed they are created for specific versions as well as languages/translations.The version I have says it needs 1.02 but I have 1.01 in English, but I develop in a translated Japanese version. I usually have to guess at what the tutorials say cause the wording is different.2) Are there other people out there with the same problems or receiving error(s)?3) Are the RTP different for different versions/translations?So far I've been diesecting the RTPs from other languages. Oh yes, I'm also building a RTP Standard from scratch. Help if you can,Levimage
  6. Hey do you know of a Secrect of Mana game made with RMXP. I came across one but it is not in english. Do you know how to translate a game?
  7. I heard some of the more luxury brand vehicles are opting for Microsoft Zune technology as an upgrade for their entertainment packages. I'm not sure, that's just what I heard.
  8. What do you mean by Action Battle System, Turn Based System, or Real Time Active System? Can you list some example of console games for them? Game I would like to create are types like: Legend of Zelda Secret of Mana Dragon Warrior Neverwinter Nights Fable Diablo II
  9. I gave up. I think I have no choice but to back everything up and do a reinstall. I've waisted too much time. I've tried:1) the Microsoft Application Compatibility kit.2) uninstalling the other media players and installing their latest versions; then try installing3) uninstalling everying but WMP 11 and codecs; then try installingIt's a lost cause. I'm sure Apple has something on their website but I can't troubleshoot a broken PC at a coffee shop, or setup my vehicle as a mobile wireless PC repair station (bumming WiFi from the coffee shop) Not enough mobile power. LOLThanks for the responses everybody.
  10. What port do you recommend, or is there a method of finding out which port to use. I believe the coffee shop has a DSL connection using a Efficient Networks 5500 DSL modem, and the their Wireless AP is something from Netgear. Is their a way I can find out what the hold up is? Or do I have to use the webmai everytime?Thanks for any responses
  11. I cant seem to install Itunes, Quicktime, or Ipod updater software. Everytime I download a different version it doesn't seem to work. I've tried uninstalling the all the software, cleaning up registry entries, rebooting and finally trying to install it again. I keep getting the error "________ software doesn't not run in Windows 95 compatibility mode." After further investigation I found out the compatiblilty option was selected in the shortcuts. So I uncheck it and tried to run the software. I then get the Windows dialog about a serious error and then it asks if i want to send a report to Microsoft.I want to get the above software installed again but I can't seem to get it to work after it is installed. Has anyone ever experienced this. The computer is a Windows XP pro. Help me if you can or have any suggestions. The computer is not connected to the Internet so I cant send the troubleshooting reports to anyone.
  12. I cant seem to setup Thunderbird or Outlook Express. In the Cpanel there is an option do download some registry settings. I guess it works but it does not seem to send mail.Does someone have some screenshots or a tutorial on how to set this up. Or if there are registry options for automatically creating email accounts in Thunderbird.I know i'm doing something wrong. I just don't know what it is.the account i want to be able to access is computer@rcssx.comphoto@rcssx.com
  13. I'm not sure if you're drafting a 2d plan or working in 3d; but, isn't there something like a 3D Array command?You could create a single step.1. (2 lines and trim 2 circles)2. create a boundary3. extrude to desired height3darray1. Select the number of step2. Specify the angle like whatever will will reach to the next floor (X, Y)3. Specify the RISE of the setup (Z plane)I think you can do the same for the Stair's posts, then the railing can be created by a 3d pline from the top center of the posts.I don't know if this helps. I was working on creating an elevated redwood Porch/Patio and I had to create some stairs. I had to have a stairs and a handicap accessible ramp. I never tried drafting a circular stair case. I might look into it sometime.Levimage
  14. I remember when we had to create inhouse and public training material we used a program called Camtasia Studio or something along that name. I don't know what the current version is but i was better than doing the [Print Screen] or the [Alt + Print Screen]. You should see if you can find it when you have time and give the demo a try. I just might work.Levimage
  15. There should be some plugins or scripts that call out photoshop compatible stuff like plugins and brushes. I remember coming across it online but I never tried it. When I create flyers, logos, or edit pictures for people they say, "Oh, you know how to use Photoshop? No? Then you went to school for this? No!?!" Then I tell them that I used a free program that can be downloaded online called GIMP.I want my art/creative works to not be affiliated with the Photoshop name nor professional schooling. I think someone who can dedicate themselves to this kind of discipline while establishing a successful portfolio will have no problem should they transistion into the professional or Photoshop world.Levimage
  16. Hi people I've been scouring the Internet whenever I can. I like the whole idea of loosing time do doing artwork as a child. It's sad I don't have that enthusiam as an adult. Althought I don't go online very often I came across some noteworthy applications (software) for people who are interested in doing graphic arts / photo manipulation. Here is my list of software I use and/or still testing:USE - GIMP (Graphics Image Manipulation Tool)TESTING - Inkscape (like Illustrator)TESTING - Blender (3D Render)TESTING - Scribus (Open Source Desktop Publishing)Art of Illusion (3D Modeling)USE - PICASA 2 (Post Photo Editing - Google)USE - Focus Magic (Correcting focusing/motion blur)USE - Noiseware Personal Edition (Correcting ISO Camera Noise from Pictures)OpenOffice.org Draw (Drawing, Flow Charts, Clipart)Paint.net (Painting)USE - Apophysis (Fractal Render)USE - ACAD (3D Modeling, Drafting)MS PhotoDraw 2000 (Has issues working with Windows 2000/XP)MS Picture ITPaint Shop ProACDSee (Photo Management/Editing)SimpleDraw (Charting - like Visio)I hope this list helps. There are some other software titles i've tried but It's been quite sometime since I've used them. I usually install the apps. when I need them of when a project arises. All the above software may not all be free opensource GPL but I listed them cause the topic kind of strayed away from True Free Design Programs.Levimage
  17. Hey Firefoxrocks, did you buy a new computer already.... just wondering cause this topic is not really going anywhere. I don't know what advice you're looking for. Anywho, just get a used computer/refurbished one if +$500.00 is out of your price range.
  18. I think I was running some computers with processors like: Pentium III 700MHz, AMDK6-2 450MHz, and like Celeron 1000 MHz. Then again it could of have something to do with the video cards I had at the time. They were like Voodoo 3 AGP, ATI Rage Pro, and NVIDIA 2x AGP. Something along thoughs lines.
  19. I never really tried a playstation emulator cause they are always grimp about BIOS's. I never really understood that. The only one I successfully tried was the software/emulator "Blender" or something long time ago - but back then computers were really slow to run/emulate anything like a Playstation and you were better off playing games on the PC instead.
  20. I use AVG because I am low budget. I am all about the free stuff online. Oh yeah if your machine is low on resources or if you're very picky, you can erase the startup entries and check which AVG services are started. Because they are only useful if your PC or laptop is actively online. I just up turn them on when I am updating the software and surfing the Internet, and/or playing games offline. Other than that, they are just hog resources.
  21. Hey I got my camera stolen. It's sad too cause I was just getting into taking pictures.Anyway go to a library in your interested in other photographers, go to the Magazine section if you prefer more special types of photography, or take a community college class, or attend a 1/2 day workshop if there are any in your area.Then again you can always subscribe to them magazines like Digital Photo Professional or even better other magazines from other countries - who cares what the words say, you bought it for the pictures. If your in the market to buy a camera check out thoughs Consumer Reports or web site reviews of the latest cameras (digital or film)Hope this helps,Levimage
  22. I'm not really sure but I think it was released for the PC about or before the same time it was released for the Playstation. I know this cause i bought a Playstation when i first came out - I had Ridge Racer and Battle Arena Toshinden.
  23. Hey, I Got some questions for you guys cause I fix computers and I'm kinda of Lazy - but sometimes i have to do a stupid batch file for something like AIDA2/Everest, RealVNC, Norton Ghost, network logon/logoff, working with shares, backup up files, network commands, regedits, etc. I'm not the brightest guy nor am I geek - just another IT peon. Well here goes:1) Does this work on XP Home or tablet/media center edition?2) Is there something for W2k or Vista?3) Can you shutdown everybody in the network - what are the setting that have to be setup on the other PC's - services, permissions, etc.?4) I've tried created shorcuts which could be copied to clients with little success - is there a 3rd party program which can make shortcuts for different windows versions?5) Is there a way to make the key shorcuts CTRL + ALT + ?? to a file.reg that can be added when needed and removed afterwards?6) How about logoff current user, and take screenshots?6) How about has anyone tried creating the batch files, installed them remotely via .reg files, and created scheduled tasks to implement them?Well I don't know where I'm getting at - just thinking out loud. But here is some homework for you. Let me know if you have any success. If I don't have anything to do this week I'll look into it. :rolleyes:Levimage
  24. What also works, if your like me and your are in a possition where you must check or verify that the email is coming from a legitamit source because of clients using other email address, sales leads, or some other prospect who was referred your email address, is to adjust your personal email settngs.Some stuff i do:1) block attachments, links, and pictures from automatically appearing (does not verify your email)2) block stuff from 3rd party sites (does not verify your email)3) setup your online mail/local mail client to show meta information (Check)4) use filters to sort noteworthy email to folders, also helps when archiving/sorting. (Check)5) Look at the name of the email sender (eg sender@something.com) does it look familar (Examine)6) Look at the subject to see if it is relavant to your business or a response to something you've done recently (Examine)7) If number 5 & 6 look suspicious try visiting the web site to see if it looks legit (in another browser - if you use IE try Firefox, or if you use Firefox try IE)8) NEVER click the links to Opt out of a service/newsletters - see 9 (usually just verifies your email)9) just mark the sender as SPAM or junkmail so you wont have to be bothered again.10) from time to time check your SPAM or Junkmail folder to see if your SPAM or Junkmail filters are not capurting the wrong stuff.11) Antiphish/ spoofing technoligies, pop-up blocking, and other online mail mechanisms are usually available but they have to be configured. (Look into it cause there may be changes/updates over time.)I hope this helps who ever reads it.Levimage
  25. 1. I'm not trying to change your preference of brand vs. custom pc's if SUPPORT is your main priority. Believe me, I know a lot of people whom I worked on computers for and that was the main thing they were looking for in their purchase. 2. There are somethings you should know like taking care of components - most static electricity is the main concern I've found with non knowledgale people who attempted to work on their PC and found they've ruined it. 3. The turn around time of delivery in your case should your parents order will be 3 days and assembly will be about less than an hour. Everything you order has simple instructions and if calling tech support is your option - as a customer most of the online retailers/manufacures will be happy to offer technical assistance over the phone to help with installation. 4. You don't have to limit yourself to eBay, though they do offer competitive pricing and are a good source for current price references. 5. You could start with just gettting the parts you need. But if you think about it, what might seem hard core now will be the minimum requirements in the future. My suggestions were parts that will give you more satisfaction over time, but the Windows Vista is not really needed. I personally run Windows XP Professional. I use chose professional over Home edition cause it gives me better encryption/security for multiple profiles (e.g. Office work, Games, Photography, Girlfriend, and Guests). * Dell* Of all the computer clients I have 90% of them use Dell. I mostly done the work cause they either didn't purchase the support or it was expired. Dell is a favored brand in my community cause the all the major employers, schools, and libraries use it - so people buy it for their homes. I go to their web sites and look the the Service Tag when i fix other people's PC's, look up their computers upgrade limitations, or if i need to contact tech support for part replacements. Oh yeah, I also have a Dell laptop which is great
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